func main() { now := uint(time.Now().Unix()) yesterday := uint(time.Now().Add(-24 * time.Hour).Unix()) flag.UintVar(&from, "from", yesterday, "Unix epoch time of the beginning of the requested interval. (default: 24 hours ago)") flag.UintVar(&until, "until", now, "Unix epoch time of the end of the requested interval. (default: now)") flag.Parse() if flag.NArg() != 1 { usage() } path := flag.Args()[0] fromTime := uint32(from) untilTime := uint32(until) w, err := whisper.Open(path) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } interval, points, err := w.FetchUntil(fromTime, untilTime) fmt.Printf("Values in interval %+v\n", interval) for i, p := range points { fmt.Printf("%d %v\n", i, p) } return }
func main() { flag.StringVar(&url, "u", "", "URL to load test (required)") flag.StringVar(&method, "m", "GET", "HTTP method") flag.UintVar(&concurrency, "c", 10, "number of concurrent requests") flag.UintVar(&requests, "n", 1000, "number of total requests to make") flag.UintVar(&timeout, "t", 15, "request timeout in seconds") flag.StringVar(®ions, "r", "us-east-1,eu-west-1,ap-northeast-1", "AWS regions to run in (comma separated, no spaces)") flag.Parse() if url == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(0) } test, testerr := goad.NewTest(&goad.TestConfig{ URL: url, Concurrency: concurrency, TotalRequests: requests, RequestTimeout: time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second, Regions: strings.Split(regions, ","), Method: method, }) if testerr != nil { fmt.Println(testerr) os.Exit(1) } var finalResult queue.RegionsAggData defer printSummary(&finalResult) sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) // but interrupts from kbd are blocked by termbox start(test, &finalResult, sigChan) }
func init() { flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 80, "Webserver port.") flag.IntVar(&port, "p", 80, "Webserver port (shorthand).") flag.BoolVar(&passThrough, "through", false, "Pass serial input to STDOUT.") flag.BoolVar(&passThrough, "t", false, "Pass serial input to STDOUT (shorthand).") flag.BoolVar(&logging, "log", false, "Log HTTP requests to STDOUT") flag.BoolVar(&logging, "l", false, "Log HTTP requests to STDOUT (shorthand).") flag.BoolVar(&devMode, "dev", false, "Dev mode") flag.BoolVar(&devMode, "d", false, "Dev mode (shorthand).") flag.IntVar(&maxLogSize, "num", 180, "Number of previous temperatures to keep in memory.") flag.IntVar(&maxLogSize, "n", 180, "Number of previous temperatures to keep in memory (shorthand).") flag.UintVar(&baudRate, "baud", 115200, "Serial port baud rate.") flag.UintVar(&baudRate, "b", 115200, "Serial port baud rate.") flag.StringVar(&serialPort, "serial", "/dev/ttyATH0", "Serial port device.") flag.StringVar(&serialPort, "s", "/dev/ttyATH0", "Serial port device.") // Dev starting values lastDevGrouphead = 100.0 lastDevBoiler = 180.0 // Set up hub h.Connections = make(map[*socket]bool) h.Pipe = make(chan string, 1) }
func init() { var secret string flag.StringVar(&secret, "secret", "", "The passphrase used to decrypt target server address") flag.StringVar(&cfgGatewayAddr, "addr", cfgGatewayAddr, "Network address for gateway") flag.StringVar(&cfgPprofAddr, "pprof", cfgPprofAddr, "Network address for net/http/pprof") flag.BoolVar(&cfgReusePort, "reuse", cfgReusePort, "Enable reuse port feature") flag.UintVar(&cfgDialRetry, "retry", cfgDialRetry, "Retry times when dial to target server timeout") flag.UintVar(&cfgDialTimeout, "timeout", cfgDialTimeout, "Timeout seconds when dial to targer server") flag.UintVar(&cfgBufferSize, "buffer", cfgBufferSize, "Buffer size for io.CopyBuffer()") flag.Parse() cfgSecret = []byte(secret) cfgDialTimeout = uint(time.Second) * cfgDialTimeout handshakeBufPool.New = func() interface{} { buf := make([]byte, 64) return &buf } copyBufPool.New = func() interface{} { buf := make([]byte, cfgBufferSize) return &buf } }
func init() { const ( defaultPort = 8080 usagePort = "port to connect to" usageDIR = "dir for HDG configuration files" usageInit = "First time initialisation" defaultPassword = "" defaultMaxUploadSize = 100 usageMaxUploadSize = "Maximum upload size in MB." ) defaultDIR := xdgbase.GetConfigHome() + "/hgd" flag.UintVar(&settings.port, "port", defaultPort, usagePort) flag.UintVar(&settings.port, "p", defaultPort, usagePort+" (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&settings.dir, "dir", defaultDIR, usageDIR) flag.StringVar(&settings.dir, "d", defaultDIR, usageDIR+" (shorthand)") flag.StringVar(&initPassword, "init", defaultPassword, usageInit) flag.UintVar(&settings.maxUploadSize, "s", defaultMaxUploadSize, usageMaxUploadSize) log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile | log.Ldate | log.Ltime) }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&conf.fname, "f", conf.fname, "apache log file") flag.UintVar(&conf.trafficLimitLow, "tmin", conf.trafficLimitLow, "traffic min threshold ") flag.UintVar(&conf.trafficLimitHigh, "tmax", conf.trafficLimitHigh, "traffic max threshold ") flag.UintVar(&conf.statPeriodSec, "s", conf.statPeriodSec, "stat snapshot period (sec)") flag.UintVar(&conf.alertPeriodMin, "a", conf.alertPeriodMin, "alerts check period (min)") }
func main() { count := uint(30) width := uint(1920) height := uint(1080) flag.UintVar(&count, "framecnt", count, "Frames generated per simulation packet") flag.UintVar(&width, "width", width, "Width of output surface") flag.UintVar(&height, "height", height, "Height of output surface") flag.Parse() yard := ext.StdExtensions() shapes := animate.StdShapes groups := animate.StdGroupFacts fact := animate.RenderFactory{} fact.Width = width fact.Height = height fact.Yard = yard fact.Framecnt = count fact.EntShapes = shapes fact.EntGroups = groups frtun := runFrameTunnel(fact) for frch := range frtun { for fr := range frch { werr := animate.WriteFrame(fr, os.Stdout) if werr != nil { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: %v", werr) } } } }
func init() { flag.UintVar(&port, "port", DEFAULT_PORT, "the app will listen on this port") flag.UintVar(&port, "p", DEFAULT_PORT, "the app will listen on this port") flag.BoolVar(&showVersion, "version", false, "show version information") flag.BoolVar(&devMode, "dev", false, "start in dev mode") flag.Parse() }
func LoadConfig() (config *Config) { config = new(Config) flag.StringVar(&config.GridHost, "grid-host", "", "IP of Infoblox Grid Host") flag.StringVar(&config.WapiVer, "wapi-version", "2.0", "Infoblox WAPI Version.") flag.StringVar(&config.WapiPort, "wapi-port", "443", "Infoblox WAPI Port.") flag.StringVar(&config.WapiUsername, "wapi-username", "", "Infoblox WAPI Username") flag.StringVar(&config.WapiPassword, "wapi-password", "", "Infoblox WAPI Password") flag.StringVar(&config.SslVerify, "ssl-verify", "false", "Specifies whether (true/false) to verify server certificate. If a file path is specified, it is assumed to be a certificate file and will be used to verify server certificate.") config.HttpRequestTimeout = HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT config.HttpPoolConnections = HTTP_POOL_CONNECTIONS config.HttpPoolMaxSize = HTTP_POOL_MAX_SIZE flag.StringVar(&config.PluginDir, "plugin-dir", "/run/docker/plugins", "Docker plugin directory where driver socket is created") flag.StringVar(&config.DriverName, "driver-name", "mddi", "Name of Infoblox IPAM driver") flag.StringVar(&config.GlobalNetview, "global-view", "default", "Infoblox Network View for Global Address Space") flag.StringVar(&config.GlobalNetworkContainer, "global-network-container", "", "Subnets will be allocated from this container when --subnet is not specified during network creation") flag.UintVar(&config.GlobalPrefixLength, "global-prefix-length", 24, "The default CIDR prefix length when allocating a global subnet.") flag.StringVar(&config.LocalNetview, "local-view", "default", "Infoblox Network View for Local Address Space") flag.StringVar(&config.LocalNetworkContainer, "local-network-container", "", "Subnets will be allocated from this container when --subnet is not specified during network creation") flag.UintVar(&config.LocalPrefixLength, "local-prefix-length", 24, "The default CIDR prefix length when allocating a local subnet.") flag.Parse() return config }
func main() { flag.UintVar(&concurrency, "c", 10, "number of concurrent requests") flag.UintVar(&requests, "n", 1000, "number of total requests to make") flag.UintVar(&timeout, "t", 15, "request timeout in seconds") flag.StringVar(®ion, "r", "us-east-1", "AWS regions to run in") flag.Parse() if len(flag.Args()) < 1 { fmt.Println("You must specify a URL as a last argument") os.Exit(1) } url = flag.Args()[0] test, testerr := goad.NewTest(&goad.TestConfig{ URL: url, Concurrency: concurrency, TotalRequests: requests, RequestTimeout: time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second, Region: region, }) if testerr != nil { fmt.Println(testerr) os.Exit(1) } var finalResult queue.RegionsAggData defer printSummary(&finalResult) sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) // but interrupts from kbd are blocked by termbox start(test, &finalResult, sigChan) }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&opts.containerNetwork, "container-network", "", "container network") flag.UintVar(&opts.containerSubnetLength, "container-subnet-length", 8, "container subnet length") flag.StringVar(&opts.serviceNetwork, "service-network", "", "service network") flag.UintVar(&opts.mtu, "mtu", 1450, "maximum transmission unit for the overlay network") flag.StringVar(&opts.etcdEndpoints, "etcd-endpoints", "", "a comma-delimited list of etcd endpoints") flag.StringVar(&opts.etcdPath, "etcd-path", "/registry/sdn/", "etcd path") flag.StringVar(&opts.nodePath, "node-path", "/", "etcd path that will be watched for node creation/deletion (Note: -sync flag will override this path with -etcd-path)") flag.StringVar(&opts.minionPath, "minion-path", "", "Deprecated, use -node-path instead") flag.StringVar(&opts.etcdKeyfile, "etcd-keyfile", "", "SSL key file used to secure etcd communication") flag.StringVar(&opts.etcdCertfile, "etcd-certfile", "", "SSL certification file used to secure etcd communication") flag.StringVar(&opts.etcdCAFile, "etcd-cafile", "", "SSL Certificate Authority file used to secure etcd communication") flag.StringVar(&opts.ip, "public-ip", "", "Publicly reachable IP address of this host (for node mode).") flag.StringVar(&opts.hostname, "hostname", "", "Hostname as registered with master (for node mode), will default to 'hostname -f'") flag.BoolVar(&opts.master, "master", true, "Run in master mode") flag.BoolVar(&opts.node, "node", false, "Run in node mode") flag.BoolVar(&opts.minion, "minion", false, "Deprecated, use -node instead") flag.BoolVar(&opts.skipsetup, "skip-setup", false, "Skip the setup when in node mode") flag.BoolVar(&opts.sync, "sync", false, "Sync the nodes directly to etcd-path (Do not wait for PaaS to do so!)") flag.BoolVar(&opts.kube, "kube", false, "Use kubernetes hooks for optimal integration with OVS. This option bypasses the Linux bridge. Any docker containers started manually (not through OpenShift/Kubernetes) will stay local and not connect to the SDN.") flag.BoolVar(&opts.multitenant, "multitenant", false, "Same as 'kube' but with multitenant capabilities. This option will only be examined if 'kube' option is 'false'.") flag.BoolVar(&, "help", false, "print this message") }
func init() { // Fill in default values CFG.Net.ListenTCP = true CFG.Net.MaxOutCons = 9 CFG.Net.MaxInCons = 10 CFG.Net.MaxBlockAtOnce = 3 CFG.WebUI.Interface = "" CFG.WebUI.AllowedIP = "" CFG.WebUI.ShowBlocks = 25 CFG.TXPool.Enabled = true CFG.TXPool.AllowMemInputs = true CFG.TXPool.FeePerByte = 10 CFG.TXPool.MaxTxSize = 10e3 CFG.TXPool.MinVoutValue = 0 CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMinPerKB = 100 CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMaxHours = 12 CFG.TXRoute.Enabled = true CFG.TXRoute.FeePerByte = 10 CFG.TXRoute.MaxTxSize = 10e3 CFG.TXRoute.MinVoutValue = 500 * CFG.TXRoute.FeePerByte // Equivalent of 500 bytes tx fee CFG.Memory.GCPercTrshold = 100 // 100% CFG.MiningStatHours = 24 CFG.UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent CFG.PayCommandName = "pay_cmd.txt" cfgfilecontent, e := ioutil.ReadFile(ConfigFile) if e == nil { e = json.Unmarshal(cfgfilecontent, &CFG) if e != nil { println("Error in", ConfigFile, e.Error()) os.Exit(1) } } flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.Rescan, "r", false, "Rebuild the unspent DB (fixes 'Unknown input TxID' errors)") flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Testnet, "t", CFG.Testnet, "Use Testnet3") flag.StringVar(&CFG.ConnectOnly, "c", CFG.ConnectOnly, "Connect only to this host and nowhere else") flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "l", CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "Listen for incomming TCP connections (on default port)") flag.StringVar(&CFG.Datadir, "d", CFG.Datadir, "Specify Gocoin's database root folder") flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "ul", CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "Upload limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)") flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "dl", CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "Download limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)") flag.StringVar(&CFG.WebUI.Interface, "webui", CFG.WebUI.Interface, "Serve WebUI from the given interface") flag.StringVar(&CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "miner", CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "Monitor new blocks with the string in their coinbase TX") flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txp", CFG.TXPool.Enabled, "Enable Memory Pool") flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txr", CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "Enable Transaction Routing") if flag.Lookup("h") != nil { flag.PrintDefaults() os.Exit(0) } flag.Parse() Reset() }
func main() { heightInt, widthInt, _ := pty.Getsize(os.Stdout) var width uint var height uint // The three subtracted lines is to have room for command, file name and prompt after explosion flag.UintVar(&width, "w", uint(widthInt), "Maximum width of output in number of columns") flag.UintVar(&height, "h", uint((heightInt-3)*2), "Maximum height of output in number of half lines") flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [file | - ...]\n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, " Specify \"-\" or just noting to read from stdin.") fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr) fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Options:") flag.PrintDefaults() } flag.Parse() filenames := flag.Args() if len(filenames) == 0 { fmt.Println("stdin:") sourceImage, _, err := image.Decode(os.Stdin) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error:", err) } else { printImage(sourceImage, width, height) } } else { for i, filename := range filenames { if i > 0 { fmt.Println() } var file *os.File var err error if filename == "-" { fmt.Println("stdin:") file = os.Stdin } else { fmt.Printf("%s:\n", filename) file, err = os.Open(filename) if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error:", err) continue } } sourceImage, _, err := image.Decode(file) _ = file.Close() if err != nil { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error:", err) continue } printImage(sourceImage, width, height) } } }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&localAddr, "l", ":7777", "set local address") flag.StringVar(&remoteAddr, "r", "localhost:7777", "set remote address") flag.UintVar(&inputDelay, "id", 0, "set input delay ") flag.UintVar(&outputDelay, "od", 0, "set output delay ") flag.StringVar(&inputFile, "if", "/dev/stdout", "set input log") flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "of", "/dev/stdout", "set output log") }
func main() { var config Config config.Backend.Type = "vxlan" if backend := os.Getenv("BACKEND"); backend != "" { config.Backend.Type = backend } config.Network = os.Getenv("NETWORK") if config.Network == "" { config.Network = "" } flag.StringVar(&config.SubnetMin, "subnet-min", "", "container network min subnet") flag.StringVar(&config.SubnetMax, "subnet-max", "", "container network max subnet") flag.UintVar(&config.SubnetLen, "subnet-len", 0, "container network subnet length") flag.UintVar(&config.Backend.VNI, "vni", 0, "vxlan network identifier") flag.UintVar(&config.Backend.Port, "port", 0, "vxlan communication port (UDP)") flag.Parse() // wait for discoverd to come up status, err := cluster.WaitForHostStatus(os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_IP"), func(status *host.HostStatus) bool { return status.Discoverd != nil && status.Discoverd.URL != "" }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // create service and config if not present client := discoverd.NewClientWithURL(status.Discoverd.URL) if err := client.AddService(serviceName, nil); err != nil && !hh.IsObjectExistsError(err) { log.Fatalf("error creating discoverd service: %s", err) } data, err := json.Marshal(map[string]Config{"config": config}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = client.Service(serviceName).SetMeta(&discoverd.ServiceMeta{Data: data}) if err != nil && !hh.IsObjectExistsError(err) { log.Fatalf("error creating discoverd service metadata: %s", err) } flanneld, err := exec.LookPath("flanneld") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := syscall.Exec( flanneld, []string{ flanneld, "-discoverd-url=" + status.Discoverd.URL, "-iface=" + os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_IP"), "-http-port=" + os.Getenv("PORT"), fmt.Sprintf("-notify-url=http://%s:1113/host/network", os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_IP")), }, os.Environ(), ); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&conf.WsHost, "websocket-host", "", "bind websocket endpoint with given interface") flag.UintVar(&conf.WsPort, "websocket-port", 8080, "websocket endpoint will listen on this port") flag.StringVar(&conf.BackHost, "backend-host", "", "bind backend endpoint with given interface") flag.UintVar(&conf.BackPort, "backend-port", 8081, "backend endpoint will listen on this port") flag.StringVar(&conf.CertFile, "cert", "", "path to server certificate") flag.StringVar(&conf.KeyFile, "key", "", "private key") flag.Parse() }
func readArgs() params { args := params{} flag.UintVar(&, "jobs", 1, "Number of concurrent render jobs") flag.UintVar(&args.port, "port", 9898, "Port for webservice") flag.StringVar(&args.bind, "bind", "", "Interface to bind against") flag.StringVar(&, "origins", "", "Comma separated CORS client origins") flag.BoolVar(&args.debug, "debug", false, "Verbose logging") flag.Parse() return args }
func main() { var printVersion bool flag.StringVar(&url, "u", "", "URL to load test (required)") flag.StringVar(&method, "m", "GET", "HTTP method") flag.StringVar(&body, "b", "", "HTTP request body") flag.UintVar(&concurrency, "c", 10, "number of concurrent requests") flag.UintVar(&requests, "n", 1000, "number of total requests to make") flag.UintVar(&timeout, "t", 15, "request timeout in seconds") flag.StringVar(®ions, "r", "us-east-1,eu-west-1,ap-northeast-1", "AWS regions to run in (comma separated, no spaces)") flag.StringVar(&awsProfile, "p", "", "AWS named profile to use") flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "o", "", "Optional path to JSON file for result storage") flag.Var(&headers, "H", "List of headers") flag.BoolVar(&printVersion, "version", false, "print the current Goad version") flag.Parse() if printVersion { fmt.Println(version.Version) os.Exit(0) } if url == "" { flag.Usage() os.Exit(0) } test, testerr := goad.NewTest(&goad.TestConfig{ URL: url, Concurrency: concurrency, TotalRequests: requests, RequestTimeout: time.Duration(timeout) * time.Second, Regions: strings.Split(regions, ","), Method: method, Body: body, Headers: headers, AwsProfile: awsProfile, }) if testerr != nil { fmt.Println(testerr) os.Exit(1) } var finalResult queue.RegionsAggData defer printSummary(&finalResult) if outputFile != "" { defer saveJSONSummary(outputFile, &finalResult) } sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM) // but interrupts from kbd are blocked by termbox start(test, &finalResult, sigChan) }
func init() { flag.UintVar(&Num, "n", 10, "number of concurrent clients") flag.UintVar(&Size, "s", 1, "packet size (in bytes)") flag.Parse() Addr = flag.Arg(0) if Addr == "" { usage() os.Exit(1) } }
func getArgs() args { params := args{} flag.UintVar(¶ms.sheeplecnt, "sheeple", 0, "Number of sheeple") flag.UintVar(¶ms.tvcnt, "tv", 0, "Number of TVs") flag.UintVar(¶ms.itermax, "iterations", 100, "Number of iterations") flag.Float64Var(¶ms.width, "width", 10, "Torus width") flag.Float64Var(¶ms.height, "height", 10, "Torus height") flag.StringVar(¶ms.beliefs, "beliefs", "A,B,C", "Comma separated belief list") flag.Parse() return params }
func init() { flag.UintVar(&throttle, "c", 1, "URLs to prime at once") flag.UintVar(&max, "max", 0, "maximum number of uncached URLs to prime") flag.StringVar(&localDir, "l", "", "directory containing cached files (relative file names, i.e. /about/ -> <path>/about/index.html)") flag.StringVar(&localSuffix, "ls", "index.html", "suffix of locally cached files") flag.StringVar(&userAgent, "ua", defaultUA, "User-Agent header to send") flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "v", false, "show additional information about the priming process") flag.BoolVar(&nowarn, "no-warn", false, "do not warn about pages that were not primed successfully") flag.BoolVar(&printUrls, "print", false, "(exclusive) just print the sorted URLs (can be used with xargs)") flag.BoolVar(&primeUrls, "urls", false, "prime the URLs given as arguments rather than a sitemap") flag.Parse() }
func parseArguments(args *commandLine) { flag.UintVar(&args.iterateLimit, "iterateLimit", 255, "Maximum number of iterations") flag.Float64Var(&args.divergeLimit, "divergeLimit", 4.0, "Limit where function is said to diverge to infinity") flag.UintVar(&args.width, "imageWidth", 800, "Width of output PNG") flag.UintVar(&args.height, "imageHeight", 600, "Height of output PNG") flag.StringVar(&args.filename, "filename", "mandelbrot.png", "Name of output PNG") flag.Float64Var(&args.xOffset, "xOffset", -1.5, "Leftmost position of complex plane projected onto PNG image") flag.Float64Var(&args.yOffset, "yOffset", 1.0, "Topmost position of complex plane projected onto PNG image") flag.Float64Var(&args.zoom, "zoom", 1.0, "Look into the eyeball") flag.StringVar(&args.mode, "mode", "sequential", "Render mode") flag.Parse() }
func initFlags() { flag.UintVar(&listeningPort, "port", 8080, "Proxy listening port") flag.BoolVar(&dnsPrefetching, "dns", false, "Enable DNS prefetching") flag.BoolVar(&caching, "cache", false, "Enable object caching") flag.UintVar(&cacheTimeout, "timeout", 120, "Cache timeout in seconds") flag.UintVar(&maxCacheSize, "max_cache", MAX_CACHE_SIZE, "Maximum cache size") flag.UintVar(&maxObjSize, "max_obj", MAX_OBJ_SIZE, "Maximum object size") flag.BoolVar(&linkPrefetching, "link", false, "Enable link prefetching") flag.UintVar(&maxConcurrency, "max_conc", 10, "Number of threads for link prefetching") flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "file", "proxy.log", "Output file name") flag.Parse() }
func readflags() *string { sourcelist := flag.String("sourcelist", "sourcelist.txt", "list of source files with metadata") flag.UintVar(&bands, "bands", 10, "number of bands") var err os.Error soxpath, err = exec.LookPath("sox") defaults := "Default is " + soxpath checksoxpath := false if err != nil { checksoxpath = true defaults = "No sox found in path. No default" } flag.StringVar(&soxpath, "sox", soxpath, "Path to sox binary. "+defaults) flag.UintVar(&samplerate, "samplerate", 44100, "Sample rate in hz. Default 44100") flag.UintVar(&beatlength, "beatlength", 0, "Length of output beats in samples. No default") flag.StringVar(&tmpdir, "tmpdir", "/tmp", "Tmpdir to hold FIFOs. Must exist.") flag.StringVar(&outputdir, "outputdir", ".", "Dir to hold output files. Default is working directory") flag.StringVar(&outputext, "outputext", "remix.wav", "Output default extension. Do NOT start this with a dot. Default is remix.wav") flag.Parse() if checksoxpath && soxpath == "" { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "No sox found on PATH and no sox specified") } if beatlength == 0 { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "No beatlength specified.") os.Exit(1) } if samplerate == 0 && !(samplerate == 22050 || samplerate == 44100 || samplerate == 48000) { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Bad samplerate specified") os.Exit(1) } stat, err := os.Stat(tmpdir) if err != nil || !stat.IsDirectory() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "tmpdir %s does not exist or is not a directory: %s.\n", tmpdir, err.String()) os.Exit(1) } stat, err = os.Stat(outputdir) if err != nil || !stat.IsDirectory() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "outputdir %s does not exist or is not a directory: %s.\n", outputdir, err.String()) os.Exit(1) } soxformatopts = append(soxformatopts, []string{"-b", "16", "-e", "signed-integer", "-B", "-r", strconv.Uitoa(samplerate), "-t", "raw"}...) buffersize = 512 return sourcelist }
func readArgs() params { args := params{} flag.UintVar(&args.zt.Frames, "frames", 1, "Number of frames in zoom") flag.UintVar(&args.zt.Xmin, "xmin", 0, "X-Min") flag.UintVar(&args.zt.Xmax, "xmax", 0, "X-Max") flag.UintVar(&args.zt.Ymin, "ymin", 0, "Y-Min") flag.UintVar(&args.zt.Ymax, "ymax", 0, "Y-Max") flag.BoolVar(&args.zt.Reconfigure, "reconf", true, "Reconfigure magnified request") flag.BoolVar(&args.zt.UpPrec, "incprec", true, "Increase precision for zoom") flag.Parse() return args }
func init() { flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("Usage: program [options]\n\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } flag.StringVar(&arguments.web, "web", "cmd/web-raytracer/frontend", "web frontend location") flag.StringVar(&arguments.tree, "tree", "tree.oct", "octree to serve clients") flag.BoolVar(&arguments.pprof, "pprof", false, "enables cpu profiler and pprof over http, port 6060") flag.UintVar(&arguments.port, "port", 8080, "server port") flag.UintVar(&arguments.timeout, "timeout", 3, "max session length in minutes") flag.Float64Var(&arguments.viewDistance, "dist", 1, "max view-distance") }
func init() { flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "8080", "Port number of the satchel service") flag.StringVar(&port, "p", "8080", "Port number of the satchel service (shorthand)") flag.UintVar(&limit, "limit", 60, "Limit of requests per hour") flag.UintVar(&limit, "l", 60, "Limit of requests per hour (shorthand)") runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) flag.Usage = func() { fmt.Printf("Usage: satchel [options] URL\n") flag.PrintDefaults() } }
func init() { // setup the command line processing flag.UintVar(&flagOutOfStyleSeconds, "o", 100, "seconds it takes for mainstream data to go out of style") flag.UintVar(&flagMainstreamThreshold, "m", 20, "how many times data can be accessed before it is mainstream") flag.StringVar(&flagPort, "p", ":9999", "port number to run the DB interface on") flag.Usage = usage flag.Parse() // setup our datastore ds = &datastore.Datastore{OutOfStyleSeconds: flagOutOfStyleSeconds, MainstreamThreshold: flagMainstreamThreshold} datastore.ProcessOutOfStyle() }
func initFlags() { flag.StringVar(&targetURL, "url", "", "Target URL") flag.BoolVar(&waterfall, "waterfall", false, "Generate waterfall chart") flag.BoolVar(&browser, "browser", false, "Simulate human browsing") flag.StringVar(&outputFile, "file", "log.txt", "Base name for output files") flag.UintVar(&numRequests, "num_req", 20, "Number of requests for linked pages") flag.UintVar(&initTime, "init_time", 30, "Sleep time before starting.") flag.UintVar(&sleepTime, "sleep_time", 5, "Sleep time between page fetches") flag.StringVar(&proxy, "proxy", "", "Address of the proxy server") flag.Parse() if targetURL == "" { log.Fatal("You must specify the target URL") } }
func main() { var config Config config.Backend.Type = "vxlan" flag.StringVar(&config.Network, "network", "", "container network") flag.StringVar(&config.EtcdURLs, "etcd", "", "etcd URLs") flag.StringVar(&config.SubnetMin, "subnet-min", "", "container network min subnet") flag.StringVar(&config.SubnetMax, "subnet-max", "", "container network max subnet") flag.UintVar(&config.SubnetLen, "subnet-len", 0, "container network subnet length") flag.UintVar(&config.Backend.VNI, "vni", 0, "vxlan network identifier") flag.UintVar(&config.Backend.Port, "port", 0, "vxlan communication port (UDP)") etcdKey := flag.String("key", "/", "flannel etcd configuration key") flag.Parse() bytes, err := json.Marshal(&config) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } data := string(bytes) client := etcd.NewClient(strings.Split(config.EtcdURLs, ",")) if err := networkConfigAttempts.Run(func() error { _, err = client.Create(*etcdKey, data, 0) if e, ok := err.(*etcd.EtcdError); ok && e.ErrorCode == 105 { // Skip if the key exists err = nil } return err }); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } flanneld, err := exec.LookPath("flanneld") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if err := syscall.Exec( flanneld, []string{ flanneld, "-etcd-endpoints=" + config.EtcdURLs, "-iface=" + os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_IP"), fmt.Sprintf("-notify-url=http://%s:1113/host/network", os.Getenv("EXTERNAL_IP")), }, os.Environ(), ); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }