func (self *NsqdCoordinator) PutMessagesToCluster(topic *nsqd.Topic, msgs []*nsqd.Message) (nsqd.MessageID, nsqd.BackendOffset, int32, error) { var commitLog CommitLogData topicName := topic.GetTopicName() partition := topic.GetTopicPart() coord, checkErr := self.getTopicCoord(topicName, partition) if checkErr != nil { return nsqd.MessageID(commitLog.LogID), nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgSize, checkErr.ToErrorType() } var queueEnd nsqd.BackendQueueEnd var logMgr *TopicCommitLogMgr doLocalWrite := func(d *coordData) *CoordErr { topic.Lock() logMgr = d.logMgr id, offset, writeBytes, totalCnt, qe, localErr := topic.PutMessagesNoLock(msgs) queueEnd = qe topic.Unlock() if localErr != nil { coordLog.Warningf("put batch messages to local failed: %v", localErr) return &CoordErr{localErr.Error(), RpcNoErr, CoordLocalErr} } commitLog.LogID = int64(id) // epoch should not be changed. // leader epoch change means leadership change, leadership change // need disable write which should hold the write lock. // However, we are holding write lock while doing the cluster write replication. commitLog.Epoch = d.GetTopicEpochForWrite() commitLog.LastMsgLogID = int64(msgs[len(msgs)-1].ID) commitLog.MsgOffset = int64(offset) commitLog.MsgSize = writeBytes // This MsgCnt is the total count until now (include the current written batch message count) commitLog.MsgCnt = totalCnt commitLog.MsgNum = int32(len(msgs)) return nil } doLocalExit := func(err *CoordErr) { if err != nil { coordLog.Infof("topic %v PutMessagesToCluster error: %v", topic.GetFullName(), err) if coord.IsWriteDisabled() { topic.DisableForSlave() } } } doLocalCommit := func() error { localErr := logMgr.AppendCommitLog(&commitLog, false) if localErr != nil { coordLog.Errorf("topic : %v, Generator %v failed write commit log : %v, logMgr: %v, %v", topic.GetFullName(), topic.GetMsgGenerator(), localErr, logMgr.pLogID, logMgr.nLogID) } topic.Lock() topic.UpdateCommittedOffset(queueEnd) topic.Unlock() return localErr } doLocalRollback := func() { coordLog.Warningf("failed write begin rollback : %v, %v", topic.GetFullName(), commitLog) topic.Lock() topic.ResetBackendEndNoLock(nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgCnt-1) topic.Unlock() } doRefresh := func(d *coordData) *CoordErr { logMgr = d.logMgr if d.GetTopicEpochForWrite() != commitLog.Epoch { coordLog.Warningf("write epoch changed during write: %v, %v", d.GetTopicEpochForWrite(), commitLog) return ErrEpochMismatch } self.requestNotifyNewTopicInfo(d.topicInfo.Name, d.topicInfo.Partition) return nil } doSlaveSync := func(c *NsqdRpcClient, nodeID string, tcData *coordData) *CoordErr { // should retry if failed, and the slave should keep the last success write to avoid the duplicated putErr := c.PutMessages(&tcData.topicLeaderSession, &tcData.topicInfo, commitLog, msgs) if putErr != nil { coordLog.Infof("sync write to replica %v failed: %v, put offset: %v, logmgr: %v, %v", nodeID, putErr, commitLog, logMgr.pLogID, logMgr.nLogID) } return putErr } handleSyncResult := func(successNum int, tcData *coordData) bool { if successNum == len(tcData.topicInfo.ISR) { return true } return false } clusterErr := self.doSyncOpToCluster(true, coord, doLocalWrite, doLocalExit, doLocalCommit, doLocalRollback, doRefresh, doSlaveSync, handleSyncResult) var err error if clusterErr != nil { err = clusterErr.ToErrorType() } return nsqd.MessageID(commitLog.LogID), nsqd.BackendOffset(commitLog.MsgOffset), commitLog.MsgSize, err }