예제 #1
func TestKeycloakAuthorizationRedirect(t *testing.T) {
	resource.Require(t, resource.UnitTest)

	rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
	u := &url.URL{
		Path: fmt.Sprintf("/api/login/authorize"),
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test " + err.Error()) // bug

	// The user clicks login while on ALM UI.
	// Therefore the referer would be an ALM URL.
	refererUrl := "https://alm-url.example.org/path"
	req.Header.Add("referer", refererUrl)

	prms := url.Values{}
	ctx := context.Background()
	goaCtx := goa.NewContext(goa.WithAction(ctx, "LoginTest"), rw, req, prms)
	authorizeCtx, err := app.NewAuthorizeLoginContext(goaCtx, goa.New("LoginService"))
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test data " + err.Error()) // bug

	err = loginService.Perform(authorizeCtx)

	assert.Equal(t, 307, rw.Code)
	assert.Contains(t, rw.Header().Get("Location"), configuration.GetKeycloakEndpointAuth())
예제 #2
func TestInvalidState(t *testing.T) {
	resource.Require(t, resource.UnitTest)

	// Setup request context
	rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
	u := &url.URL{
		Path: fmt.Sprintf("/api/login/authorize"),
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test " + err.Error()) // bug

	// The OAuth 'state' is sent as a query parameter by calling /api/login/authorize?code=_SOME_CODE_&state=_SOME_STATE_
	// The request originates from Keycloak after a valid authorization by the end user.
	// This is not where the redirection should happen on failure.
	refererKeyclaokUrl := "https://keycloak-url.example.org/path-of-login"
	req.Header.Add("referer", refererKeyclaokUrl)

	prms := url.Values{
		"state": {},
		"code":  {"doesnt_matter_what_is_here"},
	ctx := context.Background()
	goaCtx := goa.NewContext(goa.WithAction(ctx, "LoginTest"), rw, req, prms)
	authorizeCtx, err := app.NewAuthorizeLoginContext(goaCtx, goa.New("LoginService"))
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test data " + err.Error()) // bug

	err = loginService.Perform(authorizeCtx)
	assert.Equal(t, 401, rw.Code)
예제 #3
func TestInvalidOAuthAuthorizationCode(t *testing.T) {

	// When a valid referrer talks to our system and provides
	// an invalid OAuth2.0 code, the access token exchange
	// fails. In such a scenario, there is response redirection
	// to the valid referer, ie, the URL where the request originated from.
	// Currently, this should be something like https://demo.almighty.org/somepage/

	resource.Require(t, resource.UnitTest)

	// Setup request context
	rw := httptest.NewRecorder()
	u := &url.URL{
		Path: fmt.Sprintf("/api/login/authorize"),
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test " + err.Error()) // bug

	// The user clicks login while on ALM UI.
	// Therefore the referer would be an ALM URL.
	refererUrl := "https://alm-url.example.org/path"
	req.Header.Add("referer", refererUrl)

	prms := url.Values{}
	ctx := context.Background()
	goaCtx := goa.NewContext(goa.WithAction(ctx, "LoginTest"), rw, req, prms)
	authorizeCtx, err := app.NewAuthorizeLoginContext(goaCtx, goa.New("LoginService"))
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test data " + err.Error()) // bug

	err = loginService.Perform(authorizeCtx)

	assert.Equal(t, 307, rw.Code) // redirect to keycloak login page.

	locationString := rw.HeaderMap["Location"][0]
	locationUrl, err := url.Parse(locationString)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Redirect URL is in a wrong format ", err)

	allQueryParameters := locationUrl.Query()

	// Avoiding panics.
	assert.NotNil(t, allQueryParameters)
	assert.NotNil(t, allQueryParameters["state"][0])

	returnedState := allQueryParameters["state"][0]

	prms = url.Values{
		"state": {returnedState},
		"code":  {"INVALID_OAUTH2.0_CODE"},
	ctx = context.Background()
	rw = httptest.NewRecorder()

	req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil)

	// The OAuth code is sent as a query parameter by calling /api/login/authorize?code=_SOME_CODE_&state=_SOME_STATE_
	// The request originates from Keycloak after a valid authorization by the end user.
	// This is not where the redirection should happen on failure.
	refererKeycloakUrl := "https://keycloak-url.example.org/path-of-login"
	req.Header.Add("referer", refererKeycloakUrl)
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid test " + err.Error()) // bug

	goaCtx = goa.NewContext(goa.WithAction(ctx, "LoginTest"), rw, req, prms)
	authorizeCtx, err = app.NewAuthorizeLoginContext(goaCtx, goa.New("LoginService"))

	err = loginService.Perform(authorizeCtx)

	locationString = rw.HeaderMap["Location"][0]
	locationUrl, err = url.Parse(locationString)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Redirect URL is in a wrong format ", err)

	allQueryParameters = locationUrl.Query()
	assert.Equal(t, 307, rw.Code) // redirect to ALM page where login was clicked.
	// Avoiding panics.
	assert.NotNil(t, allQueryParameters)
	assert.NotNil(t, allQueryParameters["error"])
	assert.Equal(t, allQueryParameters["error"][0], InvalidCodeError)

	returnedErrorReason := allQueryParameters["error"][0]
	assert.NotEmpty(t, returnedErrorReason)
	assert.NotContains(t, locationString, refererKeycloakUrl)
	assert.Contains(t, locationString, refererUrl)