예제 #1
func (s *Service) SendPasswordResetEmail(user kit.User) apperror.Error {
	// Check that an email service is configured.

	mailService := s.registry.EmailService()
	if mailService == nil {
		return apperror.New("no_email_service")

	hoursValid := 48

	// Generate a token.
	expiresAt := time.Now().Add(time.Hour * time.Duration(hoursValid))
	tokenItem, err := s.BuildToken("password_reset", user.GetStrId(), expiresAt)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	token := tokenItem.GetToken()

	conf := s.registry.Config()

	// Build the confirmation url.

	url := conf.UString("url")
	if url == "" {
		return &apperror.Err{
			Code:    "no_url_set",
			Message: "Config must specify url",

	resetPath := conf.UString("users.passwordResetPath")
	if resetPath == "" {
		return &apperror.Err{
			Code:    "no_password_reset_path",
			Message: "Config must specify users.passwordResetPath",

	if !strings.Contains(resetPath, "{token}") {
		return &apperror.Err{
			Code:    "invalid_password_reset_path",
			Message: "users.passwordResetPath does not contain {token} placeholder",
	resetUrl := url + "/" + strings.Replace(resetPath, "{token}", token, -1)

	// Render email.

	subject := conf.UString("users.passwordResetSubject", "Password reset")

	var txtContent, htmlContent []byte

	txtTpl := conf.UString("users.passwordResetTextTpl")
	htmlTpl := conf.UString("users.passwordResetHtmlTpl")
	if txtTpl != "" && htmlTpl != "" {
		// Check that a template engine is configured.
		engine := s.registry.TemplateEngine()
		if engine == nil {
			return apperror.New("no_template_engine")

		data := map[string]interface{}{
			"user":        user,
			"token":       token,
			"hours_valid": hoursValid,
		var err apperror.Error

		txtContent, err = s.registry.TemplateEngine().BuildFileAndRender(txtTpl, data)
		if err != nil {
			return apperror.Wrap(err, "password_reset_tpl_error", "Could not render password reset tpl")

		htmlContent, err = s.registry.TemplateEngine().BuildFileAndRender(htmlTpl, data)
		if err != nil {
			return apperror.Wrap(err, "password_reset_tpl_error", "Could not render password reset tpl")
	} else {
		tpl := `Password reset

To reset your password, please visit %v.
The link will be valid for %v hours.

		htmlTpl := `Password Reset<br><br>

To reset your password, please visit <a href="%v">this link</a>.<br>
The link will be valid for %v hours.
		txtContent = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tpl, resetUrl, hoursValid))
		htmlContent = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(htmlTpl, resetUrl, hoursValid))

	// Now build the email and send it.
	email := email.NewMail()
	email.AddBody("text/plain", txtContent)
	email.AddBody("text/html", htmlContent)
	email.AddTo(user.GetEmail(), "")

	if err := mailService.Send(email); err != nil {
		return err

		"action":  "users.password_reset_requested",
		"email":   user.GetEmail(),
		"user_id": user.GetId(),
		"token":   token,
	}).Debugf("Password reset email sent to %v for user %v", user.GetEmail(), user.GetId())

	return nil
예제 #2
func (s *Service) SendConfirmationEmail(user kit.User) apperror.Error {
	// Check that an email service is configured.

	mailService := s.registry.EmailService()
	if mailService == nil {
		return apperror.New("no_email_service")

	conf := s.registry.Config()

	// Check that sending is enabled.
	if !conf.UBool("users.sendEmailConfirmationEmail", true) {
		return nil

	// Generate a token.
	tokenItem, err := s.BuildToken("email_confirmation", user.GetStrId(), time.Time{})
	if err != nil {
		return err
	token := tokenItem.GetToken()

	// Build the confirmation url.

	confirmationPath := conf.UString("users.emailConfirmationPath")
	if confirmationPath == "" {
		return &apperror.Err{
			Code:    "no_email_confirmation_path",
			Message: "Config must specify users.emailConfirmationPath",

	if !strings.Contains(confirmationPath, "{token}") {
		return &apperror.Err{
			Code:    "invalid_email_confirmation_path",
			Message: "users.emailConfirmationPath does not contain {token} placeholder",
	confirmationUrl := conf.UString("url") + "/" + strings.Replace(confirmationPath, "{token}", token, -1)

	// Render email.

	subject := conf.UString("users.emailConfirmationSubject", "Confirm your Email")

	var txtContent, htmlContent []byte

	txtTpl := conf.UString("users.emailConfirmationEmailTextTpl")
	htmlTpl := conf.UString("users.emailConfirmationEmailHtmlTpl")
	if txtTpl != "" && htmlTpl != "" {
		// Check that a template engine is configured.
		engine := s.registry.TemplateEngine()
		if engine == nil {
			return apperror.New("no_template_engine")

		data := map[string]interface{}{
			"user":  user,
			"token": token,
		var err apperror.Error

		txtContent, err = s.registry.TemplateEngine().BuildFileAndRender(txtTpl, data)
		if err != nil {
			return apperror.Wrap(err, "email_confirmation_tpl_error", "Could not render email confirmation tpl")

		htmlContent, err = s.registry.TemplateEngine().BuildFileAndRender(htmlTpl, data)
		if err != nil {
			return apperror.Wrap(err, "email_confirmation_tpl_error", "Could not render email confirmation tpl")
	} else {
		tpl := `Welcome to Appkit

To confirm your email address, please visit %v.

		htmlTpl := `Welcome to Appkit<br><br>

To confirm your email address, please visit <a href="%v">this link</a>.
		txtContent = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(tpl, confirmationUrl))
		htmlContent = []byte(fmt.Sprintf(htmlTpl, confirmationUrl))

	// Now build the email and send it.
	email := email.NewMail()
	email.AddBody("text/plain", txtContent)
	email.AddBody("text/html", htmlContent)
	email.AddTo(user.GetEmail(), "")

	if err := mailService.Send(email); err != nil {
		return err

		"action":  "users.email_confirmation_mail_sent",
		"email":   user.GetEmail(),
		"user_id": user.GetId(),
		"token":   token,
	}).Debugf("Password reset email sent to %v for user %v", user.GetEmail(), user.GetId())

	return nil