func genManifest(path string) *schema.ImageManifest { // Get runtime.json and config.json runtimePath := path + "/runtime.json" configPath := path + "/config.json" runtime, err := ioutil.ReadFile(runtimePath) if err != nil { logrus.Debugf("Open file runtime.json failed: %v", err) return nil } config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configPath) if err != nil { logrus.Debugf("Open file config.json failed: %v", err) return nil } var spec specs.LinuxSpec err = json.Unmarshal(config, &spec) if err != nil { logrus.Debugf("Unmarshal config.json failed: %v", err) return nil } var runSpec specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec err = json.Unmarshal(runtime, &runSpec) if err != nil { logrus.Debugf("Unmarshal runtime.json failed: %v", err) return nil } // Begin to convert runtime.json/config.json to manifest m := new(schema.ImageManifest) // 1. Assemble "acKind" field m.ACKind = schema.ImageManifestKind // 2. Assemble "acVersion" field m.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion // 3. Assemble "name" field m.Name = types.ACIdentifier(manifestName) // 4. Assemble "labels" field // 4.1 "version" label := new(types.Label) label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("version") label.Value = spec.Version m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label) // 4.2 "os" label = new(types.Label) label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("os") label.Value = spec.Platform.OS m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label) // 4.3 "arch" label = new(types.Label) label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("arch") label.Value = spec.Platform.Arch m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label) // 5. Assemble "app" field app := new(types.App) // 5.1 "exec" app.Exec = spec.Process.Args prefixDir := "" //var exeStr string if app.Exec == nil { app.Exec = append(app.Exec, "/bin/sh") } else { if !filepath.IsAbs(app.Exec[0]) { if spec.Process.Cwd == "" { prefixDir = "/" } else { prefixDir = spec.Process.Cwd } } app.Exec[0] = prefixDir + app.Exec[0] // If exec is /xx, it must be wrong, /bin will be prefixed it. var res []string res = strings.SplitAfter(app.Exec[0], "/") if len(res) <= 2 { app.Exec[0] = "/bin" + app.Exec[0] } } // 5.2 "user" app.User = fmt.Sprintf("%d", spec.Process.User.UID) // 5.3 "group" app.Group = fmt.Sprintf("%d", spec.Process.User.GID) for index := range spec.Process.User.AdditionalGids { app.SupplementaryGIDs = append(app.SupplementaryGIDs, int(spec.Process.User.AdditionalGids[index])) } // 5.4 "eventHandlers" event := new(types.EventHandler) event.Name = "pre-start" for index := range runSpec.Hooks.Prestart { event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Path) event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Args...) event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Env...) } if len(event.Exec) == 0 { event.Exec = append(event.Exec, "/bin/echo") event.Exec = append(event.Exec, "-n") } app.EventHandlers = append(app.EventHandlers, *event) event = new(types.EventHandler) event.Name = "post-stop" for index := range runSpec.Hooks.Poststop { event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Path) event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Args...) event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Env...) } if len(event.Exec) == 0 { event.Exec = append(event.Exec, "/bin/echo") event.Exec = append(event.Exec, "-n") } app.EventHandlers = append(app.EventHandlers, *event) // 5.5 "workingDirectory" app.WorkingDirectory = spec.Process.Cwd // 5.6 "environment" env := new(types.EnvironmentVariable) for index := range spec.Process.Env { s := strings.Split(spec.Process.Env[index], "=") env.Name = s[0] env.Value = s[1] app.Environment = append(app.Environment, *env) } // 5.7 "mountPoints" for index := range spec.Mounts { mount := new(types.MountPoint) mount.Name = types.ACName(spec.Mounts[index].Name) mount.Path = spec.Mounts[index].Path mount.ReadOnly = false app.MountPoints = append(app.MountPoints, *mount) } // 5.8 "ports" // 5.9 "isolators" if runSpec.Linux.Resources != nil { if *runSpec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota != 0 { cpuLimt := new(ResourceCPU) cpuLimt.Limit = fmt.Sprintf("%dm", *runSpec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota) isolator := new(types.Isolator) isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier("resource/cpu") bytes, _ := json.Marshal(cpuLimt) valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes) isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator) } if *runSpec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit != 0 { memLimt := new(ResourceMem) memLimt.Limit = fmt.Sprintf("%dG", *runSpec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit/(1024*1024*1024)) isolator := new(types.Isolator) isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier("resource/memory") bytes, _ := json.Marshal(memLimt) valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes) isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator) } } if len(spec.Linux.Capabilities) != 0 { isolatorCapSet := new(IsolatorCapSet) isolatorCapSet.Sets = append(isolatorCapSet.Sets, spec.Linux.Capabilities...) isolator := new(types.Isolator) isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRetainSetName) bytes, _ := json.Marshal(isolatorCapSet) valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes) isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator) } m.App = app // 6. "annotations" anno := new(types.Annotation) anno.Name = types.ACIdentifier("created") anno.Value = time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339) m.Annotations = append(m.Annotations, *anno) anno.Name = types.ACIdentifier("authors") anno.Value = "*****@*****.**" m.Annotations = append(m.Annotations, *anno) anno.Name = types.ACIdentifier("homepage") anno.Value = "" m.Annotations = append(m.Annotations, *anno) // 7. "dependencies" // 8. "pathWhitelist" return m }