예제 #1
func TestUrlGenerationNoIndices(t *testing.T) {
	expectedUrl := "/_cluster/health?level=cluster&pretty=true&timeout=30s&wait_for_nodes=1&wait_for_relocating_shards=1&wait_for_status=green"
	indices := []string{}
	url, err := getHealthUrl(true, "cluster", "green", "30s", 1, 1, indices...)
	u.Assert(err == nil, t, fmt.Sprintf("err was not nil: %v", err))
	u.Assert(url == expectedUrl, t, fmt.Sprintf("TestUrlGeneration Should get %s, instead got %s", expectedUrl, url))
예제 #2
func TestUrlGenerationNoWaits(t *testing.T) {
	expectedUrl := "/_cluster/health/Indice1,Indice2,Indice3?level=cluster&pretty=true&timeout=30s&wait_for_status=green"
	indices := []string{"Indice1", "Indice2", "Indice3"}
	url, err := getHealthUrl(true, "cluster", "green", "30s", 0, 0, indices...)
	u.Assert(err == nil, t, fmt.Sprintf("err was not nil: %v", err))
	u.Assert(url == expectedUrl, t, fmt.Sprintf("TestUrlGeneration Should get %s, instead got %s", expectedUrl, url))
예제 #3
func TestSearchFields(t *testing.T) {
	// same as terms, search using fields:
	//    how many different docs have jasmine in repository.name?
	qry := Search("github").Query(
		Query().Fields("repository.name", "jasmine", "", ""),
	out, _ := qry.Result()

	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 4, t, "Should have 4 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 4, t, "Should have 4 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #4
func TestSearchRequest(t *testing.T) {
	qry := map[string]interface{}{
		"query": map[string]interface{}{
			"wildcard": map[string]string{"actor": "a*"},
	out, err := core.SearchRequest(true, "github", "", qry, "", 0)
	u.Assert(&out != nil && err == nil, t, "Should get docs")
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 616 && out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 616 hits but was %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #5
func TestSearchTerm(t *testing.T) {

	// ok, now lets try searching with term query (specific field/term)
	qry := Search("github").Query(
		Query().Term("repository.name", "jasmine"),
	out, _ := qry.Result()
	// how many different docs have jasmine in repository.name?
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 4, t, "Should have 4 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 4, t, "Should have 4 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)

예제 #6
func TestSearchRange(t *testing.T) {

	// now lets filter by a subset of the total time
	out, _ := Search("github").Size("25").Query(
	u.Assert(out != nil && &out.Hits != nil, t, "Must not have nil results, or hits")
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 25, t, "Should have 25 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 92, t, "Should have total=92 but was %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #7
func TestBulkErrors(t *testing.T) {
	// lets set a bad port, and hope we get a connection refused error?
	api.Port = "27845"
	defer func() {
		api.Port = "9200"
	BulkDelaySeconds = 1
	indexor := NewBulkIndexorErrors(10, 1)
	done := make(chan bool)

	errorCt := 0
	go func() {
		for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
			date := time.Unix(1257894000, 0)
			data := map[string]interface{}{"name": "smurfs", "age": 22, "date": time.Unix(1257894000, 0)}
			indexor.Index("users", "user", strconv.Itoa(i), "", &date, data)
	for errBuf := range indexor.ErrorChannel {
	u.Assert(errorCt > 0, t, "ErrorCt should be > 0 %d", errorCt)

예제 #8
func TestSearchSimple(t *testing.T) {

	// searching without faceting
	qry := Search("github").Pretty().Query(
	out, _ := qry.Result()
	// how many different docs used the word "add"
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 494, t, "Should have 494 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)

	// now the same result from a "Simple" search
	out, _ = Search("github").Search("add").Result()
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 494, t, "Should have 494 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #9
func TestSearchFilterQuery(t *testing.T) {

	// compound query + filter with query being wildcard
	out, _ := Search("github").Size("25").Query(
		Query().Fields("repository.name", "jas*", "", ""),
		Filter().Terms("repository.has_wiki", true),
	if out == nil || &out.Hits == nil {

	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 7, t, "Should have 7 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 7, t, "Should have total=7 but was %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #10
func TestSearchMissingExists(t *testing.T) {
	// search for docs that are missing repository.name
	qry := Search("github").Filter(
	out, _ := qry.Result()
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 7695, t, "Should have 7695 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)

	qry = Search("github").Filter(
	out, _ = qry.Result()
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 389, t, "Should have 389 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
예제 #11
func TestBulkUpdate(t *testing.T) {
	api.Port = "9200"
	indexor := NewBulkIndexor(3)
	indexor.BulkSendor = func(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
		messageSets += 1
		totalBytesSent += buf.Len()
		buffers = append(buffers, buf)
		return BulkSend(buf)
	done := make(chan bool)

	date := time.Unix(1257894000, 0)
	user := map[string]interface{}{
		"name": "smurfs", "age": 22, "date": time.Unix(1257894000, 0), "count": 1,

	// Lets make sure the data is in the index ...
	_, err := Index(true, "users", "user", "5", user)

	// script and params
	data := map[string]interface{}{
		"script": "ctx._source.count += 2",
	err = indexor.Update("users", "user", "5", "", &date, data)
	// So here's the deal. Flushing does seem to work, you just have to give the
	// channel a moment to recieve the message ...
	//	<- time.After(time.Millisecond * 20)
	//	indexor.Flush()
	done <- true

	WaitFor(func() bool {
		return len(buffers) > 0
	}, 5)

	u.Assert(BulkErrorCt == 0 && err == nil, t, "Should not have any errors  %v", err)

	response, err := Get(true, "users", "user", "5")
	u.Assert(err == nil, t, "Should not have any errors  %v", err)
	newCount := response.Source.(map[string]interface{})["count"]
	u.Assert(newCount.(float64) == 3, t, "Should have update count: %#v ... %#v", response.Source.(map[string]interface{})["count"], response)
예제 #12
func TestSearchSortOrder(t *testing.T) {

	// ok, now lets try sorting by repository watchers descending
	qry := Search("github").Pretty().Query(
	out, _ := qry.Result()

	// how many different docs used the word "add", during entire time range
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 8084, t, "Should have 8084 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
	h1 := u.NewJsonHelper(out.Hits.Hits[0].Source)
	u.Assert(h1.Int("repository.watchers") == 41377, t, "Should have 41377 watchers= %v", h1.Int("repository.watchers"))

	// ascending
	out, _ = Search("github").Pretty().Query(
	// how many different docs used the word "add", during entire time range
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 10, t, "Should have 10 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 8084, t, "Should have 8084 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
	h2 := u.NewJsonHelper(out.Hits.Hits[0].Source)
	u.Assert(h2.Int("repository.watchers") == 0, t, "Should have 0 watchers= %v", h2.Int("repository.watchers"))

	// sort descending with search
	out, _ = Search("github").Pretty().Size("5").Query(
	// how many different docs used the word "add", during entire time range
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Len() == 5, t, "Should have 5 docs %v", out.Hits.Len())
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 734, t, "Should have 734 total= %v", out.Hits.Total)
	h3 := u.NewJsonHelper(out.Hits.Hits[0].Source)
	u.Assert(h3.Int("repository.watchers") == 8659, t, "Should have 8659 watchers= %v", h3.Int("repository.watchers"))

예제 #13
func TestLRUTtlEvict(t *testing.T) {

	// ttl = 1 second, 100 ms heartbeats, should check 10 times
	l := NewTimeEvictLru(10000, 200*time.Millisecond, 50*time.Millisecond)

	var evictCt int = 0

	l.EvictCallback = func(key string, v Value) {
		//u.Debug("evicting ", key)

	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		istr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10)
		l.Set("key"+istr, &CacheValue{i})

	u.WaitFor(func() bool {
		return l.Len() == 0
	}, 10)
	u.Assert(l.Len() == 0, t, "should have evicted all items but still have %d", l.Len())
	u.Assert(evictCt == 100, t, "Should have evicted 100 items but have %d", evictCt)

예제 #14
func TestSearchFacetRange(t *testing.T) {
	// ok, now lets try facet but on actor field with a range
	qry := Search("github").Pretty().Facet(
	out, err := qry.Result()
	u.Assert(out != nil && err == nil, t, "Should have output")

	if out == nil {
	h := u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	// how many different docs used the word "add", during entire time range
	u.Assert(h.Int("actor.total") == 521, t, "Should have 521 results %v", h.Int("actor.total"))
	// make sure size worked
	u.Assert(len(h.List("actor.terms")) == 366, t, "Should have 366 unique userids, %v", len(h.List("actor.terms")))

	// ok, repeat but with a range showing different results
	qry = Search("github").Pretty().Facet(
	out, err = qry.Result()
	u.Assert(out != nil && err == nil, t, "Should have output")

	if out == nil {
	h = u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	// how many different events used the word "add", during time range?
	u.Assert(h.Int("actor.total") == 97, t, "Should have 97 results %v", h.Int("actor.total"))
	// make sure size worked
	u.Assert(len(h.List("actor.terms")) == 71, t, "Should have 71 event types, %v", len(h.List("actor.terms")))

예제 #15
func TestBulkIndexorBasic(t *testing.T) {
	indexor := NewBulkIndexor(3)
	indexor.BulkSendor = func(buf *bytes.Buffer) error {
		messageSets += 1
		totalBytesSent += buf.Len()
		buffers = append(buffers, buf)
		return BulkSend(buf)
	done := make(chan bool)

	date := time.Unix(1257894000, 0)
	data := map[string]interface{}{"name": "smurfs", "age": 22, "date": time.Unix(1257894000, 0)}
	err := indexor.Index("users", "user", "1", "", &date, data)

	WaitFor(func() bool {
		return len(buffers) > 0
	}, 5)
	// part of request is url, so lets factor that in
	//totalBytesSent = totalBytesSent - len(*eshost)
	u.Assert(len(buffers) == 1, t, "Should have sent one operation but was %d", len(buffers))
	u.Assert(BulkErrorCt == 0 && err == nil, t, "Should not have any errors  %v", err)
	u.Assert(totalBytesSent == 145, t, "Should have sent 135 bytes but was %v", totalBytesSent)

	err = indexor.Index("users", "user", "2", "", nil, data)
	<-time.After(time.Millisecond * 10) // we need to wait for doc to hit send channel
	// this will test to ensure that Flush actually catches a doc
	totalBytesSent = totalBytesSent - len(*eshost)
	u.Assert(err == nil, t, "Should have nil error  =%v", err)
	u.Assert(len(buffers) == 2, t, "Should have another buffer ct=%d", len(buffers))

	u.Assert(BulkErrorCt == 0, t, "Should not have any errors %d", BulkErrorCt)
	u.Assert(u.CloseInt(totalBytesSent, 257), t, "Should have sent 257 bytes but was %v", totalBytesSent)

예제 #16
func TestUrlGenerationBadWaitForStatus(t *testing.T) {
	indices := []string{"Indice1", "Indice2", "Indice3"}
	_, err := getHealthUrl(true, "cluster", "Wait_For_Status", "Timeout", 1, 1, indices...)
	u.Assert(err != nil, t, fmt.Sprintf("Call should have failed with bad wait_for_status parameter: %v", err))
예제 #17
func TestUrlGenerationNoTimeout(t *testing.T) {
	expectedUrl := "/Index/Type/Id?op_type=create&parent=Parent&percolate=Percolate&routing=Routing&timestamp=TimeStamp&ttl=10&version=1"
	url, err := GetIndexUrl("Index", "Type", "Id", "Parent", 1, "create", "Routing", "TimeStamp", 10, "Percolate", "")
	u.Assert(err == nil, t, "err was not nil")
	u.Assert(url == expectedUrl, t, fmt.Sprintf("TestUrlGenerationNoTimeout Should get %s, instead got %s", expectedUrl, url))
예제 #18
func TestUrlGenerationNoType(t *testing.T) {
	_, err := GetIndexUrl("Index", "", "Id", "Parent", 1, "create", "Routing", "TimeStamp", 10, "Percolate", "Timeout")
	u.Assert(err != nil, t, "err should have been returned")
예제 #19
func TestSearchFacetOne(t *testing.T) {
		A faceted search for what "type" of events there are
		- since we are not specifying an elasticsearch type it searches all ()

		    "terms" : {
		      "_type" : "terms",
		      "missing" : 0,
		      "total" : 7561,
		      "other" : 0,
		      "terms" : [ {
		        "term" : "pushevent",
		        "count" : 4185
		      }, {
		        "term" : "createevent",
		        "count" : 786

	qry := Search("github").Pretty().Facet(
	out, err := qry.Result()
	u.Assert(out != nil && err == nil, t, "Should have output")
	if out == nil {
	h := u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	u.Assert(h.Int("type.total") == 8084, t, "Should have 8084 results %v", h.Int("type.total"))
	u.Assert(len(h.List("type.terms")) == 16, t, "Should have 16 event types, %v", len(h.List("type.terms")))

	// Now, lets try changing size to 10
	out, err = qry.Result()
	h = u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)

	// still same doc count
	u.Assert(h.Int("type.total") == 8084, t, "Should have 8084 results %v", h.Int("type.total"))
	// make sure size worked
	u.Assert(len(h.List("type.terms")) == 10, t, "Should have 10 event types, %v", len(h.List("type.terms")))

	// now, lets add a type (out of the 16)
	out, _ = Search("github").Type("IssueCommentEvent").Pretty().Facet(
	h = u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	// still same doc count
	u.Assert(h.Int("type.total") == 685, t, "Should have 685 results %v", h.Int("type.total"))
	// we should only have one facettype because we limited to one type
	u.Assert(len(h.List("type.terms")) == 1, t, "Should have 1 event types, %v", len(h.List("type.terms")))

	// now, add a second type (chained)
	out, _ = Search("github").Type("IssueCommentEvent").Type("PushEvent").Pretty().Facet(
	h = u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	// still same doc count
	u.Assert(h.Int("type.total") == 4941, t, "Should have 4941 results %v", h.Int("type.total"))
	// make sure we now have 2 types
	u.Assert(len(h.List("type.terms")) == 2, t, "Should have 2 event types, %v", len(h.List("type.terms")))

	//and instead of faceting on type, facet on userid
	// now, add a second type (chained)
	out, _ = Search("github").Type("IssueCommentEvent,PushEvent").Pretty().Facet(
	h = u.NewJsonHelper(out.Facets)
	// still same doc count
	u.Assert(h.Int("actor.total") == 5158, t, "Should have 5158 results %v", h.Int("actor.total"))
	// make sure size worked
	u.Assert(len(h.List("actor.terms")) == 500, t, "Should have 500 users, %v", len(h.List("actor.terms")))

예제 #20
func TestSearchRequestQueryString(t *testing.T) {
	out, err := core.SearchUri("github", "", "actor:a*", "", 0)
	u.Assert(&out != nil && err == nil, t, "Should get docs")
	u.Assert(out.Hits.Total == 616, t, "Should have 616 hits but was %v", out.Hits.Total)