func prepareFile(path string) (io.Reader, os.FileInfo) {
	file, err := os.Open(path)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get file for upload")
	info, err := file.Stat()
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get info about file")
	return file, info
func sendRequest(url string, file *io.Reader, info os.FileInfo) *http.Response {
	client := &http.Client{}
	request, err := http.NewRequest("PUT", url, *file)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to create HTTP request")
	request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
	request.ContentLength = info.Size()
	resp, err := client.Do(request)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to upload file by S3 link")
	return resp
예제 #3
// GetStatusOfRun returns status and result of run specified by ARN
func GetStatusOfRun(client *devicefarm.DeviceFarm, arn string) (string, string) {
	params := &devicefarm.GetRunInput{
		Arn: aws.String(arn),
	resp, err := client.GetRun(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Can't get status of run")
	return *resp.Run.Status, *resp.Run.Result
예제 #4
func getConfig() *model.RunConfig {
	configFile := &model.RunConfig{}
	if *configJSON != "" {
		bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configJSON)
		errors.Validate(err, "Can't read model file")
		*configFile = model.Transform(bytes)
	return configFile
예제 #5
// GetUploadStatus returns status of upload file
func GetUploadStatus(client *devicefarm.DeviceFarm, arn string) string {
	params := &devicefarm.GetUploadInput{
		Arn: aws.String(arn),
	resp, err := client.GetUpload(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get status of upload")
	log.Println("Status of upload:", *resp.Upload.Status)
	return *resp.Upload.Status
예제 #6
// RunWithConfig will schedule run with setup from JSON model
func RunWithConfig(p *model.RunParameters) (string, string) {
	params := createScheduleRunInput(p)
	params.DevicePoolArn = aws.String(p.DeviceArn)
	params.AppArn = aws.String(p.AppArn)
	log.Println("Starting job ...")
	resp, err := p.Client.ScheduleRun(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to run tests")
	log.Println("Run ARN:", *resp.Run.Arn)
	return *resp.Run.Arn, *resp.Run.Status
예제 #7
func internalCreateUpload(client *devicefarm.DeviceFarm, arn, appPath, appType string) (string, string) {
	params := &devicefarm.CreateUploadInput{
		Name:        aws.String(tools.GetFileName(appPath)),
		ProjectArn:  aws.String(arn),
		Type:        aws.String(appType),
		ContentType: aws.String("application/octet-stream"),
	resp, err := client.CreateUpload(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to upload an app")
	log.Println("Upload ARN:", *resp.Upload.Arn)
	log.Println("Upload URL:", *resp.Upload.Url)
	return *resp.Upload.Arn, *resp.Upload.Url
예제 #8
// GetProjectArn returns project ARN by project name
func GetProjectArn(client *devicefarm.DeviceFarm, project string) string {
	var arn string
	params := &devicefarm.ListProjectsInput{}
	resp, err := client.ListProjects(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get list of projects for account")
	for _, entry := range resp.Projects {
		if *entry.Name == project {
			arn = *entry.Arn
	log.Println("Project ARN:", arn)
	return arn
func getStatusOfUpload(response *http.Response) int {
	result := response.StatusCode
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get body of response")
	log.Println("Response code:", result)
	log.Println("Response body:", string(body))
	defer func() {
		// Drain and close the body to let the Transport reuse the connection
		io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, response.Body)
	return result
예제 #10
// GetDevicePoolArn returns device pool ARN by device pool name
func GetDevicePoolArn(client *devicefarm.DeviceFarm, projectArn, devicePool string) string {
	var arn string
	params := &devicefarm.ListDevicePoolsInput{
		Arn: aws.String(projectArn),
	resp, err := client.ListDevicePools(params)
	errors.Validate(err, "Failed to get list of device pools")
	for _, pool := range resp.DevicePools {
		if *pool.Name == devicePool {
			arn = *pool.Arn
	log.Println("Device pool ARN:", arn)
	return arn
예제 #11
// Transform unmarshall JSON model file to struct
func Transform(jsonBytes []byte) RunConfig {
	result := &RunConfig{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBytes, result)
	errors.Validate(err, "Can't read model file")
	return *result