// synchronizeState explicitly goes through each docker container stored in
// "state" and updates its KnownStatus appropriately, as well as queueing up
// events to push upstream.
func (engine *DockerTaskEngine) synchronizeState() {
	defer engine.processTasks.Unlock()
	imageStates := engine.state.AllImageStates()
	if len(imageStates) != 0 {

	tasks := engine.state.AllTasks()
	for _, task := range tasks {
		conts, ok := engine.state.ContainerMapByArn(task.Arn)
		if !ok {
		for _, cont := range conts {
			if cont.DockerId == "" {
				log.Debug("Found container potentially created while we were down", "name", cont.DockerName)
				// Figure out the dockerid
				describedCont, err := engine.client.InspectContainer(cont.DockerName)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warn("Could not find matching container for expected", "name", cont.DockerName)
				} else {
					cont.DockerId = describedCont.ID
					// update mappings that need dockerid
					engine.state.AddContainer(cont, task)
			if cont.DockerId != "" {
				currentState, metadata := engine.client.DescribeContainer(cont.DockerId)
				if metadata.Error != nil {
					currentState = api.ContainerStopped
					if !cont.Container.KnownTerminal() {
						cont.Container.ApplyingError = api.NewNamedError(&ContainerVanishedError{})
						log.Warn("Could not describe previously known container; assuming dead", "err", metadata.Error, "id", cont.DockerId, "name", cont.DockerName)
				} else {
				if currentState > cont.Container.GetKnownStatus() {
예제 #2
func (mtask *managedTask) handleContainerChange(containerChange dockerContainerChange) {
	llog := log.New("task", mtask.Task)
	// Handle container change updates a container's known status.
	// In addition, if the change mentions interesting information (like
	// exit codes or ports) this propegates them.
	container := containerChange.container
	found := false
	for _, c := range mtask.Containers {
		if container == c {
			found = true
	if !found {
		llog.Crit("State error; task manager called with another task's container!", "container", container)
	event := containerChange.event
	llog.Debug("Handling container change", "change", containerChange)

	// Cases: If this is a forward transition (else) update the container to be known to be at that status.
	// If this is a backwards transition stopped->running, the first time set it
	// to be known running so it will be stopped. Subsequently ignore these backward transitions
	if event.Status <= container.KnownStatus && container.KnownStatus == api.ContainerStopped {
		if event.Status == api.ContainerRunning {
			// If the container becomes running after we've stopped it (possibly
			// because we got an error running it and it ran anyways), the first time
			// update it to 'known running' so that it will be driven back to stopped
			mtask.unexpectedStart.Do(func() {
				llog.Warn("Container that we thought was stopped came back; re-stopping it once")
				go mtask.engine.transitionContainer(mtask.Task, container, api.ContainerStopped)
				// This will not proceed afterwards because status <= knownstatus below
	if event.Status <= container.KnownStatus {
		seelog.Infof("Redundant container state change for task %s: %s to %s, but already %s", mtask.Task, container, event.Status, container.KnownStatus)
	container.KnownStatus = event.Status

	if event.Error != nil {
		if container.ApplyingError == nil {
			container.ApplyingError = api.NewNamedError(event.Error)
		if event.Status == api.ContainerStopped {
			// If we were trying to transition to stopped and had an error, we
			// clearly can't just continue trying to transition it to stopped
			// again and again... In this case, assume it's stopped (or close
			// enough) and get on with it
			// This actually happens a lot for the case of stopping something that was not running.
			llog.Info("Error for 'docker stop' of container; assuming it's stopped anyways")
			container.KnownStatus = api.ContainerStopped
			container.DesiredStatus = api.ContainerStopped
		} else if event.Status == api.ContainerPulled {
			// Another special case; a failure to pull might not be fatal if e.g. the image already exists.
			llog.Info("Error while pulling container; will try to run anyways", "err", event.Error)
		} else {
			llog.Warn("Error with docker; stopping container", "container", container, "err", event.Error)
			container.DesiredStatus = api.ContainerStopped
			// the above 'knownstatus' is not truthful because of the error
			// No point in emitting it, just continue on to stopped

	if event.ExitCode != nil && event.ExitCode != container.KnownExitCode {
		container.KnownExitCode = event.ExitCode
	if event.PortBindings != nil {
		container.KnownPortBindings = event.PortBindings
	if event.Volumes != nil {
		mtask.UpdateMountPoints(container, event.Volumes)

	mtask.engine.emitContainerEvent(mtask.Task, container, "")
	if mtask.UpdateStatus() {
		llog.Debug("Container change also resulted in task change")
		// If knownStatus changed, let it be known
		mtask.engine.emitTaskEvent(mtask.Task, "")