예제 #1
// testExecution sets up boiler plate mocked objects then delegates to a more
// specific tester, then asserts general expectations on the mocked objects.
// It is the responsibility of the inner tester to set up expectations
// and assert specific result conditions.
func testExecution(t *testing.T, commandtester CommandTester) {
	// create mocked objects
	mockCancelFlag := new(task.MockCancelFlag)
	mockExecuter := new(executers.MockCommandExecuter)
	mockS3Uploader := new(pluginutil.MockDefaultPlugin)

	// create plugin
	p := new(Plugin)
	p.StdoutFileName = "stdout"
	p.StderrFileName = "stderr"
	p.MaxStdoutLength = 1000
	p.MaxStderrLength = 1000
	p.OutputTruncatedSuffix = "-more-"
	p.UploadToS3Sync = true
	p.ExecuteCommand = pluginutil.CommandExecuter(mockExecuter.Execute)
	p.ExecuteUploadOutputToS3Bucket = pluginutil.UploadOutputToS3BucketExecuter(mockS3Uploader.UploadOutputToS3Bucket)

	// run inner command tester
	commandtester(p, mockCancelFlag, mockExecuter, mockS3Uploader)

	// assert that the expectations were met
예제 #2
// NewPlugin returns a new instance of the plugin.
func NewPlugin(pluginConfig pluginutil.PluginConfig) (*Plugin, error) {
	var plugin Plugin
	plugin.MaxStdoutLength = pluginConfig.MaxStdoutLength
	plugin.MaxStderrLength = pluginConfig.MaxStderrLength
	plugin.StdoutFileName = pluginConfig.StdoutFileName
	plugin.StderrFileName = pluginConfig.StderrFileName
	plugin.OutputTruncatedSuffix = pluginConfig.OutputTruncatedSuffix
	plugin.Uploader = pluginutil.GetS3Config()
	plugin.ExecuteUploadOutputToS3Bucket = pluginutil.UploadOutputToS3BucketExecuter(plugin.UploadOutputToS3Bucket)

	exec := executers.ShellCommandExecuter{}
	plugin.ExecuteCommand = pluginutil.CommandExecuter(exec.Execute)

	return &plugin, nil