예제 #1
func testCommandInvokerCancel(t *testing.T, invoke CommandInvoker, cancelFlag task.CancelFlag, testCase TestCase) {
	go func() {
		time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	start := time.Now()
	stdout, stderr, exitCode, errs := invoke(testCase.Commands)
	duration := time.Since(start)

	// test that the job returned before the normal time
	assert.True(t, duration.Seconds() <= cancelWaitTimeoutSeconds, "The command took too long to kill (%v)!", duration)

	// test that we receive kill exception
	assert.Equal(t, len(errs), 1)
	assert.IsType(t, &exec.ExitError{}, errs[0])

	assertReaderEquals(t, testCase.ExpectedStdout, stdout)
	assertReaderEquals(t, testCase.ExpectedStderr, stderr)

	assert.Equal(t, exitCode, testCase.ExpectedExitCode)