func TestCpuStatsSetNotSetToInfinity(t *testing.T) {
	// timestamps will be used to simulate +Inf CPU Usage
	// timestamps[0] = timestamps[1]
	timestamps := []time.Time{
	cpuTimes := []uint64{
	memoryUtilizationInBytes := []uint64{

	// Create and add container stats
	queueLength := 3
	queue := NewQueue(queueLength)
	for i, time := range timestamps {
		queue.Add(&ContainerStats{cpuUsage: cpuTimes[i], memoryUsage: memoryUtilizationInBytes[i], timestamp: time})
	cpuStatsSet, err := queue.GetCPUStatsSet()
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error getting cpu stats set: %v", err)

	// Compute expected usage by using the 1st and 2nd data point in the input queue
	// queue.Add should have ignored the 0th item as it has the same timestamp as the
	// 1st item
	expectedCpuUsage := 100 * float32(cpuTimes[2]-cpuTimes[1]) / float32(timestamps[2].Nanosecond()-timestamps[1].Nanosecond())
	max := float32(aws.Float64Value(cpuStatsSet.Max))
	if max != expectedCpuUsage {
		t.Errorf("Computed cpuStatsSet.Max (%f) != expected value (%f)", max, expectedCpuUsage)
	sum := float32(aws.Float64Value(cpuStatsSet.Sum))
	if sum != expectedCpuUsage {
		t.Errorf("Computed cpuStatsSet.Sum (%f) != expected value (%f)", sum, expectedCpuUsage)
	min := float32(aws.Float64Value(cpuStatsSet.Min))
	if min != expectedCpuUsage {
		t.Errorf("Computed cpuStatsSet.Min (%f) != expected value (%f)", min, expectedCpuUsage)

	// Expected sample count is 1 and not 2 as one data point would be discarded on
	// account of invalid timestamp
	sampleCount := aws.Int64Value(cpuStatsSet.SampleCount)
	if sampleCount != 1 {
		t.Errorf("Computed cpuStatsSet.SampleCount (%d) != expected value (%d)", sampleCount, 1)
func launchSpecToMap(
	l *ec2.SpotFleetLaunchSpecification,
	rootDevName *string,
) map[string]interface{} {
	m := make(map[string]interface{})

	m["root_block_device"] = rootBlockDeviceToSet(l.BlockDeviceMappings, rootDevName)
	m["ebs_block_device"] = ebsBlockDevicesToSet(l.BlockDeviceMappings, rootDevName)
	m["ephemeral_block_device"] = ephemeralBlockDevicesToSet(l.BlockDeviceMappings)

	if l.ImageId != nil {
		m["ami"] = aws.StringValue(l.ImageId)

	if l.InstanceType != nil {
		m["instance_type"] = aws.StringValue(l.InstanceType)

	if l.SpotPrice != nil {
		m["spot_price"] = aws.StringValue(l.SpotPrice)

	if l.EbsOptimized != nil {
		m["ebs_optimized"] = aws.BoolValue(l.EbsOptimized)

	if l.Monitoring != nil && l.Monitoring.Enabled != nil {
		m["monitoring"] = aws.BoolValue(l.Monitoring.Enabled)

	if l.IamInstanceProfile != nil && l.IamInstanceProfile.Name != nil {
		m["iam_instance_profile"] = aws.StringValue(l.IamInstanceProfile.Name)

	if l.UserData != nil {
		ud_dec, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(aws.StringValue(l.UserData))
		if err == nil {
			m["user_data"] = string(ud_dec)

	if l.KeyName != nil {
		m["key_name"] = aws.StringValue(l.KeyName)

	if l.Placement != nil {
		m["availability_zone"] = aws.StringValue(l.Placement.AvailabilityZone)

	if l.SubnetId != nil {
		m["subnet_id"] = aws.StringValue(l.SubnetId)

	if l.WeightedCapacity != nil {
		m["weighted_capacity"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.3f", aws.Float64Value(l.WeightedCapacity))

	// m["security_groups"] = securityGroupsToSet(l.SecutiryGroups)
	return m
예제 #3
파일: alarms.go 프로젝트: murdinc/awsm
// Marshal parses the response from the aws sdk into an awsm Alarm
func (a *Alarm) Marshal(alarm *cloudwatch.MetricAlarm, region string) {
	var dimensions []string
	var operator string

	for _, dim := range alarm.Dimensions {
		dimensions = append(dimensions, aws.StringValue(dim.Name)+" = "+aws.StringValue(dim.Value))

	switch aws.StringValue(alarm.ComparisonOperator) {
	case "GreaterThanThreshold":
		operator = ">"

	case "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold":
		operator = ">="

	case "LessThanThreshold":
		operator = "<"

	case "LessThanOrEqualToThreshold":
		operator = "<="

	var actionArns []string
	var actionNames []string

	for _, action := range alarm.AlarmActions {
		arnStr := aws.StringValue(action)
		actionArns = append(actionArns, arnStr)

		arn, err := ParseArn(arnStr)
		if err == nil {
			actionNames = append(actionNames, arn.PolicyName)
		} else {
			actionNames = append(actionNames, "??????")

	a.Name = aws.StringValue(alarm.AlarmName)
	a.Arn = aws.StringValue(alarm.AlarmArn)
	a.Description = aws.StringValue(alarm.AlarmDescription)
	a.State = aws.StringValue(alarm.StateValue)
	a.Trigger = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %d (%s)", aws.StringValue(alarm.MetricName), operator, int(aws.Float64Value(alarm.Threshold)), aws.StringValue(alarm.Statistic))
	a.Period = fmt.Sprint(aws.Int64Value(alarm.Period))
	a.EvalPeriods = fmt.Sprint(aws.Int64Value(alarm.EvaluationPeriods))
	a.ActionArns = actionArns
	a.ActionNames = strings.Join(actionNames, ", ")
	a.Dimensions = strings.Join(dimensions, ", ")
	a.Namespace = aws.StringValue(alarm.Namespace)
	a.Region = region