예제 #1
파일: ecs.go 프로젝트: colinmutter/go-ecs
// GetContainerInstances will return a slice of ECS Container Instances within a cluster
func GetContainerInstances(svc *ecs.ECS, ec2svc *ec2.EC2, cluster *string) (containerInstances []*ecs.ContainerInstance, instances []*ec2.Reservation, e error) {

	var ciArns []*string

	// List clusters
	reqParams := &ecs.ListContainerInstancesInput{
		Cluster:    cluster,
		MaxResults: aws.Int64(100),
		NextToken:  aws.String(""),

	// Loop through tokens until no more results remain
	for {
		resp, err := svc.ListContainerInstances(reqParams)

		// Error check
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ecs.ListContainerInstances: %s", err.Error())

		// Expand slice of container instances and append to our comprehensive list
		ciArns = append(ciArns, resp.ContainerInstanceArns...)

		// Cycle token
		if resp.NextToken != nil {
			reqParams.NextToken = resp.NextToken
		} else {
			// Kill loop ... out of response pages


	// Describe the tasks that we just got back
	ciResponse, err := svc.DescribeContainerInstances(&ecs.DescribeContainerInstancesInput{
		Cluster:            cluster,
		ContainerInstances: ciArns,

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ecs.DescribeContainerInstances: %s", err.Error())

	var instanceIds []*string
	for _, k := range ciResponse.ContainerInstances {
		instanceIds = append(instanceIds, k.Ec2InstanceId)

	// Create a map of container instances by ci arn...
	// Note: Will work for <= 1000 instances w/o having to use NextToken
	ec2Resp, err := ec2svc.DescribeInstances(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
		InstanceIds: instanceIds,

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("ec2.DescribeInstances: %s", err.Error())

	return ciResponse.ContainerInstances, ec2Resp.Reservations, nil
예제 #2
func containerInstances(e *ecspkg.ECS, cluster *string) []*string {
	instances := []*string{}
	next := aws.String("")
	for next != nil {
		input := ecspkg.ListContainerInstancesInput{
			Cluster: cluster,
		if next != nil && *next != "" {
			input.NextToken = next
		output, err := e.ListContainerInstances(&input)
		instances = append(instances, output.ContainerInstanceArns...)
		next = output.NextToken
	return instances