예제 #1
func (sis SegmentInfos) SegmentsFileName() string {
	return util.FileNameFromGeneration(util.SEGMENTS, "", sis.lastGeneration)
예제 #2
// TODO support IndexCommit
func (fsf *FindSegmentsFile) run() (obj interface{}, err error) {
	log.Print("Finding segments file...")
	// if commit != nil {
	// 	if fsf.directory != commit.Directory {
	// 		return nil, errors.New("the specified commit does not match the specified Directory")
	// 	}
	// 	return fsf.doBody(commit.SegmentsFileName)
	// }

	lastGen := int64(-1)
	gen := int64(0)
	genLookaheadCount := 0
	var exc error
	retryCount := 0

	useFirstMethod := true

	// Loop until we succeed in calling doBody() without
	// hitting an IOException.  An IOException most likely
	// means a commit was in process and has finished, in
	// the time it took us to load the now-old infos files
	// (and segments files).  It's also possible it's a
	// true error (corrupt index).  To distinguish these,
	// on each retry we must see "forward progress" on
	// which generation we are trying to load.  If we
	// don't, then the original error is real and we throw
	// it.

	// We have three methods for determining the current
	// generation.  We try the first two in parallel (when
	// useFirstMethod is true), and fall back to the third
	// when necessary.

	for {
		if useFirstMethod {
			log.Print("Trying first method...")
			// List the directory and use the highest
			// segments_N file.  This method works well as long
			// as there is no stale caching on the directory
			// contents (NOTE: NFS clients often have such stale
			// caching):
			genA := int64(-1)

			files, err := fsf.directory.ListAll()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if files != nil {
				genA = LastCommitGeneration(files)

			// TODO support info stream
			// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
			// 	message("directory listing genA=" + genA)
			// }
			log.Printf("directory listing genA=%v", genA)

			// Also open segments.gen and read its
			// contents.  Then we take the larger of the two
			// gens.  This way, if either approach is hitting
			// a stale cache (NFS) we have a better chance of
			// getting the right generation.
			genB := int64(-1)
			genInput, err := fsf.directory.OpenInput(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN, store.IO_CONTEXT_READ)
			if err != nil {
				// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
				log.Printf("segments.gen open: %v", err)
				// }
			} else {
				defer genInput.Close()
				log.Print("Reading segments info...")

				version, err := genInput.ReadInt()
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				log.Printf("Version: %v", version)
					log.Print("Version is current.")
					gen0, err := genInput.ReadLong()
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					gen1, err := genInput.ReadLong()
					if err != nil {
						return nil, err
					} else {
						// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
						log.Printf("fallback check: %v; %v", gen0, gen1)
						// }
						if gen0 == gen1 {
							// The file is consistent.
							genB = gen0
				} else {
					return nil, codec.NewIndexFormatTooNewError(genInput, version, FORMAT_SEGMENTS_GEN_CURRENT, FORMAT_SEGMENTS_GEN_CURRENT)

			// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
			log.Printf("%v check: genB=%v", INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS_GEN, genB)
			// }

			// Pick the larger of the two gen's:
			gen = genA
			if genB > gen {
				gen = genB

			if gen == -1 {
				// Neither approach found a generation
				return nil, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("no segments* file found in %v: files: %#v", fsf.directory, files))

		if useFirstMethod && lastGen == gen && retryCount >= 2 {
			// Give up on first method -- this is 3rd cycle on
			// listing directory and checking gen file to
			// attempt to locate the segments file.
			useFirstMethod = false

		// Second method: since both directory cache and
		// file contents cache seem to be stale, just
		// advance the generation.
		if !useFirstMethod {
			if genLookaheadCount < fsf.defaultGenLookaheadCount {
				// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
				log.Printf("look ahead increment gen to %v", gen)
				// }
			} else {
				// All attempts have failed -- throw first exc:
				return nil, exc
		} else if lastGen == gen {
			// This means we're about to try the same
			// segments_N last tried.
		} else {
			// Segment file has advanced since our last loop
			// (we made "progress"), so reset retryCount:
			retryCount = 0

		lastGen = gen
		segmentFileName := util.FileNameFromGeneration(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS, "", gen)
		log.Printf("SegmentFileName: %v", segmentFileName)

		v, err := fsf.doBody(segmentFileName)
		if err != nil {
			// Save the original root cause:
			if exc == nil {
				exc = err

			// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
			log.Printf("primary Exception on '%v': %v; will retry: retryCount = %v; gen = %v",
				segmentFileName, err, retryCount, gen)
			// }

			if gen > 1 && useFirstMethod && retryCount == 1 {
				// This is our second time trying this same segments
				// file (because retryCount is 1), and, there is
				// possibly a segments_(N-1) (because gen > 1).
				// So, check if the segments_(N-1) exists and
				// try it if so:
				prevSegmentFileName := util.FileNameFromGeneration(INDEX_FILENAME_SEGMENTS, "", gen-1)

				if prevExists := fsf.directory.FileExists(prevSegmentFileName); prevExists {
					// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
					log.Printf("fallback to prior segment file '%v'", prevSegmentFileName)
					// }
					v, err = fsf.doBody(prevSegmentFileName)
					if err != nil {
						// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
						log.Printf("secondary Exception on '%v': %v; will retry", prevSegmentFileName, err)
					} else {
						// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
						log.Printf("success on fallback %v", prevSegmentFileName)
						return v, nil
		} else {
			// if fsf.infoStream != nil {
			log.Printf("success on %v", segmentFileName)
			// }
			return v, nil