// Memset sets the Slice's components to the specified values. func Memset(s *data.Slice, val ...float32) { util.Argument(len(val) == s.NComp()) str := stream() for c, v := range val { cu.MemsetD32Async(cu.DevicePtr(s.DevPtr(c)), math.Float32bits(v), int64(s.Len()), str) } syncAndRecycle(str) }
// return a 1-float CUDA reduction buffer from a pool // initialized to initVal func reduceBuf(initVal float32) unsafe.Pointer { if reduceBuffers == nil { initReduceBuf() } buf := <-reduceBuffers str := stream() cu.MemsetD32Async(cu.DevicePtr(buf), math.Float32bits(initVal), 1, str) syncAndRecycle(str) return buf }
// Set the entire slice to this value, asynchronously. func (s Float32s) MemsetAsync(value float32, stream cu.Stream) { cu.MemsetD32Async(s.Pointer(), math.Float32bits(value), int64(s.Len()), stream) }
// zero 1-component slice func zero1(dst *data.Slice, str cu.Stream) { cu.MemsetD32Async(cu.DevicePtr(dst.DevPtr(0)), 0, int64(dst.Len()), str) }