func main() { utils.Log("Dingus starting") // Creates a gin router with default middleware: // logger and recovery (crash-free) middleware router := gin.Default() router.LoadHTMLGlob("templates/*.tmpl") router.Static("/public", "./public") public := router.Group("/") { public.GET("/", controllers.Hello) public.GET("/sign-up", controllers.SignUp) public.POST("/sign-up", controllers.ProcessSignUp) public.POST("/login", controllers.Login) public.GET("/automatic-redirect", controllers.AutomaticRedirect) } protected := router.Group("/", middleware.AuthRequired) { protected.GET("/dashboard", controllers.Dashboard) protected.POST("/logout", controllers.Logout) } // Listen and server on err := router.Run(":" + config.Port()) utils.Log("Dingus stopping") if err != nil { utils.LogError(err) } }
func AuthRequired(c *gin.Context) { // before request, make sure we have a session // and that they have a handle session := sessions.Get(c) if !session.IsLoggedIn() { utils.Log("Nobody logged in, going to login screen.") c.Redirect(http.StatusMovedPermanently, "/") return } c.Next() // after request }