예제 #1
func askForDevelopmentBranch() (string, error) {
	branches, err := git.LocalBranches()
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	defaultBranchIdx := -1
	for idx, branch := range branches {
		if strings.HasPrefix(branch, "* ") {
			defaultBranchIdx = idx

	question := "Select your development branch!"

	answer := ""
	if defaultBranchIdx != -1 {
		answer, err = goinp.SelectFromStringsWithDefault(question, defaultBranchIdx+1, branches)
	} else {
		answer, err = goinp.SelectFromStrings(question, branches)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	// 'git branch --list' marks the current branch with (* )
	if strings.HasPrefix(answer, "* ") {
		answer = strings.TrimPrefix(answer, "* ")
	return answer, nil
예제 #2
func scanXamarinProject(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	absExportOutputDirPath, err := initExportOutputDir()
	if err != nil {
		return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to prepare Export directory: %s", err)

	logOutput := ""
	xamarinCmd := xamarin.CommandModel{}
	if paramXamarinOutputLogFilePath != "" {
		xamLog, err := fileutil.ReadStringFromFile(paramXamarinOutputLogFilePath)
		if err != nil {
			return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to read log from the specified log file, error: %s", err)
		logOutput = xamLog
	} else {
		// --- Inputs ---

		// Xamarin Solution Path
		xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath = paramXamarinSolutionFilePath
		if xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath == "" {
			askText := `Please drag-and-drop your Xamarin Solution (` + colorstring.Green(".sln") + `)
   file here, and then hit Enter`
			projpth, err := goinp.AskForPath(askText)
			if err != nil {
				return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to read input: %s", err)
			xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath = projpth
		log.Debugf("xamSolutionPth: %s", xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath)

		xamSln, err := solution.New(xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath, true)
		if err != nil {
			return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to analyze Xamarin solution: %s", err)
		log.Debugf("xamSln: %#v", xamSln)
		// filter only the iOS "app"" projects
		xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom := []project.Model{}
		for _, aXamarinProject := range xamSln.ProjectMap {
			switch aXamarinProject.ProjectType {
			case constants.ProjectTypeIOS, constants.ProjectTypeTvOS, constants.ProjectTypeMacOS:
				if aXamarinProject.OutputType == "exe" {
					// possible project
					xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom = append(xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom, aXamarinProject)
		log.Debugf("len(xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom): %#v", len(xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom))
		log.Debugf("xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom: %#v", xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom)

		// Xamarin Project
		selectedXamarinProject := project.Model{}
			if len(xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom) < 1 {
				return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError(
					"No acceptable Project found in the provided Solution, or none can be used for iOS Archive.",

			if paramXamarinProjectName != "" {
				// project specified via flag/param
				for _, aProj := range xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom {
					if paramXamarinProjectName == aProj.Name {
						selectedXamarinProject = aProj
				if selectedXamarinProject.Name == "" {
					return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError(
						`Invalid Project specified (%s), either not found in the provided Solution or it can't be used for iOS "Archive for Publishing".`,
			} else {
				// no project CLI param specified
				if len(xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom) == 1 {
					selectedXamarinProject = xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom[0]
				} else {
					projectNames := []string{}
					for _, aProj := range xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom {
						projectNames = append(projectNames, aProj.Name)
					answerValue, err := goinp.SelectFromStrings(
						`Select the Project Name you use for "Archive for Publishing" (usually ends with ".iOS", e.g.: MyProject.iOS)?`,
					if err != nil {
						return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to select Project: %s", err)
					log.Debugf("selected project: %v", answerValue)
					for _, aProj := range xamarinProjectsToChooseFrom {
						if answerValue == aProj.Name {
							selectedXamarinProject = aProj
		xamarinCmd.ProjectName = selectedXamarinProject.Name
		log.Debugf("xamarinCmd.ProjectName: %s", xamarinCmd.ProjectName)

		log.Debugf("selectedXamarinProject.Configs: %#v", selectedXamarinProject.Configs)

		// Xamarin Configuration Name
		selectedXamarinConfigurationName := ""
			acceptableConfigs := []string{}
			for configName, aConfig := range selectedXamarinProject.Configs {
				if aConfig.Platform == "iPhone" {
					if aConfig.Configuration == "Release" {
						// ios & tvOS app
						acceptableConfigs = append(acceptableConfigs, configName)
				} else if aConfig.Platform == "x86" {
					if aConfig.Configuration == "Release" || aConfig.Configuration == "Debug" {
						// MacOS app
						acceptableConfigs = append(acceptableConfigs, configName)
			if len(acceptableConfigs) < 1 {
				return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError(
					`No acceptable Configuration found in the provided Solution and Project, or none can be used for iOS "Archive for Publishing".`,

			if paramXamarinConfigurationName != "" {
				// configuration specified via flag/param
				for _, aConfigName := range acceptableConfigs {
					if paramXamarinConfigurationName == aConfigName {
						selectedXamarinConfigurationName = aConfigName
				if selectedXamarinConfigurationName == "" {
					return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError(
						"Invalid Configuration specified (%s), either not found in the provided Solution and Project or it can't be used for iOS Archive.",
			} else {
				// no configuration CLI param specified
				if len(acceptableConfigs) == 1 {
					selectedXamarinConfigurationName = acceptableConfigs[0]
				} else {
					answerValue, err := goinp.SelectFromStrings(
						`Select the Configuration Name you use for "Archive for Publishing" (usually Release|iPhone)?`,
					if err != nil {
						return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to select Configuration: %s", err)
					log.Debugf("selected configuration: %v", answerValue)
					selectedXamarinConfigurationName = answerValue
		if selectedXamarinConfigurationName == "" {
			return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError(
				`No acceptable Configuration found (it was empty) in the provided Solution and Project, or none can be used for iOS "Archive for Publishing".`,
		xamarinCmd.ConfigurationName = selectedXamarinConfigurationName

		log.Println(`🔦  Running a Build, to get all the required code signing settings...`)
		xamLogOut, err := xamarinCmd.GenerateLog()
		logOutput = xamLogOut
		// save the xamarin output into a debug log file
		logOutputFilePath := filepath.Join(absExportOutputDirPath, "xamarin-build-output.log")
			log.Infof("  💡  "+colorstring.Yellow("Saving xamarin output into file")+": %s", logOutputFilePath)
			if logWriteErr := fileutil.WriteStringToFile(logOutputFilePath, logOutput); logWriteErr != nil {
				log.Errorf("Failed to save xamarin build output into file (%s), error: %s", logOutputFilePath, logWriteErr)
			} else if err != nil {
				log.Infoln(colorstring.Yellow("Please check the logfile (" + logOutputFilePath + ") to see what caused the error"))
				log.Infoln(colorstring.Red(`and make sure that you can "Archive for Publishing" this project from Xamarin!`))
				log.Infoln("Open the project: ", xamarinCmd.SolutionFilePath)
				log.Infoln(`And do "Archive for Publishing", after selecting the Configuration: `, xamarinCmd.ConfigurationName)
		if err != nil {
			return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to run xamarin build command: %s", err)

	codeSigningSettings, err := xamarinCmd.ScanCodeSigningSettings(logOutput)
	if err != nil {
		return printXamarinScanFinishedWithError("Failed to detect code signing settings: %s", err)
	log.Debugf("codeSigningSettings: %#v", codeSigningSettings)

	return exportCodeSigningFiles("Xamarin Studio", absExportOutputDirPath, codeSigningSettings)
예제 #3
func scanXcodeProject(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
	absExportOutputDirPath, err := initExportOutputDir()
	if err != nil {
		return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to prepare Export directory: %s", err)

	xcodebuildOutput := ""
	xcodeCmd := xcode.CommandModel{}
	if paramXcodebuildOutputLogFilePath != "" {
		xcLog, err := fileutil.ReadStringFromFile(paramXcodebuildOutputLogFilePath)
		if err != nil {
			return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to read log from the specified log file, error: %s", err)
		xcodebuildOutput = xcLog
	} else {
		projectPath := paramXcodeProjectFilePath
		if projectPath == "" {
			askText := `Please drag-and-drop your Xcode Project (` + colorstring.Green(".xcodeproj") + `)
   or Workspace (` + colorstring.Green(".xcworkspace") + `) file, the one you usually open in Xcode,
   then hit Enter.

  (Note: if you have a Workspace file you should most likely use that)`
			projpth, err := goinp.AskForPath(askText)
			if err != nil {
				return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to read input: %s", err)
			projectPath = projpth
		log.Debugf("projectPath: %s", projectPath)
		xcodeCmd.ProjectFilePath = projectPath

		schemeToUse := paramXcodeScheme
		if schemeToUse == "" {
			log.Println("🔦  Scanning Schemes ...")
			schemes, err := xcodeCmd.ScanSchemes()
			if err != nil {
				return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to scan Schemes: %s", err)
			log.Debugf("schemes: %v", schemes)

			selectedScheme, err := goinp.SelectFromStrings("Select the Scheme you usually use in Xcode", schemes)
			if err != nil {
				return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to select Scheme: %s", err)
			log.Debugf("selected scheme: %v", selectedScheme)
			schemeToUse = selectedScheme
		xcodeCmd.Scheme = schemeToUse

		log.Println("🔦  Running an Xcode Archive, to get all the required code signing settings...")
		xcLog, err := xcodeCmd.GenerateLog()
		xcodebuildOutput = xcLog
		// save the xcodebuild output into a debug log file
		xcodebuildOutputFilePath := filepath.Join(absExportOutputDirPath, "xcodebuild-output.log")
			log.Infof("  💡  "+colorstring.Yellow("Saving xcodebuild output into file")+": %s", xcodebuildOutputFilePath)
			if logWriteErr := fileutil.WriteStringToFile(xcodebuildOutputFilePath, xcodebuildOutput); logWriteErr != nil {
				log.Errorf("Failed to save xcodebuild output into file (%s), error: %s", xcodebuildOutputFilePath, logWriteErr)
			} else if err != nil {
				log.Infoln(colorstring.Yellow("Please check the logfile (" + xcodebuildOutputFilePath + ") to see what caused the error"))
				log.Infoln(colorstring.Red("and make sure that you can Archive this project from Xcode!"))
				log.Infoln("Open the project:", xcodeCmd.ProjectFilePath)
				log.Infoln("and Archive, using the Scheme:", xcodeCmd.Scheme)
		if err != nil {
			return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to run Xcode Archive: %s", err)

	codeSigningSettings, err := xcodeCmd.ScanCodeSigningSettings(xcodebuildOutput)
	if err != nil {
		return printXcodeScanFinishedWithError("Failed to detect code signing settings: %s", err)
	log.Debugf("codeSigningSettings: %#v", codeSigningSettings)

	return exportCodeSigningFiles("Xcode", absExportOutputDirPath, codeSigningSettings)