예제 #1
파일: api.go 프로젝트: kovetskiy/mark
func NewAPI(baseURL string, username string, password string) *API {
	auth := &gopencils.BasicAuth{username, password}

	return &API{
		rest: gopencils.Api(baseURL+"/rest/api", auth),

		json: gopencils.Api(
예제 #2
파일: probes.go 프로젝트: keltia/ripe-atlas
// GetProbes returns data for a collection of probes
func GetProbes(opts map[string]string) (p []Probe, err error) {
	auth := WantAuth()
	api := gopencils.Api(apiEndpoint, auth)

	rawlist, err := fetchOneProbePage(api, opts)

	// Empty answer
	if rawlist.Count == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty probe list")

	var res []Probe

	res = append(res, rawlist.Results...)
	if rawlist.Next != "" {
		// We have pagination
		for pn := getPageNum(rawlist.Next); rawlist.Next != ""; pn = getPageNum(rawlist.Next) {
			opts["page"] = pn

			rawlist, err = fetchOneProbePage(api, opts)
			if err != nil {

			res = append(res, rawlist.Results...)
	p = res
예제 #3
// The user will be redirected back to this handler, that takes the
// "code" query parameter and Exchanges it for an access token.
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	t := &oauth.Transport{Config: config}
	// The Transport now has a valid Token. Create an *http.Client
	// with which we can make authenticated API requests.
	c := t.Client()

	// Now you can pass the authenticated Client to gopencils, and
	// it will be used to make all the requests
	api := gopencils.Api("http://your-api-url.com/api/", c)

	// Create a pointer to our response struct, which will hold the response
	re := &respStruct{}
	// Maybe some payload to send along with the request?
	payload := map[string]interface{}{"Key1": "Value1"}

	// Perform a GET request
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/users
	api.Res("users", re).Get()

	// Perform a GET request with Querystring
	querystring := map[string]string{"page": "100"}
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/users/123/items?page=100
	api.Res("users").Id(123).Res("items", re).Get(querystring)

	// Or perform a POST Request
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/items/123 with payload as json Data
	api.Res("items", re).Id(123).Post(payload)
예제 #4
func main() {

	// Load defaultd if any
	config, err := LoadConfig(TAG)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Warning: missing or unreadable config.toml as %s\n", TAG)


	// Check if we have anything on the command-line
	if fId == "" {
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error: no default Id and nothing on command-line")
		fId = config.Id

	api := gopencils.Api(API)

	query := map[string]string{"id": fId}
	answer := new(RestAnswer)

	api.Res("probe/", answer).Get(query)

	fmt.Printf("Result:\n  %v", answer)
예제 #5
파일: stash.go 프로젝트: kovetskiy/linterd
func getStashAPI(host, user, pass string) (*StashAPI, error) {
	return &StashAPI{
			&gopencils.BasicAuth{user, pass},
	}, nil
예제 #6
func Start(url string) (*CveClient, error) {
	if url != "" {
		api := gopencils.Api(url)
		cve_client := CveClient{api: api}
		return &cve_client, nil
	} else {
		return nil, errors.New("You must specify an url")
예제 #7
// GetMeasurement gets info for a single one
func GetMeasurement(id int) (m *Measurement, err error) {
	auth := WantAuth()
	api := gopencils.Api(apiEndpoint, auth)
	r, err := api.Res("measurements").Id(id, &m).Get()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("%v - r:%#v\n", err, r.Raw)
예제 #8
파일: probes.go 프로젝트: keltia/ripe-atlas
// GetProbe returns data for a single probe
func GetProbe(id int) (p *Probe, err error) {
	auth := WantAuth()
	api := gopencils.Api(apiEndpoint, auth)
	r, err := api.Res("probes").Id(id, &p).Get()
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("err: %v - r:%v\n", err, r)
예제 #9
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
func getHistory(auth *gopencils.BasicAuth, profid string) ([]*model.Change, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl, auth)

	changes := []*model.Change{}
	res, err := api.Res("profile").Id(profid).Res("history", &changes).Get()

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return changes, nil
예제 #10
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
func updateProfile(auth *gopencils.BasicAuth, profile *model.Profile) (*model.Profile, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl, auth)

	updatedProfile := &model.Profile{}
	res, err := api.Res("profile", updatedProfile).Put(profile)

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return profile, nil
예제 #11
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
func getProfile(profid string) (*model.Profile, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl)

	profile := &model.Profile{}
	res, err := api.Res("profile", profile).Id(profid).Get()

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return profile, nil
예제 #12
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
func allProfiles() ([]*model.Profile, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl)

	profiles := []*model.Profile{}
	res, err := api.Res("profile").Res("all", &profiles).Get()

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return profiles, nil
예제 #13
func main() {
	api := gopencils.Api("http://localhost:5080/api")
	resp := new(interface{})

	// Perform a GET request
	// URL Requested: /api/users
	//Authorization: Bearer W8Ijq0B78JMzYIF26XdakL7od9a4OR
	res := api.Res("todos", resp)
	res.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer O6fm69RSKPICKQ2xcNXM7wTp5pMsHl")
	res, _ = res.Get()
예제 #14
func (k *KibanaApi) Delete(item KibanaItem) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(k.Uri)
	var response interface{}
	var err error
	if api, err = api.Res(item.Type, &response).Id(item.Id).Delete(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if response == nil {
		return nil, nil
	return response.(map[string]interface{}), nil
예제 #15
func (k *KibanaApi) Get(items []KibanaItem) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(k.Uri)
	var response interface{}

	postData := make(map[string]interface{})
	postData["docs"] = items
	//postJson, _ := json.Marshal(postData);
	_, err := api.Res("/_mget", &response).Post(postData)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return response.(map[string]interface{}), nil
예제 #16
func (k *KibanaApi) Create(item map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	querystring := map[string]string{"op_type": "create"}

	api := gopencils.Api(k.Uri)

	var response interface{}
	var err error
	if api, err = api.Res(item["_type"], &response).Id(item["_id"]).SetQuery(querystring).Post(item["_source"]); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if response == nil {
		return nil, nil
	return response.(map[string]interface{}), nil
예제 #17
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
// returns profile id
func confirm(userid string) (string, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl)

	outmap := map[string]interface{}{}
	res, err := api.Res("user").Id(userid).Res("confirm", &outmap).Get()

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return "", err

	id, ok := outmap["id"].(string)
	if !ok {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("can't get user id, resp: %#v", outmap)

	return id, nil
예제 #18
func (k *KibanaApi) Search(itemType string) ([]KibanaItem, error) {
	var response interface{}
	api := gopencils.Api(k.Uri)
	querystring := map[string]string{"size": "100"}
	if _, err := api.Res(itemType+"/_search", &response).SetQuery(querystring).Get(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	hits := response.(map[string]interface{})["hits"].(map[string]interface{})["hits"]
	items := hits.([]interface{})

	result := make([]KibanaItem, 0)
	for _, x := range items {
		m := x.(map[string]interface{})
		result = append(result, KibanaItem{m["_id"].(string), m["_type"].(string)})

	return result, nil
예제 #19
파일: juno_test.go 프로젝트: Kaign/juno
// returns user id
func createUser(email, pass string) (string, error) {
	api := gopencils.Api(apiurl)
	user := &model.User{
		Email:    email,
		Password: pass,

	outmap := map[string]interface{}{}
	res, err := api.Res("user", &outmap).Post(user)

	if err = checkErr(res, err); err != nil {
		return "", err

	id, ok := outmap["id"].(string)
	if !ok {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("can't get user id, resp: %#v", outmap)

	return id, nil
예제 #20
func main() {
	// Create Basic Auth
	auth := gopencils.BasicAuth{"username", "password"}
	// Create New Api with our auth
	api := gopencils.Api("http://your-api-url.com/api/", &auth)

	// Maybe some payload to send along with the request?
	payload := map[string]interface{}{"Key": "Value1"}
	resp := new(respStruct)
	// Perform a GET request
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/users
	api.Res("users", &respStruct{}).Get()

	// Get Single Item
	api.Res("users", &respStruct{}).Id(1).Get()

	// Perform a GET request with Querystring
	querystring := map[string]string{"page": "100", "per_page": "1000"}
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/users/123/items?page=100&per_page=1000
	api.Res("users").Id(123).Res("items", resp).Get(querystring)

	// Or perform a POST Request
	// URL Requested: http://your-api-url.com/api/items/123 with payload as json Data
	api.Res("items", resp).Id(123).Post(payload)

	// Users endpoint
	users := api.Res("users")

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		// Create a new pointer to response Struct
		user := new(respStruct)
		// Get user with id i into the newly created response struct
		users.Id(i, user).Get()

예제 #21
파일: fetcher.go 프로젝트: mattias/go-pcdsh
func fetchNewData(configuration Configuration) {
	db, err := sql.Open("mysql", configuration.Datasource)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	err = db.Ping()
	if err != nil {

	logsOut, err := db.Prepare("SELECT `time`, `index` FROM `logs` ORDER BY `time` DESC, `index` DESC LIMIT 1")
	if err != nil {
	defer logsOut.Close()

	logsIns, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO logs VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )")
	if err != nil {
	defer logsIns.Close()

	logAttributesIns, err := db.Prepare("INSERT INTO log_attributes VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ? )")
	if err != nil {
	defer logAttributesIns.Close()

	var (
		start                                    time.Time
		elapsed                                  time.Duration
		logEntryTime                             time.Time
		index, preCount                          int64
		extraLogs                                int64 = 10
		serverLogLimit                           int64 = 10000
		api                                            = gopencils.Api(configuration.BaseUrl)
		resp                                           = new(RespStruct)
		firstLog, logCount, refid, participantid float64
		finalCount                               string
		querystring                              map[string]string
		entries                                  int

	for {
		start = time.Now()

		err = logsOut.QueryRow().Scan(&logEntryTime, &index)
		if err != nil {

		log.Printf("Last log entry was from: %v", logEntryTime)
		log.Printf("Last log entry index was: %d", index)
		_, err = api.Res("log/overview", resp).Get()

		firstLog = resp.Response["first"].(float64)
		logCount = resp.Response["count"].(float64) + firstLog
		if logCount == 0 {
			log.Println("Logcount was 0")
			// Fresh restarted server, not much to do here
			elapsed := time.Since(start)
			log.Println("Server just restarted, nothing to fetch")
			log.Printf("Fetching data took %s", elapsed)
			log.Println("Fetcher idling for 15 minutes")
			time.Sleep(15 * time.Minute)

		preCount = (int64(logCount) - index) + extraLogs

		if preCount < 0 {
			log.Println("Precount was less than 0!")
			preCount = 1

		if preCount > serverLogLimit+extraLogs {
			log.Println("precount was larger than server log limit + extra logs")
			preCount = serverLogLimit + extraLogs

		finalCount = strconv.Itoa(int(preCount))

		log.Printf("Fetching %s log entries from server", finalCount)

		querystring = map[string]string{"offset": "-" + finalCount, "count": finalCount}

		_, err = api.Res("log/range", resp).Get(querystring)

		entries = 0
		if err != nil {
		} else {

			for _, event := range resp.Response["events"].([]interface{}) {
				event, _ := event.(map[string]interface{})

				if int64(event["index"].(float64)) <= index && preCount != 1 {


				switch event["refid"].(type) {
				case float64:
					refid = event["refid"].(float64)
					refid = 0

				switch event["participantid"].(type) {
				case float64:
					participantid = event["participantid"].(float64)
					participantid = 0

				result, err := logsIns.Exec(
					time.Unix(int64(event["time"].(float64)), 0),
				if err != nil {

				lastInsertedId, err := result.LastInsertId()
				if err != nil {

				for key, value := range event["attributes"].(map[string]interface{}) {
					_, err = logAttributesIns.Exec(nil, lastInsertedId, key, value)
					if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Added %d new log entries out of %s fetched ones", entries, finalCount)
		elapsed = time.Since(start)
		log.Printf("Fetching data took %s", elapsed)
		log.Println("Fetcher idling for 15 minutes")
		time.Sleep(15 * time.Minute)
예제 #22
파일: engine.go 프로젝트: aonx/momonga
func (self *Momonga) SendPublishMessage(msg *codec.PublishMessage, client_id string, is_bridged bool) {
	// Don't pass wrong message here. user should validate the message be ore using this API.
	if len(msg.TopicName) < 1 {
	rpc, jsonObj := stringutils.IsJsonRpc(string(msg.Payload))
	if rpc {
		fmt.Println("******************** message *****************", jsonObj)
		obj := jsonObj.(map[string]interface{})
		method := obj["method"]
		paramsObj := obj["params"].(map[string]interface{})
		// lets pick params and create a query string
		params := url.Values{}
		for k, v := range paramsObj {
			if str, ok := v.(string); ok {
				params.Add(k, str)
		api := gopencils.Api("http://localhost:5080/api")
		resp := new(interface{})

		res := api.Res(strings.Replace(msg.TopicName, "/data/", "", 1), resp)
		res.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer 2eEkMA6x7NmNQwzpE3qLvgvQgdILER")

		switch method {
		case "get":
			fmt.Println(client_id, "GET ", msg.TopicName, params.Encode())
		case "create":
			fmt.Println(client_id, "POST ", msg.TopicName, params.Encode())
		case "update":
			fmt.Println(client_id, "PUT ", msg.TopicName, params.Encode())
		case "delete":
			fmt.Println(client_id, "DELETE ", msg.TopicName, params.Encode())
		result, _ := json.Marshal(*resp)
		msg.TopicName = "/client/" + client_id
		msg.Payload = result

	// TODO: Have to persist retain message.
	if msg.Retain > 0 {
		if len(msg.Payload) == 0 {
			log.Debug("[DELETE RETAIN: %s]\n%s", msg.TopicName, hex.Dump([]byte(msg.TopicName)))

			err := self.DataStore.Del([]byte(msg.TopicName), []byte(msg.TopicName))
			if err != nil {
				log.Error("Error: %s\n", err)
			// これ配送したらおかしいべ
			log.Debug("Deleted retain: %s", msg.TopicName)
			// あれ、ackとかかえすんだっけ?
		} else {
			buffer := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
			codec.WriteMessageTo(msg, buffer)
			self.DataStore.Put([]byte(msg.TopicName), buffer.Bytes())

	if Mflags["experimental.qos1"] {
		if msg.QosLevel == 1 {
			targets := self.TopicMatcher.Match(msg.TopicName)

			go func(msg *codec.PublishMessage, set []interface{}) {
				p := make(chan string, 1000)
				wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
				wg.Add(3) // bulk sernder, retry kun, receive kun

				mchan := make(chan string, 256)
				term := make(chan bool, 1)
				cnt := len(set)
				mng := make(map[string]*codec.PublishMessage)

				// retry kun。こういう実装だととても楽
				go func(term chan bool, mchan chan string, mng map[string]*codec.PublishMessage) {
					for {
						select {
						case m := <-mchan:
							if msg, ok := mng[m]; ok {
								conn, err := self.GetConnectionByClientId(m)
								if err != nil {
									fmt.Printf("something wrong: %s %s", m, err)

								if err == nil {
									log.Debug("sending a retry msg: %s", msg)
								} else {
									log.Debug("connection not exist. next retry")
						case <-term:
							log.Debug("  retry finished.")

				}(term, mchan, mng)

				// reader
				go func(p chan string, term chan bool, cnt int, mng map[string]*codec.PublishMessage, mchan chan string) {
					limit := time.After(time.Second * 60)
					for {
						select {
						case id := <-p:
							delete(mng, id)
							// これはcallbackでやってもいいようなきもするけど、wait groupとかもろもろ渡すの面倒くさい

							if cnt < 1 {
								log.Debug("  all delivery finished.")
								term <- true

						case <-time.After(time.Second * 20):
							// 終わってないやつをなめてリトライさせる
							for cid, m := range mng {
								m.Dupe = true
								mchan <- cid
						case <-limit:
							log.Debug("  gave up retry.")
							term <- true
				}(p, term, cnt, mng, mchan)

				// sender. これは勝手に終わる
				go func(msg *codec.PublishMessage, set []interface{}, p chan string, mng map[string]*codec.PublishMessage) {
					dp := make(map[string]bool)
					for i := range targets {
						var tbl *util.MessageTable
						var ok bool

						myset := targets[i].(*SubscribeSet)
						fmt.Printf("myset: %s", myset)

						// NOTE (from interoperability/client_test.py):
						//   overlapping subscriptions. When there is more than one matching subscription for the same client for a topic,
						//   the server may send back one message with the highest QoS of any matching subscription, or one message for
						//   each subscription with a matching QoS.
						// Currently, We choose one message for each subscription with a matching QoS.
						if _, ok := dp[myset.ClientId]; ok {
						dp[myset.ClientId] = true

						x, _ := codec.CopyPublishMessage(msg)
						x.QosLevel = myset.QoS
						conn, err := self.GetConnectionByClientId(myset.ClientId)
						// これは面倒臭い。clean sessionがtrueで再接続した時はもはや別人として扱わなければならない

						if x.QosLevel == 0 {
							// QoS 0にダウングレードしたらそのまま終わらせる
							p <- myset.ClientId

						if tbl, ok = self.InflightTable[myset.ClientId]; !ok {
							self.InflightTable[myset.ClientId] = util.NewMessageTable()
							// callback仕込めるんだよなー。QoS1なら使わなくてもいいかなー。とかおもったり

							tbl = self.InflightTable[myset.ClientId]

						id := tbl.NewId()
						x.PacketIdentifier = id
						x.Opaque = p
						tbl.Register2(id, x, 1, x)

						if err != nil {
						mng[myset.ClientId] = x
					log.Debug("  all fisrt delivery finished.")

				}(msg, targets, p, mng)

				mng = nil
				log.Debug("  okay, cleanup qos1 sending thread.")
			}(msg, targets)

	// Publishで受け取ったMessageIdのやつのCountをとっておく
	// で、Pubackが帰ってきたらrefcountを下げて0になったらMessageを消す
	//log.Debug("TopicName: %s %s", m.TopicName, m.Payload)
	targets := self.TopicMatcher.Match(msg.TopicName)
	if msg.TopicName[0:1] == "#" {
		// TODO:  [MQTT-4.7.2-1] The Server MUST NOT match Topic Filters starting with a wildcard character
		// (# or +) with Topic Names beginning with a $ character

	// list つくってからとって、だとタイミング的に居ない奴も出てくるんだよな。マジカオス
	// ここで必要なのは, connection(clientId), subscribed qosがわかればあとは投げるだけ
	// なんで、Qlobberがかえすのはであるべきなんだけど。これすっげー消しづらいのよね・・・
	// {
	//    Connection: Connection or client id
	//    QoS:
	// }
	// いやまぁエラーハンドリングちゃんとやってれば問題ない。
	// client idのほうがベターだな。Connectionを無駄に参照つけると後が辛い
	dp := make(map[string]bool)
	count := 0

	for i := range targets {
		var cn Connection
		var ok error

		myset := targets[i].(*SubscribeSet)
		clientId := myset.ClientId
		//clientId := targets[i].(string)

		// NOTE (from interoperability/client_test.py):
		//   overlapping subscriptions. When there is more than one matching subscription for the same client for a topic,
		//   the server may send back one message with the highest QoS of any matching subscription, or one message for
		//   each subscription with a matching QoS.
		// Currently, We choose one message for each subscription with a matching QoS.
		if _, ok := dp[clientId]; ok {
		dp[clientId] = true

		cn, ok = self.GetConnectionByClientId(clientId)
		if ok != nil {
			// どちらかというとClientが悪いと思うよ!
			// リスト拾った瞬間にはいたけど、その後いなくなったんだから配送リストからこれらは無視すべき
			log.Info("(can't fetch %s. already disconnected, or unsubscribed?)", clientId)

		if cn.IsBridge() && clientId == client_id {
			// Don't send message to same bridge

		var x *codec.PublishMessage

		if msg.QosLevel == 0 {
			// we don't need to copy message on QoS 0
			x = msg
		} else {
			x = codec.MustCopyPublishMessage(msg)

		subscriberQos := myset.QoS
		// Downgrade QoS
		if subscriberQos < x.QosLevel {
			x.QosLevel = subscriberQos

		if x.QosLevel > 0 {
			// TODO: ClientごとにInflightTableを持つ
			// engineのOutGoingTableなのはとりあえず、ということ
			id := self.OutGoingTable.NewId()
			x.PacketIdentifier = id
			if sender, ok := x.Opaque.(Connection); ok {
				// TODO: ここ(でなにをするつもりだったのか・・w)
				self.OutGoingTable.Register2(x.PacketIdentifier, x, len(targets), sender)

