예제 #1
func (ep *EventProcessor) handleEvents(events []consul.Event) {
	for _, event := range events {
		log.Printf("Processing event %s:\n", event.ID)
		eventHandlers := consulClient.EventHandlers(event.Name)
		for _, eventHandler := range eventHandlers {
			data, err := json.Marshal(&event)
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Unable to read event: ", event)
				// then what?

			input := bytes.NewReader(data)
			output := new(bytes.Buffer)
			cmd := exec.Command(eventHandler)
			cmd.Stdin = input
			cmd.Stdout = output
			cmd.Stderr = output

			if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
				log.Println("error running handler: ", err)
			} else {
				log.Printf(">>> \n%s -> %s:\n %s\n", event.ID, eventHandler, output)

		log.Printf("Event Processed.\n\n")
예제 #2
func (c *CheckProcessor) handleChecks(checks []consul.Check) {

	retryCount := 0
	for !hasLeader() {
		if retryCount >= 6 {
		log.Println("There is current no consul-alerts leader... waiting for one.")
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	if !c.leaderElection.leader {
		log.Println("Currently not the leader. Ignoring checks.")

	log.Println("Running health check.")
	changeThreshold := consulClient.CheckChangeThreshold()
	for elapsed := 0; elapsed < changeThreshold; elapsed += 10 {
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
	log.Println("Processing health checks for notification.")
	alerts := consulClient.NewAlerts()
	if len(alerts) > 0 {

예제 #3
func (influxdb *InfluxdbNotifier) Notify(messages Messages) bool {

	config := &client.ClientConfig{
		Host:     influxdb.Host,
		Username: influxdb.Username,
		Password: influxdb.Password,
		Database: influxdb.Database,

	influxdbClient, err := client.New(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("unable to access influxdb. can't send notification. ", err)
		return false

	seriesList := influxdb.toSeries(messages)
	err = influxdbClient.WriteSeries(seriesList)

	if err != nil {
		log.Println("unable to send notifications: ", err)
		return false

	log.Println("influxdb notification sent.")
	return true
예제 #4
func (slack *SlackNotifier) postToSlack() bool {

	data, err := json.Marshal(slack)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Unable to marshal slack payload:", err)
		return false
	log.Debugf("struct = %+v, json = %s", slack, string(data))

	b := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
	if res, err := http.Post(slack.Url, "application/json", b); err != nil {
		log.Println("Unable to send data to slack:", err)
		return false
	} else {
		defer res.Body.Close()
		statusCode := res.StatusCode
		if statusCode != 200 {
			body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
			log.Println("Unable to notify slack:", string(body))
			return false
		} else {
			log.Println("Slack notification sent.")
			return true

예제 #5
func runWatcher(address, datacenter, watchType string) {
	consulAlert := os.Args[0]
	cmd := exec.Command(
		"consul", "watch",
		"-http-addr", address,
		"-datacenter", datacenter,
		"-type", watchType,
		consulAlert, "watch", watchType)
	cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr

	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
		var exitCode int
		switch err.(type) {
		case *exec.ExitError:
			exitError, _ := err.(*exec.ExitError)
			status, _ := exitError.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
			exitCode = status.ExitStatus()
			log.Println("Shutting down watcher --> Exit Code: ", exitCode)
		case *exec.Error:
			exitCode = 1
			log.Println("Shutting down watcher --> Something went wrong running consul watch: ", err.Error())
			exitCode = 127
			log.Println("Shutting down watcher --> Unknown error: ", err.Error())
	} else {
		log.Printf("Execution complete.")
예제 #6
func toWatchObject(reader io.Reader, v interface{}) {
	data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("stdin read error: ", err)
		// todo: what to do when can't read?
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, v)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("json unmarshall error: ", err)
		// todo: what if we can't serialise?
예제 #7
func (emailNotifier *EmailNotifier) Notify(alerts Messages) bool {

	overAllStatus, pass, warn, fail := alerts.Summary()
	nodeMap := mapByNodes(alerts)

	e := EmailData{
		ClusterName:  emailNotifier.ClusterName,
		SystemStatus: overAllStatus,
		FailCount:    fail,
		WarnCount:    warn,
		PassCount:    pass,
		Nodes:        nodeMap,

	var tmpl *template.Template
	var err error
	if emailNotifier.Template == "" {
		tmpl, err = template.New("base").Parse(defaultTemplate)
	} else {
		tmpl, err = template.ParseFiles(emailNotifier.Template)

	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Template error, unable to send email notification: ", err)
		return false

	var body bytes.Buffer
	if err := tmpl.Execute(&body, e); err != nil {
		log.Println("Template error, unable to send email notification: ", err)
		return false

	msg := ""
	msg += fmt.Sprintf("From: \"%s\" <%s>\n", emailNotifier.SenderAlias, emailNotifier.SenderEmail)
	msg += fmt.Sprintf("Subject: %s is %s\n", emailNotifier.ClusterName, overAllStatus)
	msg += "MIME-version: 1.0;\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\";\n\n"
	msg += body.String()

	addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", emailNotifier.Url, emailNotifier.Port)
	auth := smtp.PlainAuth("", emailNotifier.Username, emailNotifier.Password, emailNotifier.Url)
	if err := smtp.SendMail(addr, auth, emailNotifier.SenderEmail, emailNotifier.Receivers, []byte(msg)); err != nil {
		log.Println("Unable to send notification:", err)
		return false
	log.Println("Email notification sent.")
	return true
예제 #8
func healthHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	node := r.URL.Query().Get("node")
	service := r.URL.Query().Get("service")
	check := r.URL.Query().Get("check")

	log.Println(node, service, check)

	status, output := consulClient.CheckStatus(node, service, check)

	var code int
	switch status {
	case "passing":
		code = 200
	case "warning", "critical":
		code = 503
		status = "unknown"
		code = 404

	log.Printf("health status check result for node=%s,service=%s,check=%s: %d", node, service, check, code)

	var result string
	if output == "" {
		result = ""
	} else {
		result = fmt.Sprintf("output: %s\n", output)
	body := fmt.Sprintf("status: %s\n%s", status, result)
예제 #9
func (ep *EventProcessor) eventHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if ep.firstRun {
		log.Println("Now watching for events.")
		ep.firstRun = false
		// set status to OK

	if !consulClient.EventsEnabled() {
		log.Println("Event handling disabled. Event ignored.")
		// set to OK?

	var events []consul.Event
	toWatchObject(r.Body, &events)
	ep.inChan <- events
	// set status to OK
예제 #10
func (n *NotifEngine) sendCustom(messages notifier.Messages) {
	for _, notifCmd := range consulClient.CustomNotifiers() {
		data, err := json.Marshal(&messages)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("Unable to read messages: ", err)

		input := bytes.NewReader(data)
		output := new(bytes.Buffer)
		cmd := exec.Command(notifCmd)
		cmd.Stdin = input
		cmd.Stdout = output
		cmd.Stderr = output

		if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
			log.Println("error running notifier: ", err)
		} else {
			log.Println(">>> notification sent to:", notifCmd)
예제 #11
func (logNotifier *LogNotifier) Notify(alerts Messages) bool {

	logrus.Println("logging messages...")

	logDir := path.Dir(logNotifier.LogFile)
	err := os.MkdirAll(logDir, os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Printf("unable to create directory for logfile: %v\n", err)
		return false

	file, err := os.OpenFile(logNotifier.LogFile, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_APPEND, 0666)
	if err != nil {
		logrus.Printf("unable to write to logfile: %v\n", err)
		return false

	logger := log.New(file, "[consul-notifier] ", log.LstdFlags)
	for _, alert := range alerts {
		logger.Printf("Node=%s, Service=%s, Check=%s, Status=%s\n", alert.Node, alert.Service, alert.Check, alert.Status)
	logrus.Println("Notifications logged.")
	return true
예제 #12
func (c *CheckProcessor) checkHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if c.firstRun {
		log.Println("Now watching for health changes.")
		c.firstRun = false

	if !consulClient.ChecksEnabled() {
		log.Println("Checks handling disabled. Checks ignored.")

	if len(c.inChan) == 1 {

	var checks []consul.Check
	toWatchObject(r.Body, &checks)
	c.inChan <- checks
예제 #13
func NewClient(address, dc, aclToken string) (*ConsulAlertClient, error) {
	config := consulapi.DefaultConfig()
	config.Address = address
	config.Datacenter = dc
	config.Token = aclToken
	api, _ := consulapi.NewClient(config)
	alertConfig := DefaultAlertConfig()

	client := &ConsulAlertClient{
		api:    api,
		config: alertConfig,

	log.Println("Checking consul agent connection...")
	if _, err := client.api.Status().Leader(); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return client, nil
예제 #14
func (c *CheckProcessor) notify(alerts []consul.Check) {
	messages := make([]notifier.Message, len(alerts))
	for i, alert := range alerts {
		messages[i] = notifier.Message{
			Node:      alert.Node,
			ServiceId: alert.ServiceID,
			Service:   alert.ServiceName,
			CheckId:   alert.CheckID,
			Check:     alert.Name,
			Status:    alert.Status,
			Output:    alert.Output,
			Notes:     alert.Notes,
			Timestamp: time.Now(),

	if len(messages) == 0 {
		log.Println("Nothing to notify.")

예제 #15
func (pd *PagerDutyNotifier) Notify(messages Messages) bool {

	client := gopherduty.NewClient(pd.ServiceKey)

	result := true

	for _, message := range messages {
		incidentKey := message.Node
		if message.ServiceId != "" {
			incidentKey += ":" + message.ServiceId
		incidentKey += ":" + message.CheckId
		var response *gopherduty.PagerDutyResponse
		switch {
		case message.IsPassing():
			description := incidentKey + " is now HEALTHY"
			response = client.Resolve(incidentKey, description, message)
		case message.IsWarning():
			description := incidentKey + " is UNSTABLE"
			response = client.Trigger(incidentKey, description, pd.ClientName, pd.ClientUrl, message)
		case message.IsCritical():
			description := incidentKey + " is CRITICAL"
			response = client.Trigger(incidentKey, description, pd.ClientName, pd.ClientUrl, message)

		if response.HasErrors() {
			for _, err := range response.Errors {
				log.Printf("Error sending %s notification to pagerduty: %s\n", incidentKey, err)
			result = false

	log.Println("PagerDuty notification complete")
	return result
예제 #16
func (c *ConsulAlertClient) LoadConfig() {
	if kvPairs, _, err := c.api.KV().List("consul-alerts/config", nil); err == nil {

		config := c.config

		for _, kvPair := range kvPairs {

			key := kvPair.Key
			val := kvPair.Value

			var valErr error
			switch key {
			// checks config
			case "consul-alerts/config/checks/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Checks.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/checks/change-threshold":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Checks.ChangeThreshold, val, ConfigTypeInt)

			// events config
			case "consul-alerts/config/events/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Events.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/events/handlers":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Events.Handlers, val, ConfigTypeStrArray)

			// notifiers config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/custom":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Custom, val, ConfigTypeStrArray)

			// email notifier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/cluster-name":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.ClusterName, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/template":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Template, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/password":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Password, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/port":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Port, val, ConfigTypeInt)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/receivers":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Receivers, val, ConfigTypeStrArray)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/sender-alias":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.SenderAlias, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/sender-email":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.SenderEmail, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/url":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Url, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/email/username":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Email.Username, val, ConfigTypeString)

			// log notifier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/log/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Log.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/log/path":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Log.Path, val, ConfigTypeString)

			// influxdb notifier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/host":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.Host, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/username":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.Username, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/password":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.Password, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/database":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.Database, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/influxdb/series-name":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Influxdb.SeriesName, val, ConfigTypeString)

			// slack notfier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/cluster-name":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.ClusterName, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/url":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.Url, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/channel":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.Channel, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/username":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.Username, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/icon-url":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.IconUrl, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/icon-emoji":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.IconEmoji, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/slack/detailed":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.Slack.Detailed, val, ConfigTypeBool)

			// pager-duty notfier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.PagerDuty.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/service-key":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.PagerDuty.ServiceKey, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/client-name":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.PagerDuty.ClientName, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/pagerduty/client-url":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.PagerDuty.ClientUrl, val, ConfigTypeString)

			// hipchat notfier config
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/hipchat/enabled":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.HipChat.Enabled, val, ConfigTypeBool)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/hipchat/cluster-name":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.HipChat.ClusterName, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/hipchat/room-id":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.HipChat.RoomId, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/hipchat/auth-token":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.HipChat.AuthToken, val, ConfigTypeString)
			case "consul-alerts/config/notifiers/hipchat/base-url":
				valErr = loadCustomValue(&config.Notifiers.HipChat.BaseURL, val, ConfigTypeString)


			if valErr != nil {
				log.Printf(`unable to load custom value for "%s". Using default instead. Error: %s`, key, valErr.Error())

	} else {
		log.Println("Unable to load custom config, using default instead:", err)

예제 #17
func (n *NotifEngine) queueMessages(messages notifier.Messages) {
	n.inChan <- messages
	log.Println("messages sent for notification")