func TestGitSubmoduleAddNotInIndex(ot *testing.T) { GitTestCb(func() { kmgCmd.MustRun("git init") kmgFile.MustWriteFileWithMkdir("sub/1.txt", []byte("1")) kmgCmd.CmdString("git init").SetDir("sub").MustRun() kmgCmd.CmdString("git add -A").SetDir("sub").MustRun() kmgCmd.CmdString("git commit -am'save'").SetDir("sub").MustRun() repo := MustGetRepositoryFromPath(".") repo.MustFakeSubmoduleAdd("sub") kmgTest.Equal(repo.MustIsFileInIndex("sub/1.txt"), true) }) }
func TestGitSubmoduleInitIgnore(ot *testing.T) { kmgGit.GitTestCb(func() { kmgCmd.MustRun("git init") kmgFile.MustWriteFile(".gitignore", []byte("/subIgnored")) kmgFile.MustWriteFileWithMkdir("subIgnored/1.txt", []byte("1")) kmgCmd.CmdString("git init").SetDir("subIgnored").MustRun() kmgCmd.CmdString("git add -A").SetDir("subIgnored").MustRun() kmgCmd.CmdString("git commit -am'save'").SetDir("subIgnored").MustRun() repo := kmgGit.MustGetRepositoryFromPath(".") GitSubmoduleInit(repo) kmgTest.Equal(repo.MustIsFileInIndex("subIgnored"), false) }) }
//每次尝试连接,5秒超时,超时后,重试12次,最多等1分钟 //若 isReachable = false,则 havePermission 没有有意义 func AvailableCheck(remote *RemoteServer) (isReachable, havePermission bool) { retry := 0 for { cmd := kmgCmd.CmdString("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 " + remote.String() + " echo ok") start := time.Now() b, e := cmd.CombinedOutput() delta := time.Now().Sub(start) fmt.Println("[kmgSsh AvailableCheck] ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o ConnectTimeout=5 " + remote.String() + " echo ok") fmt.Println("[kmgSsh AvailableCheck]", remote.Address, string(b)) if e == nil && strings.HasPrefix(string(b), "ok") { return true, true } if e != nil && strings.Contains(string(b), "Permission denied") { return true, false } delta -= time.Second * 5 if delta < 0 { time.Sleep(-1 * delta) } retry++ fmt.Println("[kmgSsh AvailableCheck]", remote.Address, "retry", retry) if retry == 24 { return false, false } } return false, false }
//目前仅支持linux func (a DeviceAddr) IpAddrDel() (err error) { if !kmgPlatform.IsLinux() { panic("[DeviceAddr.IpAddrDel] only support linux now") } one, _ := a.IPNet.Mask.Size() return kmgCmd.CmdString(fmt.Sprintf("ip addr del %s/%d dev %s", a.IP.String(), one, a.DevString)).Run() }
func TestTap(ot *testing.T) { tap, err := NewTap("") if os.IsPermission(err) { ot.Skip("you need root permission to run this test.") return } kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) defer tap.Close() kmgTest.Equal(tap.GetDeviceType(), DeviceTypeTap) err = kmgCmd.CmdString("ifconfig " + tap.Name() + " up").GetExecCmd().Run() kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) /* cmd := kmgCmd.NewOsStdioCmdString("ping") err = cmd.Start() t.Equal(err, nil) defer cmd.Process.Kill() buf := make([]byte, 4096) n, err := tun.Read(buf) t.Equal(err, nil) t.Ok(n > 0) tun2, err := NewTap("") t.Equal(err, nil) defer tun2.Close() */ }
func TestTun(ot *testing.T) { fmt.Println(1) tun, err := NewTun("") fmt.Println(2) if os.IsPermission(err) { ot.Skip("you need root permission to run this test.") return } kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) defer tun.Close() kmgTest.Equal(tun.GetDeviceType(), DeviceTypeTun) fmt.Println(3) err = SetP2PIpAndUp(tun, "", "") kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) err = SetMtu(tun, 1420) kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) fmt.Println(4) cmd := kmgCmd.CmdString("ping").GetExecCmd() err = cmd.Start() kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) defer cmd.Process.Kill() buf := make([]byte, 4096) n, err := tun.Read(buf) kmgTest.Equal(err, nil) kmgTest.Ok(n > 0) /* tun2, err := NewTun("") t.Equal(err, nil) defer tun2.Close() */ }
//目前仅支持linux func GetCurrentDeviceAddr() (ipnets []DeviceAddr, err error) { if !kmgPlatform.IsLinux() { panic("[GetCurrentDeviceAddr] only support linux now") } out, err := kmgCmd.CmdString("ip addr").RunAndReturnOutput() if err != nil { return } return getCurrentDeviceAddrFromIPAddr(out) }
func TestMustGenerateCode(t *testing.T) { kmgGoTpl.MustBuildTplInDirWithCache("src/") // 模板变化需要运行两次,才能看到结果. kmgFile.MustDelete("testPackage/generated.go") MustGenerateCode(&GenerateRequest{ ObjectPkgPath: "", ObjectName: "Demo", ObjectIsPointer: true, OutFilePath: "testPackage/generated.go", OutPackageImportPath: "", }) kmgCmd.CmdString("kmg go test").SetDir("testPackage").Run() }
func (repo *Repository) MustGetIndexFileList() []string { output := kmgCmd.CmdString("git ls-files").SetDir(repo.gitPath).MustCombinedOutput() outputSlice := []string{} for _, s := range strings.Split(string(output), "\n") { s = strings.TrimSpace(s) if s == "" { continue } outputSlice = append(outputSlice, s) } return outputSlice }
func TestTplGenerateCode(t *testing.T) { out := tplGenerateCode(&tplConfig{ OutPackageName: "tplTestPackage", ObjectName: "Demo", ObjectTypeStr: "*Demo", ApiList: []Api{ { Name: "PostScoreInt", InArgsList: []ArgumentNameTypePair{ { Name: "LbId", ObjectTypeStr: "string", }, { Name: "Score", ObjectTypeStr: "int", }, }, OutArgsList: []ArgumentNameTypePair{ { Name: "Info", ObjectTypeStr: "string", }, { Name: "Err", ObjectTypeStr: "error", }, }, }, }, ImportPathMap: map[string]bool{ "encoding/json": true, "errors": true, "fmt": true, "": true, "": true, "": true, "net/http": true, "bytes": true, }, }) kmgFile.MustDeleteFile("tplTestPackage/generated.go") kmgFile.MustWriteFileWithMkdir("tplTestPackage/generated.go", []byte(out)) kmgCmd.CmdString("kmg go test").SetDir("tplTestPackage").Run() }
func runCommand(kmgc *kmgConfig.Env, args []string) { os.Chdir(kmgc.ProjectPath) logDir := filepath.Join(kmgc.LogPath, "run") kmgFile.MustMkdirAll(logDir) thisLogFilePath := filepath.Join(logDir, time.Now().Format(kmgTime.FormatFileName)+".log") kmgFile.MustWriteFile(thisLogFilePath, []byte{}) if !kmgPlatform.GetCompiledPlatform().Compatible(kmgPlatform.WindowsAmd64) { lastLogPath := filepath.Join(logDir, "last.log") if kmgFile.MustFileExist(lastLogPath) { kmgFile.MustSymlink(kmgFile.MustReadSymbolLink(lastLogPath), filepath.Join(logDir, "last2.log")) } kmgFile.MustSymlink(filepath.Base(thisLogFilePath), lastLogPath) } //TODO 大部分命令是 kmg gorun xxx 在这个地方可以直接调用gorun解决问题,这样可以少开一个进程加快了一些速度 // 问题: 上述做法不靠谱,会导致last.log没有用处. //if len(args) >= 2 && args[0] == "kmg" && strings.EqualFold(args[1], "gorun") { // os.Args = append(args[1:], os.Args[1:]...) // goCmd.GoRunCmd() // return //} // 下面的做法不靠谱,会让signle无法传递 //err := kmgCmd.CmdSlice(append(args, os.Args[1:]...)). // SetDir(kmgc.ProjectPath). // RunAndTeeOutputToFile(thisLogFilePath) // TODO bash转义 bashCmd := strings.Join(append(args, os.Args[1:]...), " ") bashCmdStr := bashCmd + " 2>&1 | tee -i " + thisLogFilePath + " ; test ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -eq 0" if kmgPlatform.IsWindows() { err := kmgCmd.CmdString(bashCmdStr).SetDir(kmgc.ProjectPath).StdioRun() if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("kmg make: %s", err) kmgConsole.ExitOnErr(err) } return } else { err := kmgCmd.CmdBash(bashCmdStr).SetDir(kmgc.ProjectPath).StdioRun() if err != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("kmg make: %s", err) kmgConsole.ExitOnErr(err) } return } }
func MustRpcSshCmd(ip string, cmd ...string) []byte { if len(cmd) == 0 { return []byte{} } if ip == "" { return []byte{} } cmdCombine := strings.Join(cmd, "&&") out, err := kmgCmd.CmdString("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no root@" + ip + " " + cmdCombine).RunAndReturnOutput() logPath := "/tmp/rpcSshCmd-" + ip kmgFile.MustAppendFile(logPath, []byte(strings.Join([]string{cmdCombine, kmgTime.DefaultFormat(time.Now())}, "\n"))) kmgFile.MustAppendFile(logPath, out) if err != nil { // _, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError) // if ok { // return out // } kmgFile.MustAppendFile(logPath, []byte(err.Error())) panic(err) } return out }
func (repo *Repository) MustGetHeadCommitId() string { output := kmgCmd.CmdString("git rev-parse HEAD").SetDir(repo.gitPath).MustCombinedOutput() return strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) }
func (repo *Repository) MustGetCurrentBranchName() string { output := kmgCmd.CmdString("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD").SetDir(repo.gitPath).MustCombinedOutput() return strings.TrimSpace(string(output)) }
// 带压缩的ssh下载 func MustSshCmdWithCompress(ip string, cmd string) []byte { out := kmgCmd.CmdString("ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o PasswordAuthentication=no -C root@" + ip + " " + cmd).MustCombinedOutputWithErrorPrintln() return out }
func installMysql() { kmgCmd.ProxyRun("apt-get update") kmgCmd.CmdString("apt-get -y install mysql-server").MustSetEnv("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive").ProxyRun() }