func createAppInstancesRepo(requests []testnet.TestRequest) (ts *httptest.Server, handler *testnet.TestHandler, repo AppInstancesRepository) { ts, handler = testnet.NewServer(requests) space := models.SpaceFields{} space.Guid = "my-space-guid" configRepo := testconfig.NewRepositoryWithDefaults() configRepo.SetApiEndpoint(ts.URL) gateway := net.NewCloudControllerGateway(configRepo, time.Now) repo = NewCloudControllerAppInstancesRepository(configRepo, gateway) return }
AfterEach(func() { testServer.Close() }) Describe("updating the endpoints", func() { Context("when the API request is successful", func() { var ( org models.OrganizationFields space models.SpaceFields ) BeforeEach(func() { org.Name = "my-org" org.Guid = "my-org-guid" space.Name = "my-space" space.Guid = "my-space-guid" config.SetOrganizationFields(org) config.SetSpaceFields(space) testServerFn = validApiInfoEndpoint }) It("stores the data from the /info api in the config", func() { repo.UpdateEndpoint(testServer.URL) Expect(config.AccessToken()).To(Equal("")) Expect(config.AuthenticationEndpoint()).To(Equal("")) Expect(config.LoggregatorEndpoint()).To(Equal("wss://")) Expect(config.DopplerEndpoint()).To(Equal("wss://")) Expect(config.ApiEndpoint()).To(Equal(testServer.URL)) Expect(config.ApiVersion()).To(Equal("42.0.0"))
}) }) }) It("prompts the user to target an org and space when no org or space is targeted", func() { output := io_helpers.CaptureOutput(func() { ui := NewUI(os.Stdin, NewTeePrinter()) ui.ShowConfiguration(config) }) Expect(output).To(ContainSubstrings([]string{"No", "org", "space", "targeted", "-o ORG", "-s SPACE"})) }) It("prompts the user to target an org when no org is targeted", func() { sf := models.SpaceFields{} sf.Guid = "guid" sf.Name = "name" output := io_helpers.CaptureOutput(func() { ui := NewUI(os.Stdin, NewTeePrinter()) ui.ShowConfiguration(config) }) Expect(output).To(ContainSubstrings([]string{"No", "org", "targeted", "-o ORG"})) }) It("prompts the user to target a space when no space is targeted", func() { of := models.OrganizationFields{} of.Guid = "of-guid" of.Name = "of-name"
}) It("fails with usage when not provided exactly one arg", func() { requirementsFactory.LoginSuccess = true runCommand("too", "much") Expect(ui.Outputs).To(ContainSubstrings( []string{"Incorrect Usage", "Requires an argument"}, )) }) }) Context("when logged in, and provided the name of an org", func() { BeforeEach(func() { developmentSpaceFields := models.SpaceFields{} developmentSpaceFields.Name = "development" developmentSpaceFields.Guid = "dev-space-guid-1" stagingSpaceFields := models.SpaceFields{} stagingSpaceFields.Name = "staging" stagingSpaceFields.Guid = "staging-space-guid-1" domainFields := models.DomainFields{} domainFields.Name = "" domainFields.Guid = "1111" domainFields.OwningOrganizationGuid = "my-org-guid" domainFields.Shared = true cfAppDomainFields := models.DomainFields{} cfAppDomainFields.Name = "" cfAppDomainFields.Guid = "2222" cfAppDomainFields.OwningOrganizationGuid = "my-org-guid" cfAppDomainFields.Shared = false org := models.Organization{}