}) Describe("Next", func() { It("performs round-robin through the endpoints", func() { e1 := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 5678, "", nil, -1, "") e2 := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 1234, "", nil, -1, "") e3 := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 1234, "", nil, -1, "") endpoints := []*route.Endpoint{e1, e2, e3} for _, e := range endpoints { pool.Put(e) } counts := make([]int, len(endpoints)) iter := pool.Endpoints("") loops := 50 for i := 0; i < len(endpoints)*loops; i += 1 { n := iter.Next() for j, e := range endpoints { if e == n { counts[j]++ break } } } for i := 0; i < len(endpoints); i++ { Expect(counts[i]).To(Equal(loops)) }
Expect(pool.Put(endpoint2)).To(BeTrue()) }) Context("with modification tags", func() { var modTag2 models.ModificationTag BeforeEach(func() { modTag2 = models.ModificationTag{Guid: "abc"} endpoint1 := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 5678, "", nil, -1, "", modTag) Expect(pool.Put(endpoint1)).To(BeTrue()) }) It("updates an endpoint with modification tag", func() { endpoint := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 5678, "", nil, -1, "", modTag2) Expect(pool.Put(endpoint)).To(BeTrue()) Expect(pool.Endpoints("").Next().ModificationTag).To(Equal(modTag2)) }) Context("when modification_tag is older", func() { BeforeEach(func() { modTag.Increment() endpoint := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 5678, "", nil, -1, "", modTag2) pool.Put(endpoint) }) It("doesnt update an endpoint", func() { olderModTag := models.ModificationTag{Guid: "abc"} endpoint := route.NewEndpoint("", "", 5678, "", nil, -1, "", olderModTag) Expect(pool.Put(endpoint)).To(BeFalse()) Expect(pool.Endpoints("").Next().ModificationTag).To(Equal(modTag2))