예제 #1
파일: flow.go 프로젝트: knz/cockroach
func newFlow(flowCtx FlowCtx, flowReg *flowRegistry, simpleFlowConsumer RowReceiver) *Flow {
	if opentracing.SpanFromContext(flowCtx.Context) == nil {
		panic("flow context has no span")
	flowCtx.Context = log.WithLogTagStr(flowCtx.Context, "f", flowCtx.id.Short())
	return &Flow{
		FlowCtx:            flowCtx,
		flowRegistry:       flowReg,
		simpleFlowConsumer: simpleFlowConsumer,
		status:             FlowNotStarted,
예제 #2
// makePlanner creates a new planner instances, referencing a dummy Session.
// Only use this internally where a Session cannot be created.
func makePlanner(opName string) *planner {
	// init with an empty session. We can't leave this nil because too much code
	// looks in the session for the current database.
	ctx := log.WithLogTagStr(context.Background(), opName, "")
	p := &planner{
		session: &Session{
			Location: time.UTC,
			context:  ctx,
	p.session.TxnState.Ctx = ctx
	return p
예제 #3
파일: server.go 프로젝트: hvaara/cockroach
// Start starts the server on the specified port, starts gossip and initializes
// the node using the engines from the server's context.
// The passed context can be used to trace the server startup. The context
// should represent the general startup operation.
func (s *Server) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
	ctx = s.AnnotateCtx(ctx)

	startTime := timeutil.Now()

	tlsConfig, err := s.cfg.GetServerTLSConfig()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	httpServer := netutil.MakeServer(s.stopper, tlsConfig, s)
	plainRedirectServer := netutil.MakeServer(s.stopper, tlsConfig, http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		http.Redirect(w, r, "https://"+r.Host+r.RequestURI, http.StatusPermanentRedirect)

	// The following code is a specialization of util/net.go's ListenAndServe
	// which adds pgwire support. A single port is used to serve all protocols
	// (pg, http, h2) via the following construction:
	// non-TLS case:
	// net.Listen -> cmux.New
	//               |
	//               -  -> pgwire.Match -> pgwire.Server.ServeConn
	//               -  -> cmux.Any -> grpc.(*Server).Serve
	// TLS case:
	// net.Listen -> cmux.New
	//               |
	//               -  -> pgwire.Match -> pgwire.Server.ServeConn
	//               -  -> cmux.Any -> grpc.(*Server).Serve
	// Note that the difference between the TLS and non-TLS cases exists due to
	// Go's lack of an h2c (HTTP2 Clear Text) implementation. See inline comments
	// in util.ListenAndServe for an explanation of how h2c is implemented there
	// and here.

	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.cfg.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Eventf(ctx, "listening on port %s", s.cfg.Addr)
	unresolvedListenAddr, err := officialAddr(s.cfg.Addr, ln.Addr())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.cfg.Addr = unresolvedListenAddr.String()
	unresolvedAdvertAddr, err := officialAddr(s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr, ln.Addr())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.cfg.AdvertiseAddr = unresolvedAdvertAddr.String()


	m := cmux.New(ln)
	pgL := m.Match(pgwire.Match)
	anyL := m.Match(cmux.Any())

	httpLn, err := net.Listen("tcp", s.cfg.HTTPAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	unresolvedHTTPAddr, err := officialAddr(s.cfg.HTTPAddr, httpLn.Addr())
	if err != nil {
		return err
	s.cfg.HTTPAddr = unresolvedHTTPAddr.String()

	workersCtx := s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {
		if err := httpLn.Close(); err != nil {
			log.Fatal(workersCtx, err)

	if tlsConfig != nil {
		httpMux := cmux.New(httpLn)
		clearL := httpMux.Match(cmux.HTTP1())
		tlsL := httpMux.Match(cmux.Any())

		s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

		s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

		httpLn = tls.NewListener(tlsL, tlsConfig)

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {
		pgCtx := s.pgServer.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
		netutil.FatalIfUnexpected(httpServer.ServeWith(s.stopper, pgL, func(conn net.Conn) {
			connCtx := log.WithLogTagStr(pgCtx, "client", conn.RemoteAddr().String())
			if err := s.pgServer.ServeConn(connCtx, conn); err != nil && !netutil.IsClosedConnection(err) {
				// Report the error on this connection's context, so that we
				// know which remote client caused the error when looking at
				// the logs.
				log.Error(connCtx, err)

	if len(s.cfg.SocketFile) != 0 {
		// Unix socket enabled: postgres protocol only.
		unixLn, err := net.Listen("unix", s.cfg.SocketFile)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {
			if err := unixLn.Close(); err != nil {
				log.Fatal(workersCtx, err)

		s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {
			pgCtx := s.pgServer.AmbientCtx.AnnotateCtx(context.Background())
			netutil.FatalIfUnexpected(httpServer.ServeWith(s.stopper, unixLn, func(conn net.Conn) {
				connCtx := log.WithLogTagStr(pgCtx, "client", conn.RemoteAddr().String())
				if err := s.pgServer.ServeConn(connCtx, conn); err != nil && !netutil.IsClosedConnection(err) {
					// Report the error on this connection's context, so that we
					// know which remote client caused the error when looking at
					// the logs.
					log.Error(connCtx, err)

	// Enable the debug endpoints first to provide an earlier window
	// into what's going on with the node in advance of exporting node
	// functionality.
	// TODO(marc): when cookie-based authentication exists,
	// apply it for all web endpoints.
	s.mux.HandleFunc(debugEndpoint, http.HandlerFunc(handleDebug))

	log.Event(ctx, "started gossip")

	s.engines, err = s.cfg.CreateEngines()
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to create engines")

	// We might have to sleep a bit to protect against this node producing non-
	// monotonic timestamps. Before restarting, its clock might have been driven
	// by other nodes' fast clocks, but when we restarted, we lost all this
	// information. For example, a client might have written a value at a
	// timestamp that's in the future of the restarted node's clock, and if we
	// don't do something, the same client's read would not return the written
	// value. So, we wait up to MaxOffset; we couldn't have served timestamps more
	// than MaxOffset in the future (assuming that MaxOffset was not changed, see
	// #9733).
	// As an optimization for tests, we don't sleep if all the stores are brand
	// new. In this case, the node will not serve anything anyway until it
	// synchronizes with other nodes.
		anyStoreBootstrapped := false
		for _, e := range s.engines {
			if _, err := storage.ReadStoreIdent(ctx, e); err != nil {
				// NotBootstrappedError is expected.
				if _, ok := err.(*storage.NotBootstrappedError); !ok {
					return err
			} else {
				anyStoreBootstrapped = true
		if anyStoreBootstrapped {
			sleepDuration := s.clock.MaxOffset() - timeutil.Since(startTime)
			if sleepDuration > 0 {
				log.Infof(ctx, "sleeping for %s to guarantee HLC monotonicity", sleepDuration)

	// Now that we have a monotonic HLC wrt previous incarnations of the process,
	// init all the replicas.
	err = s.node.start(
	if err != nil {
		return err
	log.Event(ctx, "started node")

	s.nodeLiveness.StartHeartbeat(ctx, s.stopper)

	// We can now add the node registry.
	s.recorder.AddNode(s.registry, s.node.Descriptor, s.node.startedAt)

	// Begin recording runtime statistics.

	// Begin recording time series data collected by the status monitor.
		s.cfg.AmbientCtx, s.recorder, s.cfg.MetricsSampleInterval, ts.Resolution10s, s.stopper,

	// Begin recording status summaries.

	// Create and start the schema change manager only after a NodeID
	// has been assigned.
	testingKnobs := &sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs{}
	if s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger != nil {
		testingKnobs = s.cfg.TestingKnobs.SQLSchemaChanger.(*sql.SchemaChangerTestingKnobs)
	sql.NewSchemaChangeManager(testingKnobs, *s.db, s.gossip, s.leaseMgr).Start(s.stopper)


	log.Infof(ctx, "starting %s server at %s", s.cfg.HTTPRequestScheme(), unresolvedHTTPAddr)
	log.Infof(ctx, "starting grpc/postgres server at %s", unresolvedListenAddr)
	log.Infof(ctx, "advertising CockroachDB node at %s", unresolvedAdvertAddr)
	if len(s.cfg.SocketFile) != 0 {
		log.Infof(ctx, "starting postgres server at unix:%s", s.cfg.SocketFile)

	s.stopper.RunWorker(func() {

	log.Event(ctx, "accepting connections")

	// Initialize grpc-gateway mux and context.
	jsonpb := &protoutil.JSONPb{
		EnumsAsInts:  true,
		EmitDefaults: true,
		Indent:       "  ",
	protopb := new(protoutil.ProtoPb)
	gwMux := gwruntime.NewServeMux(
		gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(gwruntime.MIMEWildcard, jsonpb),
		gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.JSONContentType, jsonpb),
		gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.AltJSONContentType, jsonpb),
		gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.ProtoContentType, protopb),
		gwruntime.WithMarshalerOption(httputil.AltProtoContentType, protopb),
	gwCtx, gwCancel := context.WithCancel(s.AnnotateCtx(context.Background()))

	// Setup HTTP<->gRPC handlers.
	conn, err := s.rpcContext.GRPCDial(s.cfg.Addr)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Errorf("error constructing grpc-gateway: %s; are your certificates valid?", err)

	for _, gw := range []grpcGatewayServer{s.admin, s.status, &s.tsServer} {
		if err := gw.RegisterGateway(gwCtx, gwMux, conn); err != nil {
			return err

	var uiFileSystem http.FileSystem
	uiDebug := envutil.EnvOrDefaultBool("COCKROACH_DEBUG_UI", false)
	if uiDebug {
		uiFileSystem = http.Dir("pkg/ui")
	} else {
		uiFileSystem = &assetfs.AssetFS{
			Asset:     ui.Asset,
			AssetDir:  ui.AssetDir,
			AssetInfo: ui.AssetInfo,
	uiFileServer := http.FileServer(uiFileSystem)

	s.mux.HandleFunc("/", http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		if r.URL.Path == "/" {
			if uiDebug {
				r.URL.Path = "debug.html"
			} else {
				r.URL.Path = "release.html"
		uiFileServer.ServeHTTP(w, r)

	// TODO(marc): when cookie-based authentication exists,
	// apply it for all web endpoints.
	s.mux.Handle(adminPrefix, gwMux)
	s.mux.Handle(ts.URLPrefix, gwMux)
	s.mux.Handle(statusPrefix, gwMux)
	s.mux.Handle("/health", gwMux)
	s.mux.Handle(statusVars, http.HandlerFunc(s.status.handleVars))
	log.Event(ctx, "added http endpoints")

	if err := sdnotify.Ready(); err != nil {
		log.Errorf(ctx, "failed to signal readiness using systemd protocol: %s", err)
	log.Event(ctx, "server ready")

	return nil
예제 #4
파일: v3.go 프로젝트: BramGruneir/cockroach
func (c *v3Conn) serve(ctx context.Context, reserved mon.BoundAccount) error {
	for key, value := range statusReportParams {
		if err := c.writeBuf.finishMsg(c.wr); err != nil {
			return err
	if err := c.wr.Flush(); err != nil {
		return err

	ctx = log.WithLogTagStr(ctx, "user", c.sessionArgs.User)
	if err := c.setupSession(ctx, reserved); err != nil {
		return err
	defer c.closeSession(ctx)

	// Once a session has been set up, the underlying net.Conn is switched to
	// a conn that exits if the session's context is cancelled.
	c.conn = newReadTimeoutConn(c.conn, c.session.Ctx().Err)
	c.rd = bufio.NewReader(c.conn)

	for {
		if !c.doingExtendedQueryMessage {
			var txnStatus byte
			switch c.session.TxnState.State {
			case sql.Aborted, sql.RestartWait:
				// We send status "InFailedTransaction" also for state RestartWait
				// because GO's lib/pq freaks out if we invent a new status.
				txnStatus = 'E'
			case sql.Open:
				txnStatus = 'T'
			case sql.NoTxn:
				// We're not in a txn (i.e. the last txn was committed).
				txnStatus = 'I'
			case sql.CommitWait:
				// We need to lie to pgwire and claim that we're still
				// in a txn. Otherwise drivers freak out.
				// This state is not part of the Postgres protocol.
				txnStatus = 'T'

			if log.V(2) {
				log.Infof(ctx, "pgwire: %s: %q", serverMsgReady, txnStatus)
			if err := c.writeBuf.finishMsg(c.wr); err != nil {
				return err
			// We only flush on every message if not doing an extended query.
			// If we are, wait for an explicit Flush message. See:
			// http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/protocol-flow.html#PROTOCOL-FLOW-EXT-QUERY.
			if err := c.wr.Flush(); err != nil {
				return err
		typ, n, err := c.readBuf.readTypedMsg(c.rd)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		// When an error occurs handling an extended query message, we have to ignore
		// any messages until we get a sync.
		if c.ignoreTillSync && typ != clientMsgSync {
			if log.V(2) {
				log.Infof(ctx, "pgwire: ignoring %s till sync", typ)
		if log.V(2) {
			log.Infof(ctx, "pgwire: processing %s", typ)
		switch typ {
		case clientMsgSync:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = false
			c.ignoreTillSync = false

		case clientMsgSimpleQuery:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = false
			err = c.handleSimpleQuery(ctx, &c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgTerminate:
			return nil

		case clientMsgParse:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.handleParse(ctx, &c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgDescribe:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.handleDescribe(ctx, &c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgClose:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.handleClose(&c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgBind:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.handleBind(&c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgExecute:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.handleExecute(ctx, &c.readBuf)

		case clientMsgFlush:
			c.doingExtendedQueryMessage = true
			err = c.wr.Flush()

		case clientMsgCopyData, clientMsgCopyDone, clientMsgCopyFail:
			// The spec says to drop any extra of these messages.

			err = c.sendErrorWithCode(pgerror.CodeProtocolViolationError, sqlbase.MakeSrcCtx(0),
				fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized client message type %s", typ))
		if err != nil {
			return err