예제 #1
// createTestEngine creates an in-memory engine and initializes some
// default configuration settings.
func createTestEngine(t *testing.T) engine.Engine {
	e := engine.NewInMem(engine.Attributes([]string{"dc1", "mem"}), 1<<20)
	if err := engine.PutI(e, engine.KeyConfigAccountingPrefix, testDefaultAcctConfig); err != nil {
	if err := engine.PutI(e, engine.KeyConfigPermissionPrefix, testDefaultPermConfig); err != nil {
	if err := engine.PutI(e, engine.KeyConfigZonePrefix, testDefaultZoneConfig); err != nil {
	return e
예제 #2
// TestRangeGossipConfigWithMultipleKeyPrefixes verifies that multiple
// key prefixes for a config are gossipped.
func TestRangeGossipConfigWithMultipleKeyPrefixes(t *testing.T) {
	e := createTestEngine(t)
	// Add a permission for a new key prefix.
	db1Perm := PermConfig{
		Read:  []string{"spencer", "foo", "bar", "baz"},
		Write: []string{"spencer"},
	key := engine.MakeKey(engine.KeyConfigPermissionPrefix, engine.Key("/db1"))
	if err := engine.PutI(e, key, db1Perm); err != nil {
	r, g := createTestRange(e, t)
	defer r.Stop()

	info, err := g.GetInfo(gossip.KeyConfigPermission)
	if err != nil {
	configMap := info.(PrefixConfigMap)
	expConfigs := []*PrefixConfig{
		&PrefixConfig{engine.KeyMin, nil, &testDefaultPermConfig},
		&PrefixConfig{engine.Key("/db1"), nil, &db1Perm},
		&PrefixConfig{engine.Key("/db2"), engine.KeyMin, &testDefaultPermConfig},
	if !reflect.DeepEqual([]*PrefixConfig(configMap), expConfigs) {
		t.Errorf("expected gossiped configs to be equal %s vs %s", configMap, expConfigs)
예제 #3
// CreateRange allocates a new range ID and stores range metadata.
// On success, returns the new range.
func (s *Store) CreateRange(startKey, endKey engine.Key, replicas []Replica) (*Range, error) {
	rangeID, err := engine.Increment(s.engine, engine.KeyLocalRangeIDGenerator, 1)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if ok, _ := engine.GetI(s.engine, makeRangeKey(rangeID), nil); ok {
		return nil, util.Error("newly allocated range ID already in use")
	// RangeMetadata is stored local to this store only. It is neither
	// replicated via raft nor available via the global kv store.
	meta := RangeMetadata{
		ClusterID: s.Ident.ClusterID,
		RangeID:   rangeID,
		RangeDescriptor: RangeDescriptor{
			StartKey: startKey,
			EndKey:   endKey,
			Replicas: replicas,
	err = engine.PutI(s.engine, makeRangeKey(rangeID), meta)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rng := NewRange(meta, s.clock, s.engine, s.allocator, s.gossip)
	defer s.mu.Unlock()
	s.ranges[rangeID] = rng
	return rng, nil
예제 #4
// Bootstrap writes a new store ident to the underlying engine. To
// ensure that no crufty data already exists in the engine, it scans
// the engine contents before writing the new store ident. The engine
// should be completely empty. It returns an error if called on a
// non-empty engine.
func (s *Store) Bootstrap(ident StoreIdent) error {
	s.Ident = ident
	kvs, err := s.engine.Scan(engine.KeyMin, engine.KeyMax, 1 /* only need one entry to fail! */)
	if err != nil {
		return util.Errorf("unable to scan engine to verify empty: %v", err)
	} else if len(kvs) > 0 {
		return util.Errorf("bootstrap failed; non-empty map with first key %q", kvs[0].Key)
	return engine.PutI(s.engine, engine.KeyLocalIdent, s.Ident)
예제 #5
// PutResponse writes a response to the cache for the specified cmdID.
// The inflight entry corresponding to cmdID is removed from the
// inflight map. Any requests waiting on the outcome of the inflight
// command will be signaled to wakeup and read the command response
// from the cache.
func (rc *ResponseCache) PutResponse(cmdID ClientCmdID, reply interface{}) error {
	// Do nothing if command ID is empty.
	if cmdID.IsEmpty() {
		return nil
	// Write the response value to the engine.
	key := rc.makeKey(cmdID)
	err := engine.PutI(rc.engine, key, reply)

	// Take lock after writing response to cache!
	defer rc.Unlock()
	// Even on error, we remove the entry from the inflight map.

	return err
예제 #6
// HeartbeatTransaction updates the transaction status and heartbeat timestamp
// on heartbeat message from a txn coordinator. The range will return the
// current status of this transaction to the coordinator.
func (r *Range) HeartbeatTransaction(args *HeartbeatTransactionRequest, reply *HeartbeatTransactionResponse) {
	var txn Transaction
	_, err := engine.GetI(r.engine, args.Key, &txn)
	if err != nil {
		reply.Error = err
	if txn.Status == PENDING {
		if !args.Timestamp.Less(txn.LastHeartbeat) {
			txn.LastHeartbeat = args.Timestamp
		if err := engine.PutI(r.engine, args.Key, txn); err != nil {
			reply.Error = err

	reply.Status = txn.Status