예제 #1
// processStatResults processes the given results, creating and setting DSStats, LastStats, and other stats. Note this is NOT threadsafe, and MUST NOT be called from multiple threads.
func processStatResults(
	results []cache.Result,
	statHistoryThreadsafe StatHistoryThreadsafe,
	combinedStates peer.Crstates,
	lastStats LastStatsThreadsafe,
	toData todata.TOData,
	errorCount UintThreadsafe,
	dsStats DSStatsThreadsafe,
	lastStatEndTimes map[enum.CacheName]time.Time,
	lastStatDurationsThreadsafe DurationMapThreadsafe,
	unpolledCaches UnpolledCachesThreadsafe,
) {
	statHistory := statHistoryThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	maxStats := statHistoryThreadsafe.Max()
	for _, result := range results {
		// TODO determine if we want to add results with errors, or just print the errors now and don't add them.
		statHistory[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = pruneHistory(append(statHistory[enum.CacheName(result.Id)], result), maxStats)

	for _, result := range results {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v CreateStats start\n", result.PollID, time.Now())

	newDsStats, newLastStats, err := ds.CreateStats(statHistory, toData, combinedStates, lastStats.Get().Copy(), time.Now())

	for _, result := range results {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v CreateStats end\n", result.PollID, time.Now())

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("getting deliveryservice: %v\n", err)
	} else {

	endTime := time.Now()
	lastStatDurations := lastStatDurationsThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	for _, result := range results {
		if lastStatStart, ok := lastStatEndTimes[enum.CacheName(result.Id)]; ok {
			d := time.Since(lastStatStart)
			lastStatDurations[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = d
		lastStatEndTimes[enum.CacheName(result.Id)] = endTime

		// log.Debugf("poll %v %v statfinish\n", result.PollID, endTime)
		result.PollFinished <- result.PollID
	unpolledCaches.SetPolled(results, lastStats)
// processHealthResult processes the given health results, adding their stats to the CacheAvailableStatus. Note this is NOT threadsafe, because it non-atomically gets CacheAvailableStatuses, Events, LastHealthDurations and later updates them. This MUST NOT be called from multiple threads.
func processHealthResult(cacheHealthChan <-chan cache.Result, toData todata.TODataThreadsafe, localStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, lastHealthDurationsThreadsafe DurationMapThreadsafe, statHistory StatHistoryThreadsafe, monitorConfig TrafficMonitorConfigMapThreadsafe, peerStates peer.CRStatesPeersThreadsafe, combinedStates peer.CRStatesThreadsafe, fetchCount UintThreadsafe, errorCount UintThreadsafe, events EventsThreadsafe, localCacheStatusThreadsafe CacheAvailableStatusThreadsafe, lastHealthEndTimes map[enum.CacheName]time.Time, healthHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result, results []cache.Result, cfg config.Config) {
	if len(results) == 0 {
	toDataCopy := toData.Get() // create a copy, so the same data used for all processing of this cache health result
	localCacheStatus := localCacheStatusThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	monitorConfigCopy := monitorConfig.Get()
	for _, healthResult := range results {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v healthresultman start\n", healthResult.PollID, time.Now())
		var prevResult cache.Result
		healthResultHistory := healthHistory[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)]
		// healthResultHistory := healthHistory.Get(enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id))
		if len(healthResultHistory) != 0 {
			prevResult = healthResultHistory[len(healthResultHistory)-1]

		health.GetVitals(&healthResult, &prevResult, &monitorConfigCopy)
		// healthHistory.Set(enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id), pruneHistory(append(healthHistory.Get(enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)), healthResult), defaultMaxHistory))
		healthHistory[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)] = pruneHistory(append(healthHistory[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)], healthResult), cfg.MaxHealthHistory)
		isAvailable, whyAvailable := health.EvalCache(healthResult, &monitorConfigCopy)
		if localStates.Get().Caches[healthResult.Id].IsAvailable != isAvailable {
			log.Infof("Changing state for %s was: %t now: %t because %s errors: %v", healthResult.Id, prevResult.Available, isAvailable, whyAvailable, healthResult.Errors)
			events.Add(Event{Time: time.Now().Unix(), Description: whyAvailable, Name: healthResult.Id, Hostname: healthResult.Id, Type: toDataCopy.ServerTypes[healthResult.Id].String(), Available: isAvailable})

		localCacheStatus[healthResult.Id] = CacheAvailableStatus{Available: isAvailable, Status: monitorConfigCopy.TrafficServer[string(healthResult.Id)].Status} // TODO move within localStates?
		localStates.SetCache(healthResult.Id, peer.IsAvailable{IsAvailable: isAvailable})
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v calculateDeliveryServiceState start\n", healthResult.PollID, time.Now())
		calculateDeliveryServiceState(toDataCopy.DeliveryServiceServers, localStates)
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v calculateDeliveryServiceState end\n", healthResult.PollID, time.Now())
	// TODO determine if we should combineCrStates() here

	lastHealthDurations := lastHealthDurationsThreadsafe.Get().Copy()
	for _, healthResult := range results {
		if lastHealthStart, ok := lastHealthEndTimes[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)]; ok {
			d := time.Since(lastHealthStart)
			lastHealthDurations[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)] = d
		lastHealthEndTimes[enum.CacheName(healthResult.Id)] = time.Now()

		log.Debugf("poll %v %v finish\n", healthResult.PollID, time.Now())
		healthResult.PollFinished <- healthResult.PollID
예제 #3
func (f HttpFetcher) Fetch(id string, url string, pollId uint64, pollFinishedChan chan<- uint64) {
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v fetch start\n", pollId, time.Now())
	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
	// TODO: change this to use f.Headers. -jse
	req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "traffic_monitor/1.0") // TODO change to 2.0?
	req.Header.Set("Connection", "keep-alive")
	if f.Pending != nil {
	response, err := f.Client.Do(req)
	if f.Pending != nil {
	defer func() {
		if response != nil && response.Body != nil {
			ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body) // TODO determine if necessary

	if err == nil && response == nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("err nil and response nil")
	if err == nil && response != nil && (response.StatusCode < 200 || response.StatusCode > 299) {
		err = fmt.Errorf("bad status: %v", response.StatusCode)
	if err != nil {
		err = fmt.Errorf("fetch error: %v", err)

	if err == nil && response != nil {
		if f.Success != nil {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v fetch end\n", pollId, time.Now())
		f.Handler.Handle(id, response.Body, err, pollId, pollFinishedChan)
	} else {
		if f.Fail != nil {
		f.Handler.Handle(id, nil, err, pollId, pollFinishedChan)
예제 #4
func (handler Handler) Handle(id string, r io.Reader, err error, pollId uint64, pollFinished chan<- uint64) {
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle start\n", pollId, time.Now())
	result := Result{
		Id:           enum.CacheName(id),
		Available:    false,
		Errors:       []error{},
		Time:         time.Now(), // TODO change this to be computed the instant we get the result back, to minimise inaccuracy
		PollID:       pollId,
		PollFinished: pollFinished,

	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handler given error '%v'\n", id, err) // error here, in case the thing that called Handle didn't error
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	if r == nil {
		log.Errorf("%v handle reader nil\n", id)
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, fmt.Errorf("handler got nil reader"))
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	result.PrecomputedData.Reporting = true

	if err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(&result.Astats); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%s procnetdev decode error '%v'\n", id, err)
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		handler.ResultChannel <- result

	if result.Astats.System.ProcNetDev == "" {
		log.Warnf("addkbps %s procnetdev empty\n", id)

	if result.Astats.System.InfSpeed == 0 {
		log.Warnf("addkbps %s inf.speed empty\n", id)

	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle decode end\n", pollId, time.Now())

	if err != nil {
		result.Errors = append(result.Errors, err)
		log.Errorf("addkbps handle %s error '%v'\n", id, err)
	} else {
		result.Available = true

	if handler.Precompute() {
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle precompute start\n", pollId, time.Now())
		result = handler.precompute(result)
		log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle precompute end\n", pollId, time.Now())
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle write start\n", pollId, time.Now())
	handler.ResultChannel <- result
	log.Debugf("poll %v %v handle end\n", pollId, time.Now())
예제 #5
// TODO iterationCount and/or p.TickChan?
func pollHttp(interval time.Duration, id string, url string, fetcher fetcher.Fetcher, die <-chan struct{}) {
	tick := time.NewTicker(interval)
	lastTime := time.Now()
	for {
		select {
		case now := <-tick.C:
			realInterval := now.Sub(lastTime)
			if realInterval > interval+(time.Millisecond*100) {
				log.Infof("Intended Duration: %v Actual Duration: %v\n", interval, realInterval)
			lastTime = time.Now()

			pollId := atomic.AddUint64(&debugPollNum, 1)
			pollFinishedChan := make(chan uint64)
			log.Debugf("poll %v %v start\n", pollId, time.Now())
			go fetcher.Fetch(id, url, pollId, pollFinishedChan) // TODO persist fetcher, with its own die chan?
		case <-die:
예제 #6
func addAvailableData(dsStats Stats, crStates peer.Crstates, serverCachegroups map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheGroupName, serverDs map[enum.CacheName][]enum.DeliveryServiceName, serverTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType, statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result) (Stats, error) {
	for cache, available := range crStates.Caches {
		cacheGroup, ok := serverCachegroups[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Cachegroups\n", cache)
		deliveryServices, ok := serverDs[cache]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in DeliveryServices\n", cache)
		cacheType, ok := serverTypes[enum.CacheName(cache)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Server Types\n", cache)

		for _, deliveryService := range deliveryServices {
			if deliveryService == "" {
				log.Errorf("EMPTY addAvailableData DS") // various bugs in other functions can cause this - this will help identify and debug them.

			stat, ok := dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)]
			if !ok {
				log.Warnf("CreateStats not adding availability data for '%s': not found in Stats\n", cache)
				continue // TODO log warning? Error?

			if available.IsAvailable {
				// c.IsAvailable.Value
				stat.CommonStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				cacheGroupStats := stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)]
				cacheGroupStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.CacheGroups[enum.CacheGroupName(cacheGroup)] = cacheGroupStats
				stat.TotalStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				typeStats := stat.Types[cacheType]
				typeStats.IsAvailable.Value = true
				stat.Types[cacheType] = typeStats

			// TODO fix nested ifs
			if results, ok := statHistory[enum.CacheName(cache)]; ok {
				if len(results) < 1 {
					log.Warnf("no results %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
				} else {
					result := results[0]
					if result.PrecomputedData.Reporting {
						stat.CommonStats.CachesReporting[enum.CacheName(cache)] = true
					} else {
						log.Debugf("no reporting %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)
			} else {
				log.Debugf("no result for %v %v\n", cache, deliveryService)

			dsStats.DeliveryService[enum.DeliveryServiceName(deliveryService)] = stat // TODO Necessary? Remove?
	return dsStats, nil
예제 #7
func createCacheStatuses(
	cacheTypes map[enum.CacheName]enum.CacheType,
	statHistory map[enum.CacheName][]cache.Result,
	lastHealthDurations map[enum.CacheName]time.Duration,
	cacheStates map[enum.CacheName]peer.IsAvailable,
	lastStats ds.LastStats,
	localCacheStatusThreadsafe CacheAvailableStatusThreadsafe,
) map[enum.CacheName]CacheStatus {
	conns := createCacheConnections(statHistory)
	statii := map[enum.CacheName]CacheStatus{}
	localCacheStatus := localCacheStatusThreadsafe.Get()

	for cacheName, cacheType := range cacheTypes {
		cacheStatHistory, ok := statHistory[cacheName]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("createCacheStatuses stat history missing cache %s\n", cacheName)

		if len(cacheStatHistory) < 1 {
			log.Warnf("createCacheStatuses stat history empty for cache %s\n", cacheName)

		log.Debugf("createCacheStatuses NOT empty for cache %s\n", cacheName)

		var loadAverage *float64
		procLoadAvg := cacheStatHistory[0].Astats.System.ProcLoadavg
		if procLoadAvg != "" {
			firstSpace := strings.IndexRune(procLoadAvg, ' ')
			if firstSpace == -1 {
				log.Warnf("WARNING unexpected proc.loadavg '%s' for cache %s\n", procLoadAvg, cacheName)
			} else {
				loadAverageVal, err := strconv.ParseFloat(procLoadAvg[:firstSpace], 64)
				if err != nil {
					log.Warnf("proc.loadavg doesn't contain a float prefix '%s' for cache %s\n", procLoadAvg, cacheName)
				} else {
					loadAverage = &loadAverageVal

		var queryTime *int64
		queryTimeVal, ok := lastHealthDurations[cacheName]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("cache not in last health durations cache %s\n", cacheName)
		} else {
			queryTimeInt := int64(queryTimeVal / time.Millisecond)
			queryTime = &queryTimeInt

		var kbps *float64
		lastStat, ok := lastStats.Caches[enum.CacheName(cacheName)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("cache not in last kbps cache %s\n", cacheName)
		} else {
			kbpsVal := lastStat.Bytes.PerSec / float64(ds.BytesPerKilobit)
			kbps = &kbpsVal

		var connections *int64
		connectionsVal, ok := conns[enum.CacheName(cacheName)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("cache not in connections %s\n", cacheName)
		} else {
			connections = &connectionsVal

		var status *string
		statusVal, ok := localCacheStatus[enum.CacheName(cacheName)]
		if !ok {
			log.Warnf("cache not in statuses %s\n", cacheName)
		} else {
			statusString := statusVal.Status + " - "
			if localCacheStatus[enum.CacheName(cacheName)].Available {
				statusString += "available"
			} else {
				statusString += "unavailable"
			status = &statusString

		cacheTypeStr := string(cacheType)
		statii[enum.CacheName(cacheName)] = CacheStatus{Type: &cacheTypeStr, LoadAverage: loadAverage, QueryTimeMilliseconds: queryTime, BandwidthKbps: kbps, ConnectionCount: connections, Status: status}
	return statii