func HTTPHandler(handler Handler, ctx *RouteContext) httprouter.Handle { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, p httprouter.Params) { start := time.Now() route, status := handler(w, r, p, ctx) statusStr := strconv.Itoa(status) if status == 0 { statusStr = "???" } utils.PrometheusObserveTimeMilliseconds(promResponseDurationMilliseconds.WithLabelValues(route, statusStr), start) log.Infof("%s \"%s %s\" %s (%s)", r.RemoteAddr, r.Method, r.RequestURI, statusStr, time.Since(start)) } }
func observeQueryTime(query, subquery string, start time.Time) { utils.PrometheusObserveTimeMilliseconds(promQueryDurationMilliseconds.WithLabelValues(query, subquery), start) }
// Run starts the Notifier service. func Run(config *config.NotifierConfig, datastore database.Datastore, stopper *utils.Stopper) { defer stopper.End() // Configure registered notifiers. for notifierName, notifier := range notifiers { if configured, err := notifier.Configure(config); configured { log.Infof("notifier '%s' configured\n", notifierName) } else { delete(notifiers, notifierName) if err != nil { log.Errorf("could not configure notifier '%s': %s", notifierName, err) } } } // Do not run the updater if there is no notifier enabled. if len(notifiers) == 0 { log.Infof("notifier service is disabled") return } whoAmI := uuid.New() log.Infof("notifier service started. lock identifier: %s\n", whoAmI) for running := true; running; { // Find task. notification := findTask(datastore, config.RenotifyInterval, whoAmI, stopper) if notification == nil { // Interrupted while finding a task, Clair is stopping. break } // Handle task. done := make(chan bool, 1) go func() { success, interrupted := handleTask(*notification, stopper, config.Attempts) if success { utils.PrometheusObserveTimeMilliseconds(promNotifierLatencyMilliseconds, notification.Created) datastore.SetNotificationNotified(notification.Name) } if interrupted { running = false } datastore.Unlock(notification.Name, whoAmI) done <- true }() // Refresh task lock until done. outer: for { select { case <-done: break outer case <-time.After(refreshLockDuration): datastore.Lock(notification.Name, whoAmI, lockDuration, true) } } } log.Info("notifier service stopped") }