예제 #1
// Do interprets r and performs an operation on s.store according to r.Method
// and other fields. If r.Method is "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", or a "GET" with
// Quorum == true, r will be sent through consensus before performing its
// respective operation. Do will block until an action is performed or there is
// an error.
func (s *EtcdServer) Do(ctx context.Context, r pb.Request) (Response, error) {
	r.ID = s.reqIDGen.Next()
	if r.Method == "GET" && r.Quorum {
		r.Method = "QGET"
	switch r.Method {
	case "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "QGET":
		data, err := r.Marshal()
		if err != nil {
			return Response{}, err
		ch := s.w.Register(r.ID)

		// TODO: benchmark the cost of time.Now()
		// might be sampling?
		start := time.Now()
		s.r.Propose(ctx, data)

		defer proposePending.Dec()

		select {
		case x := <-ch:
			proposeDurations.Observe(float64(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds() / int64(time.Millisecond)))
			resp := x.(Response)
			return resp, resp.err
		case <-ctx.Done():
			s.w.Trigger(r.ID, nil) // GC wait
			return Response{}, parseCtxErr(ctx.Err())
		case <-s.done:
			return Response{}, ErrStopped
	case "GET":
		switch {
		case r.Wait:
			wc, err := s.store.Watch(r.Path, r.Recursive, r.Stream, r.Since)
			if err != nil {
				return Response{}, err
			return Response{Watcher: wc}, nil
			ev, err := s.store.Get(r.Path, r.Recursive, r.Sorted)
			if err != nil {
				return Response{}, err
			return Response{Event: ev}, nil
	case "HEAD":
		ev, err := s.store.Get(r.Path, r.Recursive, r.Sorted)
		if err != nil {
			return Response{}, err
		return Response{Event: ev}, nil
		return Response{}, ErrUnknownMethod
예제 #2
// Step advances the state machine using msgs. The ctx.Err() will be returned,
// if any.
func (n *node) step(ctx context.Context, m pb.Message) error {
	ch := n.recvc
	if m.Type == pb.MsgProp {
		ch = n.propc

	select {
	case ch <- m:
		return nil
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return ctx.Err()
	case <-n.done:
		return ErrStopped
예제 #3
func (mn *multiNode) step(ctx context.Context, m multiMessage) error {
	ch := mn.recvc
	if m.msg.Type == pb.MsgProp {
		ch = mn.propc

	select {
	case ch <- m:
		return nil
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return ctx.Err()
	case <-mn.done:
		return ErrStopped
예제 #4
func handleKeyWatch(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, wa store.Watcher, stream bool, rt etcdserver.RaftTimer) {
	defer wa.Remove()
	ech := wa.EventChan()
	var nch <-chan bool
	if x, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier); ok {
		nch = x.CloseNotify()

	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	w.Header().Set("X-Etcd-Index", fmt.Sprint(wa.StartIndex()))
	w.Header().Set("X-Raft-Index", fmt.Sprint(rt.Index()))
	w.Header().Set("X-Raft-Term", fmt.Sprint(rt.Term()))

	// Ensure headers are flushed early, in case of long polling

	for {
		select {
		case <-nch:
			// Client closed connection. Nothing to do.
		case <-ctx.Done():
			// Timed out. net/http will close the connection for us, so nothing to do.
		case ev, ok := <-ech:
			if !ok {
				// If the channel is closed this may be an indication of
				// that notifications are much more than we are able to
				// send to the client in time. Then we simply end streaming.
			ev = trimEventPrefix(ev, etcdserver.StoreKeysPrefix)
			if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ev); err != nil {
				// Should never be reached
				log.Printf("error writing event: %v\n", err)
			if !stream {
예제 #5
func (c *simpleHTTPClient) Do(ctx context.Context, act httpAction) (*http.Response, []byte, error) {
	req := act.HTTPRequest(c.endpoint)

	rtchan := make(chan roundTripResponse, 1)
	go func() {
		resp, err := c.transport.RoundTrip(req)
		rtchan <- roundTripResponse{resp: resp, err: err}

	var resp *http.Response
	var err error

	select {
	case rtresp := <-rtchan:
		resp, err = rtresp.resp, rtresp.err
	case <-ctx.Done():
		// cancel and wait for request to actually exit before continuing
		rtresp := <-rtchan
		resp = rtresp.resp
		err = ctx.Err()

	// always check for resp nil-ness to deal with possible
	// race conditions between channels above
	defer func() {
		if resp != nil {

	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, err

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	return resp, body, err
예제 #6
// configure sends a configuration change through consensus and
// then waits for it to be applied to the server. It
// will block until the change is performed or there is an error.
func (s *EtcdServer) configure(ctx context.Context, cc raftpb.ConfChange) error {
	cc.ID = s.reqIDGen.Next()
	ch := s.w.Register(cc.ID)
	if err := s.r.ProposeConfChange(ctx, cc); err != nil {
		s.w.Trigger(cc.ID, nil)
		return err
	select {
	case x := <-ch:
		if err, ok := x.(error); ok {
			return err
		if x != nil {
			log.Panicf("return type should always be error")
		return nil
	case <-ctx.Done():
		s.w.Trigger(cc.ID, nil) // GC wait
		return parseCtxErr(ctx.Err())
	case <-s.done:
		return ErrStopped