예제 #1
func TestAppIsolatorCPU(t *testing.T) {
	isUnified, err := cgroup.IsCgroupUnified("/")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error determining the cgroup version: %v", err)

	if isUnified {
		// TODO: for now kernel does not support cpu isolator in cgroup2.
		// Write a test when it does.
		t.Skip("kernel does not support cpu isolator in cgroup2.")
	ok, err := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("cpu")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error checking cpu isolator support: %v", err)
	if !ok {
		t.Skip("CPU isolator not supported.")

	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	t.Logf("Running test: %v", cpuTest.testName)

	aciFileName := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-isolators.aci", cpuTest.aciBuildArgs...)
	defer os.Remove(aciFileName)

	rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), aciFileName)
	expectedLine := "CPU Quota: " + strconv.Itoa(CPUQuota)
	runRktAndCheckOutput(t, rktCmd, expectedLine, false)

	rktCmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false %s --cpu 900m", ctx.Cmd(), aciFileName)
	expectedLine = "CPU Quota: " + strconv.Itoa(900)
	runRktAndCheckOutput(t, rktCmd, expectedLine, false)
예제 #2
func TestAppIsolatorCPU(t *testing.T) {
	ok := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("cpu")
	if !ok {
		t.Skip("CPU isolator not supported.")

	ctx := newRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.cleanup()

	t.Logf("Running test: %v", cpuTest.testName)

	aciFileName := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-isolators.aci", cpuTest.aciBuildArgs...)
	defer os.Remove(aciFileName)

	rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-skip-verify run --mds-register=false %s", ctx.cmd(), aciFileName)
	t.Logf("Command: %v", rktCmd)
	child, err := gexpect.Spawn(rktCmd)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot exec rkt: %v", err)
	expectedLine := "CPU Quota: " + strconv.Itoa(CPUQuota)
	if err := expectWithOutput(child, expectedLine); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Didn't receive expected output %q: %v", expectedLine, err)

	err = child.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)

예제 #3
func TestAppIsolatorMemory(t *testing.T) {
	ok := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("memory")
	if !ok {
		t.Skip("Memory isolator not supported.")

	ctx := newRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.cleanup()

	t.Logf("Running test: %v", memoryTest.testName)

	aciFileName := "rkt-inspect-isolators.aci"
	patchTestACI(aciFileName, memoryTest.aciBuildArgs...)
	defer os.Remove(aciFileName)

	rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", ctx.cmd(), memoryTest.rktArgs)
	t.Logf("Command: %v", rktCmd)
	child, err := gexpect.Spawn(rktCmd)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot exec rkt: %v", err)
	expectedLine := "Memory Limit: " + strconv.Itoa(maxMemoryUsage)
	if err := expectWithOutput(child, expectedLine); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Didn't receive expected output %q: %v", expectedLine, err)

	err = child.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)
예제 #4
func TestAppIsolatorMemory(t *testing.T) {
	ok, err := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("memory")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Error checking memory isolator support: %v", err)
	if !ok {
		t.Skip("Memory isolator not supported.")

	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	t.Logf("Running test: %v", memoryTest.testName)

	aciFileName := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-isolators.aci", memoryTest.aciBuildArgs...)
	defer os.Remove(aciFileName)

	rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), aciFileName)
	expectedLine := "Memory Limit: " + strconv.Itoa(maxMemoryUsage)
	runRktAndCheckOutput(t, rktCmd, expectedLine, false)

	rktCmd = fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image run --mds-register=false %s --memory 42Mi", ctx.Cmd(), aciFileName)
	expectedLine = "Memory Limit: " + strconv.Itoa(42*1024*1024)
	runRktAndCheckOutput(t, rktCmd, expectedLine, false)
예제 #5
func TestAppIsolatorCPU(t *testing.T) {
	ok := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("cpu")
	if !ok {
		t.Skip("CPU isolator not supported.")

	ctx := newRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.cleanup()

	t.Logf("Running test: %v", cpuTest.testName)

	aciFileName := patchTestACI("rkt-inspect-isolators.aci", cpuTest.aciBuildArgs...)
	defer os.Remove(aciFileName)

	rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-skip-verify run --mds-register=false %s", ctx.cmd(), aciFileName)
	expectedLine := "CPU Quota: " + strconv.Itoa(CPUQuota)
	runRktAndCheckOutput(t, rktCmd, expectedLine, false)
예제 #6
// Test running pod manifests that contains just one app.
// TODO(yifan): Figure out a way to test port mapping on single host.
func TestPodManifest(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	tmpdir := createTempDirOrPanic("rkt-tests.")
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

	boolFalse, boolTrue := false, true

	tests := []struct {
		// [image name]:[image patches]
		images         []imagePatch
		podManifest    *schema.PodManifest
		expectedExit   int
		expectedResult string
		cgroup         string
			// Special characters
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-special-characters.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-msg=\n'\"$"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			// Working directory.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-working-directory.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:             []string{"/inspect", "--print-cwd"},
							User:             "******",
							Group:            "0",
							WorkingDirectory: "/dir1",
			"cwd: /dir1",
			// Simple read.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
			// Simple read from read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-read-only-rootfs-pod-manifest-read.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
			// Simple read after write with *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-empty-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "empty:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0755"),
						UID:  intP(0),
						GID:  intP(0),
			// Simple read from read-only rootfs after write with *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-empty-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "empty:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0755"),
						UID:  intP(0),
						GID:  intP(0),
			// Stat directory in a *empty* volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-empty-vol-stat.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--stat-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0123"),
						UID:  intP(9991),
						GID:  intP(9992),
			"(?s)/dir1: mode: d--x-w--wx.*" + "/dir1: user: 9991.*" + "/dir1: group: 9992",
			// Stat directory in a *empty* volume mounted using a read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-empty-vol-stat.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--stat-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name: "dir1",
						Kind: "empty",
						Mode: stringP("0123"),
						UID:  intP(9991),
						GID:  intP(9992),
			"(?s)/dir1: mode: d--x-w--wx.*" + "/dir1: user: 9991.*" + "/dir1: group: 9992",
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point, should fail.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point in a read-only rootfs, should fail.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-ro.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: true,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir1",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir2",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read-only-rootfs-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir1",
									Path:     "/dir2",
									ReadOnly: false,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baw",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted in a read-only rootfs, no apps in pod manifest.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name:           baseAppName,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should succeed even the mount point in image manifest is readOnly,
			// because it is overridden by the volume's readOnly.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:zaz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolFalse,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Simple read after write with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write in read-only rootfs with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name:           baseAppName,
						ReadOnlyRootFS: true,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir1",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  &boolTrue,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Print CPU quota, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cpu-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-cpuquota"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									"name":     "resource/cpu",
									"value":    { "request": "100m", "limit": "100m"}
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_SYS_PTRACE"] }
			`CPU Quota: 100`,
			// Print memory limit, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-memory-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-memorylimit"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
								// 4MB.
									"name":     "resource/memory",
									"value":    { "request": "4194304", "limit": "4194304"}
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_SYS_PTRACE"] }
			`Memory Limit: 4194304`,
			// Multiple apps (with same images) in the pod. The first app will read out the content
			// written by the second app.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci1"}},
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci2"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: "rkt-inspect-readapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--pre-sleep=10", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir",
									Path:     "/dir",
									ReadOnly: false,
						Name: "rkt-inspect-writeapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
									Name:     "dir",
									Path:     "/dir",
									ReadOnly: false,
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
						Name:      "dir",
						Kind:      "host",
						Source:    tmpdir,
						ReadOnly:  nil,
						Recursive: nil,
						Mode:      nil,
						UID:       nil,
						GID:       nil,
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=disabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									"name":     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									"value":    { "set": ["CAP_NET_ADMIN"] }
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=enabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Set valid numerical app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-numerical-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "100",
			"User: uid=1000 euid=1000 gid=100 egid=100",
			// Set valid non-numerical app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "group1",
			"User: uid=1000 euid=1000 gid=100 egid=100",
			// Set "root", it should work without it being present in
			// /etc/{passwd,group}
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-root-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "root",
			"User: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0",
			// Set invalid non-numerical app user.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-user.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			`"user2" user not found`,
			// Set invalid non-numerical app group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "group2",
			`"group2" group not found`,
			// Set valid path-like app user and group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-valid-path-user-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "/etc/group",
			"User: uid=0 euid=0 gid=0 egid=0",
			// Set invalid path-like app user.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-path-user.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
			`no such file or directory`,
			// Set invalid path-like app group.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-invalid-path-group.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-user"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "/etc/nofile",
			`no such file or directory`,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		if tt.cgroup != "" {
			ok, err := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported(tt.cgroup)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Error checking memory isolator support: %v", err)
			if !ok {
				t.Logf("Skip test #%v: cgroup %s not supported", i, tt.cgroup)

		var hashesToRemove []string
		for j, v := range tt.images {
			hash, err := patchImportAndFetchHash(v.name, v.patches, t, ctx)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("%v", err)
			hashesToRemove = append(hashesToRemove, hash)
			imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(v.name)
			imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)

			ra := &tt.podManifest.Apps[j]
			ra.Image.Name = imgName
			ra.Image.ID = *imgID

		tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
		tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

		manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
		defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

		// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
		runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v", i)
		child := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)
		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
		rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-options=image prepare --pod-manifest=%s",
			ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		uuid := runRktAndGetUUID(t, rktCmd)

		runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), uuid)
		t.Logf("Running 'run-prepared' test #%v", i)
		child = spawnOrFail(t, runPreparedCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if _, out, err := expectRegexWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Errorf("Expected %q but not found: %v\n%s", tt.expectedResult, err, out)

		waitOrFail(t, child, tt.expectedExit)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// we run the garbage collector and remove the imported images to save
		// space
		runGC(t, ctx)
		for _, h := range hashesToRemove {
			removeFromCas(t, ctx, h)
예제 #7
// Test running pod manifests that contains just one app.
// TODO(yifan): Figure out a way to test port mapping on single host.
func TestPodManifest(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	tmpdir := createTempDirOrPanic("rkt-tests.")
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

	boolFalse, boolTrue := false, true

	tests := []struct {
		// [image name]:[image patches]
		images         []imagePatch
		podManifest    *schema.PodManifest
		shouldSucceed  bool
		expectedResult string
		cgroup         string
			// Simple read.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point, should fail.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", true},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolTrue},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci", []string{"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir2", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should succeed even the mount point in image manifest is readOnly,
			// because it is overrided by the volume's readOnly.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:zaz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolFalse},
			// Simple read after write with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
						"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolTrue},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Print CPU quota, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cpu-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-cpuquota"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name:     "resource/cpu",
									ValueRaw: rawRequestLimit("100", "100"),
			`CPU Quota: 100`,
			// Print memory limit, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-memory-isolator.aci", []string{}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-memorylimit"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name: "resource/memory",
									// 4MB.
									ValueRaw: rawRequestLimit("4194304", "4194304"),
			`Memory Limit: 4194304`,
			// Multiple apps (with same images) in the pod. The first app will read out the content
			// written by the second app.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci1"}},
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app.aci", []string{"--name=aci2"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: "rkt-inspect-readapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--pre-sleep=10", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir", "/dir", false},
						Name: "rkt-inspect-writeapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir", "/dir", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=disabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				{"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci", []string{"--capability=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"}},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name:     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									ValueRaw: rawValue(fmt.Sprintf(`{"set":["CAP_NET_ADMIN"]}`)),
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=enabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),

	for i, tt := range tests {
		if tt.cgroup != "" && !cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported(tt.cgroup) {
			t.Logf("Skip test #%v: cgroup %s not supported", i, tt.cgroup)

		var hashesToRemove []string
		for j, v := range tt.images {
			hash := patchImportAndFetchHash(v.name, v.patches, t, ctx)
			hashesToRemove = append(hashesToRemove, hash)
			imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(v.name)
			imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)

			ra := &tt.podManifest.Apps[j]
			ra.Image.Name = imgName
			ra.Image.ID = *imgID

		tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
		tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

		manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
		defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

		// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
		runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v", i)
		child := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if err := expectWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v", tt.expectedResult, err)
		if err := child.Wait(); err != nil {
			if tt.shouldSucceed {
				t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
		rktCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s --insecure-skip-verify prepare --pod-manifest=%s",
			ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
		uuid := runRktAndGetUUID(t, rktCmd)

		runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.Cmd(), uuid)
		t.Logf("Running 'run-prepared' test #%v", i)
		child = spawnOrFail(t, runPreparedCmd)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if err := expectWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v", tt.expectedResult, err)
		if err := child.Wait(); err != nil {
			if tt.shouldSucceed {
				t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// we run the garbage collector and remove the imported images to save
		// space
		runGC(t, ctx)
		for _, h := range hashesToRemove {
			removeFromCas(t, ctx, h)
예제 #8
파일: inspect.go 프로젝트: jimberlage/rkt
func main() {
	args := globalFlagset.Args()
	if len(args) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Wrong parameters")

	if globalFlags.PreSleep >= 0 {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(globalFlags.PreSleep) * time.Second)

	if globalFlags.ReadStdin {
		reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		fmt.Printf("Enter text:\n")
		text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
		fmt.Printf("Received text: %s\n", text)

	if globalFlags.CheckTty {
		fd := int(os.Stdin.Fd())
		var termios syscall.Termios
		_, _, err := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), syscall.TCGETS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&termios)), 0, 0, 0)
		if err == 0 {
			fmt.Printf("stdin is a terminal\n")
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("stdin is not a terminal\n")

	if globalFlags.PrintExec {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "inspect execed as: %s\n", os.Args[0])

	if globalFlags.PrintMsg != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", globalFlags.PrintMsg)
		messageLoopStr := os.Getenv("MESSAGE_LOOP")
		messageLoop, err := strconv.Atoi(messageLoopStr)
		if err == nil {
			for i := 0; i < messageLoop; i++ {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", globalFlags.PrintMsg)

	if globalFlags.PrintEnv != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s=%s\n", globalFlags.PrintEnv, os.Getenv(globalFlags.PrintEnv))

	if globalFlags.PrintCapsPid >= 0 {
		caps, err := capability.NewPid(globalFlags.PrintCapsPid)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot get caps: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: effective: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.EFFECTIVE))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: permitted: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.PERMITTED))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: inheritable: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.INHERITABLE))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: bounding: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.BOUNDING))

		if capStr := os.Getenv("CAPABILITY"); capStr != "" {
			capInt, err := strconv.Atoi(capStr)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Environment variable $CAPABILITY is not a valid capability number: %v\n", err)
			c := capability.Cap(capInt)
			if caps.Get(capability.BOUNDING, c) {
				fmt.Printf("%v=enabled\n", c.String())
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("%v=disabled\n", c.String())

	if globalFlags.PrintUser {
		fmt.Printf("User: uid=%d euid=%d gid=%d egid=%d\n", os.Getuid(), os.Geteuid(), os.Getgid(), os.Getegid())

	if globalFlags.PrintGroups {
		gids, err := os.Getgroups()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting groups: %v\n", err)
		// getgroups(2): It is unspecified whether the effective group ID of
		// the calling process is included in the returned list. (Thus, an
		// application should also call getegid(2) and add or remove the
		// resulting value.)
		egid := os.Getegid()
		if !in(gids, egid) {
			gids = append(gids, egid)
		var b bytes.Buffer
		for _, gid := range gids {
			b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d ", gid))
		fmt.Printf("Groups: %s\n", b.String())

	if globalFlags.WriteFile {
		fileName := os.Getenv("FILE")
		if globalFlags.FileName != "" {
			fileName = globalFlags.FileName
		content := os.Getenv("CONTENT")
		if globalFlags.Content != "" {
			content = globalFlags.Content

		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte(content), 0600)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot write to file %q: %v\n", fileName, err)

	if globalFlags.ReadFile {
		fileName := os.Getenv("FILE")
		if globalFlags.FileName != "" {
			fileName = globalFlags.FileName

		dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot read file %q: %v\n", fileName, err)

	if globalFlags.CheckCwd != "" {
		wd, err := os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot get working directory: %v\n", err)
		if wd != globalFlags.CheckCwd {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Working directory: %q. Expected: %q.\n", wd, globalFlags.CheckCwd)

	if globalFlags.Sleep >= 0 {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(globalFlags.Sleep) * time.Second)

	if globalFlags.PrintMemoryLimit {
		memCgroupPath, err := cgroup.GetOwnCgroupPath("memory")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting own memory cgroup path: %v\n", err)
		// we use /proc/1/root to escape the chroot we're in and read our
		// memory limit
		limitPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/memory", memCgroupPath, "memory.limit_in_bytes")
		limit, err := ioutil.ReadFile(limitPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read memory.limit_in_bytes\n")

		fmt.Printf("Memory Limit: %s\n", string(limit))

	if globalFlags.PrintCPUQuota {
		cpuCgroupPath, err := cgroup.GetOwnCgroupPath("cpu")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting own cpu cgroup path: %v\n", err)
		// we use /proc/1/root to escape the chroot we're in and read our
		// cpu quota
		periodPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu", cpuCgroupPath, "cpu.cfs_period_us")
		periodBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(periodPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read cpu.cpu_period_us\n")
		quotaPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu", cpuCgroupPath, "cpu.cfs_quota_us")
		quotaBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(quotaPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read cpu.cpu_quota_us\n")

		period, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(periodBytes), "\n"))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		quota, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(quotaBytes), "\n"))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

		quotaMilliCores := quota * 1000 / period
		fmt.Printf("CPU Quota: %s\n", strconv.Itoa(quotaMilliCores))

	if globalFlags.CheckCgroupMounts {
		rootCgroupPath := "/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup"
		testPaths := []string{rootCgroupPath}

		// test a couple of controllers if they're available
		if cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("memory") {
			testPaths = append(testPaths, filepath.Join(rootCgroupPath, "memory"))
		if cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("cpu") {
			testPaths = append(testPaths, filepath.Join(rootCgroupPath, "cpu"))

		for _, p := range testPaths {
			if err := syscall.Mkdir(filepath.Join(p, "test"), 0600); err == nil || err != syscall.EROFS {
				fmt.Println("check-cgroups: FAIL")

		fmt.Println("check-cgroups: SUCCESS")

	if globalFlags.PrintNetNS {
		ns, err := os.Readlink("/proc/self/ns/net")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("NetNS: %s\n", ns)

	if globalFlags.PrintIPv4 != "" {
		iface := globalFlags.PrintIPv4
		ips, err := testutils.GetIPsv4(iface)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("%v IPv4: %s\n", iface, ips[0])

	if globalFlags.PrintDefaultGWv4 {
		gw, err := testutils.GetDefaultGWv4()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("DefaultGWv4: %s\n", gw)

	if globalFlags.PrintDefaultGWv6 {
		gw, err := testutils.GetDefaultGWv6()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("DefaultGWv6: %s\n", gw)

	if globalFlags.PrintGWv4 != "" {
		// TODO: GetGW not implemented yet
		iface := globalFlags.PrintGWv4
		gw, err := testutils.GetGWv4(iface)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("%v GWv4: %s\n", iface, gw)

	if globalFlags.PrintIPv6 != "" {
		// TODO

	if globalFlags.PrintGWv6 != "" {
		// TODO

	if globalFlags.ServeHttp != "" {
		err := testutils.HttpServe(globalFlags.ServeHttp, globalFlags.ServeHttpTimeout)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

	if globalFlags.GetHttp != "" {
		body, err := testutils.HttpGet(globalFlags.GetHttp)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("HTTP-Get received: %s\n", body)

예제 #9
파일: units.go 프로젝트: nhlfr/rkt
func (uw *UnitWriter) AppUnit(
	ra *schema.RuntimeApp, binPath, privateUsers string, insecureOptions Stage1InsecureOptions,
	opts ...*unit.UnitOption,
) {
	if uw.err != nil {

	flavor, systemdVersion, err := GetFlavor(uw.p)
	if err != nil {
		uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("unable to determine stage1 flavor"), err)

	app := ra.App
	appName := ra.Name
	imgName := uw.p.AppNameToImageName(appName)

	if len(app.Exec) == 0 {
		uw.err = fmt.Errorf(`image %q has an empty "exec" (try --exec=BINARY)`, imgName)

	env := app.Environment

	env.Set("AC_APP_NAME", appName.String())
	if uw.p.MetadataServiceURL != "" {
		env.Set("AC_METADATA_URL", uw.p.MetadataServiceURL)

	envFilePath := EnvFilePath(uw.p.Root, appName)

	uidRange := user.NewBlankUidRange()
	if err := uidRange.Deserialize([]byte(privateUsers)); err != nil {
		uw.err = err

	if err := common.WriteEnvFile(env, uidRange, envFilePath); err != nil {
		uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("unable to write environment file for systemd"), err)

	u, g, err := parseUserGroup(uw.p, ra, uidRange)
	if err != nil {
		uw.err = err

	if err := generateSysusers(uw.p, ra, u, g, uidRange); err != nil {
		uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("unable to generate sysusers"), err)

	var supplementaryGroups []string
	for _, g := range app.SupplementaryGIDs {
		supplementaryGroups = append(supplementaryGroups, strconv.Itoa(g))

	capabilitiesStr, err := getAppCapabilities(app.Isolators)
	if err != nil {
		uw.err = err

	execStart := append([]string{binPath}, app.Exec[1:]...)
	execStartString := quoteExec(execStart)
	opts = append(opts, []*unit.UnitOption{
		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", fmt.Sprintf("Application=%v Image=%v", appName, imgName)),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Wants", fmt.Sprintf("reaper-%s.service", appName)),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Restart", "no"),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "ExecStart", execStartString),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "RootDirectory", common.RelAppRootfsPath(appName)),
		// MountFlags=shared creates a new mount namespace and (as unintuitive
		// as it might seem) makes sure the mount is slave+shared.
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "MountFlags", "shared"),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "WorkingDirectory", app.WorkingDirectory),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "EnvironmentFile", RelEnvFilePath(appName)),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "User", strconv.Itoa(u)),
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Group", strconv.Itoa(g)),

		// This helps working around a race
		// (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2913) that causes the
		// systemd unit name not getting written to the journal if the unit is
		// short-lived and runs as non-root.
		unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "SyslogIdentifier", appName.String()),

	if len(supplementaryGroups) > 0 {
		opts = appendOptionsList(opts, "Service", "SupplementaryGroups", "", supplementaryGroups)

	if supportsNotify(uw.p, appName.String()) {
		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "Type", "notify"))

	if !insecureOptions.DisableCapabilities {
		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "CapabilityBoundingSet", strings.Join(capabilitiesStr, " ")))

	noNewPrivileges := getAppNoNewPrivileges(app.Isolators)

	// Apply seccomp isolator, if any and not opt-ing out;
	// see https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#SystemCallFilter=
	if !insecureOptions.DisableSeccomp {
		var forceNoNewPrivileges bool

		unprivileged := (u != 0)
		opts, forceNoNewPrivileges, err = getSeccompFilter(opts, uw.p, unprivileged, app.Isolators)
		if err != nil {
			uw.err = err

		// Seccomp filters require NoNewPrivileges for unprivileged apps, that may override
		// manifest annotation.
		if forceNoNewPrivileges {
			noNewPrivileges = true

	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "NoNewPrivileges", strconv.FormatBool(noNewPrivileges)))

	if ra.ReadOnlyRootFS {
		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "ReadOnlyDirectories", common.RelAppRootfsPath(appName)))

	// TODO(tmrts): Extract this logic into a utility function.
	vols := make(map[types.ACName]types.Volume)
	for _, v := range uw.p.Manifest.Volumes {
		vols[v.Name] = v

	absRoot, err := filepath.Abs(uw.p.Root) // Absolute path to the pod's rootfs.
	if err != nil {
		uw.err = err
	appRootfs := common.AppRootfsPath(absRoot, appName)

	rwDirs := []string{}
	imageManifest := uw.p.Images[appName.String()]
	mounts := GenerateMounts(ra, vols, imageManifest)
	for _, m := range mounts {
		mntPath, err := EvaluateSymlinksInsideApp(appRootfs, m.Path)
		if err != nil {
			uw.err = err

		if !IsMountReadOnly(vols[m.Volume], app.MountPoints) {
			rwDirs = append(rwDirs, filepath.Join(common.RelAppRootfsPath(appName), mntPath))
	if len(rwDirs) > 0 {
		opts = appendOptionsList(opts, "Service", "ReadWriteDirectories", "", rwDirs)

	// Restrict access to sensitive paths (eg. procfs and sysfs entries).
	if !insecureOptions.DisablePaths {
		opts = protectKernelTunables(opts, appName, systemdVersion)

	// Generate default device policy for the app, as well as the list of allowed devices.
	// For kvm flavor, devices are VM-specific and restricting them is not strictly needed.
	if !insecureOptions.DisablePaths && flavor != "kvm" {
		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "DevicePolicy", "closed"))
		deviceAllows, err := generateDeviceAllows(common.Stage1RootfsPath(absRoot), appName, app.MountPoints, mounts, vols, uidRange)
		if err != nil {
			uw.err = err
		for _, dev := range deviceAllows {
			opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "DeviceAllow", dev))

	// When an app fails, we shut down the pod
	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "OnFailure", "halt.target"))

	for _, eh := range app.EventHandlers {
		var typ string
		switch eh.Name {
		case "pre-start":
			typ = "ExecStartPre"
		case "post-stop":
			typ = "ExecStopPost"
			uw.err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized eventHandler: %v", eh.Name)
		exec := quoteExec(eh.Exec)
		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", typ, exec))

	// Some pre-start jobs take a long time, set the timeout to 0
	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "TimeoutStartSec", "0"))

	var saPorts []types.Port
	for _, p := range app.Ports {
		if p.SocketActivated {
			saPorts = append(saPorts, p)

	doWithIsolator := func(isolator string, f func() error) bool {
		ok, err := cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported(isolator)
		if err != nil {
			uw.err = err
			return true

		if !ok {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warning: resource/%s isolator set but support disabled in the kernel, skipping\n", isolator)

		if err := f(); err != nil {
			uw.err = err
			return true

		return false

	exit := false
	for _, i := range app.Isolators {
		if exit {

		switch v := i.Value().(type) {
		case *types.ResourceMemory:
			exit = doWithIsolator("memory", func() error {
				if v.Limit() == nil {
					return nil

				opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "MemoryLimit", strconv.Itoa(int(v.Limit().Value()))))
				return nil
		case *types.ResourceCPU:
			exit = doWithIsolator("cpu", func() error {
				if v.Limit() == nil {
					return nil

				if v.Limit().Value() > resource.MaxMilliValue {
					return fmt.Errorf("cpu limit exceeds the maximum millivalue: %v", v.Limit().String())

				quota := strconv.Itoa(int(v.Limit().MilliValue()/10)) + "%"
				opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Service", "CPUQuota", quota))

				return nil

	if len(saPorts) > 0 {
		sockopts := []*unit.UnitOption{
			unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Description", fmt.Sprintf("Application=%v Image=%v %s", appName, imgName, "socket-activated ports")),
			unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "DefaultDependencies", "false"),
			unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", "BindIPv6Only", "both"),
			unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", "Service", ServiceUnitName(appName)),

		for _, sap := range saPorts {
			var proto string
			switch sap.Protocol {
			case "tcp":
				proto = "ListenStream"
			case "udp":
				proto = "ListenDatagram"
				uw.err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized protocol: %v", sap.Protocol)
			// We find the host port for the pod's port and use that in the
			// socket unit file.
			// This is so because systemd inside the pod will match based on
			// the socket port number, and since the socket was created on the
			// host, it will have the host port number.
			port := findHostPort(*uw.p.Manifest, sap.Name)
			if port == 0 {
				log.Printf("warning: no --port option for socket-activated port %q, assuming port %d as specified in the manifest", sap.Name, sap.Port)
				port = sap.Port
			sockopts = append(sockopts, unit.NewUnitOption("Socket", proto, fmt.Sprintf("%v", port)))

		file, err := os.OpenFile(SocketUnitPath(uw.p.Root, appName), os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
		if err != nil {
			uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("failed to create socket file"), err)
		defer file.Close()

		if _, err = io.Copy(file, unit.Serialize(sockopts)); err != nil {
			uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("failed to write socket unit file"), err)

		if err = os.Symlink(path.Join("..", SocketUnitName(appName)), SocketWantPath(uw.p.Root, appName)); err != nil {
			uw.err = errwrap.Wrap(errors.New("failed to link socket want"), err)

		opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", SocketUnitName(appName)))

	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", InstantiatedPrepareAppUnitName(appName)))
	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", InstantiatedPrepareAppUnitName(appName)))
	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "Requires", "sysusers.service"))
	opts = append(opts, unit.NewUnitOption("Unit", "After", "sysusers.service"))

	uw.WriteUnit(ServiceUnitPath(uw.p.Root, appName), "failed to create service unit file", opts...)
	uw.Activate(ServiceUnitName(appName), ServiceWantPath(uw.p.Root, appName))
예제 #10
// Test running pod manifests that contains just one app.
// TODO(yifan): Figure out a way to test port mapping on single host.
func TestPodManifest(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := newRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.cleanup()

	tmpdir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "rkt-tests.")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot create temporary directory: %v", err)
	defer os.RemoveAll(tmpdir)

	boolFalse, boolTrue := false, true

	tests := []struct {
		// [image name]:[image patches]
		images         map[string][]string
		podManifest    *schema.PodManifest
		shouldSuccess  bool
		expectedResult string
		cgroup         string
			// Simple read.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-read.aci": {},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw.aci": {},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with read-only mount point, should fail.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro.aci": {},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", true},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec. This should fail as the volume is
			// read-only in pod manifest, (which will override the mount point in both image/pod manifest).
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci": {"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=false"},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir1/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir1", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolTrue},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted.
			// Override the image's mount point spec.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-override.aci": {"--mounts=dir1,path=/dir1,readOnly=true"},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir2/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:bar"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir1", "/dir2", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-rw-no-app.aci": {
					"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Simple read after write with volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should succeed even the mount point in image manifest is readOnly,
			// because it is overrided by the volume's readOnly.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro-no-app.aci": {
					"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=host:zaz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolFalse},
			// Simple read after write with read-only volume mounted, no apps in pod manifest.
			// This should fail as the volume is read-only.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-vol-ro-no-app.aci": {
					"--exec=/inspect --write-file --read-file --file-name=/dir1/file --content=baz",
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
					{Name: baseAppName},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir1", "host", tmpdir, &boolTrue},
			`Cannot write to file "/dir1/file": open /dir1/file: read-only file system`,
			// Print CPU quota, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cpu-isolator.aci": {},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-cpuquota"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name:     "resource/cpu",
									ValueRaw: rawRequestLimit("100", "100"),
			`CPU Quota: 100`,
			// Print memory limit, which should be overwritten by the pod manifest.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-memory-isolator.aci": {},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-memorylimit"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name: "resource/memory",
									// 4MB.
									ValueRaw: rawRequestLimit("4194304", "4194304"),
			`Memory Limit: 4194304`,
			// Multiple apps in the pod. The first app will read out the content
			// written by the second app.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app1.aci": {"--name=rkt-inspect-readapp"},
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-app2.aci": {"--name=rkt-inspect-writeapp"},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: "rkt-inspect-readapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--pre-sleep=10", "--read-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir", "/dir", false},
						Name: "rkt-inspect-writeapp",
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--write-file"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"FILE", "/dir/file"},
								{"CONTENT", "host:foo"},
							MountPoints: []types.MountPoint{
								{"dir", "/dir", false},
				Volumes: []types.Volume{
					{"dir", "host", tmpdir, nil},
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci": {"--capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN"},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN))},
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=disabled", capability.CAP_NET_ADMIN.String()),
			// Pod manifest overwrites the image's capability.
				"rkt-test-run-pod-manifest-cap.aci": {"--capability=CAP_NET_ADMIN"},
				Apps: []schema.RuntimeApp{
						Name: baseAppName,
						App: &types.App{
							Exec:  []string{"/inspect", "--print-caps-pid=0"},
							User:  "******",
							Group: "0",
							Environment: []types.EnvironmentVariable{
								{"CAPABILITY", strconv.Itoa(int(capability.CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE))},
							Isolators: []types.Isolator{
									Name:     "os/linux/capabilities-retain-set",
									ValueRaw: rawValue(fmt.Sprintf(`{"set":["CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE"]}`)),
			fmt.Sprintf("%v=enabled", capability.CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE.String()),

	for i, tt := range tests {
		if tt.cgroup != "" && !cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported(tt.cgroup) {
			t.Logf("Skip test #%v: cgroup %s not supported", i, tt.cgroup)

		j := 0
		for name, patches := range tt.images {
			imageFile := patchTestACI(name, patches...)
			hash := importImageAndFetchHash(t, ctx, imageFile)
			defer os.Remove(imageFile)

			imgName := types.MustACIdentifier(name)
			imgID, err := types.NewHash(hash)
			if err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", hash, err)

			ra := &tt.podManifest.Apps[j]
			ra.Image.Name = imgName
			ra.Image.ID = *imgID


		tt.podManifest.ACKind = schema.PodManifestKind
		tt.podManifest.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

		manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, tt.podManifest)
		defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

		// 1. Test 'rkt run'.
		runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --mds-register=false --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.cmd(), manifestFile)
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v: %v", i, runCmd)
		child, err := gexpect.Spawn(runCmd)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Cannot exec rkt #%v: %v", i, err)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if err := expectWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v", tt.expectedResult, err)
		if err := child.Wait(); err != nil {
			if tt.shouldSuccess {
				t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)

		// 2. Test 'rkt prepare' + 'rkt run-prepared'.
		cmds := strings.Fields(ctx.cmd())
		prepareCmd := exec.Command(cmds[0], cmds[1:]...)
		prepareArg := fmt.Sprintf("--pod-manifest=%s", manifestFile)
		prepareCmd.Args = append(prepareCmd.Args, "--insecure-skip-verify", "prepare", prepareArg)
		output, err := prepareCmd.Output()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Cannot read the output: %v", err)

		podIDStr := strings.TrimSpace(string(output))
		podID, err := types.NewUUID(podIDStr)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("%q is not a valid UUID: %v", podIDStr, err)

		runPreparedCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run-prepared --mds-register=false %s", ctx.cmd(), podID.String())
		t.Logf("Running 'run' test #%v: %v", i, runPreparedCmd)
		child, err = gexpect.Spawn(runPreparedCmd)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Cannot exec rkt #%v: %v", i, err)

		if tt.expectedResult != "" {
			if err := expectWithOutput(child, tt.expectedResult); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("Expected %q but not found: %v", tt.expectedResult, err)
		if err := child.Wait(); err != nil {
			if tt.shouldSuccess {
				t.Fatalf("rkt didn't terminate correctly: %v", err)
		verifyHostFile(t, tmpdir, "file", i, tt.expectedResult)
예제 #11
파일: inspect.go 프로젝트: cyclefusion/rkt
func main() {
	args := globalFlagset.Args()
	if len(args) > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Wrong parameters")

	if globalFlags.PreSleep >= 0 {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(globalFlags.PreSleep) * time.Second)

	if globalFlags.ReadStdin {
		reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		fmt.Printf("Enter text:\n")
		text, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
		fmt.Printf("Received text: %s\n", text)

	if globalFlags.CheckTty {
		fd := int(os.Stdin.Fd())
		var termios syscall.Termios
		_, _, err := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), syscall.TCGETS, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&termios)), 0, 0, 0)
		if err == 0 {
			fmt.Printf("stdin is a terminal\n")
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("stdin is not a terminal\n")

	if globalFlags.PrintMsg != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", globalFlags.PrintMsg)
		messageLoopStr := os.Getenv("MESSAGE_LOOP")
		messageLoop, err := strconv.Atoi(messageLoopStr)
		if err == nil {
			for i := 0; i < messageLoop; i++ {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", globalFlags.PrintMsg)

	if globalFlags.PrintEnv != "" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s=%s\n", globalFlags.PrintEnv, os.Getenv(globalFlags.PrintEnv))

	if globalFlags.PrintCapsPid >= 0 {
		caps, err := capability.NewPid(globalFlags.PrintCapsPid)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot get caps: %v\n", err)
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: effective: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.EFFECTIVE))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: permitted: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.PERMITTED))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: inheritable: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.INHERITABLE))
		fmt.Printf("Capability set: bounding: %s\n", caps.StringCap(capability.BOUNDING))

		if capStr := os.Getenv("CAPABILITY"); capStr != "" {
			capInt, err := strconv.Atoi(capStr)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Environment variable $CAPABILITY is not a valid capability number: %v\n", err)
			c := capability.Cap(capInt)
			if caps.Get(capability.BOUNDING, c) {
				fmt.Printf("%v=enabled\n", c.String())
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("%v=disabled\n", c.String())

	if globalFlags.PrintUser {
		fmt.Printf("User: uid=%d euid=%d gid=%d egid=%d\n", os.Getuid(), os.Geteuid(), os.Getgid(), os.Getegid())

	if globalFlags.WriteFile {
		fileName := os.Getenv("FILE")
		if globalFlags.FileName != "" {
			fileName = globalFlags.FileName
		content := os.Getenv("CONTENT")
		if globalFlags.Content != "" {
			content = globalFlags.Content

		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fileName, []byte(content), 0600)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot write to file %q: %v\n", fileName, err)

	if globalFlags.ReadFile {
		fileName := os.Getenv("FILE")
		if globalFlags.FileName != "" {
			fileName = globalFlags.FileName

		dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileName)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot read file %q: %v\n", fileName, err)

	if globalFlags.CheckCwd != "" {
		wd, err := os.Getwd()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot get working directory: %v\n", err)
		if wd != globalFlags.CheckCwd {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Working directory: %q. Expected: %q.\n", wd, globalFlags.CheckCwd)

	if globalFlags.Sleep >= 0 {
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(globalFlags.Sleep) * time.Second)

	if globalFlags.PrintMemoryLimit {
		memCgroupPath, err := cgroup.GetOwnCgroupPath("memory")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting own memory cgroup path: %v\n", err)
		// we use /proc/1/root to escape the chroot we're in and read our
		// memory limit
		limitPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/memory", memCgroupPath, "memory.limit_in_bytes")
		limit, err := ioutil.ReadFile(limitPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read memory.limit_in_bytes\n")

		fmt.Printf("Memory Limit: %s\n", string(limit))

	if globalFlags.PrintCPUQuota {
		cpuCgroupPath, err := cgroup.GetOwnCgroupPath("cpu")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error getting own cpu cgroup path: %v\n", err)
		// we use /proc/1/root to escape the chroot we're in and read our
		// cpu quota
		periodPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu", cpuCgroupPath, "cpu.cfs_period_us")
		periodBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(periodPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read cpu.cpu_period_us\n")
		quotaPath := filepath.Join("/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu", cpuCgroupPath, "cpu.cfs_quota_us")
		quotaBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(quotaPath)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Can't read cpu.cpu_quota_us\n")

		period, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(periodBytes), "\n"))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
		quota, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(string(quotaBytes), "\n"))
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)

		quotaMilliCores := quota * 1000 / period
		fmt.Printf("CPU Quota: %s\n", strconv.Itoa(quotaMilliCores))

	if globalFlags.CheckCgroupMounts {
		rootCgroupPath := "/proc/1/root/sys/fs/cgroup"
		testPaths := []string{rootCgroupPath}

		// test a couple of controllers if they're available
		if cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("memory") {
			testPaths = append(testPaths, filepath.Join(rootCgroupPath, "memory"))
		if cgroup.IsIsolatorSupported("cpu") {
			testPaths = append(testPaths, filepath.Join(rootCgroupPath, "cpu"))

		for _, p := range testPaths {
			if err := syscall.Mkdir(filepath.Join(p, "test"), 0600); err == nil || err != syscall.EROFS {
				fmt.Println("check-cgroups: FAIL")

		fmt.Println("check-cgroups: SUCCESS")
