예제 #1
func TestVolumesToKvmDiskArgs(t *testing.T) {
	tests := []struct {
		volumes  []types.Volume
		expected []string
		{ // one host volume - one argument
			volumes:  []types.Volume{{Name: types.ACName("foo"), Kind: "host", Source: "src1"}},
			expected: []string{"--9p=src1,foo"},
		{ // on empty volume - no arguments
			volumes:  []types.Volume{{Name: types.ACName("foo"), Kind: "empty", Source: "src1"}},
			expected: []string{},
		{ // two host volumes
			volumes: []types.Volume{
				{Name: types.ACName("foo"), Kind: "host", Source: "src1"},
				{Name: types.ACName("bar"), Kind: "host", Source: "src2"},
			expected: []string{"--9p=src1,foo", "--9p=src2,bar"},
		{ // mix host and empty
			volumes: []types.Volume{
				{Name: types.ACName("foo"), Kind: "host", Source: "src1"},
				{Name: types.ACName("baz"), Kind: "empty", Source: "src1"},
				{Name: types.ACName("bar"), Kind: "host", Source: "src2"},
			expected: []string{"--9p=src1,foo", "--9p=src2,bar"},

	for i, tt := range tests {
		got := VolumesToKvmDiskArgs(tt.volumes)
		if len(got) != len(tt.expected) {
			t.Errorf("#%d: expected %v elements got %v", i, len(tt.expected), len(got))
		} else {
			for iarg, argExpected := range tt.expected {
				if got[iarg] != argExpected {
					t.Errorf("#%d: arg %d expected `%v` got `%v`", i, iarg, argExpected, got[iarg])
예제 #2
파일: oci2aci.go 프로젝트: liugenping/rkt
func genManifest(path string) *schema.ImageManifest {
	// Get runtime.json and config.json
	runtimePath := path + "/runtime.json"
	configPath := path + "/config.json"

	runtime, err := ioutil.ReadFile(runtimePath)
	if err != nil {
		if debugEnabled {
			log.Printf("Open file runtime.json failed: %v", err)
		return nil

	config, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configPath)
	if err != nil {
		if debugEnabled {
			log.Printf("Open file config.json failed: %v", err)
		return nil

	var spec LinuxSpec
	err = json.Unmarshal(config, &spec)
	if err != nil {
		if debugEnabled {
			log.Printf("Unmarshal config.json failed: %v", err)
		return nil

	var runSpec LinuxRuntimeSpec
	err = json.Unmarshal(runtime, &runSpec)
	if err != nil {
		if debugEnabled {
			log.Printf("Unmarshal runtime.json failed: %v", err)
		return nil
	// Begin to convert runtime.json/config.json to manifest
	m := new(schema.ImageManifest)

	// 1. Assemble "acKind" field
	m.ACKind = "ImageManifest"

	// 2. Assemble "acVersion" field
	m.ACVersion = schema.AppContainerVersion

	// 3. Assemble "name" field
	m.Name = "oci"

	// 4. Assemble "labels" field
	// 4.1 "version"
	label := new(types.Label)
	label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("version")
	label.Value = spec.Version
	m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label)
	// 4.2 "os"
	label = new(types.Label)
	label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("os")
	label.Value = spec.Platform.OS
	m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label)
	// 4.3 "arch"
	label = new(types.Label)
	label.Name = types.ACIdentifier("arch")
	label.Value = spec.Platform.Arch
	m.Labels = append(m.Labels, *label)

	// 5. Assemble "app" field
	app := new(types.App)
	// 5.1 "exec"
	app.Exec = spec.Process.Args
	// 5.2 "user"
	app.User = fmt.Sprintf("%d", spec.Process.User.UID)
	// 5.3 "group"
	app.Group = fmt.Sprintf("%d", spec.Process.User.GID)
	// 5.4 "eventHandlers"
	event := new(types.EventHandler)
	event.Name = "pre-start"
	for index := range runSpec.Hooks.Prestart {
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Path)
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Args...)
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Prestart[index].Env...)
	app.EventHandlers = append(app.EventHandlers, *event)
	event = new(types.EventHandler)
	event.Name = "post-stop"
	for index := range runSpec.Hooks.Poststop {
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Path)
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Args...)
		event.Exec = append(event.Exec, runSpec.Hooks.Poststop[index].Env...)
	app.EventHandlers = append(app.EventHandlers, *event)
	// 5.5 "workingDirectory"
	app.WorkingDirectory = spec.Process.Cwd
	// 5.6 "environment"
	env := new(types.EnvironmentVariable)
	for index := range spec.Process.Env {
		s := strings.Split(spec.Process.Env[index], "=")
		env.Name = s[0]
		env.Value = s[1]
		app.Environment = append(app.Environment, *env)

	// 5.7 "mountPoints"
	for index := range spec.Mounts {
		mount := new(types.MountPoint)
		mount.Name = types.ACName(spec.Mounts[index].Name)
		mount.Path = spec.Mounts[index].Path
		//mount.ReadOnly = true
		app.MountPoints = append(app.MountPoints, *mount)

	// 5.8 "ports"

	// 5.9 "isolators"
	if runSpec.Linux.Resources != nil {
		if runSpec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota != 0 {
			cpuLimt := new(ResourceCPU)
			cpuLimt.Limit = fmt.Sprintf("%dm", runSpec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota)
			isolator := new(types.Isolator)
			isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier("resource/cpu")
			bytes, _ := json.Marshal(cpuLimt)

			valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes)
			isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw

			app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)
		if runSpec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit != 0 {
			memLimt := new(ResourceMem)
			memLimt.Limit = fmt.Sprintf("%dG", runSpec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit/(1024*1024*1024))
			isolator := new(types.Isolator)
			isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier("resource/memory")
			bytes, _ := json.Marshal(memLimt)

			valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes)
			isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw

			app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)

	if len(spec.Linux.Capabilities) != 0 {
		isolatorCapSet := new(IsolatorCapSet)
		isolatorCapSet.Sets = append(isolatorCapSet.Sets, spec.Linux.Capabilities...)

		isolator := new(types.Isolator)
		isolator.Name = types.ACIdentifier(types.LinuxCapabilitiesRetainSetName)
		bytes, _ := json.Marshal(isolatorCapSet)

		valueRaw := json.RawMessage(bytes)
		isolator.ValueRaw = &valueRaw

		app.Isolators = append(app.Isolators, *isolator)

	// 6. "annotations"

	// 7. "dependencies"

	// 8. "pathWhitelist"

	m.App = app

	return m
예제 #3
func TestAPIServiceListInspectPods(t *testing.T) {
	ctx := testutils.NewRktRunCtx()
	defer ctx.Cleanup()

	svc := startAPIService(t, ctx)
	defer stopAPIService(t, svc)

	c, conn := newAPIClientOrFail(t, "localhost:15441")
	defer conn.Close()

	resp, err := c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) != 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see zero pods", resp.Pods)

	patches := []string{"--exec=/inspect --print-msg=HELLO_API --exit-code=42"}
	patchImportAndFetchHash("rkt-inspect-print.aci", patches, t, ctx)
	// TODO(derekparker) There is a bug where `patchImportAndFetchHash` does not
	// return the full hash, which causes `InspectPod` to fail later in this test.
	// So instead we list images to get the full, correct hash.
	iresp, err := c.ListImages(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListImagesRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(iresp.Images) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("Expected non-zero images")
	imgID, err := types.NewHash(iresp.Images[0].Id)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Cannot generate types.Hash from %v: %v", iresp.Images[0].Id, err)
	pm := schema.BlankPodManifest()
	pm.Apps = []schema.RuntimeApp{
			Name: types.ACName("rkt-inspect"),
			Image: schema.RuntimeImage{
				Name: types.MustACIdentifier("coreos.com/rkt-inspect"),
				ID:   *imgID,
			Annotations: []types.Annotation{types.Annotation{Name: types.ACIdentifier("app-test"), Value: "app-test"}},
	pm.Annotations = []types.Annotation{types.Annotation{Name: types.ACIdentifier("test"), Value: "test"}}
	manifestFile := generatePodManifestFile(t, pm)
	defer os.Remove(manifestFile)

	runCmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s run --pod-manifest=%s", ctx.Cmd(), manifestFile)
	esp := spawnOrFail(t, runCmd)
	waitOrFail(t, esp, true)

	// ListPods(detail=false).
	resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see non-zero pods", resp.Pods)

	for _, p := range resp.Pods {
		checkPodBasics(t, ctx, p)

		// Test InspectPod().
		inspectResp, err := c.InspectPod(context.Background(), &v1alpha.InspectPodRequest{Id: p.Id})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
		checkPodDetails(t, ctx, inspectResp.Pod)

		// Test Apps.
		for i, app := range p.Apps {
			checkAnnotations(t, pm.Apps[i].Annotations, app.Annotations)

	// ListPods(detail=true).
	resp, err = c.ListPods(context.Background(), &v1alpha.ListPodsRequest{Detail: true})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error: %v", err)

	if len(resp.Pods) == 0 {
		t.Errorf("Unexpected result: %v, should see non-zero pods", resp.Pods)

	for _, p := range resp.Pods {
		checkPodDetails(t, ctx, p)