예제 #1
파일: from.go 프로젝트: mschoch/query
Qualify all identifiers for the parent expression. Checks for
duplicate aliases.
func (this *KeyspaceTerm) Formalize(parent *expression.Formalizer) (f *expression.Formalizer, err error) {
	keyspace := this.Alias()
	if keyspace == "" {
		err = errors.NewNoTermNameError("FROM", "plan.keyspace.requires_name_or_alias")

	if this.keys != nil {
		_, err = this.keys.Accept(parent)
		if err != nil {

	_, ok := parent.Allowed.Field(keyspace)
	if ok {
		err = errors.NewDuplicateAliasError("subquery", keyspace, "plan.keyspace.duplicate_alias")
		return nil, err

	allowed := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent.Allowed)
	allowed.SetField(keyspace, keyspace)

	f = expression.NewFormalizer()
	f.Keyspace = keyspace
	f.Allowed = allowed
예제 #2
func buildFor(f *algebra.UpdateFor, val value.Value, arrays []value.Value, context *Context) ([]value.Value, error) {
	n := -1
	for _, a := range arrays {
		act := a.Actual()
		switch act := act.(type) {
		case []interface{}:
			if n < 0 || len(act) < n {
				n = len(act)

	if n < 0 {
		return nil, nil

	rv := make([]value.Value, n)
	for i, _ := range rv {
		rv[i] = value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, len(f.Bindings())), val)
		for j, b := range f.Bindings() {
			v, ok := arrays[j].Index(i)
			if ok {
				rv[i].SetField(b.Variable(), v)

	return rv, nil
예제 #3
Qualify all identifiers for the parent expression. Checks for
duplicate aliases.
func (this *SubqueryTerm) Formalize(parent *expression.Formalizer) (f *expression.Formalizer, err error) {
	err = this.subquery.Formalize()
	if err != nil {

	alias := this.Alias()
	if alias == "" {
		err = errors.NewNoTermNameError("FROM", "plan.subquery.requires_name_or_alias")

	_, ok := parent.Allowed.Field(alias)
	if ok {
		err = errors.NewDuplicateAliasError("subquery", alias, "plan.subquery.duplicate_alias")
		return nil, err

	allowed := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent.Allowed)
	allowed.SetField(alias, alias)

	f = expression.NewFormalizer()
	f.Keyspace = alias
	f.Allowed = allowed
예제 #4
파일: scan_key.go 프로젝트: mschoch/query
func (this *KeyScan) RunOnce(context *Context, parent value.Value) {
	this.once.Do(func() {
		defer context.Recover()       // Recover from any panic
		defer close(this.itemChannel) // Broadcast that I have stopped
		defer this.notify()           // Notify that I have stopped

		keys, e := this.plan.Keys().Evaluate(parent, context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Error(errors.NewEvaluationError(e, "KEYS"))

		actuals := keys.Actual()
		switch actuals.(type) {
		case []interface{}:
		case nil:
			actuals = []interface{}(nil)
			actuals = []interface{}{actuals}

		acts := actuals.([]interface{})

		for _, key := range acts {
			cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent)
			av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
			av.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{"id": key})
			if !this.sendItem(av) {
예제 #5
파일: coll_any.go 프로젝트: pkdevboxy/query
func (this *Any) Evaluate(item value.Value, context Context) (value.Value, error) {
	missing := false
	null := false

	barr := make([][]interface{}, len(this.bindings))
	for i, b := range this.bindings {
		bv, err := b.Expression().Evaluate(item, context)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if b.Descend() {
			buffer := make([]interface{}, 0, 256)
			bv = value.NewValue(bv.Descendants(buffer))

		switch bv.Type() {
		case value.ARRAY:
			barr[i] = bv.Actual().([]interface{})
		case value.MISSING:
			missing = true
			null = true

	if missing {
		return value.MISSING_VALUE, nil

	if null {
		return value.NULL_VALUE, nil

	n := -1
	for _, b := range barr {
		if n < 0 || len(b) < n {
			n = len(b)

	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, len(this.bindings)), item)
		for j, b := range this.bindings {
			cv.SetField(b.Variable(), barr[j][i])

		sv, err := this.satisfies.Evaluate(cv, context)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if sv.Truth() {
			return value.NewValue(true), nil

	return value.NewValue(false), nil
예제 #6
This method returns a pointer to a Formalizer struct
with Allowed set to a new map of type string to interface.
func NewFormalizer() *Formalizer {
	rv := &Formalizer{
		Allowed: value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), nil),

	rv.mapper = rv
	return rv
예제 #7
func (this *spanScan) RunOnce(context *Context, parent value.Value) {
	this.once.Do(func() {
		defer context.Recover()       // Recover from any panic
		defer close(this.itemChannel) // Broadcast that I have stopped
		defer this.notify()           // Notify that I have stopped

		conn := datastore.NewIndexConnection(context)
		defer notifyConn(conn) // Notify index that I have stopped

		var duration time.Duration
		timer := time.Now()
		defer context.AddPhaseTime("scan", time.Since(timer)-duration)

		go this.scan(context, conn)

		var entry *datastore.IndexEntry
		ok := true
		for ok {
			select {
			case <-this.stopChannel:

			select {
			case entry, ok = <-conn.EntryChannel():
				t := time.Now()

				if ok {
					cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent)
					av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
					meta := map[string]interface{}{"id": entry.PrimaryKey}
					av.SetAttachment("meta", meta)

					covers := this.plan.Covers()
					if len(covers) > 0 {
						for i, c := range covers {
							if i == 0 {
								av.SetCover(c.Text(), value.NewValue(entry.PrimaryKey))
							} else {
								av.SetCover(c.Text(), entry.EntryKey[i-1])

						av.SetField(this.plan.Term().Alias(), av)

					ok = this.sendItem(av)

				duration += time.Since(t)
			case <-this.stopChannel:
예제 #8
func (this *PrimaryScan) scanPrimary(context *Context, parent value.Value) {
	conn := this.newIndexConnection(context)
	defer notifyConn(conn.StopChannel()) // Notify index that I have stopped

	var duration time.Duration
	timer := time.Now()
	defer context.AddPhaseTime("scan", time.Since(timer)-duration)

	go this.scanEntries(context, conn)

	var entry, lastEntry *datastore.IndexEntry

	ok := true
	nitems := 0

	for ok {
		select {
		case <-this.stopChannel:

		select {
		case entry, ok = <-conn.EntryChannel():
			t := time.Now()

			if ok {
				cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent)
				av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
				av.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{"id": entry.PrimaryKey})
				ok = this.sendItem(av)
				lastEntry = entry

			duration += time.Since(t)
		case <-this.stopChannel:


	if conn.Timeout() {
		logging.Errorp("Primary index scan timeout - resorting to chunked scan",
			logging.Pair{"chunkSize", nitems},
			logging.Pair{"startingEntry", lastEntry})
		if lastEntry == nil {
			// no key for chunked scans (primary scan returned 0 items)
		// do chunked scans; nitems gives the chunk size, and lastEntry the starting point
		for lastEntry != nil {
			lastEntry = this.scanPrimaryChunk(context, parent, nitems, lastEntry)
예제 #9
func (this *DummyScan) RunOnce(context *Context, parent value.Value) {
	this.once.Do(func() {
		defer context.Recover()       // Recover from any panic
		defer close(this.itemChannel) // Broadcast that I have stopped
		defer this.notify()           // Notify that I have stopped

		cv := value.NewScopeValue(nil, parent)
		av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
예제 #10
파일: keyspace.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/query
Qualify identifiers for the keyspace. It also makes sure that the
keyspace term contains a name or alias.
func (this *KeyspaceRef) Formalize() (f *expression.Formalizer, err error) {
	keyspace := this.Alias()
	if keyspace == "" {
		err = errors.NewNoTermNameError("Keyspace", "plan.keyspace.reference_requires_name_or_alias")

	allowed := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), nil)
	allowed.SetField(keyspace, keyspace)

	f = expression.NewFormalizer()
	f.Keyspace = keyspace
	f.Allowed = allowed
예제 #11
func (this *InitialProject) processTerms(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	n := len(this.plan.Terms())
	sv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, n), item)
	pv := value.NewAnnotatedValue(sv)

	p := value.NewValue(make(map[string]interface{}, n+32))
	pv.SetAttachment("projection", p)

	for _, term := range this.plan.Terms() {
		if term.Result().Alias() != "" {
			v, err := term.Result().Expression().Evaluate(item, context)
			if err != nil {
				context.Error(errors.NewEvaluationError(err, "projection"))
				return false

			p.SetField(term.Result().Alias(), v)

			// Explicit aliases override data
			if term.Result().As() != "" {
				pv.SetField(term.Result().As(), v)
		} else {
			// Star
			starval := item.GetValue()
			if term.Result().Expression() != nil {
				var err error
				starval, err = term.Result().Expression().Evaluate(item, context)
				if err != nil {
					context.Error(errors.NewEvaluationError(err, "projection"))
					return false

			// Latest star overwrites previous star
			switch sa := starval.Actual().(type) {
			case map[string]interface{}:
				for k, v := range sa {
					p.SetField(k, v)

	return this.sendItem(pv)
예제 #12
func (this *InitialProject) processItem(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	terms := this.plan.Terms()
	n := len(terms)

	if n > 1 {
		return this.processTerms(item, context)

	if n == 0 {
		return this.sendItem(item)

	// n == 1

	result := terms[0].Result()
	expr := result.Expression()

	if result.Star() && (expr == expression.SELF || expr == nil) {
		// Unprefixed star
		if item.Type() == value.OBJECT {
			return this.sendItem(item)
		} else {
			return this.sendItem(_EMPTY_ANNOTATED_VALUE)
	} else if this.plan.Projection().Raw() {
		// Raw projection of an expression
		v, err := expr.Evaluate(item, context)
		if err != nil {
			context.Error(errors.NewEvaluationError(err, "projection"))
			return false

		if result.As() == "" {
			return this.sendItem(value.NewAnnotatedValue(v))

		sv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, 1), item)
		sv.SetField(result.As(), v)
		av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(sv)
		av.SetAttachment("projection", v)
		return this.sendItem(av)
	} else {
		// Any other projection
		return this.processTerms(item, context)
예제 #13
func (this *PrimaryScan) scanPrimaryChunk(context *Context, parent value.Value, chunkSize int, indexEntry *datastore.IndexEntry) *datastore.IndexEntry {
	conn, _ := datastore.NewSizedIndexConnection(int64(chunkSize), context)
	defer notifyConn(conn.StopChannel()) // Notify index that I have stopped

	var duration time.Duration
	timer := time.Now()
	defer context.AddPhaseTime("scan", time.Since(timer)-duration)

	go this.scanChunk(context, conn, chunkSize, indexEntry)

	var entry, lastEntry *datastore.IndexEntry

	ok := true
	nitems := 0

	for ok {
		select {
		case <-this.stopChannel:
			return nil

		select {
		case entry, ok = <-conn.EntryChannel():
			t := time.Now()

			if ok {
				cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), parent)
				av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
				av.SetAttachment("meta", map[string]interface{}{"id": entry.PrimaryKey})
				ok = this.sendItem(av)
				lastEntry = entry

			duration += time.Since(t)
		case <-this.stopChannel:
			return nil

	logging.Debugp("Primary index chunked scan", logging.Pair{"chunkSize", nitems}, logging.Pair{"lastKey", lastEntry})
	return lastEntry
예제 #14
파일: let.go 프로젝트: pkdevboxy/query
func (this *Let) processItem(item value.AnnotatedValue, context *Context) bool {
	n := len(this.plan.Bindings())
	cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, n), item)
	lv := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)

	for _, b := range this.plan.Bindings() {
		v, e := b.Expression().Evaluate(item, context)
		if e != nil {
			context.Error(errors.NewEvaluationError(e, "LET"))
			return false

		lv.SetField(b.Variable(), v)

	return this.sendItem(lv)
예제 #15
This method returns a pointer to a Formalizer struct
with allowed set to a new map of type string to interface.
func NewFormalizer(keyspace string, parent *Formalizer) *Formalizer {
	var pv value.Value
	if parent != nil {
		pv = parent.allowed

	rv := &Formalizer{
		keyspace:    keyspace,
		allowed:     value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}), pv),
		identifiers: make(map[string]bool),

	if keyspace != "" {
		rv.allowed.SetField(keyspace, keyspace)

	rv.mapper = rv
	return rv
예제 #16
Visitor method for Bindings. Value is a new map from string
to interface which is populated using the bindings in the
scope of the parent which is listed by the value allowed.
Bring the bindings that have parrent allowed into scope.
func (this *Formalizer) PushBindings(bindings Bindings) (sv *value.ScopeValue, err error) {
	sv = value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, len(bindings)), this.allowed)

	var expr Expression
	for _, b := range bindings {
		_, ok := this.allowed.Field(b.Variable())
		if ok {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Bind alias %s already in scope.", b.Variable())

		expr, err = this.Map(b.Expression())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		sv.SetField(b.Variable(), b.Variable())

	this.allowed = sv
	return sv, nil
예제 #17
func (this *CountScan) RunOnce(context *Context, parent value.Value) {
	this.once.Do(func() {
		defer context.Recover()       // Recover from any panic
		defer close(this.itemChannel) // Broadcast that I have stopped
		defer this.notify()           // Notify that I have stopped

		timer := time.Now()

		count, e := this.plan.Keyspace().Count()

		context.AddPhaseTime("count", time.Since(timer))

		if e != nil {

		cv := value.NewScopeValue(nil, parent)
		av := value.NewAnnotatedValue(cv)
		av.SetAttachment("count", value.NewValue(count))
예제 #18
파일: set_op.go 프로젝트: jmptrader/query
Fully qualifies the identifiers in the first and second sub-result
using the input parent.
func (this *setOp) Formalize(parent *expression.Formalizer) (*expression.Formalizer, error) {
	_, err := this.first.Formalize(parent)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	_, err = this.second.Formalize(parent)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	terms := this.ResultTerms()
	f := expression.NewFormalizer()
	if parent != nil {
		f.Allowed = value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, len(terms)), parent.Allowed)

	for _, term := range terms {
		f.Allowed.SetField(term.Alias(), term.Alias())

	return f, nil
예제 #19
func (this *Array) EvaluateForIndex(item value.Value, context Context) (value.Value, value.Values, error) {
	missing := false
	null := false

	barr := make([][]interface{}, len(this.bindings))
	for i, b := range this.bindings {
		bv, err := b.Expression().Evaluate(item, context)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		if b.Descend() {
			buffer := make([]interface{}, 0, 256)
			bv = value.NewValue(bv.Descendants(buffer))

		switch bv.Type() {
		case value.ARRAY:
			barr[i] = bv.Actual().([]interface{})
		case value.MISSING:
			missing = true
			null = true

	if missing {
		return value.MISSING_VALUE, nil, nil

	if null {
		return value.NULL_VALUE, nil, nil

	n := -1
	for _, b := range barr {
		if n < 0 || len(b) < n {
			n = len(b)

	var rv []interface{}
	var rvs value.Values
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		cv := value.NewScopeValue(make(map[string]interface{}, len(this.bindings)), item)
		for j, b := range this.bindings {
			cv.SetField(b.Variable(), barr[j][i])

		if this.when != nil {
			wv, e := this.when.Evaluate(cv, context)
			if e != nil {
				return nil, nil, e

			if !wv.Truth() {

		mv, mvs, e := this.mapping.EvaluateForIndex(cv, context)
		if e != nil {
			return nil, nil, e
		} else if mvs != nil {
			if rvs == nil {
				rvs = make(value.Values, 0, n*8)
			rvs = append(rvs, mvs...)
		} else if mv != nil && mv.Type() != value.MISSING {
			if rv == nil {
				rv = make([]interface{}, 0, n)
			rv = append(rv, mv)

	if rvs != nil {
		return nil, rvs, nil
	} else {
		if rv == nil {
			rv = make([]interface{}, 0)
		return value.NewValue(rv), nil, nil