예제 #1
// Updates the Channels property of a document object with current & past channels.
// Returns the set of channels that have changed (document joined or left in this revision)
func (doc *document) updateChannels(newChannels base.Set) (changedChannels base.Set) {
	var changed []string
	oldChannels := doc.Channels
	if oldChannels == nil {
		oldChannels = channels.ChannelMap{}
		doc.Channels = oldChannels
	} else {
		// Mark every no-longer-current channel as unsubscribed:
		curSequence := doc.Sequence
		for channel, removal := range oldChannels {
			if removal == nil && !newChannels.Contains(channel) {
				oldChannels[channel] = &channels.ChannelRemoval{
					Seq:     curSequence,
					RevID:   doc.CurrentRev,
					Deleted: doc.hasFlag(channels.Deleted)}
				changed = append(changed, channel)

	// Mark every current channel as subscribed:
	for channel, _ := range newChannels {
		if value, exists := oldChannels[channel]; value != nil || !exists {
			oldChannels[channel] = nil
			changed = append(changed, channel)
	if changed != nil {
		base.LogTo("CRUD", "\tDoc %q in channels %q", doc.ID, newChannels)
		changedChannels = channels.SetOf(changed...)
예제 #2
// Handles a newly-arrived LogEntry.
func (c *changeCache) processEntry(change *LogEntry) base.Set {
	defer c.lock.Unlock()

	if c.logsDisabled {
		return nil

	sequence := change.Sequence
	nextSequence := c.nextSequence
	if _, found := c.receivedSeqs[sequence]; found {
		base.LogTo("Cache+", "  Ignoring duplicate of #%d", sequence)
		return nil
	c.receivedSeqs[sequence] = struct{}{}
	// FIX: c.receivedSeqs grows monotonically. Need a way to remove old sequences.

	var changedChannels base.Set
	if sequence == nextSequence || nextSequence == 0 {
		// This is the expected next sequence so we can add it now:
		changedChannels = c._addToCache(change)
		// Also add any pending sequences that are now contiguous:
		changedChannels = changedChannels.Union(c._addPendingLogs())
	} else if sequence > nextSequence {
		// There's a missing sequence (or several), so put this one on ice until it arrives:
		heap.Push(&c.pendingLogs, change)
		numPending := len(c.pendingLogs)
		base.LogTo("Cache", "  Deferring #%d (%d now waiting for #%d...#%d)",
			sequence, numPending, nextSequence, c.pendingLogs[0].Sequence-1)
		if numPending > c.options.CachePendingSeqMaxNum {
			// Too many pending; add the oldest one:
			changedChannels = c._addPendingLogs()
	} else if sequence > c.initialSequence {
		// Out-of-order sequence received!
		// Remove from skipped sequence queue
		if !c.WasSkipped(sequence) {
			// Error removing from skipped sequences
			base.LogTo("Cache", "  Received unexpected out-of-order change - not in skippedSeqs (seq %d, expecting %d) doc %q / %q", sequence, nextSequence, change.DocID, change.RevID)
		} else {
			base.LogTo("Cache", "  Received previously skipped out-of-order change (seq %d, expecting %d) doc %q / %q ", sequence, nextSequence, change.DocID, change.RevID)
			change.Skipped = true

		changedChannels = c._addToCache(change)
		// Add to cache before removing from skipped, to ensure lowSequence doesn't get incremented until results are available
		// in cache
	return changedChannels
예제 #3
// Check for matching entry names, ignoring sequence
func (set TimedSet) Equals(other base.Set) bool {

	for name, _ := range set {
		if !other.Contains(name) {
			return false
	for name, _ := range other {
		if !set.Contains(name) {
			return false
	return true
예제 #4
// Updates membership to match the given Set. Newly added members will have the given sequence.
func (set TimedSet) UpdateAtSequence(other base.Set, sequence uint64) bool {
	changed := false
	for name, _ := range set {
		if !other.Contains(name) {
			delete(set, name)
			changed = true
	for name, _ := range other {
		if !set.Contains(name) {
			set[name] = NewVbSimpleSequence(sequence)
			changed = true
	return changed
예제 #5
// Add the first change(s) from pendingLogs if they're the next sequence.  If not, and we've been
// waiting too long for nextSequence, move nextSequence to skipped queue.
// Returns the channels that changed.
func (c *changeCache) _addPendingLogs() base.Set {
	var changedChannels base.Set
	for len(c.pendingLogs) > 0 {
		change := c.pendingLogs[0]
		isNext := change.Sequence == c.nextSequence
		if isNext {
			changedChannels = changedChannels.Union(c._addToCache(change))
		} else if len(c.pendingLogs) > c.options.CachePendingSeqMaxNum || time.Since(c.pendingLogs[0].TimeReceived) >= c.options.CachePendingSeqMaxWait {
			changeCacheExpvars.Add("outOfOrder", 1)
		} else {
	return changedChannels
예제 #6
// If a channel list contains the all-channel wildcard, replace it with all the user's accessible channels.
func (user *userImpl) ExpandWildCardChannel(channels base.Set) base.Set {
	if channels.Contains(ch.AllChannelWildcard) {
		channels = user.InheritedChannels().AsSet()
	return channels
예제 #7
// Returns a set with any "*" channel removed.
func IgnoringStar(set base.Set) base.Set {
	return set.Removing(UserStarChannel)