예제 #1
파일: groups.go 프로젝트: CPSSD/MDFS
func checkFile(uuid uint64, targetPath, mod string, md *MDService) (auth bool) {

	//fmt.Println("Getting filestats for: " + path.Join(md.getPath(), "files", targetPath))
	_, _, _, owner, groups, permissions, err := getFile(path.Join(md.getPath(), "files", targetPath))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("\t\tNO FILE AT: " + md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath)
		return false

	//fmt.Printf("filestats: %d, %v, %v\n", owner, groups, permissions)

	hasGroup := false
	if groups != nil {

		for _, g := range groups {
			err = md.userDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

				b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

				v := b.Get(itob(g))

				if v == nil {
					return nil

				var tmpGroup utils.Group
				json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

				if utils.Contains(uuid, tmpGroup.Members) {
					hasGroup = true
				return nil
			if hasGroup {


	auth = (owner == uuid) || (hasGroup && permissions[0]) || permissions[1]

	base := checkBase(uuid, targetPath, mod, md)

	//fmt.Printf("%b == %b, %b\n", auth, base, permissions[1])

	return base && auth
예제 #2
파일: groups.go 프로젝트: CPSSD/MDFS
func listGroupsMemberOf(uuid uint64, conn net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader, w *bufio.Writer, md *MDService) (err error) {

	err = md.userDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

		b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

		c := b.Cursor()

		for k, v := c.First(); k != nil; k, v = c.Next() {

			var tmpGroup utils.Group
			json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

			if !utils.Contains(uuid, tmpGroup.Members) {



			groups := ""

			groups = groups + tmpGroup.Gname + "," + strconv.FormatUint(tmpGroup.Gid, 10) + ","
			for _, u := range tmpGroup.Members {
				groups = groups + strconv.FormatUint(u, 10) + ","

			w.WriteString(groups + "\n")


		w.Flush() // indicate to client that we are done listing

		return nil

예제 #3
파일: groups.go 프로젝트: CPSSD/MDFS
func permit(uuid uint64, conn net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader, w *bufio.Writer, md *MDService) (err error) {

	currentDir, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
	currentDir = strings.TrimSpace(currentDir)

	flag, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
	flag = strings.TrimSpace(flag)
	if flag == "INV" {
		fmt.Printf("\t\tInvalid flag from user %d\n", uuid)
		return nil
	lenArgs, _ := r.ReadByte()

	targetPath, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
	targetPath = strings.TrimSpace(targetPath)

	if !path.IsAbs(targetPath) {
		targetPath = path.Join(currentDir, targetPath)

	fmt.Printf("\tUser %d called permit %s on: \"%s\"\n", uuid, flag, targetPath)

	src, err := os.Stat(md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath)
	if err != nil || utils.IsHidden(targetPath) {
		// exists, not hidden path

		fmt.Printf("\tUser %d call to permit %s on: \"%s\" was invalid: target does not exist\n", uuid, flag, targetPath)
		return nil

	var groups []uint64

	if src.IsDir() {
		addPerms, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
		addPerms = strings.TrimSpace(addPerms)

		for i := 4; i < int(lenArgs); i++ {
			group, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
			gid, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(group), 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
			groups = append(groups, gid)

		if checkEntry(uuid, targetPath, "owner", md) {

			owner, existingGroups, permissions, err := getPerm(md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError: no .perm file exists at \"" + md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath + "/.perm\"")
				return nil

			switch flag {
			case "-g":
				fmt.Printf("\tPermitting groups ")
				for _, g := range groups {

					if !utils.Contains(g, existingGroups) {
						fmt.Printf("%d, ", g)
						existingGroups = append(existingGroups, g)
				fmt.Print("for: ")
				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "r") {
					permissions[0] = true
				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "w") {
					permissions[1] = true

				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "x") {
					permissions[2] = true

				fmt.Println(" to " + targetPath)

			case "-w":
				fmt.Printf("\tPermitting world for: ")
				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "r") {
					permissions[3] = true

				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "w") {
					permissions[4] = true

				if strings.Contains(addPerms, "x") {
					permissions[5] = true

				fmt.Println(" to " + targetPath)

			err = createPerm(md.getPath()+"files"+targetPath, owner, existingGroups, permissions)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError: there was an issue setting .perm for \"" + md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath + "/.perm\"\n\t\tCould not set new permissions")

	} else {

		for i := 3; i < int(lenArgs); i++ {
			group, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
			gid, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(group), 10, 64)
			if err != nil {
			groups = append(groups, gid)

		if checkFile(uuid, targetPath, "x", md) {
			hash, stnode, protected, owner, existingGroups, permissions, err := getFile(md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError: no permissions could be read for file: \"" + md.getPath() + "files" + targetPath + "\"\n\t\tCould not set new permissions")
				return nil

			switch flag {
			case "-g":
				fmt.Printf("\tPermitting groups ")

				for _, g := range groups {

					if !utils.Contains(g, existingGroups) {
						existingGroups = append(existingGroups, g)
						fmt.Printf("%d, ", g)
				fmt.Println("for request access to " + targetPath)

				permissions[0] = true

			case "-w":
				fmt.Println("\tPermitting world for request access to " + targetPath)
				permissions[1] = true

			err = createFile(md.getPath()+"files"+targetPath, hash, stnode, protected, owner, existingGroups, permissions)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError re-writing permissions for file: " + targetPath)
	return nil
예제 #4
파일: groups.go 프로젝트: CPSSD/MDFS
func groupAdd(uuid uint64, conn net.Conn, r *bufio.Reader, w *bufio.Writer, md *MDService) (err error) {

	// get lenArgs
	lenArgs, _ := r.ReadByte()

	// get details for group to add to
	gid, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
	gid = strings.TrimSpace(gid)
	uintGid, err := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(gid), 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("\t\tNot a uint or gid")
		return nil

	err = md.userDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

		b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

		v := b.Get(itob(uintGid))

		if v == nil {

			return fmt.Errorf("\t\tBad access")

		var tmpGroup utils.Group
		json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

		if tmpGroup.Owner != uuid {

			return fmt.Errorf("\t\tBad access")

		// authorised and group exists

		return nil

	if err != nil {

		fmt.Println("\tInvalid access to group: " + strings.TrimSpace(gid))
		return nil

	var users []uint64

	// read in all users
	for i := 2; i < int(lenArgs); i++ {

		user, _ := r.ReadString('\n')
		user = strings.TrimSpace(user)

		exists, _ := userExists(user, md.userDB)
		if exists {

			uintUuid, _ := strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimSpace(user), 10, 64)
			users = append(users, uintUuid)

	// add users to the group in the database
	err = md.userDB.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) (err error) {

		// get group bucket
		b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

		// we already know it exists from above
		v := b.Get(itob(uintGid))

		var tmpGroup utils.Group
		json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

		newUsers := ""

		for _, u := range users {

			if !utils.Contains(u, tmpGroup.Members) {
				tmpGroup.Members = append(tmpGroup.Members, u)
				fmt.Printf("\tAdding user: %d to group %d\n", u, tmpGroup.Gid)
				newUsers = newUsers + strconv.FormatUint(u, 10) + ", "

		buf, err := json.Marshal(tmpGroup)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		var anGroup utils.Group
		json.Unmarshal(buf, &anGroup)

		w.WriteString(newUsers + "\n")

		return b.Put(itob(tmpGroup.Gid), buf)

	if err != nil {
		return err
	return err
예제 #5
파일: groups.go 프로젝트: CPSSD/MDFS
func checkEntry(uuid uint64, targetPath, mod string, md *MDService) (auth bool) {

	fmt.Printf("\tChecking %s permissions for user %d on \"%s\"\n", mod, uuid, targetPath)

	// check all the d in dirs for Xecute
	dirs := strings.Split(targetPath, "/")
	if targetPath == "/" || targetPath == "" {
		fmt.Println("\tRoot directory access permitted")
		return true

	traverser := ""
	auth = true

	for i, d := range dirs {

		traverser = path.Join("/", traverser, d)

		if i == len(dirs)-1 {

			owner, groups, permissions, err := getPerm(md.getPath() + "files/" + traverser + "/")
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError: no .perm file exists at \"" + md.getPath() + "files" + traverser + "/.perm\"")
				fmt.Printf("\tPermission denied for user %d\n", uuid)
				return false

			hasGroup := false
			if owner != uuid {
				auth = false

			if groups != nil {

				for _, g := range groups {
					err = md.userDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

						b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

						v := b.Get(itob(g))

						if v == nil {
							return nil

						var tmpGroup utils.Group
						json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

						if utils.Contains(uuid, tmpGroup.Members) {
							hasGroup = true
						return nil
					if hasGroup {

			switch mod {
			case "r":
				auth = auth || (hasGroup && permissions[0]) || permissions[3]

			case "w":
				auth = auth || (hasGroup && permissions[1]) || permissions[4]

			case "x":
				auth = auth || (hasGroup && permissions[2]) || permissions[5]
		} else if i != 0 {

			owner, groups, permissions, err := getPerm(md.getPath() + "files/" + traverser + "/")
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println("\t\tError: no .perm file exists at \"" + md.getPath() + "files" + traverser + "/.perm\"")
				fmt.Printf("\tPermission denied for user %d\n", uuid)
				return false

			hasGroup := false
			if groups != nil {

				for _, g := range groups {
					err = md.userDB.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {

						b := tx.Bucket([]byte("groups"))

						v := b.Get(itob(g))

						if v == nil {
							return nil

						var tmpGroup utils.Group
						json.Unmarshal(v, &tmpGroup)

						if utils.Contains(uuid, tmpGroup.Members) {
							hasGroup = true
						return nil
					if hasGroup {
			auth = (owner == uuid) || (hasGroup && permissions[2]) || permissions[5]

			if !auth {
				fmt.Printf("\tPermission denied imm for user %d\n", uuid)
				return auth


	if !auth {
		fmt.Printf("\tPermission denied for user %d\n", uuid)
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("\tPermission granted for user %d\n", uuid)
	//fmt.Printf("Auth = %b, Traverser = %s\n", auth, traverser)
	return auth