예제 #1
func apples(name string, addr string, master bool) {
	var role string
	if master {
		role = "master"
	} else {
		role = "slave"

	client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Addr: addr,

	if err := client.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("Error connecting to %s '%s' of pod %s\n", role, addr, name)
		pd("Error connecting to "+role, map[string]interface{}{
			"Pod":     name,
			"Address": addr,


	l2n.Printf("Connected to Redis '%s' @ %s", name, addr)

	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 30)
	for range ticker.C {
		blob := getInfoAsBlob(client)
		for _, section := range infoSections {
			dispatcher.Publish("redis-"+role, addr, section, blob[section])

	l2n.Printf("Shouldn't be here - Stopped checking %s", name)
예제 #2
func main() {
	log.Println("Starting Redis NOM NOM NOM...")

	if err := loadConfiguration(); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("%v", err)

	logger2Nsq := l2n.NewLog2Nsq(&l2n.Options{
		AppName: "redis-nom",
		Addr:    cfg.Nsq.Address[0],

	l2n.Println("Configuration loaded")
	l2n.Printf("%+v", cfg)

	commons.HoldMeTillICantGetEnough(cfg.Cache.Mastername, cfg.Cache.Sentinel, cfg.General.Env)

	if err := getSentinelClient(); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("%v", err)

	if masterPodList = retrievePodList(); masterPodList == nil {
		l2n.Println("Failed to retrieve pod list")

	l2n.Printf("%+v", masterPodList)

	nsqLock := make(chan bool, 1)

	dispatcher.StartNSQProducer(cfg.Nsq.Topic, cfg.Nsq.Address, nsqLock)

	lock := make(chan bool, 1)
	sigRcv := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(sigRcv, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt)

	// Routine to catch and handle signals
	go func(sigRcv chan os.Signal) {
		for sig := range sigRcv {
			l2n.Printf("Signal caught: %s", sig.String())
			// TODO Clean all
			nsqLock <- true
			lock <- true


예제 #3
func retrievePodList(client *redis.Client) map[string]*pod {
	podList := make(map[string]*pod)

	Pods := func(client *redis.Client) *redis.StringCmd {
		cmd := redis.NewStringCmd("INFO", "sentinel")
		return cmd

	if rsp, err := Pods(client).Result(); err == nil {
		lines := strings.Split(rsp, "\r\n")
		for i, line := range lines {
			if i > 4 && len(line) > 0 {
				contents1 := strings.SplitN(line, ":", 2)
				contents2 := strings.Split(contents1[1], ",")

				var slaveCount int
				if slaveCount, err = strconv.Atoi(contents2[3][7:]); err != nil {
					slaveCount = -1

				podList[contents2[0][5:]] = &pod{
					Addr:       contents2[2][8:],
					SlaveCount: slaveCount,

	} else {
		l2n.Printf("Error retrieving POD list: %s", err.Error())
		return nil

	return podList
예제 #4
파일: nsq.go 프로젝트: crazyfacka/redis-nom
func bananas(addrs []string, lock chan bool) {
	cfg := nsq.NewConfig()
	cfg.UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("redis-nom/0.1 go-nsq/%s", nsq.VERSION)

	producers = make(map[string]*nsq.Producer)
	for _, addr := range addrs {
		if producer, err := nsq.NewProducer(addr, cfg); err == nil {
			producers[addr] = producer
		} else {
			l2n.Printf("Failed to connect to NSQ @ %s", addr)

	if len(producers) == 0 {
		l2n.Println("No NSQ available")

	l2n.Println("NSQ Producer is on the go!")


	for _, producer := range producers {
예제 #5
func bananas(addr string) {
	var err error
	var psub *redis.PubSub

	client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
		Addr: addr,

	if err = client.Ping().Err(); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("Error talking with sentinel @ %s", addr)
		pd("Error connecting to sentinel", map[string]interface{}{
			"Addr": addr,


	if psub, err = client.PSubscribe("*"); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("Error subscribing to * from sentinel @ %s", addr)
		pd("Error subscribing to sentinel", map[string]interface{}{
			"Addr":  addr,
			"Topic": "*",

	l2n.Printf("Subscribed to * from %s", addr)

	defer psub.Close()

	for {
		if msg, err := psub.ReceiveMessage(); err == nil {
			dispatcher.Publish("sentinel", addr, msg.Channel, msg.Payload)
		} else {
			time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
예제 #6
// StartRedisMonitoring starts the monitoring of the buns
func StartRedisMonitoring(sentinels []string) {
	if sentinel, err := getSentinelClient(sentinels); err == nil {
		masterPodList = retrievePodList(sentinel)
		l2n.Printf("Current POD list: %+v", masterPodList)

		for k, v := range masterPodList {
			retrieveSlaves(sentinel, k, v)
			go apples(k, v.Addr, true)
			for _, addr := range v.Slaves {
				go apples(k, addr, false)
예제 #7
파일: nsq.go 프로젝트: crazyfacka/redis-nom
// Publish send this to the interwebs
func Publish(who string, where string, what string, details interface{}) {
	if len(producers) == 0 {

	msg := &log{
		Who:     who,
		Where:   where,
		What:    what,
		When:    time.Now(),
		Details: details,

	for _, producer := range producers {
		if jsonMsg, err := json.Marshal(msg); err == nil {
			if err = producer.Publish(topic, jsonMsg); err != nil {
				l2n.Printf("Error sending message: %s", string(jsonMsg))
예제 #8
// HoldMeTillICantGetEnough will hold the application here, until he finds out he was left out alone to do all the work
func HoldMeTillICantGetEnough(mastername string, sentinel []string, env string) {
	cache = redis.NewFailoverClient(&redis.FailoverOptions{
		MasterName:    mastername,
		SentinelAddrs: sentinel,

	if _, err := cache.Ping().Result(); err != nil {
		l2n.Printf("[CACHE] %s", err.Error())

	monkeyOutThere := false
	for cache.Get(env).Err() == nil {
		if !monkeyOutThere {
			l2n.Println("[HOLD] There's a monkey doing monkey's work...")
			monkeyOutThere = true
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)

	go iWillSurvive(env)
	go logImAlive()