예제 #1
파일: file.go 프로젝트: brgmnn/syncthing
func newFile(f *os.File, maxSize int64, pgBits uint) (*file, error) {
	if maxSize < 0 {
		panic("internal error")

	pgSize := 1 << pgBits
	switch {
	case sysPage > pgSize:
		pgBits = uint(mathutil.Log2Uint64(uint64(sysPage)))
		pgBits = uint(mathutil.Log2Uint64(uint64(pgSize / sysPage * sysPage)))
	pgSize = 1 << pgBits
	fi := &file{
		f: f,
		m: fileMap{},
		maxPages: int(mathutil.MinInt64(
			mathutil.MaxInt64(maxSize/int64(pgSize), 1)),
		pgBits: pgBits,
		pgMask: pgSize - 1,
		pgSize: pgSize,
	info, err := f.Stat()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err = fi.Truncate(info.Size()); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return fi, nil
예제 #2
// Verify attempts to find any structural errors in a Filer wrt the
// organization of it as defined by Allocator. 'bitmap' is a scratch pad for
// necessary bookkeeping and will grow to at most to Allocator's
// Filer.Size()/128 (0,78%).  Any problems found are reported to 'log' except
// non verify related errors like disk read fails etc.  If 'log' returns false
// or the error doesn't allow to (reliably) continue, the verification process
// is stopped and an error is returned from the Verify function. Passing a nil
// log works like providing a log function always returning false. Any
// non-structural errors, like for instance Filer read errors, are NOT reported
// to 'log', but returned as the Verify's return value, because Verify cannot
// proceed in such cases.  Verify returns nil only if it fully completed
// verifying Allocator's Filer without detecting any error.
// It is recommended to limit the number reported problems by returning false
// from 'log' after reaching some limit. Huge and corrupted DB can produce an
// overwhelming error report dataset.
// The verifying process will scan the whole DB at least 3 times (a trade
// between processing space and time consumed). It doesn't read the content of
// free blocks above the head/tail info bytes. If the 3rd phase detects lost
// free space, then a 4th scan (a faster one) is performed to precisely report
// all of them.
// If the DB/Filer to be verified is reasonably small, respective if its
// size/128 can comfortably fit within process's free memory, then it is
// recommended to consider using a MemFiler for the bit map.
// Statistics are returned via 'stats' if non nil. The statistics are valid
// only if Verify succeeded, ie. it didn't reported anything to log and it
// returned a nil error.
func (a *Allocator) Verify(bitmap Filer, log func(error) bool, stats *AllocStats) (err error) {
	if log == nil {
		log = nolog

	n, err := bitmap.Size()
	if err != nil {

	if n != 0 {
		return &ErrINVAL{"Allocator.Verify: bit map initial size non zero (%d)", n}

	var bits int64
	bitMask := [8]byte{1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}
	byteBuf := []byte{0}

	// +performance, this implementation is hopefully correct but _very_
	// naive, probably good as a prototype only. Use maybe a MemFiler
	// "cache" etc.
	// ----
	// Turns out the OS caching is as effective as it can probably get.
	bit := func(on bool, h int64) (wasOn bool, err error) {
		m := bitMask[h&7]
		off := h >> 3
		var v byte
		sz, err := bitmap.Size()
		if err != nil {

		if off < sz {
			if n, err := bitmap.ReadAt(byteBuf, off); n != 1 {
				return false, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("Allocator.Verify - reading bitmap: %s", err)}

			v = byteBuf[0]
		switch wasOn = v&m != 0; on {
		case true:
			if !wasOn {
				v |= m
		case false:
			if wasOn {
				v ^= m
		byteBuf[0] = v
		if n, err := bitmap.WriteAt(byteBuf, off); n != 1 || err != nil {
			return false, &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("Allocator.Verify - writing bitmap: %s", err)}


	// Phase 1 - sequentially scan a.f to reliably determine block
	// boundaries. Set a bit for every block start.
	var (
		buf, ubuf       [maxRq]byte
		prevH, h, atoms int64
		wasOn           bool
		tag             byte
		st              = AllocStats{
			AllocMap: map[int64]int64{},
			FreeMap:  map[int64]int64{},
		dlen int

	fsz, err := a.f.Size()
	if err != nil {

	ok := fsz%16 == 0
	totalAtoms := (fsz - fltSz) / atomLen
	if !ok {
		err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFileSize, Name: a.f.Name(), Arg: fsz}

	st.TotalAtoms = totalAtoms
	prevTag := -1
	lastH := int64(-1)

	for h = 1; h <= totalAtoms; h += atoms {
		prevH = h // For checking last block == used

		off := h2off(h)
		if err = a.read(buf[:1], off); err != nil {

		switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
		default: // Short used
		case tagUsedLong, tagUsedRelocated:
			var compressed bool
			if compressed, dlen, atoms, _, err = a.verifyUsed(h, totalAtoms, tag, buf[:], ubuf[:], log, false); err != nil {

			if compressed {
			st.AllocAtoms += atoms
			switch {
			case tag == tagUsedRelocated:
				st.AllocBytes += int64(dlen)
		case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
			if prevTag == tagFreeShort || prevTag == tagFreeLong {
				err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrAdjacentFree, Off: h2off(lastH), Arg: off}

			if atoms, _, _, err = a.verifyUnused(h, totalAtoms, tag, log, false); err != nil {

			st.FreeAtoms += atoms

		if wasOn, err = bit(true, h); err != nil {

		if wasOn {
			panic("internal error")

		prevTag = int(tag)
		lastH = h

	if totalAtoms != 0 && (tag == tagFreeShort || tag == tagFreeLong) {
		err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFreeTailBlock, Off: h2off(prevH)}

	// Phase 2 - check used blocks, turn off the map bit for every used
	// block.
	for h = 1; h <= totalAtoms; h += atoms {
		off := h2off(h)
		if err = a.read(buf[:1], off); err != nil {

		var link int64
		switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
		default: // Short used
		case tagUsedLong, tagUsedRelocated:
			if _, _, atoms, link, err = a.verifyUsed(h, totalAtoms, tag, buf[:], ubuf[:], log, true); err != nil {
		case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
			if atoms, _, _, err = a.verifyUnused(h, totalAtoms, tag, log, true); err != nil {

		turnoff := true
		switch tag {
		case tagUsedRelocated:
			if err = a.read(buf[:1], h2off(link)); err != nil {

			switch linkedTag := buf[0]; linkedTag {
			case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong, tagUsedRelocated:
				err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrInvalidRelocTarget, Off: off, Arg: link}

		case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
			turnoff = false

		if !turnoff {

		if wasOn, err = bit(false, h); err != nil {

		if !wasOn {
			panic("internal error")


	// Phase 3 - using the flt check heads link to proper free blocks.  For
	// every free block, walk the list, verify the {next, prev} links and
	// turn the respective map bit off. After processing all free lists,
	// the map bits count should be zero. Otherwise there are "lost" free
	// blocks.

	var prev, next, fprev, fnext int64
	rep := a.flt

	for _, list := range rep {
		prev, next = 0, list.head
		for ; next != 0; prev, next = next, fnext {
			if wasOn, err = bit(false, next); err != nil {

			if !wasOn {
				err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFLT, Off: h2off(next), Arg: h}

			off := h2off(next)
			if err = a.read(buf[:1], off); err != nil {

			switch tag = buf[0]; tag {
				panic("internal error")
			case tagFreeShort, tagFreeLong:
				if atoms, fprev, fnext, err = a.verifyUnused(next, totalAtoms, tag, log, true); err != nil {

				if min := list.minSize; atoms < min {
					err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFLTSize, Off: h2off(next), Arg: atoms, Arg2: min}

				if fprev != prev {
					err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrFreeChaining, Off: h2off(next)}


	if bits == 0 { // Verify succeeded
		if stats != nil {
			*stats = st

	// Phase 4 - if after phase 3 there are lost free blocks, report all of
	// them to 'log'
	for i := range ubuf { // setup zeros for compares
		ubuf[i] = 0

	var off, lh int64
	rem, err := bitmap.Size()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for rem != 0 {
		rq := int(mathutil.MinInt64(64*1024, rem))
		var n int
		if n, err = bitmap.ReadAt(buf[:rq], off); n != rq {
			return &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrOther, Off: off, More: fmt.Errorf("bitmap ReadAt(size %d, off %#x): %s", rq, off, err)}

		if !bytes.Equal(buf[:rq], ubuf[:rq]) {
			for d, v := range buf[:rq] {
				if v != 0 {
					for i, m := range bitMask {
						if v&m != 0 {
							lh = 8*(off+int64(d)) + int64(i)
							err = &ErrILSEQ{Type: ErrLostFreeBlock, Off: h2off(lh)}

		off += int64(rq)
		rem -= int64(rq)
