func (a *Handler) PostSaved(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { c, err := rellenv.FromContext(ctx) if err != nil { return err } if !rellenv.IsEmployee(ctx) { return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, errSaveDisabled) } if !a.Xsrf.Validate(r.FormValue(paramName), w, r, savedPath) { return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, errTokenMismatch) } content := strings.TrimSpace(r.FormValue("code")) content = strings.Replace(content, "\x13", "", -1) // remove CR id := examples.ContentID(content) db := a.ExampleStore.DB example, ok := db.Reverse[id] if ok { http.Redirect(w, r, c.ViewURL(example.URL), 302) return nil } err = a.ExampleStore.Save(id, content) if err != nil { return err } http.Redirect(w, r, c.ViewURL(savedPath+id), 302) return nil }
func (e *editorTop) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { left := h.Frag{ &h.A{ ID: "rell-login", Inner: &h.Span{ Inner: h.String(" Log In"), }, }, h.String(" "), &h.Span{ID: "auth-status-label", Inner: h.String("Status:")}, h.String(" "), &h.Span{ID: "auth-status", Inner: h.String("waiting")}, h.String(" "), &h.Span{Class: "bar", Inner: h.String("|")}, h.String(" "), &h.A{ ID: "rell-disconnect", Inner: h.String("Disconnect"), }, h.String(" "), &h.Span{Class: "bar", Inner: h.String("|")}, h.String(" "), &h.A{ ID: "rell-logout", Inner: h.String("Logout"), }, } if rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "span8", Inner: left, }, &h.Div{ Class: "span4", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "pull-right", Inner: &envSelector{ Context: e.Context, Env: e.Env, Example: e.Example, }, }, }, }, }, nil } return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Div{ Class: "span12", Inner: left, }, }, }, nil }
func (e *envSelector) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { if !rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return nil, nil } fbEnv := rellenv.FbEnv(e.Context) frag := h.Frag{ h.HiddenInputs(url.Values{ "server": []string{fbEnv}, }), } for _, pair := range sortutil.StringMapByValue(envOptions) { if fbEnv == pair.Key { continue } ctxCopy := e.Env.Copy() ctxCopy.Env = pair.Key frag = append(frag, &h.Li{ Inner: &h.A{ Inner: h.String(pair.Value), Target: "_top", HREF: ctxCopy.ViewURL(e.Example.URL), }, }) } title := envOptions[fbEnv] if title == "" { title = fbEnv } return &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ Class: "btn", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-road"}, h.String(" "), h.String(title), }, }, &h.Button{ Class: "btn dropdown-toggle", Data: map[string]interface{}{ "toggle": "dropdown", }, Inner: &h.Span{ Class: "caret", }, }, &h.Ul{ Class: "dropdown-menu", Inner: frag, }, }, }, nil }
func (e *contextEditor) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { if !rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { return h.HiddenInputs(e.Env.Values()), nil } return &h.Div{ Class: "well form-horizontal", Inner: h.Frag{ &ui.TextInput{ Label: h.String("Application ID"), Name: "appid", Value: rellenv.FbApp(e.Context).ID(), InputClass: "input-medium", Tooltip: "Make sure the base domain in the application settings for the specified ID allows", }, &ui.ToggleGroup{ Inner: h.Frag{ &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "init", Checked: e.Env.Init, Description: h.String("Automatically initialize SDK."), Tooltip: "This controls if FB.init() is automatically called. If off, you'll need to call it in your code.", }, &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "status", Checked: e.Env.Status, Description: h.String("Automatically trigger status ping."), Tooltip: "This controls the \"status\" parameter to FB.init.", }, &ui.ToggleItem{ Name: "frictionlessRequests", Checked: e.Env.FrictionlessRequests, Description: h.String("Enable frictionless requests."), Tooltip: "This controls the \"frictionlessRequests\" parameter to FB.init.", }, }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "form-actions", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Button{ Type: "submit", Class: "btn btn-primary", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-refresh icon-white"}, h.String(" Update"), }, }, }, }, }, }, nil }
func (a *Handler) Handler(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) error { if !rellenv.IsEmployee(ctx) { return ctxerr.Wrap(ctx, errEmployeesOnly) } switch r.URL.Path { case Path: return a.Start(ctx, w, r) case Path + resp: return a.Response(ctx, w, r) } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8") w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNotFound) h.WriteResponse(w, r, &h.Script{ Inner: h.Unsafe("top.location='/'"), }) return nil }
func (e *editorBottom) HTML(ctx context.Context) (h.HTML, error) { runButton := &h.A{ ID: "rell-run-code", Class: "btn btn-primary", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-play icon-white"}, h.String(" Run Code"), }, } if !e.Example.AutoRun { runButton.Rel = "popover" runButton.Data = map[string]interface{}{ "title": "Click to Run", "content": "This example does not run automatically. Click this button to run it.", "placement": "top", "trigger": "manual", } } var saveButton h.HTML if rellenv.IsEmployee(e.Context) { saveButton = h.Frag{ h.String(" "), &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: &h.Button{ Class: "btn", Type: "submit", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.I{Class: "icon-file"}, h.String(" Save Code"), }, }, }, } } return &h.Div{ Class: "row-fluid form-inline", Inner: h.Frag{ &h.Strong{ Class: "span4", Inner: &h.A{ HREF: e.Env.URL("/examples/").String(), Inner: h.String("Examples"), }, }, &h.Div{ Class: "span8", Inner: &h.Div{ Class: "btn-toolbar pull-right", Inner: h.Frag{ &viewModeDropdown{ Context: e.Context, Env: e.Env, Example: e.Example, }, saveButton, h.String(" "), &h.Div{ Class: "btn-group", Inner: runButton, }, }, }, }, }, }, nil }