예제 #1
파일: difficulty.go 프로젝트: decred/dcrd
// estimateNextStakeDifficulty returns a user-specified estimate for the next
// stake difficulty, with the passed ticketsInWindow indicating the number of
// fresh stake to pretend exists within this window. Optionally the user can
// also override this variable with useMaxTickets, which simply plugs in the
// maximum number of tickets the user can try.
func (b *BlockChain) estimateNextStakeDifficulty(curNode *blockNode,
	ticketsInWindow int64, useMaxTickets bool) (int64, error) {
	alpha := b.chainParams.StakeDiffAlpha
	stakeDiffStartHeight := int64(b.chainParams.CoinbaseMaturity) +
	maxRetarget := int64(b.chainParams.RetargetAdjustmentFactor)
	TicketPoolWeight := int64(b.chainParams.TicketPoolSizeWeight)

	// Number of nodes to traverse while calculating difficulty.
	nodesToTraverse := (b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize *

	// Genesis block. Block at height 1 has these parameters.
	if curNode == nil ||
		curNode.height < stakeDiffStartHeight {
		return b.chainParams.MinimumStakeDiff, nil

	// Create a fake blockchain on top of the current best node with
	// the number of freshly purchased tickets as indicated by the
	// user.
	oldDiff := curNode.header.SBits
	topNode := curNode
	if (curNode.height+1)%b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize != 0 {
		nextAdjHeight := ((curNode.height /
			b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize) + 1) *
		maxTickets := (nextAdjHeight - curNode.height) *

		// If the user has indicated that the automatically
		// calculated maximum amount of tickets should be
		// used, plug that in here.
		if useMaxTickets {
			ticketsInWindow = maxTickets

		// Double check to make sure there isn't too much.
		if ticketsInWindow > maxTickets {
			return 0, fmt.Errorf("too much fresh stake to be used "+
				"in evaluation requested; max %v, got %v", maxTickets,

		// Insert all the tickets into bogus nodes that will be
		// used to calculate the next difficulty below.
		ticketsToInsert := ticketsInWindow
		for i := curNode.height + 1; i < nextAdjHeight; i++ {
			emptyHeader := new(wire.BlockHeader)
			emptyHeader.Height = uint32(i)

			// User a constant pool size for estimate, since
			// this has much less fluctuation than freshStake.
			// TODO Use a better pool size estimate?
			emptyHeader.PoolSize = curNode.header.PoolSize

			// Insert the fake fresh stake into each block,
			// decrementing the amount we need to use each
			// time until we hit 0.
			freshStake := b.chainParams.MaxFreshStakePerBlock
			if int64(freshStake) > ticketsToInsert {
				freshStake = uint8(ticketsToInsert)
				ticketsToInsert -= ticketsToInsert
			} else {
				ticketsToInsert -= int64(b.chainParams.MaxFreshStakePerBlock)
			emptyHeader.FreshStake = freshStake

			// Connect the header.
			emptyHeader.PrevBlock = topNode.hash

			// Make up a node hash.
			hB, err := emptyHeader.Bytes()
			if err != nil {
				return 0, err
			emptyHeaderHash := chainhash.HashFuncH(hB)

			thisNode := new(blockNode)
			thisNode.header = *emptyHeader
			thisNode.hash = emptyHeaderHash
			thisNode.height = i
			thisNode.parent = topNode
			topNode = thisNode

	// The target size of the ticketPool in live tickets. Recast these as int64
	// to avoid possible overflows for large sizes of either variable in
	// params.
	targetForTicketPool := int64(b.chainParams.TicketsPerBlock) *

	// Initialize bigInt slice for the percentage changes for each window period
	// above or below the target.
	windowChanges := make([]*big.Int, b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindows)

	// Regress through all of the previous blocks and store the percent changes
	// per window period; use bigInts to emulate 64.32 bit fixed point.
	oldNode := topNode
	windowPeriod := int64(0)
	weights := uint64(0)

	for i := int64(0); ; i++ {
		// Store and reset after reaching the end of every window period.
		if (i+1)%b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize == 0 {
			// First adjust based on ticketPoolSize. Skew the difference
			// in ticketPoolSize by max adjustment factor to help
			// weight ticket pool size versus tickets per block.
			poolSizeSkew := (int64(oldNode.header.PoolSize)-
				targetForTicketPool)*TicketPoolWeight + targetForTicketPool

			// Don't let this be negative or zero.
			if poolSizeSkew <= 0 {
				poolSizeSkew = 1

			curPoolSizeTemp := big.NewInt(poolSizeSkew)
			curPoolSizeTemp.Lsh(curPoolSizeTemp, 32) // Add padding
			targetTemp := big.NewInt(targetForTicketPool)

			windowAdjusted := curPoolSizeTemp.Div(curPoolSizeTemp, targetTemp)

			// Weight it exponentially. Be aware that this could at some point
			// overflow if alpha or the number of blocks used is really large.
			windowAdjusted = windowAdjusted.Lsh(windowAdjusted,

			// Sum up all the different weights incrementally.
			weights += 1 << uint64((b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindows-windowPeriod)*

			// Store it in the slice.
			windowChanges[windowPeriod] = windowAdjusted

			// windowFreshStake = 0

		if (i + 1) == nodesToTraverse {
			break // Exit for loop when we hit the end.

		// Get the previous block node.
		var err error
		tempNode := oldNode
		oldNode, err = b.getPrevNodeFromNode(oldNode)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err

		// If we're at the genesis block, reset the oldNode
		// so that it stays at the genesis block.
		if oldNode == nil {
			oldNode = tempNode

	// Sum up the weighted window periods.
	weightedSum := big.NewInt(0)
	for i := int64(0); i < b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindows; i++ {
		weightedSum.Add(weightedSum, windowChanges[i])

	// Divide by the sum of all weights.
	weightsBig := big.NewInt(int64(weights))
	weightedSumDiv := weightedSum.Div(weightedSum, weightsBig)

	// Multiply by the old stake diff.
	oldDiffBig := big.NewInt(oldDiff)
	nextDiffBig := weightedSumDiv.Mul(weightedSumDiv, oldDiffBig)

	// Right shift to restore the original padding (restore non-fixed point).
	nextDiffBig = nextDiffBig.Rsh(nextDiffBig, 32)
	nextDiffTicketPool := nextDiffBig.Int64()

	// Check to see if we're over the limits for the maximum allowable retarget;
	// if we are, return the maximum or minimum except in the case that oldDiff
	// is zero.
	if oldDiff == 0 { // This should never really happen, but in case it does...
		return nextDiffTicketPool, nil
	} else if nextDiffTicketPool == 0 {
		nextDiffTicketPool = oldDiff / maxRetarget
	} else if (nextDiffTicketPool / oldDiff) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiffTicketPool = oldDiff * maxRetarget
	} else if (oldDiff / nextDiffTicketPool) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiffTicketPool = oldDiff / maxRetarget

	// The target number of new SStx per block for any given window period.
	targetForWindow := b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize *

	// Regress through all of the previous blocks and store the percent changes
	// per window period; use bigInts to emulate 64.32 bit fixed point.
	oldNode = topNode
	windowFreshStake := int64(0)
	windowPeriod = int64(0)
	weights = uint64(0)

	for i := int64(0); ; i++ {
		// Add the fresh stake into the store for this window period.
		windowFreshStake += int64(oldNode.header.FreshStake)

		// Store and reset after reaching the end of every window period.
		if (i+1)%b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindowSize == 0 {
			// Don't let fresh stake be zero.
			if windowFreshStake <= 0 {
				windowFreshStake = 1

			freshTemp := big.NewInt(windowFreshStake)
			freshTemp.Lsh(freshTemp, 32) // Add padding
			targetTemp := big.NewInt(targetForWindow)

			// Get the percentage change.
			windowAdjusted := freshTemp.Div(freshTemp, targetTemp)

			// Weight it exponentially. Be aware that this could at some point
			// overflow if alpha or the number of blocks used is really large.
			windowAdjusted = windowAdjusted.Lsh(windowAdjusted,

			// Sum up all the different weights incrementally.
			weights += 1 <<

			// Store it in the slice.
			windowChanges[windowPeriod] = windowAdjusted

			windowFreshStake = 0

		if (i + 1) == nodesToTraverse {
			break // Exit for loop when we hit the end.

		// Get the previous block node.
		var err error
		tempNode := oldNode
		oldNode, err = b.getPrevNodeFromNode(oldNode)
		if err != nil {
			return 0, err

		// If we're at the genesis block, reset the oldNode
		// so that it stays at the genesis block.
		if oldNode == nil {
			oldNode = tempNode

	// Sum up the weighted window periods.
	weightedSum = big.NewInt(0)
	for i := int64(0); i < b.chainParams.StakeDiffWindows; i++ {
		weightedSum.Add(weightedSum, windowChanges[i])

	// Divide by the sum of all weights.
	weightsBig = big.NewInt(int64(weights))
	weightedSumDiv = weightedSum.Div(weightedSum, weightsBig)

	// Multiply by the old stake diff.
	oldDiffBig = big.NewInt(oldDiff)
	nextDiffBig = weightedSumDiv.Mul(weightedSumDiv, oldDiffBig)

	// Right shift to restore the original padding (restore non-fixed point).
	nextDiffBig = nextDiffBig.Rsh(nextDiffBig, 32)
	nextDiffFreshStake := nextDiffBig.Int64()

	// Check to see if we're over the limits for the maximum allowable retarget;
	// if we are, return the maximum or minimum except in the case that oldDiff
	// is zero.
	if oldDiff == 0 { // This should never really happen, but in case it does...
		return nextDiffFreshStake, nil
	} else if nextDiffFreshStake == 0 {
		nextDiffFreshStake = oldDiff / maxRetarget
	} else if (nextDiffFreshStake / oldDiff) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiffFreshStake = oldDiff * maxRetarget
	} else if (oldDiff / nextDiffFreshStake) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiffFreshStake = oldDiff / maxRetarget

	// Average the two differences using scaled multiplication.
	nextDiff := mergeDifficulty(oldDiff, nextDiffTicketPool, nextDiffFreshStake)

	// Check to see if we're over the limits for the maximum allowable retarget;
	// if we are, return the maximum or minimum except in the case that oldDiff
	// is zero.
	if oldDiff == 0 { // This should never really happen, but in case it does...
		return oldDiff, nil
	} else if nextDiff == 0 {
		nextDiff = oldDiff / maxRetarget
	} else if (nextDiff / oldDiff) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiff = oldDiff * maxRetarget
	} else if (oldDiff / nextDiff) > (maxRetarget - 1) {
		nextDiff = oldDiff / maxRetarget

	// If the next diff is below the network minimum, set the required stake
	// difficulty to the minimum.
	if nextDiff < b.chainParams.MinimumStakeDiff {
		return b.chainParams.MinimumStakeDiff, nil

	return nextDiff, nil