예제 #1
// Test instantiation of Node
func TestNewNode(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	h1, h2 := SetupTwoHosts(t, false)
	// Add tree + entitylist
	el := sda.NewRoster([]*network.ServerIdentity{h1.ServerIdentity, h2.ServerIdentity})
	tree := el.GenerateBinaryTree()

	// Try directly StartNewNode
	proto, err := h1.StartProtocol(testProto, tree)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Could not start new protocol", err)
	p := proto.(*ProtocolTest)
	m := <-p.DispMsg
	if m != "Dispatch" {
		t.Fatal("Dispatch() not called - msg is:", m)
	m = <-p.StartMsg
	if m != "Start" {
		t.Fatal("Start() not called - msg is:", m)
예제 #2
func TestProtocolHandlers(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	_, _, tree := local.GenTree(3, false, true, true)
	defer local.CloseAll()
	log.Lvl2("Sending to children")
	IncomingHandlers = make(chan *sda.TreeNodeInstance, 2)
	p, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, "ProtocolHandlers")
	if err != nil {
	go p.Start()
	log.Lvl2("Waiting for responses")
	child1 := <-IncomingHandlers
	child2 := <-IncomingHandlers

	if child1.ServerIdentity().ID == child2.ServerIdentity().ID {
		t.Fatal("Both entities should be different")

	log.Lvl2("Sending to parent")

	tni := p.(*ProtocolHandlers).TreeNodeInstance
	child1.SendTo(tni.TreeNode(), &NodeTestAggMsg{})
	if len(IncomingHandlers) > 0 {
		t.Fatal("This should not trigger yet")
	child2.SendTo(tni.TreeNode(), &NodeTestAggMsg{})
	final := <-IncomingHandlers
	if final.ServerIdentity().ID != tni.ServerIdentity().ID {
		t.Fatal("This should be the same ID")
예제 #3
func TestProcessor_ProcessClientRequest(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := NewLocalTest()

	// generate 5 hosts, they don't connect, they process messages, and they
	// don't register the tree or entitylist
	h := local.GenLocalHosts(1, false, false)[0]
	defer local.CloseAll()

	s := local.Services[h.ServerIdentity.ID]
	ts := s[testServiceID]
	cr := &ClientRequest{Data: mkClientRequest(&testMsg{12})}
	ts.ProcessClientRequest(h.ServerIdentity, cr)
	msg := ts.(*testService).Msg
	if msg == nil {
		t.Fatal("Msg should not be nil")
	tm, ok := msg.(*testMsg)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't cast to *testMsg - %+v", tm)
	if tm.I != 12 {
		t.Fatal("Didn't send 12")
예제 #4
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	code := m.Run()
예제 #5
func TestProcessor_AddMessage(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	p := NewServiceProcessor(nil)
	if len(p.functions) != 1 {
		t.Fatal("Should have registered one function")
	mt := network.TypeFromData(&testMsg{})
	if mt == network.ErrorType {
		t.Fatal("Didn't register message-type correctly")
	var wrongFunctions = []interface{}{
	for _, f := range wrongFunctions {
		log.Lvl2("Checking function", reflect.TypeOf(f).String())
		err := p.RegisterMessage(f)
		if err == nil {
			t.Fatalf("Shouldn't accept function %+s", reflect.TypeOf(f).String())
예제 #6
// Test connection of multiple Hosts and sending messages back and forth
// also tests for the counterIO interface that it works well
func TestHostMessaging(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	h1, h2 := SetupTwoHosts(t, false)
	bw1 := h1.Tx()
	br2 := h2.Rx()
	msgSimple := &SimpleMessage{3}
	err := h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, msgSimple)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send from h2 -> h1:", err)
	msg := h2.Receive()
	decoded := testMessageSimple(t, msg)
	if decoded.I != 3 {
		t.Fatal("Received message from h2 -> h1 is wrong")

	written := h1.Tx() - bw1
	read := h2.Rx() - br2
	if written == 0 || read == 0 || written != read {
		t.Logf("Before => bw1 = %d vs br2 = %d", bw1, br2)
		t.Logf("Tx = %d, Rx = %d", written, read)
		t.Logf("h1.Tx() %d vs h2.Rx() %d", h1.Tx(), h2.Rx())
		t.Fatal("Something is wrong with Host.CounterIO")

예제 #7
func TestNodeChannel(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	_, _, tree := local.GenTree(2, false, true, true)
	defer local.CloseAll()

	p, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, "ProtocolChannels")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't create new node:", err)
	c := make(chan struct {
	}, 1)
	tni := p.(*ProtocolChannels).TreeNodeInstance
	err = tni.RegisterChannel(c)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't register channel:", err)
	err = tni.DispatchChannel([]*sda.ProtocolMsg{&sda.ProtocolMsg{
		Msg:     NodeTestMsg{3},
		MsgType: network.RegisterMessageType(NodeTestMsg{}),
		From: &sda.Token{
			TreeID:     tree.ID,
			TreeNodeID: tree.Root.ID,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't dispatch to channel:", err)
	msg := <-c
	if msg.I != 3 {
		t.Fatal("Message should contain '3'")
예제 #8
func TestTokenId(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	t1 := &sda.Token{
		RosterID: sda.RosterID(uuid.NewV1()),
		TreeID:   sda.TreeID(uuid.NewV1()),
		ProtoID:  sda.ProtocolID(uuid.NewV1()),
		RoundID:  sda.RoundID(uuid.NewV1()),
	id1 := t1.ID()
	t2 := &sda.Token{
		RosterID: sda.RosterID(uuid.NewV1()),
		TreeID:   sda.TreeID(uuid.NewV1()),
		ProtoID:  sda.ProtocolID(uuid.NewV1()),
		RoundID:  sda.RoundID(uuid.NewV1()),
	id2 := t2.ID()
	if uuid.Equal(uuid.UUID(id1), uuid.UUID(id2)) {
		t.Fatal("Both token are the same")
	if !uuid.Equal(uuid.UUID(id1), uuid.UUID(t1.ID())) {
		t.Fatal("Twice the Id of the same token should be equal")
	t3 := t1.ChangeTreeNodeID(sda.TreeNodeID(uuid.NewV1()))
	if t1.TreeNodeID.Equal(t3.TreeNodeID) {
		t.Fatal("OtherToken should modify copy")
예제 #9
func TestProcessor_GetReply(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	p := NewServiceProcessor(nil)

	pair := config.NewKeyPair(network.Suite)
	e := network.NewServerIdentity(pair.Public, "")

	rep := p.GetReply(e, mkClientRequest(&testMsg{11}))
	val, ok := rep.(*testMsg)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("Couldn't cast reply to testMsg: %+v", rep)
	if val.I != 11 {
		t.Fatal("Value got lost - should be 11")

	rep = p.GetReply(e, mkClientRequest(&testMsg{42}))
	errMsg, ok := rep.(*StatusRet)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("42 should return an error")
	if errMsg.Status == "" {
		t.Fatal("The error should be non-empty")
예제 #10
// Testing a full-blown server/client
func TestTcpNetwork(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	// Create one client + one server
	clientHost := NewTCPHost()
	serverHost := NewTCPHost()
	// Give them keys
	clientPub := Suite.Point().Base()
	serverPub := Suite.Point().Add(Suite.Point().Base(), Suite.Point().Base())
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	client := NewSimpleClient(clientHost, clientPub, &wg)
	server := NewSimpleServer(serverHost, serverPub, t, &wg)
	// Make the server listen
	done := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		err := server.Listen("", server.ExchangeWithClient)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't listen:", err)
		done <- true
	// Make the client engage with the server
	client.ExchangeWithServer("", t)
	if err := clientHost.Close(); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("could not close client", err)
	if err := serverHost.Close(); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("could not close server", err)
예제 #11
// Test closing and opening of Host on same address
func TestHostClose(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	h1 := sda.NewLocalHost(2000)
	h2 := sda.NewLocalHost(2001)
	_, err := h2.Connect(h1.ServerIdentity)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't Connect()", err)
	err = h1.Close()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close:", err)
	err = h2.Close()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close:", err)
	log.Lvl3("Finished first connection, starting 2nd")
	h3 := sda.NewLocalHost(2002)
	c, err := h2.Connect(h3.ServerIdentity)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal(h2, "Couldn Connect() to", h3)
	log.Lvl3("Closing h3")
	err = h3.Close()
	if err != nil {
		// try closing the underlying connection manually and fail
		t.Fatal("Couldn't Close()", h3)
예제 #12
func TestSimulationBF(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	sc, _, err := createBFTree(7, 2)
	if err != nil {
	addresses := []string{
		"local1:2000", "local2:2000",
		"local1:2001", "local2:2001",
		"local1:2002", "local2:2002",
	for i, a := range sc.Roster.List {
		if a.Addresses[0] != addresses[i] {
			t.Fatal("Address", a.Addresses[0], "should be", addresses[i])
	if !sc.Tree.IsBinary(sc.Tree.Root) {
		t.Fatal("Created tree is not binary")

	sc, _, err = createBFTree(13, 3)
	if err != nil {
	if len(sc.Tree.Root.Children) != 3 {
		t.Fatal("Branching-factor 3 tree has not 3 children")
	if !sc.Tree.IsNary(sc.Tree.Root, 3) {
		t.Fatal("Created tree is not binary")
예제 #13
func TestReadyNormal(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 3)
	m := make(map[string]string)
	m["servers"] = "1"
	stat := NewStats(m)
	fresh := stat.String()
	// First set up monitor listening
	mon := NewMonitor(stat)
	go mon.Listen()
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

	// Then measure
	err := ConnectSink("localhost:" + strconv.Itoa(DefaultSinkPort))
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error starting monitor: %s", err))

	meas := NewSingleMeasure("round", 10)
	time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
	NewSingleMeasure("round", 20)
	time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
	updated := mon.Stats().String()
	if updated == fresh {
		t.Fatal("Stats not updated ?")

예제 #14
func TestKeyOrder(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 3)
	m := make(map[string]string)
	m["servers"] = "1"
	m["hosts"] = "1"
	m["bf"] = "2"
	// create stats
	stat := NewStats(m)
	m1 := NewSingleMeasure("round", 10)
	m2 := NewSingleMeasure("setup", 5)
	str := new(bytes.Buffer)

	stat2 := NewStats(m)

	str2 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	if !bytes.Equal(str.Bytes(), str2.Bytes()) {
		t.Fatal("KeyOrder / output not the same for same stats")
예제 #15
// Tests a 2-node system
func TestBroadcast(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 3)
	for _, nbrNodes := range []int{3, 10, 14} {
		local := sda.NewLocalTest()
		_, _, tree := local.GenTree(nbrNodes, false, true, true)

		pi, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, "Broadcast")
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't start protocol:", err)
		protocol := pi.(*manage.Broadcast)
		done := make(chan bool)
		protocol.RegisterOnDone(func() {
			done <- true
		timeout := network.WaitRetry * time.Duration(network.MaxRetry*nbrNodes*2) * time.Millisecond
		select {
		case <-done:
			log.Lvl2("Done with connecting everybody")
		case <-time.After(timeout):
			t.Fatal("Didn't finish in time")
예제 #16
// Tests a 2-node system
func TestCloseall(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	nbrNodes := 2
	_, _, tree := local.GenTree(nbrNodes, false, true, true)
	defer local.CloseAll()

	pi, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, "ExampleChannels")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't start protocol:", err)
	go pi.Start()
	protocol := pi.(*channels.ProtocolExampleChannels)
	timeout := network.WaitRetry * time.Duration(network.MaxRetry*nbrNodes*2) * time.Millisecond
	select {
	case children := <-protocol.ChildCount:
		log.Lvl2("Instance 1 is done")
		if children != nbrNodes {
			t.Fatal("Didn't get a child-cound of", nbrNodes)
	case <-time.After(timeout):
		t.Fatal("Didn't finish in time")
예제 #17
func TestBftCoSi(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)

	// Register test protocol using BFTCoSi
	sda.ProtocolRegisterName(TestProtocolName, func(n *sda.TreeNodeInstance) (sda.ProtocolInstance, error) {
		return NewBFTCoSiProtocol(n, verify)

	for _, nbrHosts := range []int{3, 13} {
		veriCount = 0
		log.Lvl2("Running BFTCoSi with", nbrHosts, "hosts")
		local := sda.NewLocalTest()
		_, _, tree := local.GenBigTree(nbrHosts, nbrHosts, 3, true, true)

		done := make(chan bool)
		// create the message we want to sign for this round
		msg := []byte("Hello BFTCoSi")

		// Start the protocol
		node, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, TestProtocolName)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't create new node:", err)

		// Register the function generating the protocol instance
		var root *ProtocolBFTCoSi
		root = node.(*ProtocolBFTCoSi)
		root.Msg = msg
		// function that will be called when protocol is finished by the root
		root.RegisterOnDone(func() {
			done <- true
		go node.Start()
		// are we done yet?
		wait := time.Second * 3
		select {
		case <-done:
			assert.Equal(t, veriCount, nbrHosts,
				"Each host should have called verification.")
			// if assert fails we don't care for unlocking (t.Fail)
			sig := root.Signature()
			if err := cosi.VerifyCosiSignatureWithException(root.Suite(),
				root.AggregatedPublic, msg, sig.Sig,
				sig.Exceptions); err != nil {

				t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("%s Verification of the signature failed: %s", root.Name(), err.Error()))
		case <-time.After(wait):
			t.Fatal("Waited", wait, "sec for BFTCoSi to finish ...")
예제 #18
func TestRegisterReflect(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	typ := RegisterMessageType(TestRegisterS{})
	typReflect := RTypeToMessageTypeID(reflect.TypeOf(TestRegisterS{}))
	if typ != typReflect {
		t.Fatal("Register does not work")
예제 #19
func TestHostClose2(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	defer local.CloseAll()

	_, _, tree := local.GenTree(2, false, true, true)
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)
예제 #20
func TestBigTree(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	for i := uint(12); i < 15; i++ {
		_, _, err := createBFTree(1<<i-1, 2)
		if err != nil {
예제 #21
// This makes h2 the leader, so it creates a tree and entity list
// and start a protocol. H1 should receive that message and request the entitity
// list and the treelist and then instantiate the protocol.
func TestProtocolAutomaticInstantiation(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	// setup
	chanH1 := make(chan bool)
	chanH2 := make(chan bool)
	chans := []chan bool{chanH1, chanH2}
	id := 0
	// custom creation function so we know the step due to the channels
	fn := func(n *sda.TreeNodeInstance) (sda.ProtocolInstance, error) {
		ps := SimpleProtocol{
			TreeNodeInstance: n,
			Chan:             chans[id],
		return &ps, nil

	sda.ProtocolRegisterName(simpleProto, fn)
	h1, h2 := SetupTwoHosts(t, true)
	defer h1.Close()
	defer h2.Close()
	// create small Tree
	el := sda.NewRoster([]*network.ServerIdentity{h1.ServerIdentity, h2.ServerIdentity})
	tree := el.GenerateBinaryTree()
	// start the protocol
	go func() {
		_, err := h1.StartProtocol(simpleProto, tree)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Could not start protocol %v", err))

	// we are supposed to receive something from host1 from Start()
	select {
	case _ = <-chanH1:
	case <-time.After(200 * time.Millisecond):
		t.Fatal("Could not receive from channel of host 1")
	// Then we are supposed to receive from h2 after he got the tree and the
	// entity list from h1
	select {
	case _ = <-chanH2:
	case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):
		t.Fatal("Could not receive from channel of host 1")
예제 #22
// Test propagation of tree - both known and unknown
func TestTreePropagation(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	hosts, el, tree := local.GenTree(2, true, false, false)
	defer local.CloseAll()
	h1 := hosts[0]
	h2 := hosts[1]
	// Suppose both hosts have the list available, but not the tree

	// Check that h2 sends back an empty tree if it is unknown
	err := h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestTree{TreeID: tree.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	msg := h1.Receive()
	if msg.MsgType != sda.SendTreeMessageID {
		t.Fatal("h1 didn't receive SendTree type:", msg.MsgType)
	if msg.Msg.(sda.TreeMarshal).RosterID != sda.RosterID(uuid.Nil) {
		t.Fatal("List should be empty")

	// Now add the list to h2 and try again
	err = h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestTree{TreeID: tree.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	msg = h1.Receive()
	if msg.MsgType != sda.SendTreeMessageID {
		t.Fatal("h1 didn't receive Tree-type")
	if msg.Msg.(sda.TreeMarshal).TreeID != tree.ID {
		t.Fatal("Tree should be equal to original tree")

	// And test whether it gets stored correctly
	err = h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestTree{TreeID: tree.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	tree2, ok := h1.GetTree(tree.ID)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("List-id not found")
	if !tree.Equal(tree2) {
		t.Fatal("Trees do not match")
예제 #23
// Test setting up of Host
func TestHostNew(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	h1 := sda.NewLocalHost(2000)
	if h1 == nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't setup a Host")
	err := h1.Close()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close", err)
예제 #24
// Test propagation of peer-lists - both known and unknown
func TestPeerListPropagation(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	hosts, el, _ := local.GenTree(2, false, false, false)
	defer local.CloseAll()
	h1 := hosts[0]
	h2 := hosts[1]

	// Check that h2 sends back an empty list if it is unknown
	err := h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestRoster{
		RosterID: el.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	msg := h1.Receive()
	if msg.MsgType != sda.SendRosterMessageID {
		t.Fatal("h1 didn't receive Roster type, but", msg.MsgType)
	if msg.Msg.(sda.Roster).ID != sda.RosterID(uuid.Nil) {
		t.Fatal("List should be empty")

	// Now add the list to h2 and try again
	err = h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestRoster{RosterID: el.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	msg = h1.Receive()
	if msg.MsgType != sda.SendRosterMessageID {
		t.Fatal("h1 didn't receive Roster type")
	if msg.Msg.(sda.Roster).ID != el.ID {
		t.Fatal("List should be equal to original list")

	// And test whether it gets stored correctly
	err = h1.SendRaw(h2.ServerIdentity, &sda.RequestRoster{RosterID: el.ID})
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't send message to h2:", err)
	list, ok := h1.Roster(el.ID)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatal("List-id not found")
	if list.ID != el.ID {
		t.Fatal("IDs do not match")
예제 #25
func TestBlocking(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	l := sda.NewLocalTest()
	_, _, tree := l.GenTree(2, true, true, true)
	defer l.CloseAll()

	n1, err := l.StartProtocol("ProtocolBlocking", tree)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't start protocol")
	n2, err := l.StartProtocol("ProtocolBlocking", tree)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't start protocol")

	p1 := n1.(*BlockingProtocol)
	p2 := n2.(*BlockingProtocol)
	tn1 := p1.TreeNodeInstance
	tn2 := p2.TreeNodeInstance
	go func() {
		// Send two messages to n1, which blocks the old interface
		err := l.SendTreeNode("", tn2, tn1, &NodeTestMsg{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't send message:", err)
		err = l.SendTreeNode("", tn2, tn1, &NodeTestMsg{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't send message:", err)
		// Now send a message to n2, but in the old interface this
		// blocks.
		err = l.SendTreeNode("", tn1, tn2, &NodeTestMsg{})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't send message:", err)
	// Release p2
	p2.stopBlockChan <- true
	select {
	case <-p2.doneChan:
		log.Lvl2("Node 2 done")
		p1.stopBlockChan <- true
	case <-time.After(time.Second):
		t.Fatal("Node 2 didn't receive")
예제 #26
func TestNtree(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)

	for _, nbrHosts := range []int{1, 3, 13} {
		log.Lvl2("Running ntree with", nbrHosts, "hosts")
		local := sda.NewLocalTest()

		_, _, tree := local.GenBigTree(nbrHosts, nbrHosts, 3, true, true)

		done := make(chan bool)
		// create the message we want to sign for this round
		msg := []byte("Ntree rocks slowly")

		// Register the function generating the protocol instance
		var root *ntree.Protocol
		// function that will be called when protocol is finished by the root
		doneFunc := func() bool {
			done <- true
			return true

		// Start the protocol
		pi, err := local.CreateProtocol(tree, "NaiveTree")
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't create new node:", err)
		root = pi.(*ntree.Protocol)
		root.Message = msg
		err = pi.Start()
		if nbrHosts == 1 {
			if err == nil {
				t.Fatal("Shouldn't be able to start NTree with 1 node")
		} else if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't start protocol:", err)
		} else {
			select {
			case <-done:
			case <-time.After(time.Second * 2):
				t.Fatal("Protocol didn't finish in time")
예제 #27
func TestTcpCounterIO(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	receiverStarted := make(chan bool)
	fn := func(s Conn) {
		err := s.Send(context.TODO(), &TestRegisterS{10})
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Error while sending message:", err)

	h1 := NewTCPHost()
	h2 := NewTCPHost()
	done := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		err := h1.Listen("localhost:3000", fn)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Listening failed for h1:", err)
		done <- true

	c2, err := h2.Open("localhost:3000")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't open h2:", err)
	err = h1.Close()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close:", err)
	err = h2.Close()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close:", err)
	// verify the amount of bytes read / written
	if h1.Tx() == 0 || h1.Tx() != h2.Rx() || h2.Rx() == 0 || h2.Rx() != c2.Rx() {
		t.Fatal("stg is wrong with CounterIO implementation of TcpConn / TcpHost")

예제 #28
// Testing exchange of entity
func TestSecureTcp(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)

	log.TestOutput(testing.Verbose(), 4)
	opened := make(chan bool)
	fn := func(s SecureConn) {
		log.Lvl3("Getting connection from", s)
		opened <- true

	kp1 := config.NewKeyPair(Suite)
	entity1 := NewServerIdentity(kp1.Public, "localhost:2000")
	kp2 := config.NewKeyPair(Suite)
	entity2 := NewServerIdentity(kp2.Public, "localhost:2001")

	host1 := NewSecureTCPHost(kp1.Secret, entity1)
	host2 := NewSecureTCPHost(kp1.Secret, entity2)

	done := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		err := host1.Listen(fn)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't listen:", err)
		done <- true
	conn, err := host2.Open(entity1)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't connect to host1:", err)
	if !conn.ServerIdentity().Public.Equal(kp1.Public) {
		t.Fatal("Connection-id is not from host1")
	if !<-opened {
		t.Fatal("Lazy programmers - no select")
	log.Lvl4("Closing connections")
	if err := host1.Close(); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close host", host1)
	if err := host2.Close(); err != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't close host", host2)
예제 #29
// Test when a peer receives a New Roster, it can create the trees that are
// waiting on this specific entitiy list, to be constructed.
func TestPeerPendingTreeMarshal(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	local := sda.NewLocalTest()
	hosts, el, tree := local.GenTree(2, false, false, false)
	defer local.CloseAll()
	h1 := hosts[0]

	// Add the marshalled version of the tree
	local.AddPendingTreeMarshal(h1, tree.MakeTreeMarshal())
	if _, ok := h1.GetTree(tree.ID); ok {
		t.Fatal("host 1 should not have the tree definition yet.")
	// Now make it check
	local.CheckPendingTreeMarshal(h1, el)
	if _, ok := h1.GetTree(tree.ID); !ok {
		t.Fatal("Host 1 should have the tree definition now.")
예제 #30
func TestRegister(t *testing.T) {
	defer log.AfterTest(t)
	if TypeFromData(&TestRegisterS{}) != ErrorType {
		t.Fatal("TestRegister should not yet be there")

	trType := RegisterMessageType(&TestRegisterS{})
	if uuid.Equal(uuid.UUID(trType), uuid.Nil) {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't register TestRegister-struct")

	if TypeFromData(&TestRegisterS{}) != trType {
		t.Fatal("TestRegister is different now")
	if TypeFromData(TestRegisterS{}) != trType {
		t.Fatal("TestRegister is different now")