예제 #1
파일: loader.go 프로젝트: BobbWu/dgraph
func (s *state) handleNQuads(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	for nq := range s.cnq {
		if farm.Fingerprint64([]byte(nq.Subject))%s.mod != 0 {
			// Ignore due to mod sampling.
			atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.ignored, 1)

		edge, err := nq.ToEdge()
		for err != nil {
			// Just put in a retry loop to tackle temporary errors.
			if err == posting.E_TMP_ERROR {

			} else {
				glog.WithError(err).WithField("nq", nq).
					Error("While converting to edge")
			edge, err = nq.ToEdge()

		key := posting.Key(edge.Entity, edge.Attribute)
		plist := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		plist.AddMutation(edge, posting.Set)
		atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.processed, 1)
예제 #2
// allocateUniqueUid returns an integer in range:
// [minIdx, maxIdx] derived based on numInstances and instanceIdx.
// which hasn't already been allocated to other xids. It does this by
// taking the fingerprint of the xid appended with zero or more spaces
// until the obtained integer is unique.
func allocateUniqueUid(instanceIdx uint64, numInstances uint64) uint64 {
	mod := math.MaxUint64 / numInstances
	minIdx := instanceIdx * mod

	buf := make([]byte, 128)
	for {
		_, err := rand.Read(buf)
		x.Checkf(err, "rand.Read shouldn't throw an error")

		uidb := farm.Fingerprint64(buf) // Generate from hash.
		uid := (uidb % mod) + minIdx
		if uid == math.MaxUint64 || !lmgr.isNew(uid) {

		// Check if this uid has already been allocated.
		key := x.DataKey("_uid_", uid)
		pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		defer decr()

		if pl.Length(0) == 0 {
			return uid
	log.Fatalf("This shouldn't be reached.")
	return 0
예제 #3
파일: loader.go 프로젝트: ashwin95r/dgraph
func (s *state) handleNQuads(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	for nq := range s.cnq {
		edge, err := nq.ToEdge(s.instanceIdx, s.numInstances)
		for err != nil {
			// Just put in a retry loop to tackle temporary errors.
			if err == posting.E_TMP_ERROR {

			} else {
				glog.WithError(err).WithField("nq", nq).
					Error("While converting to edge")
			edge, err = nq.ToEdge(s.instanceIdx, s.numInstances)

		// Only handle this edge if the attribute satisfies the modulo rule
		if farm.Fingerprint64([]byte(edge.Attribute))%s.numInstances ==
			s.instanceIdx {
			key := posting.Key(edge.Entity, edge.Attribute)
			plist := posting.GetOrCreate(key, dataStore)
			plist.AddMutation(edge, posting.Set)
			atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.processed, 1)
		} else {
			atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.ignored, 1)

예제 #4
func ExternalId(uid uint64) (xid string, rerr error) {
	key := posting.Key(uid, "_xid_") // uid -> "_xid_" -> xid
	pl := posting.GetOrCreate(key, uidStore)
	if pl.Length() == 0 {
		return "", errors.New("NO external id")

	if pl.Length() > 1 {
		glog.WithField("uid", uid).Fatal("This shouldn't be happening.")
		return "", errors.New("Multiple external ids for this uid.")

	var p types.Posting
	if ok := pl.Get(&p, 0); !ok {
		glog.WithField("uid", uid).Error("While retrieving posting")
		return "", errors.New("While retrieving posting")

	if p.Uid() != math.MaxUint64 {
		glog.WithField("uid", uid).Fatal("Value uid must be MaxUint64.")
	var t interface{}
	rerr = posting.ParseValue(&t, p.ValueBytes())
	xid = t.(string)
	return xid, rerr
예제 #5
func addEdgeToUID(t *testing.T, ps *store.Store, attr string, src uint64, dst uint64) {
	edge := &task.DirectedEdge{
		ValueId: dst,
		Label:   "testing",
		Attr:    attr,
		Entity:  src,
	l, _ := posting.GetOrCreate(x.DataKey(attr, src))
		l.AddMutationWithIndex(context.Background(), edge, posting.Set))
예제 #6
파일: loader.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
func markTaken(ctx context.Context, uid uint64) {
	mu := &task.DirectedEdge{
		Entity: uid,
		Attr:   "_uid_",
		Value:  []byte("_"), // not txid
		Label:  "_loader_",
	key := x.DataKey("_uid_", uid)
	plist, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
	plist.AddMutation(ctx, mu, posting.Set)
예제 #7
func addEdgeToTypedValue(t *testing.T, ps *store.Store, attr string, src uint64,
	typ types.TypeID, value []byte) {
	edge := &task.DirectedEdge{
		Value:     value,
		ValueType: uint32(typ),
		Label:     "testing",
		Attr:      attr,
		Entity:    src,
	l, _ := posting.GetOrCreate(x.DataKey(attr, src))
		l.AddMutationWithIndex(context.Background(), edge, posting.Set))
예제 #8
파일: loader.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
// handleNQuads converts the nQuads that satisfy the modulo
// rule into posting lists.
func (s *state) handleNQuads(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	defer wg.Done()
	// Check if we need to mark used UIDs.
	markUids := s.groupsMap[group.BelongsTo("_uid_")]
	ctx := context.Background()
	for nq := range s.cnq {
		if s.Error() != nil {
		// Only handle this edge if the attribute satisfies the modulo rule
		if !s.groupsMap[group.BelongsTo(nq.Predicate)] {
			atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.ignored, 1)

		edge, err := nq.ToEdge()
		for err != nil {
			// Just put in a retry loop to tackle temporary errors.
			if err == posting.ErrRetry {

			} else {
				glog.WithError(err).WithField("nq", nq).
					Error("While converting to edge")
			edge, err = nq.ToEdge()

		key := x.DataKey(edge.Attr, edge.Entity)

		plist, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		plist.AddMutationWithIndex(ctx, edge, posting.Set)
		decr() // Don't defer, just call because we're in a channel loop.

		// Mark UIDs and XIDs as taken
		if markUids {
			// Mark entity UID.
			markTaken(ctx, edge.Entity)
			// Mark the Value UID.
			if edge.ValueId != 0 {
				markTaken(ctx, edge.ValueId)
		atomic.AddUint64(&s.ctr.processed, 1)
예제 #9
파일: worker.go 프로젝트: ashwin95r/dgraph
func ProcessTask(query []byte) (result []byte, rerr error) {
	uo := flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(query)
	q := new(task.Query)
	q.Init(query, uo)

	b := flatbuffers.NewBuilder(0)
	voffsets := make([]flatbuffers.UOffsetT, q.UidsLength())
	uoffsets := make([]flatbuffers.UOffsetT, q.UidsLength())

	attr := string(q.Attr())
	for i := 0; i < q.UidsLength(); i++ {
		uid := q.Uids(i)
		key := posting.Key(uid, attr)
		pl := posting.GetOrCreate(key, dataStore)

		var valoffset flatbuffers.UOffsetT
		if val, err := pl.Value(); err != nil {
			valoffset = b.CreateByteVector(x.Nilbyte)
		} else {
			valoffset = b.CreateByteVector(val)
		task.ValueAddVal(b, valoffset)
		voffsets[i] = task.ValueEnd(b)

		ulist := pl.GetUids()
		uoffsets[i] = x.UidlistOffset(b, ulist)
	task.ResultStartValuesVector(b, len(voffsets))
	for i := len(voffsets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
	valuesVent := b.EndVector(len(voffsets))

	task.ResultStartUidmatrixVector(b, len(uoffsets))
	for i := len(uoffsets) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
	matrixVent := b.EndVector(len(uoffsets))

	task.ResultAddValues(b, valuesVent)
	task.ResultAddUidmatrix(b, matrixVent)
	rend := task.ResultEnd(b)
	return b.Bytes[b.Head():], nil
예제 #10
func allocateUniqueUid(xid string, instanceIdx uint64,
	numInstances uint64) (uid uint64, rerr error) {

	mod := math.MaxUint64 / numInstances
	minIdx := instanceIdx * mod
	for sp := ""; ; sp += " " {
		txid := xid + sp

		uid1 := farm.Fingerprint64([]byte(txid)) // Generate from hash.
		uid = (uid1 % mod) + minIdx

		glog.WithField("txid", txid).WithField("uid", uid).Debug("Generated")
		if uid == math.MaxUint64 {
			glog.Debug("Hit uint64max while generating fingerprint. Ignoring...")

		// Check if this uid has already been allocated.
		key := posting.Key(uid, "_xid_") // uid -> "_xid_" -> xid
		pl := posting.GetOrCreate(key, uidStore)

		if pl.Length() > 0 {
			// Something already present here.
			var p types.Posting
			pl.Get(&p, 0)

			var tmp interface{}
			posting.ParseValue(&tmp, p.ValueBytes())
			glog.Debug("Found existing xid: [%q]. Continuing...", tmp.(string))

		// Uid hasn't been assigned yet.
		t := x.DirectedEdge{
			Value:     xid, // not txid
			Source:    "_assigner_",
			Timestamp: time.Now(),
		rerr = pl.AddMutation(t, posting.Set)
		if rerr != nil {
			glog.WithError(rerr).Error("While adding mutation")
		return uid, rerr
	return 0, errors.New("Some unhandled route lead me here." +
		" Wake the stupid developer up.")
예제 #11
// runMutations goes through all the edges and applies them. It returns the
// mutations which were not applied in left.
func runMutations(ctx context.Context, edges []*task.DirectedEdge, op uint32) error {
	for _, edge := range edges {
		if !groups().ServesGroup(group.BelongsTo(edge.Attr)) {
			return x.Errorf("Predicate fingerprint doesn't match this instance")

		key := x.DataKey(edge.Attr, edge.Entity)
		plist, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		defer decr()

		if err := plist.AddMutationWithIndex(ctx, edge, op); err != nil {
			x.Printf("Error while adding mutation: %v %v", edge, err)
			return err // abort applying the rest of them.
	return nil
예제 #12
func writePLs(t *testing.T, pred string, count int, vid uint64, ps *store.Store) {
	for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
		k := x.DataKey(pred, uint64(i))
		list, _ := posting.GetOrCreate(k)

		de := &task.DirectedEdge{
			ValueId: vid,
			Label:   "test",
		list.AddMutation(context.TODO(), de, posting.Set)
		if merged, err := list.CommitIfDirty(context.TODO()); err != nil {
			t.Errorf("While merging: %v", err)
		} else if !merged {
			t.Errorf("No merge happened")
예제 #13
func GetOrAssign(xid string, instanceIdx uint64, numInstances uint64) (uid uint64, rerr error) {
	key := stringKey(xid)
	pl := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
	if pl.Length() == 0 {
		return assignNew(pl, xid, instanceIdx, numInstances)

	} else if pl.Length() > 1 {
		glog.Fatalf("We shouldn't have more than 1 uid for xid: %v\n", xid)

	} else {
		// We found one posting.
		var p types.Posting
		if ok := pl.Get(&p, 0); !ok {
			return 0, errors.New("While retrieving entry from posting list")
		return p.Uid(), nil
	return 0, errors.New("Some unhandled route lead me here." +
		" Wake the stupid developer up.")
예제 #14
파일: task.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
// getPostingValue looks up key, gets the value, converts it. If any error is
// encountered, we return nil. This is used in some filtering where we do not
// want to waste time creating errors.
func getPostingValue(key []byte, scalarType types.Scalar) *types.Value {
	pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
	defer decr()

	valBytes, vType, err := pl.Value()
	if bytes.Equal(valBytes, nil) {
		return nil
	val := types.ValueForType(types.TypeID(vType))
	if val == nil {
		return nil
	if err := val.UnmarshalBinary(valBytes); err != nil {
		return nil
	// Convert to schema type.
	sv, err := scalarType.Convert(val)
	if err != nil {
		return nil
	return &sv
예제 #15
파일: sort.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
// fetchValue gets the value for a given UID.
func fetchValue(uid uint64, attr string, scalar types.Scalar) (types.Value, error) {
	pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(x.DataKey(attr, uid))
	defer decr()

	valBytes, vType, err := pl.Value()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	val := types.ValueForType(types.TypeID(vType))
	if val == nil {
		return nil, x.Errorf("Invalid type: %v", vType)
	err = val.UnmarshalBinary(valBytes)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	schemaVal, err := scalar.Convert(val)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return schemaVal, nil
예제 #16
func populateGraph(t *testing.T) (string, *store.Store) {
	// logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel)
	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "storetest_")
	if err != nil {
		return "", nil

	ps := new(store.Store)


	clog := commit.NewLogger(dir, "mutations", 50<<20)

	// So, user we're interested in has uid: 1.
	// She has 4 friends: 23, 24, 25, 31, and 101
	edge := x.DirectedEdge{
		ValueId:   23,
		Source:    "testing",
		Timestamp: time.Now(),
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 24
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 25
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 31
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 101
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "friend"), ps))

	// Now let's add a few properties for the main user.
	edge.Value = "Michonne"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "name"), ps))

	edge.Value = "female"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "gender"), ps))

	edge.Value = "alive"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(1, "status"), ps))

	// Now let's add a name for each of the friends, except 101.
	edge.Value = "Rick Grimes"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(23, "name"), ps))

	edge.Value = "Glenn Rhee"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(24, "name"), ps))

	edge.Value = "Daryl Dixon"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(25, "name"), ps))

	edge.Value = "Andrea"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(31, "name"), ps))

	return dir, ps
예제 #17
파일: task.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
// processTask processes the query, accumulates and returns the result.
func processTask(q *task.Query) (*task.Result, error) {
	attr := q.Attr

	useFunc := len(q.SrcFunc) != 0
	var n int
	var tokens []string
	var geoQuery *geo.QueryData
	var err error
	var intersectDest bool
	var ineqValue types.Value
	var ineqValueToken string
	var isGeq, isLeq bool

	if useFunc {
		f := q.SrcFunc[0]
		isGeq = f == "geq"
		isLeq = f == "leq"
		switch {
		case isGeq:
		case isLeq:
			if len(q.SrcFunc) != 2 {
				return nil, x.Errorf("Function requires 2 arguments, but got %d %v",
					len(q.SrcFunc), q.SrcFunc)
			ineqValue, err = getValue(attr, q.SrcFunc[1])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// Tokenizing RHS value of inequality.
			ineqTokens, err := posting.IndexTokens(attr, ineqValue)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if len(ineqTokens) != 1 {
				return nil, x.Errorf("Expected only 1 token but got: %v", ineqTokens)
			ineqValueToken = ineqTokens[0]
			// Get tokens geq / leq ineqValueToken.
			tokens, err = getInequalityTokens(attr, ineqValueToken, isGeq)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		case geo.IsGeoFunc(q.SrcFunc[0]):
			// For geo functions, we get extra information used for filtering.
			tokens, geoQuery, err = geo.GetTokens(q.SrcFunc)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

			tokens, err = getTokens(q.SrcFunc)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			intersectDest = (strings.ToLower(q.SrcFunc[0]) == "allof")
		n = len(tokens)
	} else {
		n = len(q.Uids)

	var out task.Result
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		var key []byte
		if useFunc {
			key = x.IndexKey(attr, tokens[i])
		} else {
			key = x.DataKey(attr, q.Uids[i])
		// Get or create the posting list for an entity, attribute combination.
		pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
		defer decr()

		// If a posting list contains a value, we store that or else we store a nil
		// byte so that processing is consistent later.
		vbytes, vtype, err := pl.Value()

		newValue := &task.Value{ValType: uint32(vtype)}
		if err == nil {
			newValue.Val = vbytes
		} else {
			newValue.Val = x.Nilbyte
		out.Values = append(out.Values, newValue)

		if q.DoCount {
			out.Counts = append(out.Counts, uint32(pl.Length(0)))
			// Add an empty UID list to make later processing consistent
			out.UidMatrix = append(out.UidMatrix, &emptyUIDList)

		// The more usual case: Getting the UIDs.
		opts := posting.ListOptions{
			AfterUID: uint64(q.AfterUid),
		// If we have srcFunc and Uids, it means its a filter. So we intersect.
		if useFunc && len(q.Uids) > 0 {
			opts.Intersect = &task.List{Uids: q.Uids}
		out.UidMatrix = append(out.UidMatrix, pl.Uids(opts))

	if (isGeq || isLeq) && len(tokens) > 0 && ineqValueToken == tokens[0] {
		// Need to evaluate inequality for entries in the first bucket.
		typ := schema.TypeOf(attr)
		if typ == nil || !typ.IsScalar() {
			return nil, x.Errorf("Attribute not scalar: %s %v", attr, typ)
		scalarType := typ.(types.Scalar)

		x.AssertTrue(len(out.UidMatrix) > 0)
		// Filter the first row of UidMatrix. Since ineqValue != nil, we may
		// assume that ineqValue is equal to the first token found in TokensTable.
		algo.ApplyFilter(out.UidMatrix[0], func(uid uint64, i int) bool {
			key := x.DataKey(attr, uid)
			sv := getPostingValue(key, scalarType)
			if sv == nil {
				return false
			if isGeq {
				return !scalarType.Less(*sv, ineqValue)
			return !scalarType.Less(ineqValue, *sv)

	// If geo filter, do value check for correctness.
	var values []*task.Value
	if geoQuery != nil {
		uids := algo.MergeSorted(out.UidMatrix)
		for _, uid := range uids.Uids {
			key := x.DataKey(attr, uid)
			pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)

			vbytes, vtype, err := pl.Value()
			newValue := &task.Value{ValType: uint32(vtype)}
			if err == nil {
				newValue.Val = vbytes
			} else {
				newValue.Val = x.Nilbyte
			values = append(values, newValue)
			decr() // Decrement the reference count of the pl.

		filtered := geo.FilterUids(uids, values, geoQuery)
		for i := 0; i < len(out.UidMatrix); i++ {
			out.UidMatrix[i] = algo.IntersectSorted([]*task.List{out.UidMatrix[i], filtered})
	out.IntersectDest = intersectDest
	return &out, nil
예제 #18
func TestProcessTask(t *testing.T) {
	// logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel)

	dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "storetest_")
	if err != nil {

	defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
	ps := new(store.Store)

	clog := commit.NewLogger(dir, "mutations", 50<<20)
	defer clog.Close()


	edge := x.DirectedEdge{
		ValueId:   23,
		Source:    "author0",
		Timestamp: time.Now(),
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(10, "friend"), ps))
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(11, "friend"), ps))
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(12, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 25
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(12, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 26
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(12, "friend"), ps))

	edge.ValueId = 31
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(10, "friend"), ps))
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(12, "friend"), ps))

	edge.Value = "photon"
	addEdge(t, edge, posting.GetOrCreate(posting.Key(12, "friend"), ps))

	query := NewQuery("friend", []uint64{10, 11, 12})
	result, err := ProcessTask(query)
	if err != nil {

	ro := flatbuffers.GetUOffsetT(result)
	r := new(task.Result)
	r.Init(result, ro)

	if r.UidmatrixLength() != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Expected 3. Got uidmatrix length: %v", r.UidmatrixLength())
	if err := check(r, 0, []uint64{23, 31}); err != nil {
	if err := check(r, 1, []uint64{23}); err != nil {
	if err := check(r, 2, []uint64{23, 25, 26, 31}); err != nil {

	if r.ValuesLength() != 3 {
		t.Errorf("Expected 3. Got values length: %v", r.ValuesLength())
	var tval task.Value
	if ok := r.Values(&tval, 0); !ok {
		t.Errorf("Unable to retrieve value")
	if tval.ValLength() != 1 ||
		tval.ValBytes()[0] != 0x00 {
		t.Errorf("Invalid byte value at index 0")
	if ok := r.Values(&tval, 1); !ok {
		t.Errorf("Unable to retrieve value")
	if tval.ValLength() != 1 ||
		tval.ValBytes()[0] != 0x00 {
		t.Errorf("Invalid byte value at index 0")

	if ok := r.Values(&tval, 2); !ok {
		t.Errorf("Unable to retrieve value")
	var iout interface{}
	if err := posting.ParseValue(&iout, tval.ValBytes()); err != nil {
	v := iout.(string)
	if v != "photon" {
		t.Errorf("Expected photon. Got: %q", v)
예제 #19
func getOrCreate(key []byte) *posting.List {
	l, _ := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
	return l
예제 #20
파일: sort.go 프로젝트: dgraph-io/dgraph
func intersectBucket(ts *task.Sort, attr, token string, out []intersectedList) error {
	count := int(ts.Count)
	sType := schema.TypeOf(attr)
	if !sType.IsScalar() {
		return x.Errorf("Cannot sort attribute %s of type object.", attr)
	scalar := sType.(types.Scalar)

	key := x.IndexKey(attr, token)
	pl, decr := posting.GetOrCreate(key)
	defer decr()

	for i, ul := range ts.UidMatrix {
		il := &out[i]
		if count > 0 && len(il.ulist.Uids) >= count {

		// Intersect index with i-th input UID list.
		listOpt := posting.ListOptions{Intersect: ul}
		result := pl.Uids(listOpt)
		n := len(result.Uids)

		// Check offsets[i].
		if il.offset >= n {
			// We are going to skip the whole intersection. No need to do actual
			// sorting. Just update offsets[i].
			il.offset -= n

		// Sort results by value before applying offset.
		sortByValue(attr, result, scalar, ts.Desc)

		if il.offset > 0 {
			result.Uids = result.Uids[il.offset:n]
			il.offset = 0
			n = len(result.Uids)

		// n is number of elements to copy from result to out.
		if count > 0 {
			slack := count - len(il.ulist.Uids)
			if slack < n {
				n = slack

		// Copy from result to out.
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			il.ulist.Uids = append(il.ulist.Uids, result.Uids[j])
	} // end for loop

	// Check out[i] sizes for all i.
	for i := 0; i < len(ts.UidMatrix); i++ { // Iterate over UID lists.
		if len(out[i].ulist.Uids) < count {
			return errContinue
		x.AssertTrue(len(out[i].ulist.Uids) == count)
	return errDone