예제 #1
파일: netstat.go 프로젝트: araobp/nlan
func Netstat(t string) *[]netstat.Process {
	var data []netstat.Process
	switch t {
	case TCP:
		data = netstat.Tcp()
	case UDP:
		data = netstat.Udp()
	return &data
예제 #2
func main() {
	d := GOnetstat.Tcp()

	// Marshal in prety print way
	output, err := json.MarshalIndent(d, "", "    ")
	if err != nil {

예제 #3
func CheckRunningServices(t Target) (res Result) {
	var openPorts []int64
	res.Name = "1.4 Remove all non-essential services from the host"
	tcpData := GOnetstat.Tcp()
	for _, proc := range tcpData {
		openPorts = append(openPorts, proc.Port)
	output := fmt.Sprintf("Host listening on %d ports: %d", len(openPorts),
예제 #4
파일: tcp.go 프로젝트: jamesbrink/GOnetstat
func main() {
	d := GOnetstat.Tcp()

	// format header
	fmt.Printf("Proto %16s %20s %14s %24s\n", "Local Adress", "Foregin Adress",
		"State", "Pid/Program")

	for _, p := range d {

		// Check STATE to show only Listening connections
		if p.State == "LISTEN" {
			// format data like netstat output
			ip_port := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", p.Ip, p.Port)
			fip_port := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", p.ForeignIp, p.ForeignPort)
			pid_program := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", p.Pid, p.Name)

			fmt.Printf("tcp %16v %20v %16v %20v\n", ip_port, fip_port,
				p.State, pid_program)
예제 #5
func main() {

	flag.Usage = func() {


	for {

		// Docker client remote API
		endpoint := "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
		dockerClient, _ := docker.NewClient(endpoint)

		// Configuration file settings using key-value
		if *configFlag != "" {
		} else {

		viperReadConfig := viper.ReadInConfig()

		// Default settings if no config file is supplied
		viper.SetDefault("elastic_host", "localhost")
		viper.SetDefault("elastic_port", "9200")
		viper.SetDefault("environment", "dev")
		viper.SetDefault("interval", "300")
		viper.SetDefault("username", "undef")
		viper.SetDefault("password", "undef")
		viper.SetDefault("overwrite", "undef")

		elastic_host := viper.GetString("elastic_host")
		elastic_port := viper.GetString("elastic_port")
		environment := viper.GetString("environment")
		interval := viper.GetInt("interval")
		username := viper.GetString("username")
		password := viper.GetString("password")
		overwrite := viper.GetString("overwrite")

		transport := http.Transport{
			Dial: dialTimeout,

		client := http.Client{
			Transport: &transport,

		cpuCounts, _ := cpu.CPUCounts(true)
		v, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
		k, _ := disk.DiskUsage("/")
		h, _ := host.HostInfo()
		l, _ := load.LoadAvg()
		memusedprctConv := strconv.FormatFloat(v.UsedPercent, 'f', 6, 64)
		memusedprct := strings.Split(memusedprctConv, ".")[0]
		memfree := humanize.Bytes(v.Free)
		memtotal := humanize.Bytes(v.Total)
		diskusedprctConv := strconv.FormatFloat(k.UsedPercent, 'f', 6, 64)
		diskusedprct := strings.Split(diskusedprctConv, ".")[0]
		diskfree := humanize.Bytes(k.Free)
		disktotal := humanize.Bytes(k.Total)
		timeN := time.Now()
		dateStamp := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", timeN.Year(), timeN.Month(), timeN.Day(), timeN.Hour(), timeN.Minute(), timeN.Second())
		loadoneConv := strconv.FormatFloat(l.Load1, 'f', 6, 64)
		loadone := strings.Split(loadoneConv, ".")[0]
		loadfifteenConv := strconv.FormatFloat(l.Load15, 'f', 6, 64)
		loadfifteen := strings.Split(loadfifteenConv, ".")[0]
		loadfiveConv := strconv.FormatFloat(l.Load5, 'f', 6, 64)
		loadfive := strings.Split(loadfiveConv, ".")[0]

		ipaddress, err := networkip.ExternalIP()
		if err != nil {

		// UNIX system commands
		dnsfile := exec.Command("ls", "/etc/resolv.conf")
		dnsfileout, err := dnsfile.Output()
		dnsgrep := exec.Command("grep", "nameserver", "/etc/resolv.conf")
		dnsawk := exec.Command("awk", "{print$2}")
		dnsgrepOut, err := dnsgrep.StdoutPipe()
		dnsawk.Stdin = dnsgrepOut
		dnsOut, err := dnsawk.Output()
		dnsstring := string(dnsOut)
		dnsoutputSlice := strings.Split(dnsstring, "\n")
		dnsjs, _ := json.Marshal(dnsoutputSlice)

		wbin := exec.Command("ls", "/usr/bin/w")
		wbinout, err := wbin.Output()
		wh := exec.Command("w", "-h")
		whawk := exec.Command("awk", "{print$1\"-\"$2}")
		whOut, err := wh.StdoutPipe()
		whawk.Stdin = whOut
		wOut, err := whawk.Output()
		whstring := string(wOut)
		whoutputSlice := strings.Split(whstring, "\n")
		whjs, _ := json.Marshal(whoutputSlice)

		passfile := exec.Command("ls", "/etc/passwd")
		passfileout, err := passfile.Output()
		passgrep := exec.Command("grep", "-v", "^#", "/etc/passwd")
		passgrepOut, err := passgrep.Output()
		passstring := string(passgrepOut)
		passoutputSlice := strings.Split(passstring, "\n")
		passjs, _ := json.Marshal(passoutputSlice)

		auditctlbin := exec.Command("ls", "/sbin/auditctl")
		auditctlbinout, err := auditctlbin.Output()
		auditctl := exec.Command("auditctl", "-l")
		auditctlOut, err := auditctl.Output()
		auditctlstring := string(auditctlOut)
		auditctloutputSlice := strings.Split(auditctlstring, "\n")
		auditctljs, _ := json.Marshal(auditctloutputSlice)

		rpmbin := exec.Command("ls", "/bin/rpm")
		rpmbinout, err := rpmbin.Output()
		rpmqa := exec.Command("rpm", "-qa")
		rpmsort := exec.Command("sort")
		rpmqaOut, err := rpmqa.StdoutPipe()
		rpmsort.Stdin = rpmqaOut
		rpmOut, err := rpmsort.Output()
		rpmstring := string(rpmOut)
		rpmoutputSlice := strings.Split(rpmstring, "\n")
		rpmjs, _ := json.Marshal(rpmoutputSlice)

		dpkgbin := exec.Command("ls", "/usr/bin/dpkg")
		dpkgbinout, err := dpkgbin.Output()
		dpkg := exec.Command("dpkg", "-l")
		dpkgawk := exec.Command("awk", "/^[a-z]/{print$2\"-\"$3}")
		dpkglOut, err := dpkg.StdoutPipe()
		dpkgawk.Stdin = dpkglOut
		dpkgOut, err := dpkgawk.Output()
		dpkgstring := string(dpkgOut)
		dpkgoutputSlice := strings.Split(dpkgstring, "\n")
		dpkgjs, _ := json.Marshal(dpkgoutputSlice)

		iptablesbin := exec.Command("ls", "/sbin/iptables")
		iptablesbinout, err := iptablesbin.Output()
		iptablesl := exec.Command("iptables", "-L")
		iptablesgrep := exec.Command("grep", "-v", "^Chain\\|target\\|^$")
		iptableslOut, err := iptablesl.StdoutPipe()
		iptablesgrep.Stdin = iptableslOut
		iptablesOut, err := iptablesgrep.Output()
		iptablesstring := string(iptablesOut)
		iptablesoutputSlice := strings.Split(iptablesstring, "\n")
		iptablesjs, _ := json.Marshal(iptablesoutputSlice)

		dockerbin := exec.Command("which", "docker")
		dockerbinout, err := dockerbin.Output()

		pipbin := exec.Command("which", "pip")
		pipbinout, err := pipbin.Output()
		pipfree := exec.Command("pip", "freeze")
		pipsort := exec.Command("sort")
		pipfreeOut, err := pipfree.StdoutPipe()
		pipsort.Stdin = pipfreeOut
		pipOut, err := pipsort.Output()
		pipstring := string(pipOut)
		pipreplace := strings.Replace(pipstring, "==", "-", -1)
		pipoutSlice := strings.Split(pipreplace, "\n")
		pipjs, _ := json.Marshal(pipoutSlice)

		gembin := exec.Command("which", "gem")
		gembinout, err := gembin.Output()
		gemlist := exec.Command("gem", "list")
		gemgrep := exec.Command("grep", "^[a-zA-Z]")
		gemlistOut, err := gemlist.StdoutPipe()
		gemgrep.Stdin = gemlistOut
		gemOut, err := gemgrep.Output()
		gemstring := string(gemOut)
		gemreplace := strings.Replace(gemstring, " (", "-", -1)
		gemreplace2 := strings.Replace(gemreplace, ")", "", -1)
		gemoutSlice := strings.Split(gemreplace2, "\n")
		gemjs, _ := json.Marshal(gemoutSlice)

		iproutebin := exec.Command("ls", "/sbin/ip")
		iproutebinout, err := iproutebin.Output()
		iproute := exec.Command("ip", "route")
		iprouteOut, err := iproute.Output()
		iproutestring := string(iprouteOut)
		iprouteoutputSlice := strings.Split(iproutestring, "\n")
		iproutejs, _ := json.Marshal(iprouteoutputSlice)

		kernelver := exec.Command("uname", "-r")
		kernelverout, err := kernelver.Output()
		kernelverstring := string(kernelverout)
		timezone := exec.Command("date", "+%Z")
		timezoneout, err := timezone.Output()
		timezonestring := string(timezoneout)

		hostname := exec.Command("hostname", "-f")
		hostcut := exec.Command("cut", "-d.", "-f", "2-")
		hostnameOut, err := hostname.StdoutPipe()
		hostcut.Stdin = hostnameOut
		domainname, err := hostcut.Output()
		domainstring := string(domainname)

		if err != nil {

		// ElasticSearch endpoint
		elastic_url := "http://" + elastic_host + ":" + elastic_port + "/" + environment + "/" + h.Hostname

		// JSON file name
		if *outputFlag != "" {
			if string(*outputFlag)[:len(string(*outputFlag))-1] != "/" {
				*outputFlag += "/"

		filename := *outputFlag + h.Hostname + ".json"

		// Create JSON file
		f, err := os.Create(filename)
		if err != nil {
		n, err := io.WriteString(f, "{")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(n, err)

		if string(auditctlbinout) != "" {
			audit_rules := `
      "audit_rules": %s,`

			auditctlLine := fmt.Sprintf(audit_rules, string(auditctljs))
			auditctlReplace := strings.Replace(auditctlLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeAuditctl, err := io.WriteString(f, auditctlReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeAuditctl, err)

		top := `
    "cpu_count": "%v",
    "diskfree": "%v",
    "disktotal": "%v",
    "diskused": "%v",`

		topLine := fmt.Sprintf(top, cpuCounts, diskfree, disktotal, diskusedprct)
		writeTop, err := io.WriteString(f, topLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeTop, err)

		if string(dnsfileout) != "" {
			dns_nameserver := `
      "dns_nameserver": %s,`

			dnsLine := fmt.Sprintf(dns_nameserver, string(dnsjs))
			dnsReplace := strings.Replace(dnsLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeDns, err := io.WriteString(f, dnsReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeDns, err)

		if string(dockerbinout) != "" {
			dockerRaw := `
      "docker": %s,`
			containers, _ := dockerClient.ListContainers(docker.ListContainersOptions{All: false})
			dockerString := `[`

			for _, container := range containers {
				portsRaw := `%v`
				portsString := fmt.Sprintf(portsRaw, container.Ports)
				portsReplace := strings.Replace(portsString, "{", "", -1)
				portsReplace2 := strings.Replace(portsReplace, "}", "", -1)
				portsReplace3 := strings.Replace(portsReplace2, "[", "'", -1)
				portsReplace4 := strings.Replace(portsReplace3, "]", "'", -1)
				containerString := `"%v, %v, %v",`
				dockerString += fmt.Sprintf(containerString, container.Image, container.Command, portsReplace4)
			dockerString += `""]`

			dockerLine := fmt.Sprintf(dockerRaw, dockerString)
			dockerReplace := strings.Replace(dockerLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeDocker, err := io.WriteString(f, dockerReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeDocker, err)

		domain := `
    "domain": "%s",`

		domainLine := fmt.Sprintf(domain, strings.TrimSpace(domainstring))
		writeDomain, err := io.WriteString(f, domainLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeDomain, err)

		// Local AWS meta-data
		awsResponse, err := client.Get("")
		if awsResponse != nil && awsResponse.Status == string("200 OK") {
			amiid, err := http.Get("")
			defer amiid.Body.Close()
			amiidOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(amiid.Body)
			instanceid, err := http.Get("")
			defer instanceid.Body.Close()
			instanceidOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(instanceid.Body)
			instancetype, err := http.Get("")
			defer instancetype.Body.Close()
			instancetypeOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(instancetype.Body)
			availabilityzone, err := http.Get("")
			defer availabilityzone.Body.Close()
			availabilityzoneOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(availabilityzone.Body)
			securitygroups, err := http.Get("")
			defer securitygroups.Body.Close()
			securitygroupsOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(securitygroups.Body)
			profile, err := http.Get("")
			defer profile.Body.Close()
			profileOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(profile.Body)
			publicip, err := http.Get("")
			defer publicip.Body.Close()
			publicipOut, err := ioutil.ReadAll(publicip.Body)
			if err != nil {

			aws := `
      "ec2_ami_id": "%s",
      "ec2_availability_zone": "%s",
      "ec2_instance_id": "%s",
      "ec2_instance_type": "%s",
      "ec2_profile": "%s",
      "ec2_public_ip4": "%s",
      "ec2_security_groups": "%s",`

			awsLine := fmt.Sprintf(aws, amiidOut, availabilityzoneOut, instanceidOut, instancetypeOut, profileOut, publicipOut, securitygroupsOut)
			writeAWS, err := io.WriteString(f, awsLine)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeAWS, err)

		environmentOut := `
    "environment": "%s",`

		envLine := fmt.Sprintf(environmentOut, environment)
		writeEnv, err := io.WriteString(f, envLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeEnv, err)

		if string(gembinout) != "" {
			gem := `
      "gem": %s,`

			gemLine := fmt.Sprintf(gem, string(gemjs))
			gemReplace := strings.Replace(gemLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeGem, err := io.WriteString(f, gemReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeGem, err)

		if string(iptablesbinout) != "" {
			iptables := `
      "iptables": %s,`

			iptablesLine := fmt.Sprintf(iptables, string(iptablesjs))
			iptablesReplace := strings.Replace(iptablesLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeIptables, err := io.WriteString(f, iptablesReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeIptables, err)

		if string(iproutebinout) != "" {
			ip_route := `
      "ip_route": %s,`

			iprouteLine := fmt.Sprintf(ip_route, string(iproutejs))
			iprouteReplace := strings.Replace(iprouteLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeIproute, err := io.WriteString(f, iprouteReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeIproute, err)

		bottom := `
    "hostname": "%s",
    "ipaddress": "%s",
    "kernelversion": "%s",
    "lastrun": "%s",
    "load15": "%v",
    "load1": "%v",
    "load5": "%v",
    "memoryfree": "%v",
    "memorytotal": "%v",
    "memoryused": "%v",
    "os": "%v",`

		bottomLine := fmt.Sprintf(bottom, h.Hostname, ipaddress, strings.TrimSpace(kernelverstring), dateStamp, loadfifteen, loadone, loadfive, memfree, memtotal, memusedprct, h.OS)
		writeBottom, err := io.WriteString(f, bottomLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeBottom, err)

		if string(rpmbinout) != "" {
			packages := `
      "packages": %s,`

			rpmLine := fmt.Sprintf(packages, string(rpmjs))
			rpmReplace := strings.Replace(rpmLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeRpm, err := io.WriteString(f, rpmReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeRpm, err)

		if string(dpkgbinout) != "" {
			packages := `
      "packages": %s,`

			dpkgLine := fmt.Sprintf(packages, string(dpkgjs))
			writeDpkg, err := io.WriteString(f, dpkgLine)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeDpkg, err)

		if string(pipbinout) != "" {
			pip := `
      "pip": %s,`

			pipLine := fmt.Sprintf(pip, string(pipjs))
			pipReplace := strings.Replace(pipLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writePip, err := io.WriteString(f, pipReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writePip, err)

		gonetstat4 := GOnetstat.Tcp()
		tcp4String := `[`
		for _, nettcp := range gonetstat4 {
			if nettcp.State == "LISTEN" {
				ip_port := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nettcp.Ip, nettcp.Port)
				pid_program := fmt.Sprintf("%v", nettcp.Exe)
				ippidString := `"%v %v",`
				tcp4String += fmt.Sprintf(ippidString, ip_port, pid_program)
		tcp4String += `""]`
		tcp4Replace := strings.Replace(tcp4String, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)

		gonetstat6 := GOnetstat.Tcp6()
		tcp6String := `[`
		for _, nettcp := range gonetstat6 {
			if nettcp.State == "LISTEN" {
				ip_port := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", nettcp.Ip, nettcp.Port)
				pid_program := fmt.Sprintf("%v", nettcp.Exe)
				ippidString := `"%v %v",`
				tcp6String += fmt.Sprintf(ippidString, ip_port, pid_program)
		tcp6String += `""]`
		tcp6Replace := strings.Replace(tcp6String, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)

		beforeLast := `
    "platform": "%v",
    "platformfamily": "%v",
    "platformverison": "%v",
    "tcp4_listen": %v,
    "tcp6_listen": %v,`

		beforeLastLine := fmt.Sprintf(beforeLast, h.Platform, h.PlatformFamily, h.PlatformVersion, tcp4Replace, tcp6Replace)
		writeBeforeLast, err := io.WriteString(f, beforeLastLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeBeforeLast, err)

		timezoneLast := `
    "timezone": "%s",
    "uptime": "%v",`

		timezoneLastLine := fmt.Sprintf(timezoneLast, strings.TrimSpace(timezonestring), time.Duration(h.Uptime)*time.Second)
		writeTimezoneLast, err := io.WriteString(f, timezoneLastLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeTimezoneLast, err)

		if string(passfileout) != "" {
			users := `
      "users": %s,`

			usersLine := fmt.Sprintf(users, string(passjs))
			usersReplace := strings.Replace(usersLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeUsers, err := io.WriteString(f, usersReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeUsers, err)

		if string(wbinout) != "" {
			users_loggedin := `
      "users_loggedin": %s,`

			whLine := fmt.Sprintf(users_loggedin, string(whjs))
			whReplace := strings.Replace(whLine, ",\"\"]", "]", -1)
			writeWh, err := io.WriteString(f, whReplace)
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Println(writeWh, err)

		last := `
    "virtualizationrole": "%v",
    "virtualizationsystem": "%v"

		lastLine := fmt.Sprintf(last, h.VirtualizationRole, h.VirtualizationSystem)
		writeLast, err := io.WriteString(f, lastLine)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(writeLast, err)


		// Generate SHA256 SUM of JSON file
		const filechunk = 8192

		file, err := os.Open(filename)

		if err != nil {

		defer file.Close()

		info, _ := file.Stat()
		filesize := info.Size()
		blocks := uint64(math.Ceil(float64(filesize) / float64(filechunk)))
		hash := sha256.New()

		for i := uint64(0); i < blocks; i++ {
			blocksize := int(math.Min(filechunk, float64(filesize-int64(i*filechunk))))
			buf := make([]byte, blocksize)

			io.WriteString(hash, string(buf))

		if viperReadConfig != nil {
			fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "INFO no config file used, using default configuration")

		fmt.Printf("%s %s INFO %s SHA256 checksum is %x\n", dateStamp, h.Hostname, file.Name(), hash.Sum(nil))

		// Check to see if ElasticSearch server is up
		elasticResponse, err := client.Get(elastic_url)
		if elasticResponse != nil {
			jsonStr, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
			if err != nil {
			fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "INFO elasticsearch endpoint:", elastic_url)
			if overwrite == "enable" {
				reqDelete, err := http.NewRequest("DELETE", elastic_url, nil)
				if username != "undef" {
					reqDelete.SetBasicAuth(username, password)
				respDelete, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(reqDelete)
				fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "DELETE elasticsearch type status:", respDelete.Status)
				if err != nil {
			reqPost, err := http.NewRequest("POST", elastic_url, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
			if password != "undef" {
				reqPost.SetBasicAuth(username, password)
			reqPost.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

			clientReq := &http.Client{}
			respPost, err := clientReq.Do(reqPost)
			if err != nil {
			defer respPost.Body.Close()
			fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "POST json elasticsearch type status:", respPost.Status)
			postBody, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(respPost.Body)
			fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "POST response body:", string(postBody))
		} else {
			fmt.Println(dateStamp, h.Hostname, "FAIL unable to connect to elasticeearch server:", "http://"+elastic_host+":"+elastic_port)

		if !*daemonFlag {

		// Sleep / interval time for daemon
		time.Sleep(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
