예제 #1
func DefineCommandLine() (*CommandLine, error) {
	var cl CommandLine

	cl.flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("import", flag.ContinueOnError)

	cl.flagSet.Usage = func() {


	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.KibanaIndex, "k", ".kibana", "Kibana index")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.ES, "es", "", "Elasticsearch URL")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.User, "user", "", "Username to connect to Elasticsearch. By default no username is passed.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Pass, "pass", "", "Password to connect to Elasticsearch. By default no password is passed.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Index, "i", "", "The Elasticsearch index name. This overwrites the index name defined in the dashboards and index pattern. Example: metricbeat-*")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Dir, "dir", "", "Directory containing the subdirectories: dashboard, visualization, search, index-pattern. Example: etc/kibana/")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.File, "file", "", "Zip archive file containing the Beats dashboards. The archive contains a directory for each Beat.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.URL, "url",
		fmt.Sprintf("https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/beats-dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s.zip", lbeat.GetDefaultVersion()),
		"URL to the zip archive containing the Beats dashboards")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Beat, "beat", beat, "The Beat name that is used to select what dashboards to install from a zip. An empty string selects all.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyDashboards, "only-dashboards", false, "Import only dashboards together with visualizations and searches. By default import both, dashboards and the index-pattern.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyIndex, "only-index", false, "Import only the index-pattern. By default imports both, dashboards and the index pattern.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.Snapshot, "snapshot", false, "Import dashboards from snapshot builds.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.CertificateAuthority, "cacert", "", "Certificate Authority for server verification")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Certificate, "cert", "", "Certificate for SSL client authentication in PEM format.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.CertificateKey, "key", "", "Client Certificate Key in PEM format.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.Insecure, "insecure", false, `Allows "insecure" SSL connections`)

	return &cl, nil
예제 #2
func (imp Importer) ImportArchive() error {

	var archive string

	target, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "tmp")
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("fail to generate the temporary directory")

	if err = os.MkdirAll(target, 0755); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("fail to create the temporary directory: %v", target)

	defer os.RemoveAll(target) // clean up

	fmt.Println("Create temporary directory", target)
	if imp.cl.opt.File != "" {
		archive = imp.cl.opt.File
	} else if imp.cl.opt.Snapshot {
		// In case snapshot is set, snapshot version is fetched
		url := fmt.Sprintf("https://beats-nightlies.s3.amazonaws.com/dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s-SNAPSHOT.zip", lbeat.GetDefaultVersion())
		archive, err = downloadFile(url, target)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("fail to download snapshot file: %s", url)
	} else if imp.cl.opt.URL != "" {
		archive, err = downloadFile(imp.cl.opt.URL, target)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("fail to download file: %s", imp.cl.opt.URL)
	} else {
		return errors.New("No archive file or URL is set. Please use -file or -url option.")

	err = unzip(archive, target)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("fail to unzip the archive: %s", archive)
	dirs, err := getDirectories(target)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if len(dirs) != 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("too many directories under %s", target)

	dirs, err = getDirectories(dirs[0])
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for _, dir := range dirs {
		if imp.cl.opt.Beat == "" || filepath.Base(dir) == imp.cl.opt.Beat {
			err = imp.ImportKibana(dir)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil
예제 #3
func ParseCommandLine() (*CommandLine, error) {
	var cl CommandLine

	cl.flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("import", flag.ContinueOnError)

	cl.flagSet.Usage = func() {


	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.KibanaIndex, "k", ".kibana", "Kibana index")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.ES, "es", "", "Elasticsearch URL")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.User, "user", "", "Username to connect to Elasticsearch")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Pass, "pass", "", "Password to connect to Elasticsearch")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Index, "i", "", "Overwrites the Elasticsearch index name. For example you can replaces metricbeat-* with custombeat-*")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Dir, "dir", "", "Directory containing the subdirectories: dashboard, visualization, search, index-pattern. eg. kibana/")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.File, "file", "", "Zip archive file containing the Beats dashboards.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Url, "url",
		fmt.Sprintf("https://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s.zip", beat.GetDefaultVersion()),
		"URL to the zip archive containing the Beats dashboards")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Beat, "beat", "", "Specify the Beat name, in case the archive contains the dashboards for multiple Beats.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyDashboards, "only-dashboards", false, "Import only dashboards together with visualizations and searches. By default imports both, dashboards and the index-pattern.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyIndex, "only-index", false, "Import only the index-pattern. By default imports both, dashboards and the index pattern.")

	return &cl, nil
예제 #4
func DefineCommandLine() (*CommandLine, error) {
	var cl CommandLine

	cl.flagSet = flag.NewFlagSet("import", flag.ContinueOnError)

	cl.flagSet.Usage = func() {


	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.KibanaIndex, "k", ".kibana", "Kibana index")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.ES, "es", "", "Elasticsearch URL")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.User, "user", "", "Username to connect to Elasticsearch. By default no username is passed.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Pass, "pass", "", "Password to connect to Elasticsearch. By default no password is passed.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Index, "i", "", "The Elasticsearch index name. This overwrites the index name defined in the dashboards and index pattern. Example: metricbeat-*")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Dir, "dir", "", "Directory containing the subdirectories: dashboard, visualization, search, index-pattern. Example: etc/kibana/")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.File, "file", "", "Zip archive file containing the Beats dashboards. The archive contains a directory for each Beat.")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Url, "url",
		fmt.Sprintf("https://download.elastic.co/beats/beats-dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s.zip", lbeat.GetDefaultVersion()),
		"URL to the zip archive containing the Beats dashboards")
	cl.flagSet.StringVar(&cl.opt.Beat, "beat", beat, "The Beat name, in case a zip archive is passed as input")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyDashboards, "only-dashboards", false, "Import only dashboards together with visualizations and searches. By default import both, dashboards and the index-pattern.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.OnlyIndex, "only-index", false, "Import only the index-pattern. By default imports both, dashboards and the index pattern.")
	cl.flagSet.BoolVar(&cl.opt.Snapshot, "snapshot", false, "Import dashboards from snapshot builds.")

	return &cl, nil
예제 #5
You can import the dashboards, visualizations, searches, and the index pattern for any Beat:
  1. from a local directory:
	./import_dashboards -dir etc/kibana
  2. from a local zip archive:
	./import_dashboards -beat metricbeat -file beats-dashboards-%s.zip
  3. from a zip archive available online:
	./import_dashboards -beat metricbeat -url http://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s.zip

If the archive contains dashboards for multiple Beats, you need to pass the Beat name in -beat option:
	./import_dashboards -beat metricbeat -url http://download.elastic.co/beats/dashboards/beats-dashboards-%s.zip

To import only the index-pattern for a single Beat, from the same version use:
	./import_dashboards -only-index -beat metricbeat

`, beat.GetDefaultVersion(), beat.GetDefaultVersion(), beat.GetDefaultVersion())

type Options struct {
	KibanaIndex    string
	ES             string
	Index          string
	Dir            string
	File           string
	Beat           string
	Url            string
	User           string
	Pass           string
	OnlyDashboards bool
	OnlyIndex      bool