예제 #1
파일: flows.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats
import (


type Flows struct {
	worker     *worker
	table      *flowMetaTable
	counterReg *counterReg

var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("flows")

const (
	defaultTimeout = 30 * time.Second
	defaultPeriod  = 10 * time.Second

func NewFlows(pub publish.Flows, config *config.Flows) (*Flows, error) {
	duration := func(s string, d time.Duration) (time.Duration, error) {
		if s == "" {
			return d, nil
		return time.ParseDuration(s)

	timeout, err := duration(config.Timeout, defaultTimeout)
예제 #2
파일: info.go 프로젝트: mrkschan/beats
package info

import (


	rd "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("redis-info")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("redis", "info", New); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching Redis server information and statistics.
type MetricSet struct {
	pool *rd.Pool

// New creates new instance of MetricSet
func New(base mb.BaseMetricSet) (mb.MetricSet, error) {
예제 #3
파일: beat.go 프로젝트: yan2jared/beats
	svc "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/service"

var (
	printVersion = flag.Bool("version", false, "Print the version and exit")

var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("beat")

// GracefulExit is an error that signals to exit with a code of 0.
var GracefulExit = errors.New("graceful exit")

// Beater is the interface that must be implemented every Beat. The full
// lifecycle of a Beat instance is managed through this interface.
// Life-cycle of Beater
// The four operational methods are always invoked serially in the following
// order:
//   Config -> Setup -> Run -> Cleanup
// The Stop() method is invoked the first time (and only the first time) a
예제 #4
package beat

import (

	cfg "github.com/elastic/beats/filebeat/config"

var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("spooler")

// channelSize is the number of events Channel can buffer before blocking will occur.
const channelSize = 16

// Spooler aggregates the events and sends the aggregated data to the publisher.
type Spooler struct {
	Channel chan *input.FileEvent // Channel is the input to the Spooler.

	// Config
	idleTimeout time.Duration // How often to flush the spooler if spoolSize is not reached.
	spoolSize   uint64        // Maximum number of events that are stored before a flush occurs.

	exit          chan struct{}             // Channel used to signal shutdown.
	nextFlushTime time.Time                 // Scheduled time of the next flush.
	publisher     chan<- []*input.FileEvent // Channel used to publish events.
	spool         []*input.FileEvent        // FileEvents being held by the Spooler.
	wg            sync.WaitGroup            // WaitGroup used to control the shutdown.
예제 #5
파일: frame.go 프로젝트: ruflin/beats
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package cassandra

import (

var (
	ErrFrameTooBig = errors.New("frame length is bigger than the maximum allowed")
	debugf         = logp.MakeDebug("cassandra")

type frameHeader struct {
	Version       protoVersion
	Flags         byte
	Stream        int
	Op            FrameOp
	BodyLength    int
	HeadLength    int
	CustomPayload map[string][]byte

func (f frameHeader) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
	data := make(map[string]interface{})
	data["version"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", f.Version.version())
예제 #6
파일: output.go 프로젝트: jarpy/beats

type elasticsearchOutput struct {
	index string
	mode  mode.ConnectionMode

func init() {
	outputs.RegisterOutputPlugin("elasticsearch", New)

var (
	debug = logp.MakeDebug("elasticsearch")

var (
	// ErrNotConnected indicates failure due to client having no valid connection
	ErrNotConnected = errors.New("not connected")

	// ErrJSONEncodeFailed indicates encoding failures
	ErrJSONEncodeFailed = errors.New("json encode failed")

	// ErrResponseRead indicates error parsing Elasticsearch response
	ErrResponseRead = errors.New("bulk item status parse failed.")

// NewOutput instantiates a new output plugin instance publishing to elasticsearch.
func New(cfg *ucfg.Config, topologyExpire int) (outputs.Outputer, error) {
예제 #7
파일: publish.go 프로젝트: jarpy/beats

	// load supported output plugins
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/console"
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/elasticsearch"
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/fileout"
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/kafka"
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/logstash"
	_ "github.com/elastic/beats/libbeat/outputs/redis"

// command line flags
var publishDisabled *bool

var debug = logp.MakeDebug("publish")

// EventPublisher provides the interface for beats to publish events.
type eventPublisher interface {
	PublishEvent(ctx Context, event common.MapStr) bool
	PublishEvents(ctx Context, events []common.MapStr) bool

type Context struct {
	Signal outputs.Signaler

type publishOptions struct {
	Guaranteed bool
	Sync       bool
예제 #8
파일: keyspace.go 프로젝트: ruflin/beats
package keyspace

import (


	rd "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("redis-keyspace")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("redis", "keyspace", New, parse.PassThruHostParser); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching Redis server information and statistics.
type MetricSet struct {
	pool *rd.Pool

// New creates new instance of MetricSet
예제 #9

// Metrics that can retrieved through the expvar web interface. Metrics must be
// enable through configuration in order for the web service to be started.
var (
	publishedEvents = expvar.NewMap("publishedEvents")
	ignoredEvents   = expvar.NewMap("ignoredEvents")

func init() {
	expvar.Publish("uptime", expvar.Func(uptime))

// Debug logging functions for this package.
var (
	debugf    = logp.MakeDebug("winlogbeat")
	detailf   = logp.MakeDebug("winlogbeat_detail")
	memstatsf = logp.MakeDebug("memstats")

// Time the application was started.
var startTime = time.Now().UTC()

type log struct {
	eventLog eventlog.EventLog

type Winlogbeat struct {
	beat       *beat.Beat             // Common beat information.
	config     *config.Settings       // Configuration settings.
예제 #10
파일: tcp.go 프로젝트: andrewkroh/beats

var (
	droppedBecauseOfGaps = expvar.NewInt("tcp.dropped_because_of_gaps")

type seqCompare int

const (
	seqLT seqCompare = -1
	seqEq seqCompare = 0
	seqGT seqCompare = 1

var (
	debugf  = logp.MakeDebug("tcp")
	isDebug = false

func (tcp *Tcp) getId() uint32 {
	tcp.id += 1
	return tcp.id

func (tcp *Tcp) decideProtocol(tuple *common.IPPortTuple) protos.Protocol {
	protocol, exists := tcp.portMap[tuple.SrcPort]
	if exists {
		return protocol

	protocol, exists = tcp.portMap[tuple.DstPort]
예제 #11
파일: network.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats
// +build darwin freebsd linux windows

package network

import (



var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("system-network")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("system", "network", New); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching system network IO metrics.
type MetricSet struct {
	interfaces map[string]struct{}

// New is a mb.MetricSetFactory that returns a new MetricSet.
func New(base mb.BaseMetricSet) (mb.MetricSet, error) {
예제 #12
파일: module.go 프로젝트: mrkschan/beats


// Expvar metric names.
const (
	successesKey = "success"
	failuresKey  = "failures"
	eventsKey    = "events"

var (
	debugf      = logp.MakeDebug("metricbeat")
	fetchesLock = sync.Mutex{}
	fetches     = expvar.NewMap("fetches")

// ModuleWrapper contains the Module and the private data associated with
// running the Module and its MetricSets.
// Use NewModuleWrapper or NewModuleWrappers to construct new ModuleWrappers.
type ModuleWrapper struct {
	filters    *filter.FilterList
	metricSets []*metricSetWrapper // List of pointers to its associated MetricSets.

// metricSetWrapper contains the MetricSet and the private data associated with
예제 #13
파일: stat.go 프로젝트: ruflin/beats
import (


const (
	statsMethod = "stat"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("haproxy-stat")

// init registers the haproxy stat MetricSet.
func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("haproxy", statsMethod, New, haproxy.HostParser); err != nil {

// MetricSet for haproxy stats.
type MetricSet struct {

// New creates a new haproxy stat MetricSet.
예제 #14
package decoder

import (



var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("decoder")

type DecoderStruct struct {
	decoders         map[gopacket.LayerType]gopacket.DecodingLayer
	linkLayerDecoder gopacket.DecodingLayer
	linkLayerType    gopacket.LayerType

	sll       layers.LinuxSLL
	d1q       layers.Dot1Q
	lo        layers.Loopback
	eth       layers.Ethernet
	ip4       layers.IPv4
	ip6       layers.IPv6
	icmp4     layers.ICMPv4
	icmp6     layers.ICMPv6
	tcp       layers.TCP
예제 #15
파일: logstash.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats
import (



var debug = logp.MakeDebug("logstash")

// Metrics that can retrieved through the expvar web interface.
var (
	ackedEvents            = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.published_and_acked_events")
	eventsNotAcked         = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.published_but_not_acked_events")
	publishEventsCallCount = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.call_count.PublishEvents")

	statReadBytes   = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.publish.read_bytes")
	statWriteBytes  = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.publish.write_bytes")
	statReadErrors  = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.publish.read_errors")
	statWriteErrors = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.logstash.publish.write_errors")

const (
	defaultWaitRetry = 1 * time.Second
예제 #16
파일: pgsql.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats

const (
	SSLRequest = iota

var (
	errInvalidLength = errors.New("invalid length")

var (
	debugf    = logp.MakeDebug("pgsql")
	detailedf = logp.MakeDebug("pgsqldetailed")

var (
	unmatchedResponses = expvar.NewInt("pgsql.unmatched_responses")

type Pgsql struct {

	// config
	Ports         []int
	maxStoreRows  int
	maxRowLength  int
	Send_request  bool
	Send_response bool
예제 #17
파일: dns.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats



	mkdns "github.com/miekg/dns"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("dns")

const MaxDnsTupleRawSize = 16 + 16 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1

// Constants used to associate the DNS QR flag with a meaningful value.
const (
	Query    = false
	Response = true

// Transport protocol.
type Transport uint8

var (
	unmatchedRequests  = expvar.NewInt("dns.unmatched_requests")
예제 #18
파일: fsstats.go 프로젝트: mrkschan/beats
// +build darwin linux openbsd windows

package fsstats

import (


var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("system-fsstats")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("system", "fsstats", New); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching a summary of filesystem stats.
type MetricSet struct {

// New creates and returns a new instance of MetricSet.
func New(base mb.BaseMetricSet) (mb.MetricSet, error) {
	return &MetricSet{
		BaseMetricSet: base,
	}, nil
예제 #19
파일: mode.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats
	// error case. On return nextEvents contains all events not yet published.
	PublishEvents(events []common.MapStr) (nextEvents []common.MapStr, err error)

	// PublishEvent sends one event to the clients sink. On failure and error is
	// returned.
	PublishEvent(event common.MapStr) error

// AsyncProtocolClient interface is a output plugin specfic client implementation
// for asynchronous encoding and publishing events.
type AsyncProtocolClient interface {

	AsyncPublishEvents(cb func([]common.MapStr, error), events []common.MapStr) error

	AsyncPublishEvent(cb func(error), event common.MapStr) error

var (
	// ErrTempBulkFailure indicates PublishEvents fail temporary to retry.
	ErrTempBulkFailure = errors.New("temporary bulk send failure")

var (
	debug = logp.MakeDebug("output")

func Dropped(i int) {
예제 #20
// +build darwin freebsd linux openbsd windows

package filesystem

import (


var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("system-filesystem")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("system", "filesystem", New); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching filesystem metrics.
type MetricSet struct {

// New creates and returns a new instance of MetricSet.
func New(base mb.BaseMetricSet) (mb.MetricSet, error) {
	return &MetricSet{
		BaseMetricSet: base,
	}, nil
예제 #21
파일: event.go 프로젝트: YaSuenag/hsbeat
import (



const eventDebugSelector = "event"

var eventDebugf = logp.MakeDebug(eventDebugSelector)

var textMarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextMarshaler)(nil)).Elem()

type Float float64

// ConvertToGenericEvent normalizes the types contained in the given MapStr.
// Nil values in maps are dropped during the conversion. Any unsupported types
// that are found in the MapStr are dropped and warnings are logged.
func ConvertToGenericEvent(m MapStr) MapStr {
	keys := make([]string, 0, 10)
	event, errs := normalizeMap(m, keys...)
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		logp.Warn("Unsuccessful conversion to generic event: %v errors: %v, "+
			"event=%#v", len(errs), errs, m)
예제 #22
파일: memcache.go 프로젝트: YaSuenag/hsbeat

type memcacheString struct {
	raw []byte

type memcacheData struct {
	data []byte

type memcacheStat struct {
	Name  memcacheString `json:"name"`
	Value memcacheString `json:"value"`

var debug = logp.MakeDebug("memcache")

var (
	unmatchedRequests      = expvar.NewInt("memcache.unmatched_requests")
	unmatchedResponses     = expvar.NewInt("memcache.unmatched_responses")
	unfinishedTransactions = expvar.NewInt("memcache.unfinished_transactions")

func init() {
	protos.Register("memcache", New)

func New(
	testMode bool,
	results publish.Transactions,
	cfg *common.Config,
예제 #23
파일: redis.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats

type redisOut struct {
	mode mode.ConnectionMode

var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("redis")

// Metrics that can retrieved through the expvar web interface.
var (
	statReadBytes   = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.redis.publish.read_bytes")
	statWriteBytes  = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.redis.publish.write_bytes")
	statReadErrors  = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.redis.publish.read_errors")
	statWriteErrors = expvar.NewInt("libbeat.redis.publish.write_errors")

const (
	defaultWaitRetry    = 1 * time.Second
	defaultMaxWaitRetry = 60 * time.Second

func init() {
예제 #24

// Metrics that can retrieved through the expvar web interface. Metrics must be
// enable through configuration in order for the web service to be started.
var (
	publishedEvents = expvar.NewMap("published_events")
	ignoredEvents   = expvar.NewMap("ignored_events")

func init() {
	expvar.Publish("uptime", expvar.Func(uptime))

// Debug logging functions for this package.
var (
	debugf    = logp.MakeDebug("winlogbeat")
	memstatsf = logp.MakeDebug("memstats")

// Time the application was started.
var startTime = time.Now().UTC()

// Winlogbeat is used to conform to the beat interface
type Winlogbeat struct {
	beat       *beat.Beat             // Common beat information.
	config     *config.Settings       // Configuration settings.
	eventLogs  []eventlog.EventLog    // List of all event logs being monitored.
	done       chan struct{}          // Channel to initiate shutdown of main event loop.
	client     publisher.Client       // Interface to publish event.
	checkpoint *checkpoint.Checkpoint // Persists event log state to disk.
예제 #25
파일: kafka.go 프로젝트: ChongFeng/beats

const (
	defaultWaitRetry = 1 * time.Second

	// NOTE: maxWaitRetry has no effect on mode, as logstash client currently does
	// not return ErrTempBulkFailure
	defaultMaxWaitRetry = 60 * time.Second

func init() {
	sarama.Logger = kafkaLogger{}
	outputs.RegisterOutputPlugin("kafka", New)

var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("kafka")

var (
	errNoTopicSet = errors.New("No topic configured")
	errNoHosts    = errors.New("No hosts configured")

var (
	compressionModes = map[string]sarama.CompressionCodec{
		"none":   sarama.CompressionNone,
		"no":     sarama.CompressionNone,
		"off":    sarama.CompressionNone,
		"gzip":   sarama.CompressionGZIP,
		"snappy": sarama.CompressionSnappy,
예제 #26
파일: rpc.go 프로젝트: andrewkroh/beats
import (




var debugf = logp.MakeDebug("rpc")

const (
	RPC_LAST_FRAG = 0x80000000
	RPC_SIZE_MASK = 0x7fffffff

const (
	RPC_CALL  = 0

type RpcStream struct {
	tcpTuple *common.TCPTuple
	rawData  []byte
예제 #27
const (
	// defaultScheme is the default scheme to use when it is not specified in
	// the host config.
	defaultScheme = "http"

	// defaultPath is the default path to the mod_status endpoint on the
	// Apache HTTPD server.
	defaultPath = "/server-status"

	// autoQueryParam is a query parameter added to the request so that
	// mod_status returns machine-readable output.
	autoQueryParam = "auto"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("apache-status")

func init() {
	if err := helper.Registry.AddMetricSeter("apache", "status", New); err != nil {

// New creates new instance of MetricSeter
func New() helper.MetricSeter {
	return &MetricSeter{}

type MetricSeter struct {
	URLs map[string]string // Map of host to endpoint URL.
예제 #28
package amqp

import (


var (
	debugf    = logp.MakeDebug("amqp")
	detailedf = logp.MakeDebug("amqpdetailed")

type Amqp struct {
	Ports                     []int
	SendRequest               bool
	SendResponse              bool
	MaxBodyLength             int
	ParseHeaders              bool
	ParseArguments            bool
	HideConnectionInformation bool
	transactions              *common.Cache
	transactionTimeout        time.Duration
	results                   publish.Transactions
예제 #29
파일: info.go 프로젝트: ruflin/beats
import (


const (
	statsMethod = "info"

var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("haproxy-info")

// init registers the haproxy info MetricSet.
func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("haproxy", "info", New, haproxy.HostParser); err != nil {

// MetricSet for haproxy info.
type MetricSet struct {

// New creates a haproxy info MetricSet.
예제 #30
파일: status.go 프로젝트: McStork/beats
 * Complete dashboards

import (



var (
	debugf = logp.MakeDebug("mysql-status")

func init() {
	if err := mb.Registry.AddMetricSet("mysql", "status", New); err != nil {

// MetricSet for fetching MySQL server status.
type MetricSet struct {
	dsn string
	db  *sql.DB