예제 #1
// configureLogging prepares the context with a logger using the
// configuration.
func configureLogging(ctx context.Context, config *configuration.Configuration) (context.Context, error) {
	if config.Log.Level == "" && config.Log.Formatter == "" {
		// If no config for logging is set, fallback to deprecated "Loglevel".
		ctx = context.WithLogger(ctx, context.GetLogger(ctx, "version"))
		return ctx, nil


	formatter := config.Log.Formatter
	if formatter == "" {
		formatter = "text" // default formatter

	switch formatter {
	case "json":
			TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339Nano,
	case "text":
			TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339Nano,
	case "logstash":
			TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339Nano,
		// just let the library use default on empty string.
		if config.Log.Formatter != "" {
			return ctx, fmt.Errorf("unsupported logging formatter: %q", config.Log.Formatter)

	if config.Log.Formatter != "" {
		log.Debugf("using %q logging formatter", config.Log.Formatter)

	// log the application version with messages
	ctx = context.WithLogger(ctx, context.GetLogger(ctx, "version"))

	if len(config.Log.Fields) > 0 {
		// build up the static fields, if present.
		var fields []interface{}
		for k := range config.Log.Fields {
			fields = append(fields, k)

		ctx = context.WithValues(ctx, config.Log.Fields)
		ctx = context.WithLogger(ctx, context.GetLogger(ctx, fields...))

	return ctx, nil
예제 #2
func (app *App) logError(context context.Context, errors errcode.Errors) {
	for _, e1 := range errors {
		var c ctxu.Context

		switch e1.(type) {
		case errcode.Error:
			e, _ := e1.(errcode.Error)
			c = ctxu.WithValue(context, "err.code", e.Code)
			c = ctxu.WithValue(c, "err.message", e.Code.Message())
			c = ctxu.WithValue(c, "err.detail", e.Detail)
		case errcode.ErrorCode:
			e, _ := e1.(errcode.ErrorCode)
			c = ctxu.WithValue(context, "err.code", e)
			c = ctxu.WithValue(c, "err.message", e.Message())
			// just normal go 'error'
			c = ctxu.WithValue(context, "err.code", errcode.ErrorCodeUnknown)
			c = ctxu.WithValue(c, "err.message", e1.Error())

		c = ctxu.WithLogger(c, ctxu.GetLogger(c,
		ctxu.GetResponseLogger(c).Errorf("response completed with error")
예제 #3
// context constructs the context object for the application. This only be
// called once per request.
func (app *App) context(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *Context {
	ctx := defaultContextManager.context(app, w, r)
	ctx = ctxu.WithVars(ctx, r)
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, ctxu.GetLogger(ctx,

	context := &Context{
		App:        app,
		Context:    ctx,
		urlBuilder: v2.NewURLBuilderFromRequest(r),

	return context
예제 #4
// context either returns a new context or looks it up in the manager.
func (cm *contextManager) context(parent context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) context.Context {
	defer cm.mu.Unlock()

	ctx, ok := cm.contexts[r]
	if ok {
		return ctx

	if parent == nil {
		parent = ctxu.Background()

	ctx = ctxu.WithRequest(parent, r)
	ctx, w = ctxu.WithResponseWriter(ctx, w)
	ctx = ctxu.WithLogger(ctx, ctxu.GetRequestLogger(ctx))
	cm.contexts[r] = ctx

	return ctx
예제 #5
// NewApp takes a configuration and returns a configured app, ready to serve
// requests. The app only implements ServeHTTP and can be wrapped in other
// handlers accordingly.
func NewApp(ctx context.Context, configuration configuration.Configuration) *App {
	app := &App{
		Config:  configuration,
		Context: ctx,
		router:  v2.RouterWithPrefix(configuration.HTTP.Prefix),

	app.Context = ctxu.WithLogger(app.Context, ctxu.GetLogger(app, "instance.id"))

	// Register the handler dispatchers.
	app.register(v2.RouteNameBase, func(ctx *Context, r *http.Request) http.Handler {
		return http.HandlerFunc(apiBase)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameManifest, imageManifestDispatcher)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameCatalog, catalogDispatcher)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameTags, tagsDispatcher)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameBlob, blobDispatcher)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameBlobUpload, blobUploadDispatcher)
	app.register(v2.RouteNameBlobUploadChunk, blobUploadDispatcher)

	var err error
	app.driver, err = factory.Create(configuration.Storage.Type(), configuration.Storage.Parameters())
	if err != nil {
		// TODO(stevvooe): Move the creation of a service into a protected
		// method, where this is created lazily. Its status can be queried via
		// a health check.

	purgeConfig := uploadPurgeDefaultConfig()
	if mc, ok := configuration.Storage["maintenance"]; ok {
		for k, v := range mc {
			switch k {
			case "uploadpurging":
				purgeConfig = v.(map[interface{}]interface{})


	startUploadPurger(app, app.driver, ctxu.GetLogger(app), purgeConfig)

	app.driver, err = applyStorageMiddleware(app.driver, configuration.Middleware["storage"])
	if err != nil {


	deleteEnabled := false
	if d, ok := configuration.Storage["delete"]; ok {
		e, ok := d["enabled"]
		if ok {
			if deleteEnabled, ok = e.(bool); !ok {
				deleteEnabled = false

	// configure storage caches
	if cc, ok := configuration.Storage["cache"]; ok {
		v, ok := cc["blobdescriptor"]
		if !ok {
			// Backwards compatible: "layerinfo" == "blobdescriptor"
			v = cc["layerinfo"]

		switch v {
		case "redis":
			if app.redis == nil {
				panic("redis configuration required to use for layerinfo cache")
			app.registry = storage.NewRegistryWithDriver(app, app.driver, rediscache.NewRedisBlobDescriptorCacheProvider(app.redis), deleteEnabled)
			ctxu.GetLogger(app).Infof("using redis blob descriptor cache")
		case "inmemory":
			app.registry = storage.NewRegistryWithDriver(app, app.driver, memorycache.NewInMemoryBlobDescriptorCacheProvider(), deleteEnabled)
			ctxu.GetLogger(app).Infof("using inmemory blob descriptor cache")
			if v != "" {
				ctxu.GetLogger(app).Warnf("unknown cache type %q, caching disabled", configuration.Storage["cache"])

	if app.registry == nil {
		// configure the registry if no cache section is available.
		app.registry = storage.NewRegistryWithDriver(app.Context, app.driver, nil, deleteEnabled)

	app.registry, err = applyRegistryMiddleware(app.registry, configuration.Middleware["registry"])
	if err != nil {

	authType := configuration.Auth.Type()

	if authType != "" {
		accessController, err := auth.GetAccessController(configuration.Auth.Type(), configuration.Auth.Parameters())
		if err != nil {
			panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to configure authorization (%s): %v", authType, err))
		app.accessController = accessController
		ctxu.GetLogger(app).Debugf("configured %q access controller", authType)

	return app
예제 #6
// dispatcher returns a handler that constructs a request specific context and
// handler, using the dispatch factory function.
func (app *App) dispatcher(dispatch dispatchFunc) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		context := app.context(w, r)

		if err := app.authorized(w, r, context); err != nil {
			ctxu.GetLogger(context).Warnf("error authorizing context: %v", err)

		// Add username to request logging
		context.Context = ctxu.WithLogger(context.Context, ctxu.GetLogger(context.Context, "auth.user.name"))

		if app.nameRequired(r) {
			repository, err := app.registry.Repository(context, getName(context))

			if err != nil {
				ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error resolving repository: %v", err)

				switch err := err.(type) {
				case distribution.ErrRepositoryUnknown:
					context.Errors = append(context.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeNameUnknown.WithDetail(err))
				case distribution.ErrRepositoryNameInvalid:
					context.Errors = append(context.Errors, v2.ErrorCodeNameInvalid.WithDetail(err))

				if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
					ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)

			// assign and decorate the authorized repository with an event bridge.
			context.Repository = notifications.Listen(
				app.eventBridge(context, r))

			context.Repository, err = applyRepoMiddleware(context.Repository, app.Config.Middleware["repository"])
			if err != nil {
				ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error initializing repository middleware: %v", err)
				context.Errors = append(context.Errors, errcode.ErrorCodeUnknown.WithDetail(err))

				if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
					ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)

		dispatch(context, r).ServeHTTP(w, r)
		// Automated error response handling here. Handlers may return their
		// own errors if they need different behavior (such as range errors
		// for layer upload).
		if context.Errors.Len() > 0 {
			if err := errcode.ServeJSON(w, context.Errors); err != nil {
				ctxu.GetLogger(context).Errorf("error serving error json: %v (from %v)", err, context.Errors)

			app.logError(context, context.Errors)