예제 #1
func ArrayListExample() {
	list := arraylist.New()
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Add("c", "b")                    // ["a","c","b"]
	list.Sort(utils.StringComparator)     // ["a","b","c"]
	_, _ = list.Get(0)                    // "a",true
	_, _ = list.Get(100)                  // nil,false
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c")      // true
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c", "d") // false
	list.Swap(0, 1)                       // ["b","a",c"]
	list.Remove(2)                        // ["b","a"]
	list.Remove(1)                        // ["b"]
	list.Remove(0)                        // []
	list.Remove(0)                        // [] (ignored)
	_ = list.Empty()                      // true
	_ = list.Size()                       // 0
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Clear()                          // []
예제 #2
// NewWithStringComparator instantiates a new empty heap with the StringComparator, i.e. elements are of type string.
func NewWithStringComparator() *Heap {
	return &Heap{list: arraylist.New(), Comparator: utils.StringComparator}
예제 #3
// NewWithIntComparator instantiates a new empty heap with the IntComparator, i.e. elements are of type int.
func NewWithIntComparator() *Heap {
	return &Heap{list: arraylist.New(), Comparator: utils.IntComparator}
예제 #4
// NewWith instantiates a new empty heap tree with the custom comparator.
func NewWith(comparator utils.Comparator) *Heap {
	return &Heap{list: arraylist.New(), Comparator: comparator}
예제 #5
// Instantiates a new empty stack
func New() *Stack {
	return &Stack{list: arraylist.New()}