예제 #1
파일: gui.go 프로젝트: jubbsy/go-ethereum
// Simple go routine function that updates the list of peers in the GUI
func (ui *Gui) update() {
	txChan := make(chan ethchain.TxMsg, 1)

	account := ui.eth.StateManager().GetAddrState(ui.addr).Account
	unconfirmedFunds := new(big.Int)
	ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(account.Amount)))
	for {
		select {
		case txMsg := <-txChan:
			tx := txMsg.Tx

			if txMsg.Type == ethchain.TxPre {
				if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), ui.addr) == 0 {
					ui.win.Root().Call("addTx", NewTxFromTransaction(tx))
					ui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())

					ui.eth.StateManager().GetAddrState(ui.addr).Nonce += 1
					unconfirmedFunds.Sub(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
				} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, ui.addr) == 0 {
					ui.win.Root().Call("addTx", NewTxFromTransaction(tx))
					ui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())

					unconfirmedFunds.Add(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)

				pos := "+"
				if unconfirmedFunds.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) >= 0 {
					pos = "-"
				val := ethutil.CurrencyToString(new(big.Int).Abs(ethutil.BigCopy(unconfirmedFunds)))
				str := fmt.Sprintf("%v (%s %v)", ethutil.CurrencyToString(account.Amount), pos, val)

				ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", str)
			} else {
				amount := account.Amount
				if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), ui.addr) == 0 {
					amount.Sub(account.Amount, tx.Value)
				} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, ui.addr) == 0 {
					amount.Add(account.Amount, tx.Value)

				ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(amount)))

			accountAmount := ui.eth.BlockManager.GetAddrState(ui.addr).Account.Amount
			ui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", accountAmount))

			ui.win.Root().Call("setPeers", fmt.Sprintf("%d / %d", ui.eth.Peers().Len(), ui.eth.MaxPeers))

			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

예제 #2
func (gui *Gui) setWalletValue(amount, unconfirmedFunds *big.Int) {
	var str string
	if unconfirmedFunds != nil {
		pos := "+"
		if unconfirmedFunds.Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) < 0 {
			pos = "-"
		val := ethutil.CurrencyToString(new(big.Int).Abs(ethutil.BigCopy(unconfirmedFunds)))
		str = fmt.Sprintf("%v (%s %v)", ethutil.CurrencyToString(amount), pos, val)
	} else {
		str = fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(amount))

	gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", str)
예제 #3
func NewJSTx(tx *ethchain.Transaction) *JSTransaction {
	hash := ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.Hash())
	receiver := ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.Recipient)
	if receiver == "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" {
		receiver = ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.CreationAddress())
	sender := ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.Sender())
	createsContract := tx.CreatesContract()

	var data string
	if tx.CreatesContract() {
		data = strings.Join(ethchain.Disassemble(tx.Data), "\n")
	} else {
		data = ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.Data)

	return &JSTransaction{ref: tx, Hash: hash, Value: ethutil.CurrencyToString(tx.Value), Address: receiver, Contract: tx.CreatesContract(), Gas: tx.Gas.String(), GasPrice: tx.GasPrice.String(), Data: data, Sender: sender, CreatesContract: createsContract, RawData: ethutil.Bytes2Hex(tx.Data)}
예제 #4
파일: js_pipe.go 프로젝트: vmatekole/eth-go
func (self *JSPipe) NumberToHuman(balance string) string {
	b := ethutil.Big(balance)

	return ethutil.CurrencyToString(b)
예제 #5
func (self *DebuggerWindow) Debug(valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, scriptStr, dataStr string) {
	if !self.Db.done {
		self.Db.Q <- true

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			self.Logf("compile FAULT: %v", r)

	data := ethutil.StringToByteFunc(dataStr, func(s string) (ret []byte) {
		slice := strings.Split(dataStr, "\n")
		for _, dataItem := range slice {
			d := ethutil.FormatData(dataItem)
			ret = append(ret, d...)

	var err error
	script := ethutil.StringToByteFunc(scriptStr, func(s string) (ret []byte) {
		ret, err = ethutil.Compile(s, false)

	if err != nil {


	var (
		gas      = ethutil.Big(gasStr)
		gasPrice = ethutil.Big(gasPriceStr)
		value    = ethutil.Big(valueStr)
		// Contract addr as test address
		keyPair = self.lib.eth.KeyManager().KeyPair()

	state := self.lib.eth.StateManager().TransState()
	account := self.lib.eth.StateManager().TransState().GetAccount(keyPair.Address())
	contract := ethchain.NewStateObject([]byte{0})
	contract.Amount = value

	callerClosure := ethchain.NewClosure(account, contract, script, state, gas, gasPrice)

	block := self.lib.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock
	vm := ethchain.NewVm(state, self.lib.eth.StateManager(), ethchain.RuntimeVars{
		Block:       block,
		Origin:      account.Address(),
		BlockNumber: block.Number,
		PrevHash:    block.PrevHash,
		Coinbase:    block.Coinbase,
		Time:        block.Time,
		Diff:        block.Difficulty,
		Value:       ethutil.Big(valueStr),
	vm.Verbose = true
	vm.Dbg = self.Db

	self.vm = vm
	self.Db.done = false
	self.Logf("callsize %d", len(script))
	go func() {
		ret, g, err := callerClosure.Call(vm, data)
		tot := new(big.Int).Mul(g, gasPrice)
		self.Logf("gas usage %v total price = %v (%v)", g, tot, ethutil.CurrencyToString(tot))
		if err != nil {
			self.Logln("exited with errors:", err)
		} else {
			if len(ret) > 0 {
				self.Logf("exited: % x", ret)
			} else {
				self.Logf("exited: nil")


		if !self.Db.interrupt {
			self.Db.done = true
		} else {
			self.Db.interrupt = false
예제 #6
// Simple go routine function that updates the list of peers in the GUI
func (gui *Gui) update() {
	reactor := gui.eth.Reactor()

	var (
		blockChan     = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
		txChan        = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
		objectChan    = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
		peerChan      = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
		chainSyncChan = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)
		miningChan    = make(chan ethutil.React, 1)

	reactor.Subscribe("newBlock", blockChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("newTx:pre", txChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("newTx:post", txChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("chainSync", chainSyncChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("miner:start", miningChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("miner:stop", miningChan)

	nameReg := ethpub.EthereumConfig(gui.eth.StateManager()).NameReg()
	if nameReg != nil {
		reactor.Subscribe("object:"+string(nameReg.Address()), objectChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("peerList", peerChan)

	peerUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
	generalUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)

	state := gui.eth.StateManager().TransState()

	unconfirmedFunds := new(big.Int)
	gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(state.GetAccount(gui.address()).Amount)))
	gui.getObjectByName("syncProgressIndicator").Set("visible", !gui.eth.IsUpToDate())

	lastBlockLabel := gui.getObjectByName("lastBlockLabel")

	for {
		select {
		case b := <-blockChan:
			block := b.Resource.(*ethchain.Block)
			gui.processBlock(block, false)
			if bytes.Compare(block.Coinbase, gui.address()) == 0 {
				gui.setWalletValue(gui.eth.StateManager().CurrentState().GetAccount(gui.address()).Amount, nil)

		case txMsg := <-txChan:
			tx := txMsg.Resource.(*ethchain.Transaction)

			if txMsg.Event == "newTx:pre" {
				object := state.GetAccount(gui.address())

				if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.address()) == 0 {
					gui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx), "send")
					gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())

					unconfirmedFunds.Sub(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
				} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.address()) == 0 {
					gui.win.Root().Call("addTx", ethpub.NewPTx(tx), "recv")
					gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())

					unconfirmedFunds.Add(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)

				gui.setWalletValue(object.Amount, unconfirmedFunds)
			} else {
				object := state.GetAccount(gui.address())
				if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.address()) == 0 {
				} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.address()) == 0 {

				gui.setWalletValue(object.Amount, nil)

		case msg := <-chainSyncChan:
			sync := msg.Resource.(bool)
			gui.win.Root().ObjectByName("syncProgressIndicator").Set("visible", sync)

		case <-objectChan:
		case <-peerChan:
		case <-peerUpdateTicker.C:
		case msg := <-miningChan:
			if msg.Event == "miner:start" {
				gui.miner = msg.Resource.(*ethminer.Miner)
			} else {
				gui.miner = nil

		case <-generalUpdateTicker.C:
			statusText := "#" + gui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Number.String()
			if gui.miner != nil {
				pow := gui.miner.GetPow()
				if pow.GetHashrate() != 0 {
					statusText = "Mining @ " + strconv.FormatInt(pow.GetHashrate(), 10) + "Khash - " + statusText
			lastBlockLabel.Set("text", statusText)
예제 #7
파일: gui.go 프로젝트: jubbsy/go-ethereum
func NewTxFromTransaction(tx *ethchain.Transaction) *Tx {
	hash := hex.EncodeToString(tx.Hash())
	sender := hex.EncodeToString(tx.Recipient)

	return &Tx{Hash: hash, Value: ethutil.CurrencyToString(tx.Value), Address: sender}
예제 #8
func (self *DebuggerWindow) Debug(valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, scriptStr, dataStr string) {
	if !self.Db.done {
		self.Db.Q <- true

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			self.Logf("compile FAULT: %v", r)

	data := utils.FormatTransactionData(dataStr)

	var err error
	script := ethutil.StringToByteFunc(scriptStr, func(s string) (ret []byte) {
		ret, err = ethutil.Compile(s, false)

	if err != nil {


	var (
		gas      = ethutil.Big(gasStr)
		gasPrice = ethutil.Big(gasPriceStr)
		value    = ethutil.Big(valueStr)
		// Contract addr as test address
		keyPair = self.lib.eth.KeyManager().KeyPair()

	state := self.lib.eth.StateManager().TransState()
	account := self.lib.eth.StateManager().TransState().GetAccount(keyPair.Address())
	contract := ethstate.NewStateObject([]byte{0})
	contract.Balance = value


	block := self.lib.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock

	callerClosure := ethvm.NewClosure(&ethstate.Message{}, account, contract, script, gas, gasPrice)
	env := utils.NewEnv(state, block, account.Address(), value)
	vm := ethvm.New(env)
	vm.Verbose = true
	vm.Dbg = self.Db

	self.vm = vm
	self.Db.done = false
	self.Logf("callsize %d", len(script))
	go func() {
		ret, g, err := callerClosure.Call(vm, data)
		tot := new(big.Int).Mul(g, gasPrice)
		self.Logf("gas usage %v total price = %v (%v)", g, tot, ethutil.CurrencyToString(tot))
		if err != nil {
			self.Logln("exited with errors:", err)
		} else {
			if len(ret) > 0 {
				self.Logf("exited: % x", ret)
			} else {
				self.Logf("exited: nil")


		if !self.Db.interrupt {
			self.Db.done = true
		} else {
			self.Db.interrupt = false
예제 #9
// Simple go routine function that updates the list of peers in the GUI
func (gui *Gui) update() {
	// We have to wait for qml to be done loading all the windows.
	for !gui.qmlDone {
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)

	go func() {
		go gui.setInitialBlockChain()

	for _, plugin := range gui.plugins {
		gui.win.Root().Call("addPlugin", plugin.Path, "")

	var (
		blockChan     = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)
		txChan        = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)
		objectChan    = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)
		peerChan      = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)
		chainSyncChan = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)
		miningChan    = make(chan ethreact.Event, 100)

	peerUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second)
	generalUpdateTicker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)

	state := gui.eth.StateManager().TransState()

	unconfirmedFunds := new(big.Int)
	gui.win.Root().Call("setWalletValue", fmt.Sprintf("%v", ethutil.CurrencyToString(state.GetAccount(gui.address()).Balance)))
	gui.getObjectByName("syncProgressIndicator").Set("visible", !gui.eth.IsUpToDate())

	lastBlockLabel := gui.getObjectByName("lastBlockLabel")
	miningLabel := gui.getObjectByName("miningLabel")

	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case b := <-blockChan:
				block := b.Resource.(*ethchain.Block)
				gui.processBlock(block, false)
				if bytes.Compare(block.Coinbase, gui.address()) == 0 {
					gui.setWalletValue(gui.eth.StateManager().CurrentState().GetAccount(gui.address()).Balance, nil)
			case txMsg := <-txChan:
				tx := txMsg.Resource.(*ethchain.Transaction)

				if txMsg.Name == "newTx:pre" {
					object := state.GetAccount(gui.address())

					if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.address()) == 0 {
						unconfirmedFunds.Sub(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)
					} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.address()) == 0 {
						unconfirmedFunds.Add(unconfirmedFunds, tx.Value)

					gui.setWalletValue(object.Balance, unconfirmedFunds)

					gui.insertTransaction("pre", tx)
				} else {
					object := state.GetAccount(gui.address())
					if bytes.Compare(tx.Sender(), gui.address()) == 0 {

						gui.getObjectByName("transactionView").Call("addTx", ethpipe.NewJSTx(tx), "send")
						gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())
					} else if bytes.Compare(tx.Recipient, gui.address()) == 0 {

						gui.getObjectByName("transactionView").Call("addTx", ethpipe.NewJSTx(tx), "recv")
						gui.txDb.Put(tx.Hash(), tx.RlpEncode())

					gui.setWalletValue(object.Balance, nil)

			case msg := <-chainSyncChan:
				sync := msg.Resource.(bool)
				gui.win.Root().ObjectByName("syncProgressIndicator").Set("visible", sync)

			case <-objectChan:
			case <-peerChan:
			case <-peerUpdateTicker.C:
			case msg := <-miningChan:
				if msg.Name == "miner:start" {
					gui.miner = msg.Resource.(*ethminer.Miner)
				} else {
					gui.miner = nil
			case <-generalUpdateTicker.C:
				statusText := "#" + gui.eth.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Number.String()
				lastBlockLabel.Set("text", statusText)

				if gui.miner != nil {
					pow := gui.miner.GetPow()
					miningLabel.Set("text", "Mining @ "+strconv.FormatInt(pow.GetHashrate(), 10)+"Khash")

	reactor := gui.eth.Reactor()

	reactor.Subscribe("newBlock", blockChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("newTx:pre", txChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("newTx:post", txChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("chainSync", chainSyncChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("miner:start", miningChan)
	reactor.Subscribe("miner:stop", miningChan)

	nameReg := gui.pipe.World().Config().Get("NameReg")
	reactor.Subscribe("object:"+string(nameReg.Address()), objectChan)

	reactor.Subscribe("peerList", peerChan)