예제 #1
파일: api.go 프로젝트: Codzart/go-ethereum
// NewWhisperFilter creates and registers a new message filter to watch for inbound whisper messages.
func (s *PublicWhisperAPI) NewFilter(args NewFilterArgs) (*rpc.HexNumber, error) {
	if s.w == nil {
		return nil, whisperOffLineErr

	var id int
	filter := Filter{
		To:     crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(args.To)),
		From:   crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(args.From)),
		Topics: NewFilterTopics(args.Topics...),
		Fn: func(message *Message) {
			wmsg := NewWhisperMessage(message)
			s.messagesMu.RLock() // Only read lock to the filter pool
			defer s.messagesMu.RUnlock()
			if s.messages[id] != nil {

	id = s.w.Watch(filter)

	s.messages[id] = newWhisperFilter(id, s.w)

	return rpc.NewHexNumber(id), nil
예제 #2
func (self *Whisper) Post(payload []string, to, from string, topics []string, priority, ttl uint32) {
	var data []byte
	for _, d := range payload {
		data = append(data, common.FromHex(d)...)

	pk := crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(from))
	if key := self.Whisper.GetIdentity(pk); key != nil {
		msg := whisper.NewMessage(data)
		envelope, err := msg.Wrap(time.Duration(priority*100000), whisper.Options{
			TTL:    time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second,
			To:     crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(to)),
			From:   key,
			Topics: whisper.NewTopicsFromStrings(topics...),

		if err != nil {
			// handle error

		if err := self.Whisper.Send(envelope); err != nil {
			// handle error
	} else {
		qlogger.Infoln("unmatched pub / priv for seal")

예제 #3
파일: api.go 프로젝트: Codzart/go-ethereum
// Post injects a message into the whisper network for distribution.
func (s *PublicWhisperAPI) Post(args PostArgs) (bool, error) {
	if s.w == nil {
		return false, whisperOffLineErr

	// construct whisper message with transmission options
	message := NewMessage(common.FromHex(args.Payload))
	options := Options{
		To:     crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(args.To)),
		TTL:    time.Duration(args.TTL) * time.Second,
		Topics: NewTopics(args.Topics...),

	// set sender identity
	if len(args.From) > 0 {
		if key := s.w.GetIdentity(crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(args.From))); key != nil {
			options.From = key
		} else {
			return false, fmt.Errorf("unknown identity to send from: %s", args.From)

	// Wrap and send the message
	pow := time.Duration(args.Priority) * time.Millisecond
	envelope, err := message.Wrap(pow, options)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err

	return true, s.w.Send(envelope)
예제 #4
// Post injects a message into the whisper network for distribution.
func (self *Whisper) Post(payload string, to, from string, topics []string, priority, ttl uint32) error {
	// Decode the topic strings
	topicsDecoded := make([][]byte, len(topics))
	for i, topic := range topics {
		topicsDecoded[i] = common.FromHex(topic)
	// Construct the whisper message and transmission options
	message := whisper.NewMessage(common.FromHex(payload))
	options := whisper.Options{
		To:     crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(to)),
		TTL:    time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second,
		Topics: whisper.NewTopics(topicsDecoded...),
	if len(from) != 0 {
		if key := self.Whisper.GetIdentity(crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(from))); key != nil {
			options.From = key
		} else {
			return fmt.Errorf("unknown identity to send from: %s", from)
	// Wrap and send the message
	pow := time.Duration(priority) * time.Millisecond
	envelope, err := message.Wrap(pow, options)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := self.Whisper.Send(envelope); err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
예제 #5
func (self *XEth) EthTransactionByHash(hash string) (tx *types.Transaction, blhash common.Hash, blnum *big.Int, txi uint64) {
	data, _ := self.backend.ExtraDb().Get(common.FromHex(hash))
	if len(data) != 0 {
		tx = types.NewTransactionFromBytes(data)
	} else { // check pending transactions
		tx = self.backend.TxPool().GetTransaction(common.HexToHash(hash))

	// meta
	var txExtra struct {
		BlockHash  common.Hash
		BlockIndex uint64
		Index      uint64

	v, _ := self.backend.ExtraDb().Get(append(common.FromHex(hash), 0x0001))
	r := bytes.NewReader(v)
	err := rlp.Decode(r, &txExtra)
	if err == nil {
		blhash = txExtra.BlockHash
		blnum = big.NewInt(int64(txExtra.BlockIndex))
		txi = txExtra.Index
	} else {

예제 #6
func (self *XEth) EthTransactionByHash(hash string) (tx *types.Transaction, blhash common.Hash, blnum *big.Int, txi uint64) {
	// Due to increasing return params and need to determine if this is from transaction pool or
	// some chain, this probably needs to be refactored for more expressiveness
	data, _ := self.backend.ExtraDb().Get(common.FromHex(hash))
	if len(data) != 0 {
		tx = types.NewTransactionFromBytes(data)
	} else { // check pending transactions
		tx = self.backend.TxPool().GetTransaction(common.HexToHash(hash))

	// meta
	var txExtra struct {
		BlockHash  common.Hash
		BlockIndex uint64
		Index      uint64

	v, dberr := self.backend.ExtraDb().Get(append(common.FromHex(hash), 0x0001))
	// TODO check specifically for ErrNotFound
	if dberr != nil {
	r := bytes.NewReader(v)
	err := rlp.Decode(r, &txExtra)
	if err == nil {
		blhash = txExtra.BlockHash
		blnum = big.NewInt(int64(txExtra.BlockIndex))
		txi = txExtra.Index
	} else {

예제 #7
func filterFromMap(opts map[string]interface{}) (f whisper.Filter) {
	if to, ok := opts["to"].(string); ok {
		f.To = crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(to))
	if from, ok := opts["from"].(string); ok {
		f.From = crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(from))
	if topicList, ok := opts["topics"].(*qml.List); ok {
		var topics []string
		f.Topics = whisper.NewFilterTopicsFromStringsFlat(topics...)

예제 #8
파일: api.go 프로젝트: Codzart/go-ethereum
func (args *PostArgs) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error) {
	var obj struct {
		From     string        `json:"from"`
		To       string        `json:"to"`
		Topics   []string      `json:"topics"`
		Payload  string        `json:"payload"`
		Priority rpc.HexNumber `json:"priority"`
		TTL      rpc.HexNumber `json:"ttl"`

	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &obj); err != nil {
		return err

	args.From = obj.From
	args.To = obj.To
	args.Payload = obj.Payload
	args.Priority = obj.Priority.Int64()
	args.TTL = obj.TTL.Int64()

	// decode topic strings
	args.Topics = make([][]byte, len(obj.Topics))
	for i, topic := range obj.Topics {
		args.Topics[i] = common.FromHex(topic)

	return nil
예제 #9
func RunState(ruleSet RuleSet, statedb *state.StateDB, env, tx map[string]string) ([]byte, vm.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		data  = common.FromHex(tx["data"])
		gas   = common.Big(tx["gasLimit"])
		price = common.Big(tx["gasPrice"])
		value = common.Big(tx["value"])
		nonce = common.Big(tx["nonce"]).Uint64()

	var to *common.Address
	if len(tx["to"]) > 2 {
		t := common.HexToAddress(tx["to"])
		to = &t
	// Set pre compiled contracts
	vm.Precompiled = vm.PrecompiledContracts()
	snapshot := statedb.Copy()
	gaspool := new(core.GasPool).AddGas(common.Big(env["currentGasLimit"]))

	key, _ := hex.DecodeString(tx["secretKey"])
	addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(crypto.ToECDSA(key).PublicKey)
	message := NewMessage(addr, to, data, value, gas, price, nonce)
	vmenv := NewEnvFromMap(ruleSet, statedb, env, tx)
	vmenv.origin = addr
	ret, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, message, gaspool)
	if core.IsNonceErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err) || core.IsGasLimitErr(err) {

	return ret, vmenv.state.Logs(), vmenv.Gas, err
예제 #10
func (self *XEth) FromNumber(str string) string {
	if common.IsHex(str) {
		str = str[2:]

	return common.BigD(common.FromHex(str)).String()
예제 #11
func (js *jsre) unlock(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
	addr, err := call.Argument(0).ToString()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	seconds, err := call.Argument(2).ToInteger()
	if err != nil {
		return otto.FalseValue()
	arg := call.Argument(1)
	var passphrase string
	if arg.IsUndefined() {
		fmt.Println("Please enter a passphrase now.")
		passphrase, err = readPassword("Passphrase: ", true)
		if err != nil {
			utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
	} else {
		passphrase, err = arg.ToString()
		if err != nil {
			return otto.FalseValue()
	am := js.ethereum.AccountManager()
	err = am.TimedUnlock(common.FromHex(addr), passphrase, time.Duration(seconds)*time.Second)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Unlock account failed '%v'\n", err)
		return otto.FalseValue()
	return otto.TrueValue()
예제 #12
func RunState(statedb *state.StateDB, env, tx map[string]string) ([]byte, state.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		keyPair, _ = crypto.NewKeyPairFromSec([]byte(common.Hex2Bytes(tx["secretKey"])))
		data       = common.FromHex(tx["data"])
		gas        = common.Big(tx["gasLimit"])
		price      = common.Big(tx["gasPrice"])
		value      = common.Big(tx["value"])
		nonce      = common.Big(tx["nonce"]).Uint64()
		caddr      = common.HexToAddress(env["currentCoinbase"])

	var to *common.Address
	if len(tx["to"]) > 2 {
		t := common.HexToAddress(tx["to"])
		to = &t
	// Set pre compiled contracts
	vm.Precompiled = vm.PrecompiledContracts()

	snapshot := statedb.Copy()
	coinbase := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(caddr)

	message := NewMessage(common.BytesToAddress(keyPair.Address()), to, data, value, gas, price, nonce)
	vmenv := NewEnvFromMap(statedb, env, tx)
	vmenv.origin = common.BytesToAddress(keyPair.Address())
	ret, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, message, coinbase)
	if core.IsNonceErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) {

	return ret, vmenv.state.Logs(), vmenv.Gas, err
예제 #13
// GenesisBlock creates a genesis block with the given nonce.
func GenesisBlock(nonce uint64, db common.Database) *types.Block {
	var accounts map[string]struct {
		Balance string
		Code    string
	err := json.Unmarshal(GenesisAccounts, &accounts)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("unable to decode genesis json data:", err)
	statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
	for addr, account := range accounts {
		codedAddr := common.Hex2Bytes(addr)
		accountState := statedb.CreateAccount(common.BytesToAddress(codedAddr))

	block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
		Difficulty: params.GenesisDifficulty,
		GasLimit:   params.GenesisGasLimit,
		Nonce:      types.EncodeNonce(nonce),
		Root:       statedb.Root(),
	}, nil, nil, nil)
	block.Td = params.GenesisDifficulty
	return block
예제 #14
// ContractCall implements ContractCaller.ContractCall, delegating the execution of
// a contract call to the remote node, returning the reply to for local processing.
func (b *rpcBackend) ContractCall(contract common.Address, data []byte, pending bool) ([]byte, error) {
	// Pack up the request into an RPC argument
	args := struct {
		To   common.Address `json:"to"`
		Data string         `json:"data"`
		To:   contract,
		Data: common.ToHex(data),
	// Execute the RPC call and retrieve the response
	block := "latest"
	if pending {
		block = "pending"
	res, err := b.request("eth_call", []interface{}{args, block})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var hex string
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &hex); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Convert the response back to a Go byte slice and return
	return common.FromHex(hex), nil
예제 #15
func TestNull(t *testing.T) {
	var trie Trie
	key := make([]byte, 32)
	value := common.FromHex("0x823140710bf13990e4500136726d8b55")
	trie.Update(key, value)
	value = trie.Get(key)
예제 #16
func TestLoadECDSAFile(t *testing.T) {
	keyBytes := common.FromHex(testPrivHex)
	fileName0 := "test_key0"
	fileName1 := "test_key1"
	checkKey := func(k *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
		checkAddr(t, PubkeyToAddress(k.PublicKey), common.HexToAddress(testAddrHex))
		loadedKeyBytes := FromECDSA(k)
		if !bytes.Equal(loadedKeyBytes, keyBytes) {
			t.Fatalf("private key mismatch: want: %x have: %x", keyBytes, loadedKeyBytes)

	ioutil.WriteFile(fileName0, []byte(testPrivHex), 0600)
	defer os.Remove(fileName0)

	key0, err := LoadECDSA(fileName0)
	if err != nil {

	// again, this time with SaveECDSA instead of manual save:
	err = SaveECDSA(fileName1, key0)
	if err != nil {
	defer os.Remove(fileName1)

	key1, err := LoadECDSA(fileName1)
	if err != nil {
예제 #17
파일: assembler.go 프로젝트: obscuren/cll
func Assemble(ir *list.List) (asm []byte, err error) {
	for e := ir.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
		code := strings.Split(e.Value.(string), " ")
		switch len(code) {
		case 2:
			asm = append(asm, byte(vm.StringToOp(code[0])))

			if len(code[1]) > 1 && code[1][:2] == "0x" {
				asm = append(asm, common.FromHex(code[1])...)
			} else {
				num := common.String2Big(code[1]).Bytes()
				if len(num) == 0 {
					num = []byte{0}
				asm = append(asm, num...)
		case 1:
			asm = append(asm, byte(vm.StringToOp(code[0])))
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid IR %v", code)

예제 #18
func (self *XEth) FromAscii(str string) string {
	if common.IsHex(str) {
		str = str[2:]

	return string(bytes.Trim(common.FromHex(str), "\x00"))
예제 #19
func checkLogs(tlog []Log, logs state.Logs) error {

	if len(tlog) != len(logs) {
		return fmt.Errorf("log length mismatch. Expected %d, got %d", len(tlog), len(logs))
	} else {
		for i, log := range tlog {
			if common.HexToAddress(log.AddressF) != logs[i].Address {
				return fmt.Errorf("log address expected %v got %x", log.AddressF, logs[i].Address)

			if !bytes.Equal(logs[i].Data, common.FromHex(log.DataF)) {
				return fmt.Errorf("log data expected %v got %x", log.DataF, logs[i].Data)

			if len(log.TopicsF) != len(logs[i].Topics) {
				return fmt.Errorf("log topics length expected %d got %d", len(log.TopicsF), logs[i].Topics)
			} else {
				for j, topic := range log.TopicsF {
					if common.HexToHash(topic) != logs[i].Topics[j] {
						return fmt.Errorf("log topic[%d] expected %v got %x", j, topic, logs[i].Topics[j])
			genBloom := common.LeftPadBytes(types.LogsBloom(state.Logs{logs[i]}).Bytes(), 256)

			if !bytes.Equal(genBloom, common.Hex2Bytes(log.BloomF)) {
				return fmt.Errorf("bloom mismatch")
	return nil
예제 #20
파일: xeth.go 프로젝트: nellyk/go-ethereum
func (self *XEth) PushTx(encodedTx string) (string, error) {
	tx := new(types.Transaction)
	err := rlp.DecodeBytes(common.FromHex(encodedTx), tx)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	err = self.backend.TxPool().Add(tx)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	if tx.To() == nil {
		from, err := tx.From()
		if err != nil {
			return "", err

		addr := crypto.CreateAddress(from, tx.Nonce())
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) created: %x\n", tx.Hash(), addr)
	} else {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) to: %x\n", tx.Hash(), tx.To())

	return tx.Hash().Hex(), nil
예제 #21
func (args *DbHexArgs) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) (err error) {
	var obj []interface{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &obj); err != nil {
		return shared.NewDecodeParamError(err.Error())

	if len(obj) < 2 {
		return shared.NewInsufficientParamsError(len(obj), 2)

	var objstr string
	var ok bool

	if objstr, ok = obj[0].(string); !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("database", "not a string")
	args.Database = objstr

	if objstr, ok = obj[1].(string); !ok {
		return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("key", "not a string")
	args.Key = objstr

	if len(obj) > 2 {
		objstr, ok = obj[2].(string)
		if !ok {
			return shared.NewInvalidTypeError("value", "not a string")

		args.Value = common.FromHex(objstr)

	return nil
예제 #22
파일: bind.go 프로젝트: Codzart/go-ethereum
// HasCode implements bind.ContractVerifier.HasCode by retrieving any code associated
// with the contract from the local API, and checking its size.
func (b *ContractBackend) HasCode(contract common.Address, pending bool) (bool, error) {
	block := rpc.LatestBlockNumber
	if pending {
		block = rpc.PendingBlockNumber
	out, err := b.bcapi.GetCode(contract, block)
	return len(common.FromHex(out)) > 0, err
예제 #23
func (self *XEth) SecretToAddress(key string) string {
	pair, err := crypto.NewKeyPairFromSec(common.FromHex(key))
	if err != nil {
		return ""

	return common.ToHex(pair.Address())
예제 #24
파일: web3.go 프로젝트: ruflin/go-ethereum
// Calculates the sha3 over req.Params.Data
func (self *web3Api) Sha3(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
	args := new(Sha3Args)
	if err := self.codec.Decode(req.Params, &args); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return common.ToHex(crypto.Sha3(common.FromHex(args.Data))), nil
예제 #25
func TestTransactionEncode(t *testing.T) {
	txb, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(rightvrsTx)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("encode error: %v", err)
	should := common.FromHex("f86103018207d094b94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b0a8255441ca098ff921201554726367d2be8c804a7ff89ccf285ebc57dff8ae4c44b9c19ac4aa08887321be575c8095f789dd4c743dfe42c1820f9231f98a962b210e3ac2452a3")
	if !bytes.Equal(txb, should) {
		t.Errorf("encoded RLP mismatch, got %x", txb)
예제 #26
파일: xeth.go 프로젝트: zramsay/geth-tmsp
func (self *XEth) SignTransaction(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, codeStr string) (*types.Transaction, error) {
	if len(toStr) > 0 && toStr != "0x" && !isAddress(toStr) {
		return nil, errors.New("Invalid address")

	var (
		from             = common.HexToAddress(fromStr)
		to               = common.HexToAddress(toStr)
		value            = common.Big(valueStr)
		gas              *big.Int
		price            *big.Int
		data             []byte
		contractCreation bool

	if len(gasStr) == 0 {
		gas = DefaultGas()
	} else {
		gas = common.Big(gasStr)

	if len(gasPriceStr) == 0 {
		price = self.DefaultGasPrice()
	} else {
		price = common.Big(gasPriceStr)

	data = common.FromHex(codeStr)
	if len(toStr) == 0 {
		contractCreation = true

	var nonce uint64
	if len(nonceStr) != 0 {
		nonce = common.Big(nonceStr).Uint64()
	} else {
		// XXX: replaced tx pool state with managed state from app
		// state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
		state := self.ManagedState()
		nonce = state.GetNonce(from)
	var tx *types.Transaction
	if contractCreation {
		tx = types.NewContractCreation(nonce, value, gas, price, data)
	} else {
		tx = types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, value, gas, price, data)

	signed, err := self.sign(tx, from, false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return signed, nil
예제 #27
// DeployReleaseOracle deploys a new Ethereum contract, binding an instance of ReleaseOracle to it.
func DeployReleaseOracle(auth *bind.TransactOpts, backend bind.ContractBackend, signers []common.Address) (common.Address, *types.Transaction, *ReleaseOracle, error) {
	parsed, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(ReleaseOracleABI))
	if err != nil {
		return common.Address{}, nil, nil, err
	address, tx, contract, err := bind.DeployContract(auth, parsed, common.FromHex(ReleaseOracleBin), backend, signers)
	if err != nil {
		return common.Address{}, nil, nil, err
	return address, tx, &ReleaseOracle{ReleaseOracleCaller: ReleaseOracleCaller{contract: contract}, ReleaseOracleTransactor: ReleaseOracleTransactor{contract: contract}}, nil
예제 #28
파일: api.go 프로젝트: karalabe/etherapis
// BlockNumber retrieves the current head number of the blockchain.
func (api *API) BlockNumber() (uint64, error) {
	res, err := api.Request("eth_blockNumber", nil)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	var hex string
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &hex); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.FromHex(hex)).Uint64(), nil
예제 #29
// Watch installs a new message handler to run in case a matching packet arrives
// from the whisper network.
func (self *Whisper) Watch(to, from string, topics [][]string, fn func(WhisperMessage)) int {
	// Decode the topic strings
	topicsDecoded := make([][][]byte, len(topics))
	for i, condition := range topics {
		topicsDecoded[i] = make([][]byte, len(condition))
		for j, topic := range condition {
			topicsDecoded[i][j] = common.FromHex(topic)
	// Assemble and inject the filter into the whisper client
	filter := whisper.Filter{
		To:     crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(to)),
		From:   crypto.ToECDSAPub(common.FromHex(from)),
		Topics: whisper.NewFilterTopics(topicsDecoded...),
	filter.Fn = func(message *whisper.Message) {
	return self.Whisper.Watch(filter)
예제 #30
파일: api.go 프로젝트: karalabe/etherapis
// Syncing returns the current sync status of the node, or nil if the node is not
// currently synchronizing with the network.
func (api *API) Syncing() (*SyncStatus, error) {
	// Execute the request and check if syncing is not running
	res, err := api.Request("eth_syncing", nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var running bool
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &running); err == nil {
		return nil, nil
	// Sync is running, extract the current status
	result := make(map[string]string)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(res, &result); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &SyncStatus{
		StartingBlock: new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.FromHex(result["startingBlock"])).Uint64(),
		CurrentBlock:  new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.FromHex(result["currentBlock"])).Uint64(),
		HighestBlock:  new(big.Int).SetBytes(common.FromHex(result["highestBlock"])).Uint64(),
	}, nil