예제 #1
func RunState(statedb *state.StateDB, env, tx map[string]string) ([]byte, state.Logs, *big.Int, error) {
	var (
		data  = common.FromHex(tx["data"])
		gas   = common.Big(tx["gasLimit"])
		price = common.Big(tx["gasPrice"])
		value = common.Big(tx["value"])
		nonce = common.Big(tx["nonce"]).Uint64()
		caddr = common.HexToAddress(env["currentCoinbase"])

	var to *common.Address
	if len(tx["to"]) > 2 {
		t := common.HexToAddress(tx["to"])
		to = &t
	// Set pre compiled contracts
	vm.Precompiled = vm.PrecompiledContracts()

	snapshot := statedb.Copy()
	coinbase := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(caddr)

	key, _ := hex.DecodeString(tx["secretKey"])
	addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(crypto.ToECDSA(key).PublicKey)
	message := NewMessage(addr, to, data, value, gas, price, nonce)
	vmenv := NewEnvFromMap(statedb, env, tx)
	vmenv.origin = addr
	ret, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, message, coinbase)
	if core.IsNonceErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) {

	return ret, vmenv.state.Logs(), vmenv.Gas, err
예제 #2
func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransaction(coinbase *state.StateObject, statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *big.Int, transientProcess bool) (*types.Receipt, *big.Int, error) {
	// If we are mining this block and validating we want to set the logs back to 0

	cb := statedb.GetStateObject(coinbase.Address())
	_, gas, err := ApplyMessage(NewEnv(statedb, self.bc, tx, block), tx, cb)
	if err != nil && (IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
		// If the account is managed, remove the invalid nonce.
		//from, _ := tx.From()
		//self.bc.TxState().RemoveNonce(from, tx.Nonce())
		return nil, nil, err

	// Update the state with pending changes

	cumulative := new(big.Int).Set(usedGas.Add(usedGas, gas))
	receipt := types.NewReceipt(statedb.Root().Bytes(), cumulative)

	logs := statedb.GetLogs(tx.Hash())
	receipt.Bloom = types.CreateBloom(types.Receipts{receipt})


	// Notify all subscribers
	if !transientProcess {
		go self.eventMux.Post(TxPostEvent{tx})
		go self.eventMux.Post(logs)

	return receipt, gas, err
예제 #3
func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransactions(coinbase *state.StateObject, statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block, txs types.Transactions, transientProcess bool) (types.Receipts, error) {
	var (
		receipts      types.Receipts
		totalUsedGas  = big.NewInt(0)
		err           error
		cumulativeSum = new(big.Int)

	for i, tx := range txs {
		statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)

		receipt, txGas, err := self.ApplyTransaction(coinbase, statedb, block, tx, totalUsedGas, transientProcess)
		if err != nil && (IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
			return nil, err

		if err != nil {
			glog.V(logger.Core).Infoln("TX err:", err)
		receipts = append(receipts, receipt)

		cumulativeSum.Add(cumulativeSum, new(big.Int).Mul(txGas, tx.GasPrice()))

	if block.GasUsed().Cmp(totalUsedGas) != 0 {
		return nil, ValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("gas used error (%v / %v)", block.GasUsed(), totalUsedGas))

	if transientProcess {
		go self.eventMux.Post(PendingBlockEvent{block, statedb.Logs()})

	return receipts, err
예제 #4
func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransaction(coinbase *state.StateObject, statedb *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *big.Int, transientProcess bool) (*types.Receipt, *big.Int, error) {
	// If we are mining this block and validating we want to set the logs back to 0

	cb := statedb.GetStateObject(coinbase.Address())
	_, gas, err := ApplyMessage(NewEnv(statedb, self.bc, tx, header), tx, cb)
	if err != nil && (IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
		return nil, nil, err

	// Update the state with pending changes

	usedGas.Add(usedGas, gas)
	receipt := types.NewReceipt(statedb.Root().Bytes(), usedGas)
	logs := statedb.GetLogs(tx.Hash())
	receipt.Bloom = types.CreateBloom(types.Receipts{receipt})


	// Notify all subscribers
	if !transientProcess {
		go self.eventMux.Post(TxPostEvent{tx})
		go self.eventMux.Post(logs)

	return receipt, gas, err
예제 #5
func (env *Work) commitTransactions(transactions types.Transactions, gasPrice *big.Int, proc *core.BlockProcessor) {
	for _, tx := range transactions {
		// We can skip err. It has already been validated in the tx pool
		from, _ := tx.From()

		// Check if it falls within margin. Txs from owned accounts are always processed.
		if tx.GasPrice().Cmp(gasPrice) < 0 && !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
			// ignore the transaction and transactor. We ignore the transactor
			// because nonce will fail after ignoring this transaction so there's
			// no point

			glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("transaction(%x) below gas price (tx=%v ask=%v). All sequential txs from this address(%x) will be ignored\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], common.CurrencyToString(tx.GasPrice()), common.CurrencyToString(gasPrice), from[:4])

		// Continue with the next transaction if the transaction sender is included in
		// the low gas tx set. This will also remove the tx and all sequential transaction
		// from this transactor
		if env.lowGasTransactors.Has(from) {
			// add tx to the low gas set. This will be removed at the end of the run
			// owned accounts are ignored
			if !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
				env.lowGasTxs = append(env.lowGasTxs, tx)

		// Move on to the next transaction when the transactor is in ignored transactions set
		// This may occur when a transaction hits the gas limit. When a gas limit is hit and
		// the transaction is processed (that could potentially be included in the block) it
		// will throw a nonce error because the previous transaction hasn't been processed.
		// Therefor we need to ignore any transaction after the ignored one.
		if env.ignoredTransactors.Has(from) {

		env.state.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), common.Hash{}, 0)

		err := env.commitTransaction(tx, proc)
		switch {
		case state.IsGasLimitErr(err):
			// ignore the transactor so no nonce errors will be thrown for this account
			// next time the worker is run, they'll be picked up again.

			glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Gas limit reached for (%x) in this block. Continue to try smaller txs\n", from[:4])
		case err != nil:

			if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
				glog.Infof("TX (%x) failed, will be removed: %v\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], err)
예제 #6
func (env *environment) commitTransaction(tx *types.Transaction, proc *core.BlockProcessor) error {
	snap := env.state.Copy()
	receipt, _, err := proc.ApplyTransaction(env.coinbase, env.state, env.header, tx, env.header.GasUsed, true)
	if err != nil && (core.IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
		return err
	env.txs = append(env.txs, tx)
	env.receipts = append(env.receipts, receipt)
	return nil
예제 #7
func (self *worker) commitTransaction(tx *types.Transaction) error {
	snap := self.current.state.Copy()
	receipt, _, err := self.proc.ApplyTransaction(self.current.coinbase, self.current.state, self.current.block, tx, self.current.totalUsedGas, true)
	if err != nil && (core.IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
		return err


	return nil
예제 #8
func (self *StateTransition) preCheck() (err error) {
	var (
		msg    = self.msg
		sender = self.From()

	// Make sure this transaction's nonce is correct
	if sender.Nonce() != msg.Nonce() {
		return NonceError(msg.Nonce(), sender.Nonce())

	// Pre-pay gas / Buy gas of the coinbase account
	if err = self.BuyGas(); err != nil {
		if state.IsGasLimitErr(err) {
			return err
		return InvalidTxError(err)

	return nil
예제 #9
func (self *worker) commitNewWork() {
	defer self.mu.Unlock()
	defer self.uncleMu.Unlock()
	defer self.currentMu.Unlock()


	transactions := self.eth.TxPool().GetTransactions()

	// Keep track of transactions which return errors so they can be removed
	var (
		remove             = set.New()
		tcount             = 0
		ignoredTransactors = set.New()

	for _, tx := range transactions {
		// We can skip err. It has already been validated in the tx pool
		from, _ := tx.From()
		// Move on to the next transaction when the transactor is in ignored transactions set
		// This may occur when a transaction hits the gas limit. When a gas limit is hit and
		// the transaction is processed (that could potentially be included in the block) it
		// will throw a nonce error because the previous transaction hasn't been processed.
		// Therefor we need to ignore any transaction after the ignored one.
		if ignoredTransactors.Has(from) {

		self.current.state.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), common.Hash{}, 0)

		err := self.commitTransaction(tx)
		switch {
		case core.IsNonceErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err):
			// Remove invalid transactions
			from, _ := tx.From()

			self.chain.TxState().RemoveNonce(from, tx.Nonce())

			if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
				glog.Infof("TX (%x) failed, will be removed: %v\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], err)
		case state.IsGasLimitErr(err):
			from, _ := tx.From()
			// ignore the transactor so no nonce errors will be thrown for this account
			// next time the worker is run, they'll be picked up again.

			glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Gas limit reached for (%x) in this block. Continue to try smaller txs\n", from[:4])

	var (
		uncles    []*types.Header
		badUncles []common.Hash
	for hash, uncle := range self.possibleUncles {
		if len(uncles) == 2 {

		if err := self.commitUncle(uncle.Header()); err != nil {
			if glog.V(logger.Ridiculousness) {
				glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Bad uncle found and will be removed (%x)\n", hash[:4])

			badUncles = append(badUncles, hash)
		} else {
			glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("commiting %x as uncle\n", hash[:4])
			uncles = append(uncles, uncle.Header())

	// We only care about logging if we're actually mining
	if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("commit new work on block %v with %d txs & %d uncles\n", self.current.block.Number(), tcount, len(uncles))

	for _, hash := range badUncles {
		delete(self.possibleUncles, hash)


	core.AccumulateRewards(self.current.state, self.current.block)

