예제 #1
/* See https://github.com/ethereum/tests/wiki/Blockchain-Tests-II

   Whether a block is valid or not is a bit subtle, it's defined by presence of
   blockHeader, transactions and uncleHeaders fields. If they are missing, the block is
   invalid and we must verify that we do not accept it.

   Since some tests mix valid and invalid blocks we need to check this for every block.

   If a block is invalid it does not necessarily fail the test, if it's invalidness is
   expected we are expected to ignore it and continue processing and then validate the
   post state.
func (t *BlockTest) TryBlocksInsert(blockchain *core.BlockChain) ([]btBlock, error) {
	validBlocks := make([]btBlock, 0)
	// insert the test blocks, which will execute all transactions
	for _, b := range t.Json.Blocks {
		cb, err := mustConvertBlock(b)
		if err != nil {
			if b.BlockHeader == nil {
				continue // OK - block is supposed to be invalid, continue with next block
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Block RLP decoding failed when expected to succeed: %v", err)
		// RLP decoding worked, try to insert into chain:
		blocks := types.Blocks{cb}
		i, err := blockchain.InsertChain(blocks)
		if err != nil {
			if b.BlockHeader == nil {
				continue // OK - block is supposed to be invalid, continue with next block
			} else {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Block #%v insertion into chain failed: %v", blocks[i].Number(), err)
		if b.BlockHeader == nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Block insertion should have failed")

		// validate RLP decoding by checking all values against test file JSON
		if err = validateHeader(b.BlockHeader, cb.Header()); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Deserialised block header validation failed: %v", err)
		validBlocks = append(validBlocks, b)
	return validBlocks, nil
예제 #2
파일: cmd.go 프로젝트: etherapis/etherapis
func hasAllBlocks(chain *core.BlockChain, bs []*types.Block) bool {
	for _, b := range bs {
		if !chain.HasBlock(b.Hash()) {
			return false
	return true
예제 #3
// NewProtocolManager returns a new ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
// with the ethereum network.
func NewProtocolManager(fastSync bool, networkId int, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, pow pow.PoW, blockchain *core.BlockChain, chaindb ethdb.Database) (*ProtocolManager, error) {
	// Figure out whether to allow fast sync or not
	if fastSync && blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("blockchain not empty, fast sync disabled")
		fastSync = false
	// Create the protocol manager with the base fields
	manager := &ProtocolManager{
		fastSync:   fastSync,
		eventMux:   mux,
		txpool:     txpool,
		blockchain: blockchain,
		chaindb:    chaindb,
		peers:      newPeerSet(),
		newPeerCh:  make(chan *peer, 1),
		txsyncCh:   make(chan *txsync),
		quitSync:   make(chan struct{}),
	// Initiate a sub-protocol for every implemented version we can handle
	manager.SubProtocols = make([]p2p.Protocol, 0, len(ProtocolVersions))
	for i, version := range ProtocolVersions {
		// Skip protocol version if incompatible with the mode of operation
		if fastSync && version < eth63 {
		// Compatible; initialise the sub-protocol
		version := version // Closure for the run
		manager.SubProtocols = append(manager.SubProtocols, p2p.Protocol{
			Name:    "eth",
			Version: version,
			Length:  ProtocolLengths[i],
			Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
				peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), networkId, p, rw)
				manager.newPeerCh <- peer
				return manager.handle(peer)
	if len(manager.SubProtocols) == 0 {
		return nil, errIncompatibleConfig
	// Construct the different synchronisation mechanisms
	manager.downloader = downloader.New(chaindb, manager.eventMux, blockchain.HasHeader, blockchain.HasBlock, blockchain.GetHeader, blockchain.GetBlock,
		blockchain.CurrentHeader, blockchain.CurrentBlock, blockchain.CurrentFastBlock, blockchain.FastSyncCommitHead, blockchain.GetTd,
		blockchain.InsertHeaderChain, blockchain.InsertChain, blockchain.InsertReceiptChain, blockchain.Rollback, manager.removePeer)

	validator := func(block *types.Block, parent *types.Block) error {
		return core.ValidateHeader(pow, block.Header(), parent.Header(), true, false)
	heighter := func() uint64 {
		return blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
	manager.fetcher = fetcher.New(blockchain.GetBlock, validator, manager.BroadcastBlock, heighter, blockchain.InsertChain, manager.removePeer)

	return manager, nil
예제 #4
파일: cmd.go 프로젝트: etherapis/etherapis
func ExportChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error {
	glog.Infoln("Exporting blockchain to", fn)
	fh, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_TRUNC, os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fh.Close()
	if err := blockchain.Export(fh); err != nil {
		return err
	glog.Infoln("Exported blockchain to", fn)
	return nil
예제 #5
파일: cmd.go 프로젝트: etherapis/etherapis
func ExportAppendChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string, first uint64, last uint64) error {
	glog.Infoln("Exporting blockchain to", fn)
	// TODO verify mode perms
	fh, err := os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, os.ModePerm)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fh.Close()
	if err := blockchain.ExportN(fh, first, last); err != nil {
		return err
	glog.Infoln("Exported blockchain to", fn)
	return nil
예제 #6
func (self *GasPriceOracle) processPastBlocks(chain *core.BlockChain) {
	last := int64(-1)
	cblock := chain.CurrentBlock()
	if cblock != nil {
		last = int64(cblock.NumberU64())
	first := int64(0)
	if last > gpoProcessPastBlocks {
		first = last - gpoProcessPastBlocks
	self.firstProcessed = uint64(first)
	for i := first; i <= last; i++ {
		block := chain.GetBlockByNumber(uint64(i))
		if block != nil {

예제 #7
func (test *BlockTest) ValidateImportedHeaders(cm *core.BlockChain, validBlocks []btBlock) error {
	// to get constant lookup when verifying block headers by hash (some tests have many blocks)
	bmap := make(map[string]btBlock, len(test.Json.Blocks))
	for _, b := range validBlocks {
		bmap[b.BlockHeader.Hash] = b

	// iterate over blocks backwards from HEAD and validate imported
	// headers vs test file. some tests have reorgs, and we import
	// block-by-block, so we can only validate imported headers after
	// all blocks have been processed by ChainManager, as they may not
	// be part of the longest chain until last block is imported.
	for b := cm.CurrentBlock(); b != nil && b.NumberU64() != 0; b = cm.GetBlock(b.Header().ParentHash) {
		bHash := common.Bytes2Hex(b.Hash().Bytes()) // hex without 0x prefix
		if err := validateHeader(bmap[bHash].BlockHeader, b.Header()); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("Imported block header validation failed: %v", err)
	return nil
예제 #8
파일: cmd.go 프로젝트: etherapis/etherapis
func ImportChain(chain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error {
	// Watch for Ctrl-C while the import is running.
	// If a signal is received, the import will stop at the next batch.
	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)
	defer signal.Stop(interrupt)
	defer close(interrupt)
	go func() {
		if _, ok := <-interrupt; ok {
			glog.Info("caught interrupt during import, will stop at next batch")
	checkInterrupt := func() bool {
		select {
		case <-stop:
			return true
			return false

	glog.Infoln("Importing blockchain", fn)
	fh, err := os.Open(fn)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer fh.Close()
	stream := rlp.NewStream(fh, 0)

	// Run actual the import.
	blocks := make(types.Blocks, importBatchSize)
	n := 0
	for batch := 0; ; batch++ {
		// Load a batch of RLP blocks.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		i := 0
		for ; i < importBatchSize; i++ {
			var b types.Block
			if err := stream.Decode(&b); err == io.EOF {
			} else if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("at block %d: %v", n, err)
			// don't import first block
			if b.NumberU64() == 0 {
			blocks[i] = &b
		if i == 0 {
		// Import the batch.
		if checkInterrupt() {
			return fmt.Errorf("interrupted")
		if hasAllBlocks(chain, blocks[:i]) {
			glog.Infof("skipping batch %d, all blocks present [%x / %x]",
				batch, blocks[0].Hash().Bytes()[:4], blocks[i-1].Hash().Bytes()[:4])

		if _, err := chain.InsertChain(blocks[:i]); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid block %d: %v", n, err)
	return nil
예제 #9
// NewProtocolManager returns a new ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
// with the ethereum network.
func NewProtocolManager(config *core.ChainConfig, fastSync bool, networkId int, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, pow pow.PoW, blockchain *core.BlockChain, chaindb ethdb.Database) (*ProtocolManager, error) {
	// Create the protocol manager with the base fields
	manager := &ProtocolManager{
		networkId:   networkId,
		eventMux:    mux,
		txpool:      txpool,
		blockchain:  blockchain,
		chaindb:     chaindb,
		peers:       newPeerSet(),
		newPeerCh:   make(chan *peer),
		noMorePeers: make(chan struct{}),
		txsyncCh:    make(chan *txsync),
		quitSync:    make(chan struct{}),
	// Figure out whether to allow fast sync or not
	if fastSync && blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64() > 0 {
		glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("blockchain not empty, fast sync disabled")
		fastSync = false
	if fastSync {
		manager.fastSync = uint32(1)
	// Initiate a sub-protocol for every implemented version we can handle
	manager.SubProtocols = make([]p2p.Protocol, 0, len(ProtocolVersions))
	for i, version := range ProtocolVersions {
		// Skip protocol version if incompatible with the mode of operation
		if fastSync && version < eth63 {
		// Compatible; initialise the sub-protocol
		version := version // Closure for the run
		manager.SubProtocols = append(manager.SubProtocols, p2p.Protocol{
			Name:    ProtocolName,
			Version: version,
			Length:  ProtocolLengths[i],
			Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
				peer := manager.newPeer(int(version), p, rw)
				select {
				case manager.newPeerCh <- peer:
					defer manager.wg.Done()
					return manager.handle(peer)
				case <-manager.quitSync:
					return p2p.DiscQuitting
			NodeInfo: func() interface{} {
				return manager.NodeInfo()
			PeerInfo: func(id discover.NodeID) interface{} {
				if p := manager.peers.Peer(fmt.Sprintf("%x", id[:8])); p != nil {
					return p.Info()
				return nil
	if len(manager.SubProtocols) == 0 {
		return nil, errIncompatibleConfig
	// Construct the different synchronisation mechanisms
	manager.downloader = downloader.New(chaindb, manager.eventMux, blockchain.HasHeader, blockchain.HasBlockAndState, blockchain.GetHeader,
		blockchain.GetBlock, blockchain.CurrentHeader, blockchain.CurrentBlock, blockchain.CurrentFastBlock, blockchain.FastSyncCommitHead,
		blockchain.GetTd, blockchain.InsertHeaderChain, manager.insertChain, blockchain.InsertReceiptChain, blockchain.Rollback,

	validator := func(block *types.Block, parent *types.Block) error {
		return core.ValidateHeader(config, pow, block.Header(), parent.Header(), true, false)
	heighter := func() uint64 {
		return blockchain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
	inserter := func(blocks types.Blocks) (int, error) {
		atomic.StoreUint32(&manager.synced, 1) // Mark initial sync done on any fetcher import
		return manager.insertChain(blocks)
	manager.fetcher = fetcher.New(blockchain.GetBlock, validator, manager.BroadcastBlock, heighter, inserter, manager.removePeer)

	if blockchain.Genesis().Hash().Hex() == defaultGenesisHash && networkId == 1 {
		glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Bad Block Reporting is enabled")
		manager.badBlockReportingEnabled = true

	return manager, nil