예제 #1
func TestS3CopyPluginExecution(t *testing.T) {

	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()

	testutil.ConfigureIntegrationTest(t, testConfig, "TestS3CopyPluginExecution")

	Convey("With a SimpleRegistry and test project file", t, func() {
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		s3CopyPlugin := &S3CopyPlugin{}
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(registry.Register(s3CopyPlugin), t, "failed to register s3Copy plugin")
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(registry.Register(&s3Plugin.S3Plugin{}), t, "failed to register S3 plugin")
			db.ClearCollections(model.PushlogCollection, version.Collection), t,
			"error clearing test collections")
		version := &version.Version{
			Id: "",
		So(version.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)
		server, err := apiserver.CreateTestServer(testConfig, nil, plugin.APIPlugins, false)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")

		httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("mocktaskid", "mocktasksecret", server.URL)


		taskConfig, err := plugintest.CreateTestConfig("testdata/plugin_s3_copy.yml", t)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to create test config: %v", err)
		taskConfig.WorkDir = "."
		sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		logger := agent.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

			"aws_key":    testConfig.Providers.AWS.Id,
			"aws_secret": testConfig.Providers.AWS.Secret,

		Convey("the s3 copy command should execute successfully", func() {
			for _, task := range taskConfig.Project.Tasks {
				So(len(task.Commands), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
				for _, command := range task.Commands {
					pluginCmds, err := registry.GetCommands(command, taskConfig.Project.Functions)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get plugin command: %v")
					So(pluginCmds, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					pluginCom := &agent.TaskJSONCommunicator{s3CopyPlugin.Name(), httpCom}
					err = pluginCmds[0].Execute(logger, pluginCom, taskConfig,
						make(chan bool))
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
예제 #2
func TestPatchPlugin(t *testing.T) {
	cwd := testutil.GetDirectoryOfFile()
	testConfig := evergreen.TestConfig()
	Convey("With patch plugin installed into plugin registry", t, func() {
		registry := plugin.NewSimpleRegistry()
		gitPlugin := &GitPlugin{}
		err := registry.Register(gitPlugin)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't register plugin %v")
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(db.Clear(version.Collection), t,
			"unable to clear versions collection")
		version := &version.Version{
			Id: "",
		So(version.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)
		server, err := service.CreateTestServer(testConfig, nil, plugin.APIPlugins, false)
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up testing server")
		httpCom := plugintest.TestAgentCommunicator("testTaskId", "testTaskSecret", server.URL)

		//sliceAppender := &evergreen.SliceAppender{[]*slogger.Log{}}
		sliceAppender := slogger.StdOutAppender()
		logger := agentutil.NewTestLogger(sliceAppender)

		Convey("all commands in test project should execute successfully", func() {
			taskConfig, err := plugintest.CreateTestConfig(filepath.Join(cwd, "testdata", "plugin_patch.yml"), t)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "could not create test config")

			taskConfig.Task.Requester = evergreen.PatchVersionRequester
			_, _, err = plugintest.SetupAPITestData("testTask", filepath.Join(cwd, "testdata", "testmodule.patch"), t)
			testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't set up test documents")

			for _, task := range taskConfig.Project.Tasks {
				So(len(task.Commands), ShouldNotEqual, 0)
				for _, command := range task.Commands {
					pluginCmds, err := registry.GetCommands(command, taskConfig.Project.Functions)
					testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "Couldn't get plugin command: %v")
					So(pluginCmds, ShouldNotBeNil)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					pluginCom := &comm.TaskJSONCommunicator{pluginCmds[0].Plugin(), httpCom}
					err = pluginCmds[0].Execute(logger, pluginCom, taskConfig, make(chan bool))
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
예제 #3
func TestNotify(t *testing.T) {
	if evergreen.TestConfig().Notify.LogFile != "" {
	emailSubjects = make([]string, 0)
	emailBodies = make([]string, 0)

	Convey("When running notification handlers", t, func() {

		ae, err := createEnvironment(TestConfig, map[string]interface{}{})
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		Convey("Build-specific handlers should return the correct emails", func() {
			timeNow := time.Now()
			// insert the test documents
			version := &version.Version{Id: "version"}
			So(version.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)
			Convey("BuildFailureHandler should return 1 email per failed build", func() {
				handler := BuildFailureHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 2 failed notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] Build #build1 failed on displayName")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] Build #build9 failed on displayName")

			Convey("BuildSuccessHandler should return 1 email per successful build", func() {
				handler := BuildSuccessHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 2 success notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-SUCCESS ] Build #build3 succeeded on displayName")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-SUCCESS ] Build #build8 succeeded on displayName")

			Convey("BuildCompletionHandler should return 1 email per completed build", func() {
				handler := BuildCompletionHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 6 completed notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 4)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] Build #build1 completed on displayName")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] Build #build3 completed on displayName")
				So(emails[2].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] Build #build8 completed on displayName")
				So(emails[3].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] Build #build9 completed on displayName")

			Convey("BuildSuccessToFailureHandler should return 1 email per "+
				"build success to failure transition", func() {
				handler := BuildSuccessToFailureHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 1 success_to_failure notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 1)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] Build #build9 transitioned to failure on displayName")

		Convey("Task-specific handlers should return the correct emails", func() {
			timeNow := time.Now()
			// insert the test documents
			v := &version.Version{Id: "version"}
			So(v.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

			Convey("TaskFailureHandler should return 1 email per task failure", func() {
				handler := TaskFailureHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 2 failed notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (failed on build1)")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (failed on build1)")

			Convey("TaskSuccessHandler should return 1 email per task success", func() {
				handler := TaskSuccessHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 2 success notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 2)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-SUCCESS ] possible MCI failure in displayName (succeeded on build1)")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-SUCCESS ] possible MCI failure in displayName (succeeded on build1)")

			Convey("TaskCompletionHandler should return 1 email per completed task", func() {
				handler := TaskCompletionHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 6 completion notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 4)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] possible MCI failure in displayName (completed on build1)")
				So(emails[1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] possible MCI failure in displayName (completed on build1)")
				So(emails[2].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] possible MCI failure in displayName (completed on build1)")
				So(emails[3].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-COMPLETION ] possible MCI failure in displayName (completed on build1)")

			Convey("TaskSuccessToFailureHandler should return 1 email per "+
				"task success to failure transition", func() {
				handler := TaskSuccessToFailureHandler{}
				emails, err := handler.GetNotifications(ae, "config_test",
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				// check that we only returned 1 success to failure notifications
				So(len(emails), ShouldEqual, 1)
				So(emails[0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
					"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (transitioned to "+
						"failure on build1)")

	Convey("When running notifications pipeline", t, func() {
		timeNow := time.Now()
		// insert the test documents
		v := &version.Version{Id: "version"}
		So(v.Insert(), ShouldBeNil)

		Convey("Should run the correct notification handlers for given "+
			"notification keys", func() {
			notificationSettings := &MCINotification{}
			notificationSettings.Notifications = []Notification{
				Notification{"task_failure", "project", []string{"user@mongodb"}, []string{}},
				Notification{"task_success_to_failure", "project", []string{"user@mongodb"}, []string{}},
			notificationSettings.Teams = []Team{
					[]Subscription{Subscription{"task", []string{}, []string{"task_failure"}}},
			notificationSettings.PatchNotifications = []Subscription{
				Subscription{"patch_project", []string{}, []string{}},

			notificationKeyFailure := NotificationKey{"project", "task_failure", "task", "gitter_request"}
			notificationKeyToFailure := NotificationKey{"project", "task_success_to_failure", "task",

			ae, err := createEnvironment(TestConfig, map[string]interface{}{})
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			emails, err := ProcessNotifications(ae, "config_test", notificationSettings, false)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			So(len(emails[notificationKeyFailure]), ShouldEqual, 2)
			So(emails[notificationKeyFailure][0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
				"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (failed on build1)")
			So(emails[notificationKeyFailure][1].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
				"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (failed on build1)")

			So(len(emails[notificationKeyToFailure]), ShouldEqual, 1)
			So(emails[notificationKeyToFailure][0].GetSubject(), ShouldEqual,
				"[MCI-FAILURE ] possible MCI failure in displayName (transitioned to "+
					"failure on build1)")

		Convey("SendNotifications should send emails correctly", func() {
			notificationSettings := &MCINotification{}
			notificationSettings.Notifications = []Notification{
				Notification{"task_failure", "project", []string{"user@mongodb"}, []string{}},
			notificationSettings.Teams = []Team{
					[]Subscription{Subscription{"task", []string{}, []string{"task_failure"}}},
			notificationSettings.PatchNotifications = []Subscription{
				Subscription{"patch_project", []string{}, []string{}},

			fakeTask, err := model.FindOneTask(bson.M{"_id": "task8"}, bson.M{}, []string{})

			notificationKey := NotificationKey{"project", "task_failure", "task", "gitter_request"}

			triggeredNotification := TriggeredTaskNotification{

			email := TaskEmail{
					"This is the email body",
					"This is the email subject",

			m := make(map[NotificationKey][]Email)
			m[notificationKey] = []Email{&email}

			mailer := MockMailer{}
			mockSettings := evergreen.Settings{Notify: evergreen.NotifyConfig{}}
			err = SendNotifications(&mockSettings, notificationSettings, m, mailer)
			So(err, ShouldBeNil)

			So(len(emailSubjects), ShouldEqual, 1)
			So(emailSubjects[0], ShouldEqual,
				"This is the email subject")
			So(emailBodies[0], ShouldEqual,
				"This is the email body")
예제 #4
func SetupAPITestData(taskDisplayName string, isPatch bool, t *testing.T) (*model.Task, *build.Build, error) {
	//ignore errs here because the ns might just not exist.
		db.ClearCollections(model.TasksCollection, build.Collection,
			host.Collection, version.Collection, patch.Collection),
		t, "Failed to clear test collections")

	testHost := &host.Host{
		Id:          "testHost",
		Host:        "testHost",
		RunningTask: "testTaskId",
		StartedBy:   evergreen.User,
	testutil.HandleTestingErr(testHost.Insert(), t, "failed to insert host")

	task := &model.Task{
		Id:           "testTaskId",
		BuildId:      "testBuildId",
		DistroId:     "rhel55",
		BuildVariant: "linux-64",
		Project:      "mongodb-mongo-master",
		DisplayName:  taskDisplayName,
		HostId:       "testHost",
		Version:      "testVersionId",
		Secret:       "testTaskSecret",
		Status:       evergreen.TaskDispatched,
		Requester:    evergreen.RepotrackerVersionRequester,

	if isPatch {
		task.Requester = evergreen.PatchVersionRequester

	testutil.HandleTestingErr(task.Insert(), t, "failed to insert task")

	version := &version.Version{Id: "testVersionId", BuildIds: []string{task.BuildId}}
	testutil.HandleTestingErr(version.Insert(), t, "failed to insert version %v")
	if isPatch {
		modulePatchContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile("testdata/testmodule.patch")
		testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to read test module patch file %v")

		patch := &patch.Patch{
			Status:  evergreen.PatchCreated,
			Version: version.Id,
			Patches: []patch.ModulePatch{
					ModuleName: "enterprise",
					Githash:    "c2d7ce942a96d7dacd27c55b257e3f2774e04abf",
					PatchSet:   patch.PatchSet{Patch: string(modulePatchContent)},

		testutil.HandleTestingErr(patch.Insert(), t, "failed to insert patch %v")


	session, _, err := db.GetGlobalSessionFactory().GetSession()
	testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "couldn't get db session!")

	//Remove any logs for our test task from previous runs.
	_, err = session.DB(model.TaskLogDB).C(model.TaskLogCollection).RemoveAll(bson.M{"t_id": task.Id})
	testutil.HandleTestingErr(err, t, "failed to remove logs")

	build := &build.Build{Id: "testBuildId", Tasks: []build.TaskCache{build.NewTaskCache(task.Id, task.DisplayName, true)}}

	testutil.HandleTestingErr(build.Insert(), t, "failed to insert build %v")
	return task, build, nil