예제 #1
파일: alerts.go 프로젝트: pritten/evergreen
// loadAlertContext fetches details from the database for all documents that are associated with the
// AlertRequest. For example, it populates the task/build/version/project using the
// task/build/version/project ids in the alert request document.
func (qp *QueueProcessor) loadAlertContext(a *alert.AlertRequest) (*AlertContext, error) {
	aCtx := &AlertContext{AlertRequest: a}
	aCtx.Settings = qp.config
	taskId, projectId, buildId, versionId := a.TaskId, a.ProjectId, a.BuildId, a.VersionId
	patchId := a.PatchId
	var err error
	if len(a.HostId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Host, err = host.FindOne(host.ById(a.HostId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	// Fetch task if there's a task ID present; if we find one, populate build/version IDs from it
	if len(taskId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Task, err = model.FindTask(taskId)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Task != nil && aCtx.Task.Execution != a.Execution {
			oldTaskId := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v", taskId, a.Execution)
			aCtx.Task, err = model.FindOneOldTask(bson.M{"_id": oldTaskId}, db.NoProjection, db.NoSort)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

		if aCtx.Task != nil {
			// override build and version ID with the ones this task belongs to
			buildId = aCtx.Task.BuildId
			versionId = aCtx.Task.Version
			projectId = aCtx.Task.Project
			aCtx.FailedTests = []model.TestResult{}
			for _, test := range aCtx.Task.TestResults {
				if test.Status == "fail" {
					aCtx.FailedTests = append(aCtx.FailedTests, test)

	// Fetch build if there's a build ID present; if we find one, populate version ID from it
	if len(buildId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Build, err = build.FindOne(build.ById(buildId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Build != nil {
			versionId = aCtx.Build.Version
			projectId = aCtx.Build.Project
	if len(versionId) > 0 {
		aCtx.Version, err = version.FindOne(version.ById(versionId))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if aCtx.Version != nil {
			projectId = aCtx.Version.Identifier

	if len(patchId) > 0 {
		if !patch.IsValidId(patchId) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("patch id '%v' is not an object id", patchId)
		aCtx.Patch, err = patch.FindOne(patch.ById(patch.NewId(patchId)).Project(patch.ExcludePatchDiff))
	} else if aCtx.Version != nil {
		// patch isn't in URL but the version in context has one, get it
		aCtx.Patch, err = patch.FindOne(patch.ByVersion(aCtx.Version.Id).Project(patch.ExcludePatchDiff))

	// If there's a finalized patch loaded into context but not a version, load the version
	// associated with the patch as the context's version.
	if aCtx.Version == nil && aCtx.Patch != nil && aCtx.Patch.Version != "" {
		aCtx.Version, err = version.FindOne(version.ById(aCtx.Patch.Version).WithoutFields(version.ConfigKey))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if len(projectId) > 0 {
		aCtx.ProjectRef, err = qp.findProject(projectId)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
	return aCtx, nil
예제 #2
파일: task.go 프로젝트: bjori/evergreen
func (uis *UIServer) taskPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	projCtx := MustHaveProjectContext(r)

	if projCtx.Task == nil {
		http.Error(w, "Not found", http.StatusNotFound)

	if projCtx.Build == nil {
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("build not found"))

	if projCtx.Version == nil {
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("version not found"))

	if projCtx.ProjectRef == nil {
		evergreen.Logger.Logf(slogger.ERROR, "Project ref is nil")
		uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("version not found"))

	executionStr := mux.Vars(r)["execution"]
	archived := false
	if executionStr != "" {
		// otherwise we can look in either tasks or old_tasks
		// where tasks are looked up in the old_tasks collection with key made up of
		// the original key and the execution number joined by an "_"
		// and the tasks are looked up in the tasks collection by key and execution
		// number, so that we avoid finding the wrong execution in the tasks
		// collection
		execution, err := strconv.Atoi(executionStr)
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("Bad execution number: %v", executionStr), http.StatusBadRequest)
		oldTaskId := fmt.Sprintf("%v_%v", projCtx.Task.Id, executionStr)
		taskFromDb, err := model.FindOneOldTask(bson.M{"_id": oldTaskId}, db.NoProjection, db.NoSort)
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		archived = true
		if taskFromDb == nil {
			// for backwards compatibility with tasks without an execution
			if execution == 0 {
				taskFromDb, err = model.FindOneTask(bson.M{
					"$and": []bson.M{
						bson.M{"_id": projCtx.Task.Id},
						bson.M{"$or": []bson.M{bson.M{"execution": 0}, bson.M{"execution": nil}}}}},
			} else {
				taskFromDb, err = model.FindOneTask(bson.M{"_id": projCtx.Task.Id, "execution": execution},
					db.NoProjection, db.NoSort)
			if err != nil {
				uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, fmt.Errorf("Error finding old task: %v", err))
		projCtx.Task = taskFromDb

	// Build a struct containing the subset of task data needed for display in the UI

	task := uiTaskData{
		Id:                  projCtx.Task.Id,
		DisplayName:         projCtx.Task.DisplayName,
		Revision:            projCtx.Task.Revision,
		Status:              projCtx.Task.Status,
		TaskEndDetails:      projCtx.Task.Details,
		Distro:              projCtx.Task.DistroId,
		BuildVariant:        projCtx.Task.BuildVariant,
		BuildId:             projCtx.Task.BuildId,
		Activated:           projCtx.Task.Activated,
		Restarts:            projCtx.Task.Restarts,
		Execution:           projCtx.Task.Execution,
		Requester:           projCtx.Task.Requester,
		StartTime:           projCtx.Task.StartTime.UnixNano(),
		DispatchTime:        projCtx.Task.DispatchTime.UnixNano(),
		FinishTime:          projCtx.Task.FinishTime.UnixNano(),
		ExpectedDuration:    projCtx.Task.ExpectedDuration,
		PushTime:            projCtx.Task.PushTime,
		TimeTaken:           projCtx.Task.TimeTaken,
		Priority:            projCtx.Task.Priority,
		TestResults:         projCtx.Task.TestResults,
		Aborted:             projCtx.Task.Aborted,
		CurrentTime:         time.Now().UnixNano(),
		BuildVariantDisplay: projCtx.Build.DisplayName,
		Message:             projCtx.Version.Message,
		Project:             projCtx.Version.Identifier,
		Author:              projCtx.Version.Author,
		AuthorEmail:         projCtx.Version.AuthorEmail,
		VersionId:           projCtx.Version.Id,
		RepoOwner:           projCtx.ProjectRef.Owner,
		Repo:                projCtx.ProjectRef.Repo,
		Archived:            archived,

	deps, taskWaiting, err := getTaskDependencies(projCtx.Task)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
	task.DependsOn = deps
	task.TaskWaiting = taskWaiting

	// Activating and deactivating tasks should clear out the
	// MinQueuePos but just in case, lets not show it if we shouldn't
	if projCtx.Task.Status == evergreen.TaskUndispatched && projCtx.Task.Activated {
		task.MinQueuePos = projCtx.Task.MinQueuePos

	if projCtx.Task.HostId != "" {
		task.HostDNS = projCtx.Task.HostId
		task.HostId = projCtx.Task.HostId
		taskHost, err := host.FindOne(host.ById(projCtx.Task.HostId))
		if err != nil {
			http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
		if taskHost != nil {
			task.HostDNS = taskHost.Host

	if projCtx.Patch != nil {
		taskOnBaseCommit, err := projCtx.Task.FindTaskOnBaseCommit()
		if err != nil {
			uis.LoggedError(w, r, http.StatusInternalServerError, err)
		taskPatch := &uiPatch{Patch: *projCtx.Patch}
		if taskOnBaseCommit != nil {
			taskPatch.BaseTaskId = taskOnBaseCommit.Id
		taskPatch.StatusDiffs = model.StatusDiffTasks(taskOnBaseCommit, projCtx.Task).Tests
		task.PatchInfo = taskPatch

	flashes := PopFlashes(uis.CookieStore, r, w)

	pluginContext := projCtx.ToPluginContext(uis.Settings, GetUser(r))
	pluginContent := getPluginDataAndHTML(uis, plugin.TaskPage, pluginContext)

	uis.WriteHTML(w, http.StatusOK, struct {
		ProjectData   projectContext
		User          *user.DBUser
		Flashes       []interface{}
		Task          uiTaskData
		PluginContent pluginData
	}{projCtx, GetUser(r), flashes, task, pluginContent}, "base",
		"task.html", "base_angular.html", "menu.html")