func newModifyFlags() *modifyFlags { m := &modifyFlags{} flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("modify", flag.ContinueOnError) flagSet.BoolVar(&m.force, "f", false, "Force creation of tags on not taggable image") flagSet.Var(flags.NewStringSlice(nil, &m.createTags), "create-tags", "Create or override tags") flagSet.Var(flags.NewStringSlice(nil, &m.deleteTags), "delete-tags", "Delete tags") flagSet.Var(flags.NewIntSlice(nil, &m.imageIds), "ids", "Images to be delete with actions") m.helpMsg = `Usage: images modify --providers sl [options] Modify AMI properties. Options: -ids "123,..." Images to be used with below actions -create-tags "key=val,..." Create or override tags -delete-tags "key,..." Delete tags -f Force creation of tags on not taggable image. ` flagSet.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, m.helpMsg) } flagSet.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // don't print anything without my permission m.flagSet = flagSet return m }
func newListFlags() *listFlags { l := &listFlags{} flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("list", flag.ContinueOnError) flagSet.BoolVar(&l.all, "all", false, "Display system and not taggable images.") flagSet.Var(utils.NewOutputValue(utils.Simplified, &l.output), "output", "Output mode") flagSet.Var(flags.NewIntSlice(nil, &l.imageIds), "ids", "Images to be listed. Default case is all images") l.helpMsg = `Usage: images list --providers sl [options] List AMI properties. Options: -ids "123,..." Images to be listed. By default all images are shown. -all Display all images - systems ones (-SWAP, -METADATA) and not taggable ones as well. By default only taggable images are displayed. -output "json" Output mode of images. (default: "simplified") Available options: "json" or "simplified" ` flagSet.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, l.helpMsg) } flagSet.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // don't print anything without my permission l.flagSet = flagSet return l }
func newDeleteOptions() *DeleteOptions { d := &DeleteOptions{} flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("delete", flag.ContinueOnError) flagSet.Var(flags.NewIntSlice(nil, &d.ImageIds), "ids", "Images to be delete with the given ids") d.helpMsg = `Usage: images delete --providers do [options] Delete images Options: -ids "123,..." Images to be deleted with the given ids ` flagSet.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, d.helpMsg) } flagSet.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // don't print anything without my permission d.flagSet = flagSet return d }
func newRenameOptions() *RenameOptions { r := &RenameOptions{} flagSet := flag.NewFlagSet("modify", flag.ContinueOnError) flagSet.Var(flags.NewIntSlice(nil, &r.ImageIds), "ids", "Images to be delete with the given ids") flagSet.StringVar(&r.Name, "name", "", "New name for the images") r.helpMsg = `Usage: images modify --providers do [options] Rename images Options: -ids "123,..." Images to be renamed -name "example" New name for the images ` flagSet.Usage = func() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, r.helpMsg) } flagSet.SetOutput(ioutil.Discard) // don't print anything without my permission r.flagSet = flagSet return r }