func (this *EngineConfig) handleHttpQuery(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, params map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error) { var ( vars = mux.Vars(req) cmd = vars["cmd"] globals = Globals() output = make(map[string]interface{}) ) switch cmd { case "ping": output["status"] = "ok" case "shutdown": globals.Shutdown() output["status"] = "ok" case "reload", "restart": break case "debug": stack := make([]byte, 1<<20) stackSize := runtime.Stack(stack, true) globals.Println(string(stack[:stackSize])) output["result"] = "go to global logger to see result" case "stat": output["runtime"] = this.stats.Runtime() output["router"] = this.router.stats output["started"] = globals.StartedAt output["elapsed"] = time.Since(globals.StartedAt).String() output["pid"] = output["hostname"] = this.hostname case "pools": for poolName, _ := range this.diagnosticTrackers { packs := make([]string, 0, globals.RecyclePoolSize) for _, pack := range this.diagnosticTrackers[poolName].packs { s := fmt.Sprintf("[%s]%s", bjtime.TimeToString(pack.diagnostics.LastAccess), *pack) packs = append(packs, s) } output[poolName] = packs output[poolName+"_len"] = len(packs) } case "plugins": output["plugins"] = this.pluginNames() case "uris": output["all"] = this.httpPaths default: return nil, errors.New("Not Found") } return output, nil }
func since(timestamp string) string { t, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, timestamp) return bjtime.TimeToString(t) }
func (this *AlarmOutput) runSendAlarmsWatchdog(project *engine.ConfProject, config alarmProjectConf) { var ( mailQueue = pqueue.New() mailBody bytes.Buffer lastSending time.Time mailLine interface{} ) suppressedHour := func(hour int) bool { // At night we are sleeping and will never checkout the alarms // So queue it up till we've got up from bed // FIXME will the mail queue overflow? for _, h := range config.mailConf.suppressHours { if hour == h { return true } } return false } heap.Init(mailQueue) for alarmMessage := range config.emailChan { if alarmMessage.severity < config.mailConf.severityThreshold { // ignore little severity messages continue } // enque heap.Push(mailQueue, &pqueue.Item{ Value: fmt.Sprintf("%s[%4d] %s\n", bjtime.TimeToString(alarmMessage.receivedAt), alarmMessage.severity, alarmMessage.msg), Priority: alarmMessage.severity}) // check if send it out now if !suppressedHour(bjtime.NowBj().Hour()) && mailQueue.PrioritySum() >= config.mailConf.severityPoolSize { if !lastSending.IsZero() && time.Since(lastSending).Seconds() < float64(config.mailConf.interval) { // we can't send too many emails in emergancy continue } // gather mail body content for { if mailQueue.Len() == 0 { break } mailLine = heap.Pop(mailQueue) mailBody.WriteString(mailLine.(*pqueue.Item).Value.(string)) } go Sendmail(config.mailConf.recipients, fmt.Sprintf("ALS[%s] alarms", project.Name), mailBody.String()) project.Printf("alarm sent=> %s", config.mailConf.recipients) mailBody.Reset() lastSending = time.Now() } } }
func drawEvent(x, y int, evt interface{}) { fg_col, bg_col := coldef, coldef if isSelectedRow(y) { fg_col = termbox.ColorBlack bg_col = termbox.ColorYellow } var row string switch hook := evt.(type) { case *Webhook: if len(hook.Commits) == 0 { row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %s %-25s", bjtime.TimeToString(hook.ctime), wideStr(hook.User_name, 20), hook.Repository.Name) } else { commit := hook.Commits[len(hook.Commits)-1] // the most recent commit row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %s %-25s %s", since(commit.Timestamp), wideStr(hook.User_name, 20), hook.Repository.Name, commit.Message) } case *SystemHookProjectCreate: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s created project(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Owner_name, hook.Name) case *SystemHookProjectDestroy: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s destroy project(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Owner_name, hook.Path_with_namespace) case *SystemHookGroupCreate: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s created group(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Owner_name, hook.Name) case *SystemHookGroupDestroy: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s destroy group(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Owner_name, hook.Name) case *SystemHookUserCreate: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s %s signup", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Name, hook.Email) case *SystemHookUserAddToGroup: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s join group(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.User_name, hook.Group_name) case *SystemHookUserRemovedFromGroup: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s kicked from group(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.User_name, hook.Group_name) case *SystemHookUserAddToTeam: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s join project(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.User_name, hook.Project_name) case *SystemHookUserRemovedFromTeam: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s kicked from project(%s)", since(hook.Created_at), hook.User_name, hook.Project_name) case *SystemHookKeyCreate: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s create ssh key", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Username) case *SystemHookKeyDesctroy: fg_col = termbox.ColorRed row = fmt.Sprintf("%14s %20s destroy ssh key", since(hook.Created_at), hook.Username) case *SystemHookUnknown: fg_col = termbox.ColorMagenta row = fmt.Sprintf("%s", hook.Evt) } drawRow(row, y, fg_col, bg_col) }
func (this *Top) Run(args []string) (exitCode int) { cmdFlags := flag.NewFlagSet("top", flag.ContinueOnError) cmdFlags.Usage = func() { this.Ui.Output(this.Help()) } cmdFlags.StringVar(&, "z", ctx.ZkDefaultZone(), "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.topicPattern, "t", "", "") cmdFlags.DurationVar(&this.topInterval, "i", time.Second*5, "refresh interval") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.clusterPattern, "c", "", "") cmdFlags.IntVar(&this.limit, "n", 0, "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.skipIpPrefix, "shortip", true, "") cmdFlags.StringVar(&this.who, "who", "producer", "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.dashboardGraph, "d", false, "") cmdFlags.DurationVar(&this.duration, "for", time.Hour, "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.longFmt, "l", false, "") cmdFlags.BoolVar(&this.batchMode, "b", false, "") if err := cmdFlags.Parse(args); err != nil { return 1 } if this.limit == 0 { termui.Init() this.limit = termui.TermHeight() - 6 // 5=header+footer+cursor line termui.Close() } if this.dashboardGraph { if this.topInterval.Seconds() < 20 { this.topInterval = 20 * time.Second } this.who = "both" go this.clusterOffsetSummary() } if this.who == "c" || this.who == "consumer" { if this.topInterval.Seconds() < 20 { this.topInterval = 20 * time.Second // consumer groups only refresh offset per minute } } this.brokers = make(map[string][]string) this.counters = make(map[string]float64) this.lastCounters = make(map[string]float64) this.partitions = make(map[string]int) this.consumerCounters = make(map[string]float64) this.totalMps = make([]float64, 0, 1000) this.totalConsumerMps = make([]float64, 0, 1000) zkzone := zk.NewZkZone(zk.DefaultConfig(, ctx.ZoneZkAddrs( zkzone.ForSortedClusters(func(zkcluster *zk.ZkCluster) { if !patternMatched(zkcluster.Name(), this.clusterPattern) { return } switch this.who { case "p", "producer": go this.clusterTopProducers(zkcluster) case "c", "consumer": go this.clusterTopConsumers(zkcluster) case "both": go this.clusterTopConsumers(zkcluster) go this.clusterTopProducers(zkcluster) default: this.Ui.Error(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type: %s", this.who)) } }) if this.dashboardGraph { this.drawDashboard() return } ticker := time.NewTicker(this.topInterval) defer ticker.Stop() keyboardPressed := make(chan struct{}) go func() { var b []byte = make([]byte, 1) for { os.Stdin.Read(b) keyboardPressed <- struct{}{} } }() startAt := time.Now() for { select { case <-keyboardPressed: case <-ticker.C: } if time.Since(startAt) >= this.duration { break } if this.batchMode { this.Ui.Output(bjtime.TimeToString(bjtime.NowBj())) } else { refreshScreen() } // header if this.longFmt { this.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%-9s %15s %-30s %42s %20s %15s", this.who, "cluster", "brokers", "topic", "cum num", "mps")) // mps=msg per second this.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf(strings.Repeat("-", 136))) } else { this.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf("%-9s %20s %50s %20s %15s", this.who, "cluster", "topic", "cum num", "mps")) // mps=msg per second this.Ui.Output(fmt.Sprintf(strings.Repeat("-", 118))) } this.showAndResetCounters() } return }